Flp Wtg Job Int

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Sample Formal Lesson Plan: Writing: Job Interview Bruce Lawrence

Objectives: Students will learn what is involved in making a job advertisement and resume and how to take a job interview in English. They will learn new vocabulary, but also new cultural concepts such as order and mechanics of resumes, and what to do and not to do at job interviews. Prerequisites: Students should have a basic knowledge of job advertisements and resumes from their own culture or in English. Level: Intermediate. Duration: 2 hours Materials: newspaper, my resume, job interview sheets Set up: group work to make job ads, individual work to make resumes, then rotating pair work to find a job. Anticipated problems: Some students might not like, or be too shy about writing resumes, so some encouragement might be needed (or have them to pretend to be somebody else). Some students might not be able to take a job interview, so have them listen in on other Ss’ interviews.

Warm up: T: Do you guys ever read the newspaper? S: Y/N sometimes. T: What sections do you read? S: various answers <Specific Intro Qs: Personal Ads > T: Where do you look if you need a job? Ss: various answers T: You look in the classified section. What are these called? Ss: various answers T: Job ads! T: I remember my first job interview. I was so nervous. I was nervous for many job interviews since then, but when I went to Asia I became very relaxed. Because when employers looked at my resume, usually that was enough! I remember I went to one job interview, handed him my resume and said nothing! And I got the job! I guess it’s because there are so many unqualified English teachers. Prewriting: T: I’m going to read you a paragraph about “My favourite job” and you can just relax. T reads “My favourite Job” see appendix. T: Now, I’m going to read it again and I want you to raise your hand when I say a keyword, and I will write it on the board. T reads; brave Ss raise their hands for keywords. When finished elicit more keywords. The final form should have these words: Institute of International and Foreign Affairs and National Security IFANS intelligent diplomats highly motivated conversation, embassies diplomacy consulates speech making linguistics OK, now that we have all the keywords, I want you to recreate the paragraph you just heard. Don’t worry it doesn’t have to be perfect! For example let’s do the first sentence together. Everyone write, “The best job I’ve ever had in my life was…” (let Ss try; T circulate and correct grammar) OK, now I want you to write your own paragraph. Start it off , “The best job I’ve ever had in my life was…” and then you write about your own life. (let Ss try; T circulate and correct grammar; make sure Ss don’t write their names) (when finish, collect, redistribute, and see if Ss can find the original writer)

Teaching: T: OK, today we are going to learn about job ads and resumes. First we are going to look for some job ads from the Internet and the newspaper! Take a look at these! (show English jobs from I net and/or pass out newspaper job section) <useful language: discourse and vocabulary> T: What is the first thing you see? Ss: Position available! T: Right then what? T: <eliciting resume and job ad categories> Resume Name & Personal Info (Purpose/Career goals) Education* Work Experience* (Volunteer Experience*) (Awards) (Hobbies/Skills) (References)

Job Ad Position Company name Requirements Starting date Pay Telephone/Address

* = These sections can be designed either in terms of time or the job, but in either case the most recent job should be mentioned first then go back in time. For example: Main Activities: T: Now, you are going to divide into two groups. One group will be job seekers maybe the TESL students can do this. They must design their resume. The other group will form pairs and will be the companies. They must create a company, a name for that company, and a position in their company that must be filled, then design a job advertisement. Then you should make a series of questions for prospective employees. When each group has completed their tasks, the job seekers will take job interviews. Good hunting! For example I am a job seeker so I write down my name at the top and then my education and then job experience. If I am a company I make the name of my company and the job available, how much, etc. OK? Easy? Go! (Let students write resumes and let the seniors write Job ads). T: OK, now, students, you are going to take a job interview at each company. Bosses, you are going to give job interviews to each of these students. Job hunters, here is a list of questions to prepare for. (hand out job interview Qs) Bosses, here are those questions, plus an evaluation sheet. (hand out evaluation sheet) Bosses, you should ask them 3 or 4 questions. Job hunters, you must try your best to answer the questions, but don’t give them your resume. Use your language! OK? Go!

Closure: T: OK, Tinny and Lilly, who did you hire? Why? Ask each boss group who they hired Wrap up: T: OK What new vocabulary did you learn today? T: What are the differences between an Eastern and Western resume? If time allows go through the cultural notes on “do’s and don’ts” of job interviews. Contingency Plan: If students finish early have them write advice on how to pass a job interview. Homework: Easy: Go home and write down all the new vocabulary you learned. Difficult: Go home and respond to a job ad in the Georgia Straight!

