Fo B5 Public Hearing 4-13-04 Fdr- Tab 10- Questions For The Panel- Intel Office Heads 744

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Download & View Fo B5 Public Hearing 4-13-04 Fdr- Tab 10- Questions For The Panel- Intel Office Heads 744 as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 703
  • Pages: 3
QUESTIONS FOR THE PANEL Preventing Future Attacks Inside the United States Designated Commissioners: Fred Fielding and Jamie Gorelick Background: This panel represents the heads of the key intelligence offices of the government responsible for collecting, analyzing, warning and operating against the terrorist target. We want to use this hearing to sort out which of these offices is responsible for analysis and warning and how they have rationalized their seemingly duplicative responsibilities. 1. Please explain to us which of you is responsible for providing warning of terrorist attacks against the United States and how you are providing that warning now as opposed to before the attacks of 9-11? 2. Who is in charge of raising and lowering threat levels - yellow, orange, red, etc.? What are the criteria for changing threat levels? 3. When an attack is looming, which of you is responsible for warning the appropriate officials in the private sector of possible attacks on the transportation sector, the fuel sector, or the health and emergency care sectors? Who is responsible for these alerts? 4. Who is responsible for transmitting threat information to state and local law enforcement agencies and other agencies? For example, if your offices were functioning prior to 9-11, which of you would have been responsible for warning the NY City Port Authority to evacuate the World Trade Center South Tower when it was clear that terrorists had hijacked multiple aircraft and had already hit the North Tower? Who is responsible today in such a circumstance? Can warning be provided in 20 minutes? How do you guard against duplication of effort and multiple, mixed messages? 5. How have you jointly coordinated your information security and information technology investments to allow the free flow of information across your offices and among the many agencies and departments that have relevant information on terrorism? How have you established secure communications links with state and local governments? 6. How many of your offices man 24 hours watch centers? How are these centers linked with each other and with other centers around Washington? How many watch center are necessary? 7. All of you are based in the Washington area. How are you ensuring that training, best-practices, and equipment are getting to your respective field components and being used appropriately? How do you evaluate the effectiveness of the field? 8. Which of you is responsible for performing strategic analysis that in the future would help to determine how terrorists may plan to attack the United States like the use of commercial aircraft as weapons? What steps have you collectively taken to "red team" your analysis?

9. What institutional changes are you making to ensure that we have all the best minds focused on analysis that will help us avoid the next terrorist attack? How are you incorporating the views of experts from outside government into your analysis? 10. Each of you heads an organization that is a member of the Intelligence Community. What guidance has the DCI provided to you? What has he done to ensure that you have the resources to perform your responsibilities? 11. What is the role of the Homeland Security Council in guiding and overseeing your collective analytic, operational and warning activities? How is this oversight performed? 12. Which Congressional Committees have oversight of your activities and how have they influenced your planning to date? What has been the impact of Congress on your activities? 13. How are you currently mobilizing to help with counterterrorism efforts regarding the upcoming summer Olympics and the US Presidential election?

Panel Participants Summary Preventing Future Attacks Inside the United States

President of the United States

President of the United States

National Security Advisor Rice

Homeland Security Advisor Gordon

Director of Central Intelligence Tenet

Secretary, Department of Homeland Security Ridge

Director, Terrorism Threat Integration Center Mr. John Brennan

Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Information Analysis & Infrastructure Protection Directorate Libutti Assistant Secretary for Information Analysis Mr. Patrick Hughes (Lt. Gen., Ret.)

President of the United States

President of the United States

National Security Advisor Rice

Attorney General Ashcroft

Director of Central Intelligence Tenet

Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation Mueller

Deputy Director of Operations Mr. James Pavitt Director, Counterterrorist Center (Under Cover)

Counterterrorism Division Mr. John Pistole

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