Forced Choice

  • Uploaded by: maulik jani
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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 313
  • Pages: 6
Forced Choice Performance Appraisal

Forced Choice Method It is one of the comparative method for

performance appraisal. It was developed to reduce the biasness and establish objective standards of comparison b/w individual employee.

Process From some sentence the employee select

one. Mostly rating on psychological test is scored. T h e fa vo ra b le q u a litie s e a rn a p lu s • Rating is given by HRD Manager

cre d it a n d th e u n fa vo ra b le o n e s e a rn th e re ve rse . T h e w o rke r g e ts o ve r p lu s w h e n th e p o sitive fa cto rs o ve rrid e th e n e g a tive o n e s o r w h e n o n e o f th e n e g a tive p h ra se s is ch e cke d a s b e in g in sig n ifica n tly ra te d .

E X A M P LE Ta b le : Fo rce d C h o ice Ite m s 1 .        Le a st                                                            Most           A         D o e s n o t a n ticip a te d ifficu ltie s                 A           B         G ra sp s exp la n a tio n s e a sily a n d q u ickly       B           C         D o e s n o t w a ste tim e                               C           D         V e ry e a sy to ta lk to                                D 2 .       

Drawbacks Difficulty and Cost of developing forms Having negative effect when it is used in

performance appraisal interview. Use limited to middle and lower management level.


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