Research Problem - Chwanprakh

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IILM A project report on: MDP, MRP on Chawanpraksh Submitted by: Annu Gupta Submitted to: Date:

ChyawanHistory History Of Chyawanprash According to Mahabharata Chyawan was one of the eight son of Bhrigu and Puloma, he was physically weak due to his premature birth and he has enjoyed the status of being the only divine son of Puloma. Maharashi Chyawan married King Sharyati’s daughter Sukanya at an old age. Sometime after the marriage, the twins Ashvini Kumaras came to the hermitage of saint Chyawan and offered him a medicine after the use of which the saint regained his youth. That drug was named as ‘Chyawanprash’ after the name of Chyawan; thus it is a divine preparation. Times have changed and Chyawanprash is now more easily accessible than ever. Dabur Chyawanprash strictly follows the recipe that was laid down centuries ago and its magical properties still remain the same.

ChyawanPrinciples Holistic Healthcare The principle of Dabur Chyawanprash Ayurveda looks beyond individual symptoms into the total human system…the sharir (body), manas (mind) and atma (soul). Ayurveda recognizes three basic forces or elements that control that control all physical and mental processed. Vita controls moments within the body. Pitta controls digestion and all biochemical processes. Kapha controls the tissue fluids, cell growth and firmness of the body. Imbalance of three forces causes illness. Ayurveda prevents imbalance or restores balance. Ayurveda sees the totality of a human being as a dynamic balance of myriad related, often contradictory, elements in motion. Looks for clues not only in the body, but in behaviour patterns, moods and thoughts. It seeks to allay symptoms by correcting the total balance, not attacking individual symptoms. True. Ayurveda cannot compete with modern science in many emergencies. But in an environment of over-drugging, chronic and degenerative ailments, new viruses and super bugs outstripping new cures. Ayurveda does promise real longterm benefits. Sometimes as substitutes, sometimes as effective support therapy and preventives, at a negligible social cost.

ChyawanSeasons Round The Year Protection Dabur Chyawanprash - the immunity-builder, does something unique. It strengthens the body's own defense mechanism. Thereby building up resistance and giving your body the inner strength to fight and win its own battles against stress and infections. It gives physical, emotional and spiritual balance which gives you the confidence to take life head-on. Bad health knows no season; it can strike you anytime of the year, be it summer, winter spring or autumn. Dabur Chyawanprash strengthens your immunity system and protects you all year long. There prevail many apprehensions and myths about its usage, one of which is regarding its usage during non-winter months. Study shows that the effects of Chyawanprash on the general health status remain positive throughout the year.

BENEFITS This Luxury Chyawanprash is a pure and natural Ayurvedic rejuvinative health tonic and a natural antidote to the stresses of modern life, which is carefully made using a special selection of as many as 47 high quality, natural ingredients such as fruits, herbs and spices, including Amla (Indian Gooseberry), one of the most potent sources of Vitamin C. We believe that our Luxury Chyawanprash is the purest, finest quality and tastiest Chyawanprash in the world. Just one spoonful and you will be convinced how good our Chyawanprash is. It just is that much can taste the difference! Chyawanprash has been used for thousands of years to revitalise the mind and body as well as to strengthen the immune system from within, by cleansing the body and drawing out toxins, promoting good digestion, promoting healthy functioning of the heart and liver and nourishing the lungs. It harmonises all the systems in the body hence the formula has beneficial qualities for everyone. It is a "must-have" food supplement that is not only good for you, but tastes great too! It is prepared in accordance with a special Ayurvedic formulation in a process lasting several days, so that its beneficial effects are maximised.

Dabur Chyawanprash the trusted name for your entire family's health & happy living." Dabur Chyawanprash has anti-oxidant properties & strengthens your body's internal defense mechanism, the immune system. Thereby protecting you from everyday infections, cough, cold & stress etc. Contains : Vishwast Amla, Ashwagandha, Hareetaki, other herbs and herbal extracts.





Special Vishwast fortified Keshar, Akarkara etc. Dabur Derived Totally Powerful





from 2500 chemical-free, combination of herbs









old Ayurvedic natural and plant extracts in a base

formula safe and of Amla fruit pulp Refined by Dabur to provide traditional goodness with best quality Reinforces the immune system & helps fight disease Trusted health provider of a majority of Indian households Usage: Dabur Chyawanprash has a tangy sweet-sour taste and the consistency of jam. It can be taken directly or in milk and as bread spread. In all cases its therapeutic properties have proven to remain stable and active. Dose: 1-2 teaspoonful

CHYAWANPRASH: ANCIENT INDIAN ELIXIR From With inputs from Manoj Sadasivan

EVERYDAY AYURVEDA & YOUR WELL-BEING Chyawanprash is a comprehensive herbal tonic with multiple health benefits, prepared according to an ancient Ayurvedic formula. Used by people around the world today, and especially in India, it is a proven energizer, immunity booster and pre-emptive tonic. History, Myth & Origin It is believed that the formula of Chyawanprash was discovered by the sage Chyawan. He was the first to prepare this tonic, and used it to regain his own youth and longevity. Charak Samhita, the ancient Ayurvedic treatise written by sage Charak in the 4th century BC, contains the first historically documented formula for Chyawanprash. According to this ancient text, Chyawanprash is "the foremost of all ‘rasayanas’ or herbal formulations. A Proven Recipe This unique ‘jam’ is a mix of 49 powerful ayurvedic herbs with ‘amla’ (Indian gooseberry) as the base.

The other ingredients in this traditional recipe include ashwaganda, pippali, cardamom, nutmeg and cinnamon in a base of clarified butter and honey. This magic elixir is good for all, irrespective of age and gender, and creates a harmonious synergy in the body leading to better metabolism. Here’re some specific health benefits of Chyawanprash. Digestive and Immune System Chaywanprash's basic ingredient amla has 30 times more vitamin C than orange and helps in strengthening the immune system and expediting the healing process. Regular intake of chyawanprash strengthens digestion, absorption and assimilation of food and balances stomach acids. Heart and Brain The perfect blend of Ayurvedic herbs acts as a cardiac stimulant and helps in smooth functioning of the heart. Chyawanprash nourishes the brain cells by supporting the

nervous system and enhances co-ordination and memory power. The tonic is good for students as it increases retention and recall.

Lung, Liver and Kidneys The smooth functioning of the lungs is facilitated by the regular intake of chyawanprash. Moisture balance is maintained in the lungs and gives new energy to respiratory system. Chyawanprash helps purify blood and invigorates the liver and helps to eliminate toxins. It helps the downward flow of energy in the body and eases constipation. Apart from these, the herbal jam eliminates wastes from the body without overworking the urinary system. Other Benefits The holistic traditional formula of chyawanprash improves skin complexion, glow and fights dermal bacterial infection. It promotes hair growth and helps absorption of calcium resulting in strong bones and teeth. It is especially good for alleviating cough and asthma. The anti-oxidant properties of the tonic act against the ageing process and maintain youthfulness. Chyawanprash enhances fertility, keeps menstruation regular and helps to overcome difficulties in conception. It also improves muscle tone by enhancing protein synthesis effectively. The age-old Chyawanprash is regarded as an all-embracing herbal health tonic by one and all, and has become an indispensable part of a healthy family.

Revitalising the `prash'

It's meant to rejuvenate, but the chyawanprash category is in great need of rejuvenation itself.

BREATHING life into chyawanprash seems to be the agenda of FMCG majors Dabur and Emami. The sector witnesses action usually only in winter when the sales of this ayurvedic food supplement touch a peak. From aggressive marketing campaigns to introduction of newer variants to lure the younger generation into consuming it, the segment has seen it all. Chyawanprash has its roots in many mythological stories, the most popular being the one in which a sage called Chyawan recovers from his illness by consuming `prash', which essentially means food. Though Indians traditionally have been believers in such stories, selling the concept today is proving to be a challenge for FMCG companies. Hence, they have taken it upon themselves to rejuvenate the prash. Dabur and Emami have embarked on a star-studded marketing campaign to draw attention. Both launched new variants within weeks of each other and hope their R&D will come to their rescue. So, what makes the market so lucrative?

Chyawanprash, is perceived as an immunity booster and energiser to be consumed in winter, has managed to penetrate just four per cent of the population. According to ORG, IRS and other estimates, the market has remained static over the past few years, and companies are realising the need to tap the over-30 years group, which forms nearly 33 per cent of the population. "Though new players have launched high-decibel advertising, the category needs to be revived as it reaches only around six lakh households in India today," says a market analyst. All players, including the market leader, are trying to create some excitement around the product, which constitutes a Rs 300-crore segment, he added. Dabur, the market leader, recently launched `Chyawanshakti' - claimed to be an innovative variant of Dabur Chyawanprash. It is targeted at the 30-50 age group which suffers from stress, and at those in need of energy, said a company spokesperson. Dabur, with a 66 per cent market share(AC Nielsen Retail Audit), has witnessed a steady growth, from 60 per cent in 2002-03. Says Devendra Garg, Vice-President (Marketing), Dabur India Ltd, "This launch will give the necessary impetus to the category by tapping a new segment of users." He attributes the growth to Dabur's "deep-rooted understanding of Ayurveda, and its ability to introduce innovative products suiting consumer needs." The launch of Dabur Chyawanshakti (claimed to be a mix of 47 herbs and other natural ingredients such as adraksha, ashwagandha and kesar), Mr Garg says, reiterates the company's commitment to consumers by providing them a wider choice. Following close on its heels, Dabur's competitor Emami is test-marketing a newer variant of its Sona Chandi Chyawanprash, which contains dry fruits and saffron. It aims to make Sona Chandi a Rs 40-crore brand by the end of 2005-2006. The Emami Chyawanprash brand is growing at 8 per cent, despite its market share declining over the years from 13.5 per cent in 2002-03.

Says Manish Goenka, Director, Emami, "We initiated branding of the Chyawanprash segment by giving it an identity - Sona Chandi. Since then, there has been growing competition; and to distinguish ourselves, unique strategy and innovation is necessary." The company has been launching several variants such as its summer formulation, Amritprash. It is thinking of marketing other variants in the coming year. As Chyawanprash is primarily consumed during winter, Emami is trying to change this habit with its Amritprash. Elaborating on its performance, Goenka says, "I am not completely satisfied with its performance, but we have to give it time as it is a new concept all together." Aggressive marketing campaigns have been launched to revamp the category, with the companies roping in Bollywood actors and cricketers. Between Dabur and Emami, five celebrities endorse the Chyawanprash brands. Dabur has spent around Rs 10 crore on its advertisements starring Amitabh Bachchan and Vivek Oberoi, while Emami has spent Rs 9 crore on its commercials featuring Sunny Deol, Saurav Ganguly, Dharmendra and Shah Rukh Khan. "The road ahead is not easy for Emami. Competition from Dabur Chyawanprash will be an uphill task to overcome," say analysts. Emami recently set up a facility for Chyawanprash production at Baddi in Himachal Pradesh; it plans to increase the distribution network through direct marketing. Dabur too is not leaving any stone unturned. Its advertising campaign for Dabur Chyawanshakti is built around a thought called `Srijan' which "connotes the efficacy and relevance of the ancient ingredients in today's demanding lifestyle," said a company official. In addition to a television campaign, an educative campaign involving print ads, consumer booklets and on-pack leaflets has been carried out. While the companies battle it out in the open, there have been growing concerns over the high concentration of heavy metals in the ayurvedic medicines exported. Companies such as Dabur and Zandu have come under the scanner as some of their products have been found to contain high levels of heavy metal, US-based Hindu Press International reported, quoting MedIndia. Consequently, the Government made the testing of all ayurvedic medicinal preparations mandatory. In addition, the drug manufacturers would also be required to specify the metal content on the display label in the package and a warning notice has to be included if the heavy metal usage is above the permissible levels. Even as Chyawanprash manufacturers gear up to expand the niche market to include newer segments of the population, with newer marketing campaigns and high-profile

product endorsements, the debate over the "contentious ingredients" is not likely to die out soon.

Question 2: Conversion of management problem into measurement question

Management problem: “Study of buying behavior of customer of CHYAWANPRASH”

Research problem: To convert this management problem into research problem, first of all we need to understand what is product and also need to know that what are the factor which can be consider during purchase of CHYAWANPRASH .

CHYAWANPRASH is a everyday health tonic for no. of families in the country & abroad. Moreover it is natural element based on ayurvedic concepts which crate no side effects on the consumers. But it nourishes the inner being of human beings. Moreover, in today’s world of increasing health consciousness, everyone is switching towards natural & ayurvedic concepts. We can consider all this as the factor which affect the buying behavior of CHYAWANPRASH.

If we analyze these factors than we can convert our management problem into measurement question. For this purpose we need to prepare questions related to this factors which can be measured in terms of numerical value and analyzed.

Question: 3 Analysis plan for questions After collecting the data or fill up all questionnaire, the next task is to check all the questionnaire and analyze them so that we can carry our result. To analyze all questions, the following plan was designed.

Arrange all questionnaires After completed survey, we have to arrange all questionnaires as per geographical area, in each geographical area the questionnaires will be arranged in ascending order. So that next task will be easy.

Error checking Now, we have to check that is there any kind of mistake in the questionnaires, if the mistake is found in any questionnaires than reject those questionnaires. Here the probability of mistake will be less because the questionnaire is filled by personal guidance of surveyor.

Get the answer of each question from all questionnaires in one page After error checking, analyze all questionnaires. Write down the answer of each question on separate document or spreadsheet in computer.

Use appropriate method of analyzing Now, we can apply appropriate method for analyzing data. There are many method or tools of analyzing as follow: 

Sampling statistics

Chi-square test

Analysis of variance



Discriminant analysis

Cluster analysis

Factor analysis and conjoint analysis etc.

Carried out final result After analyzing data with appropriate method, we can carries out final result. For example: for question “do you use CHYAWANPRASH ?” option is “Yes” or “No”. if we get the answer like out of 10000 questionnaire, 7500 answer for yes and 2500 for no, with the use of percentage method we can say that 85 % persons use CHYAWANPRASH and 25 % don’t use CHYAWANPRASH.

Question: 4 Sampling plan Population: Surat city Population is the totality of cases that conform to some designated specification. The total population of Surat city is around 40 lac,

Sample size: 20 family This number was stated in the project proposal by the project guide.Hence the process of selecting the samples was the only task left with the investigator rather than deciding on the entire process of sampling which is below Six-Step procedure for sample:

Define the population

Determine the sample size

Select the sample elements Identify the sampling frame Convenience sampling Geographical area of Surat city

Sampling frame Collect the data from the designated elementsthe list Sampling frame is the list of sampling unit from which a sample will be drawn; Select a sampling method could consist of geographic areas, institutions, individuals,Personal or othersurvey unit. method Here, the Convenience sampling sample is dividing according to geographical department of Surat city.

Sample method: convenience sampling For this research project, the convenience sampling method is most suitable than other, because here survey is done on families. For survey one can go to any home in pre-described area, because generally most of the family uses CHYAWANPRASH.

Question 5: Survey method Method: personal survey in home survey

Reason The











CHYAWANPRASH , so there is need to collect primary data, there is no more secondary available for this project. For this survey it is necessary to meet families personally and fill up the questionnaire.

Families were contacted instead of individuals because today entire families have become brand conscious & at the same time health conscious. Moreover . likes & dislikes of the family are more important than those of the individuals. It is usually seen that products like CHYAWANPRASH are given as a health tonic for everyday revitalizing the inner being & usually more preferred by mothers to nourish their children. As a matter of this fact, while contacting families it was made sure that women member of the family was also included in the survey process.






This question was aimed at identifying those respondents who use or not use the product so as to have a clear picture of the buying behaviour of the consumers. If they don’t use than what could be the reasons for that can be found out

The result was 100 % as all the respondents contacted used “CHYAWANPRASH”

Q- 2 Which brands are you aware of ?


This question was aimed at identifying the brand awareness of the respondents because it happens many times that the respondents use only one brand due to its image or publicity. This was quite evident in the survey that mostly respondents were able to recall the brands of DABUR, SONA CHANDI & HIMALAYA .


Q- 3 : Which brand do you consume?

ANALYSIS: As all the respondents were consumer of either brands of CHYAWANPRASH this question was aimed only on the user of the product. Hence , it response gives a shocking revelation that people are not brand loyal. They switch on to different brands depending upon the offers , scheme & ingredients. Moreover, it was observed that the same family used two or more brands of CHYAWANPRASH . BUT OVERALL THE BRANDS OF DABUR & HIMALAYA ARE LEADING AS COMPARED TO OTHERS.

Q-4 : Ranking of Brands as per the following characteristics.



Again this question was asked in order to verify the accuracy of the previous question, as here also Dabur & Himalaya ruled the survey . mostly the respondents viewed Dabur as most premium brand due to its presence in the market for years.

Q-5 : Which of the seasons do you consume CHYAWANPRASH?


This question was aimed at recognizing the preferable season when people like to consume the product. This was asked so as to provide an input the companies about the likely season for their brand promotion purpose. It was almost 50-50 position between the WINTER season & the WHOLE YEAR.

Q- 6 Reasons for consuming chyawanprash?


This question was aimed at gaining the knowledge about the purpose for consuming the product. About 80 % respondents agreed with Daily Health tonic & to prevent cold. Rest also considered it as a means for strengthening immunity.

Q-7 : How frequently do you consume CHYAWANPRASH?

ANALYSIS: About 70% of the respondents were of the view that they consume the product only once a month or week. 10% said that they have no pattern for the same.

Q-8 : How do you prefer to eat CHYAWANPRASH?


Respondents gave almost 60-40 response to this viz. with milk & without milk. But it can be rightly deduced that people prefer to use the product more with milk which give double nourishment to them

Q- 9 : Rate the following features of your preferred CHYAWANPRASH on the following factors?



Brand name played a crucial rule rather than any other factor. Moreover, price & health factors were few others which dominated the study.

Q-10 : Advertisement of which of the following CHYAWANPRASH do you recall?


This question was asked to judge the promotional impact of advertisement on the mindset of the respondents. Dabur again ruled this question as it has employed superstar AMITABH BACHCHAN as its brand ambassador. Moreover, Himalaya was another brand of which the respondents were aware of.

Q -11 : In which category do you fall in?


This question aimed at understanding the brand loyalty of the respondents. The response revealed that consumers are ready to switch to different brands even if they are satisfied with their current brand

Q- 12 : Who in your family takes the decision about buying CHYAWANPRASH?


This question will tell about the decision maker in the consumer buying process. But the response was splintered or broken as it was family tradition to consume rather than any one advice about it.

Q-13: From where you purchase CHYAWANPRASH?

ANALYSIS This question will tell about the likely place of buying the product. It revealed that 65% respondents preferred to buy it from the retail stores.

Q- 14: Who in your family eat CHYAWANPRASH?


Actual consumer must be identified so as to target them on time & with adequate promotional mix. The response was between Grand parents & children, for whom the entire family is health conscious.

Q-15: Will you switch brands if recommended by retailers or relatives?


This question was asked to know the role of distribution channel in the buying process



consumer. Mostly the consumers were ready to switch brands as

recommended by the retailers.

Q-16: From where you get detail about new brands & schemes of CHYAWANPRASH ?

ANALYSISThis question was asked to identify the influencing factor in the buying decision process. Retailers & T.V. dominated the response.

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