45 positions wait you: Offer shall be given in few days in Seoul, Bundang, Pyungchon (Immediate), Suji, Ilsan, Ansan, Chunan, Jeonju & Suncheon,Youngju, etc. Posted By: www.eduorange.com <[email protected]> Date: Monday, 4 July 2005, at 7:47 a.m. Dear Candidates, You won't be looking for job anymore after filling out application at www.eduorange.com. "We just promise what we can promise you" We will give you a good position in couple of days. ***Hot position in SuwonTeaching elementary and middle students(afternoon shift),good working hours, good signle apartment,5 days a week,3 foreign teachers. ***Hot Position in Suji-July available(5 vacancy). Teaching Kinder and elementary and Middle students,Great position. 5 days a week,11foreign teachers, excellent single apartment. *** HOT!! Position in Gwachun City Good location,Teaching Kinder-middle students,Good single apartment,2.0 Million won.2 weeks vacations, 7 foeign teachers. WE HAVE OVER 30 OTHER POSITIONS THROUGHOUT KOREA. Dear Candidates Welcome to www.eduorange.com. Open your eyes and just surf at www.eduorange.com where provides great opportunities for candidates. Now you won't be an unemployee anymore... Please Email us at www.eduorange.com. or [email protected]. FYI,Please be advised that your resume and recent photo are very essential for candidates. Thanks

Positions: Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan Posted By: English Academy For Children ( E.A.C.) <[email protected]> Date: Monday, 27 June 2005, at 8:07 a.m. Full time English teachers to teach English kids, age 3 to 6 through songs, flash cards, etc. at kdgtns & nursery in 25 to 30 minutes classes. After school hours, kids age 3 to 12 come to 40 to 50 minutes classes with textbooks/workbooks for conversational English. Age 5 and above will take graded English tests in February/March. Maximum teaching/classroom hours not more than 26 hours per week. Overtime pay available in some locations. 250,000 yen for 1 st month as probational . 2 nd month onward is 280,000 yen. Minimum one year contract & renewable for another year. From 2 nd year onward, 310,000 yen as monthly salary plus one way ticket from Narita Airport/Japan to own country. Must drive to schools for classes. Company car & gas expense provided. Paid holidays in March ( 5 days ), mid August ( 5 days ) and December/January ( 9 to 10 days )Apartment set up and key money paid by co. Working days are from Mondays to Fridays. National holidays, Saturdays & Sundays are off. Minimum requirement is a college diploma/u degree, driver’s license & application/approval of working —holiday visa in own country or application of work visa in Japan. Two openings available for Iwama Town, Ibaraki Prefecture. Starting date is mid/third week of October and end of October, 2005. Openings for early 2006 are also available. If interested, email resume to [email protected] E.A.C. was established in 1987 and have contracts with 30 kdgtns/nursery schools in Ibaraki Prefecture.

Positions: Taiwan — Island Wide Posted By: Hess Educational Organization Date: Monday, 27 June 2005, at 8:04 a.m. HESS Educational Organization has grown from 60 students in 1983 to become the largest private English education organization in Taiwan today. Currently, we employ more than 500 native speaking English teachers, educating over 60,000 students in our kindergartens, elementary, and junior high language schools programs. In addition, we operate numerous bookstores, an award winning publishing company and the HESS Charitable Foundation, which provides better educational opportunities for underprivileged children. We have expanded onto the global stage with HESS Education Salary and Benefits: * Excellent Starting Salary — NT$1,120 per 100-minute class; NT$1,680/ morning kindergarten session * Guaranteed Working Hours — 10 classes/week language school, 15 hrs/week kindergarten Four Requirements: 1. Native English Speaker If English is your second language, it should be just as fluent and clear as your first language. 2. Hold a passport from a native English speaking country: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom or the United States 3. Minimum Education A Bachelor’s degree in any discipline OR an Associate’s degree with a TEFL / TESOL Certificate 4. Must be able to sign a one-year contract Required by the Taiwan government For more information and to apply online, please visit our website at: http://www.hess.com.tw

TESOL & Work in Nanjing, China Posted By: Jiangsu Provincial Education Commission <[email protected]> Date: Friday, 1 July 2005, at 6:22 p.m. If you need a TESOL Certificate and work then contact us immediately - there are only five (5) places available for our 01 August intake. The cost of the course is rmb6,000yuan approx US620.00 with time-payments options. Nanjing is one of the six ancient capitals of China as well as being a bustling modern city of 6 million people. Mix the best of both world's while teaching under the secure umbrella of the Provincial Education Commission. Email your application to [email protected] or fill out the form on our application page at http://traininglinkchina.com

Interview Questions General Questions: What kind of person are you? Tell me about yourself. Tell me about the time you worked at McDonald’s. Was it fulfilling for you? Specific Questions: Why do you want to for our company? What do you know about our company? What do you know about our field of business? What kind of skills can you offer our company? How would you convince someone to buy our product or employ our services? Guidelines: When you are listening to the answers evaluate the interviewee for the following: Applicant confidence trustworthiness self esteem politeness teachability leadership intro-/extrovert negotiation skill

When you’re finished, choose one person to hire and say why.

Cultural Notes Resumes and Job Applications: During WWII, when all the men in Canada, Britain and the USA were fighting in the war, women went into the work force. They worked as factory labourers, doctors, and pilots—all the job fields normally reserved for men. The war finished. The men came back and expected women to resume their “traditional” role in the home. Well, the women had other ideas. They wanted to remain in the work force and remain they did. Since then, there have been more and more successful campaigns to give women equal pay and opportunity in the work force. In North America it is illegal to discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, or religion. It is even illegal to ask for a photograph on a job resume. This movement has been called “affirmative action,” “equal opportunity,” and many other names. It has given women and minorities more rights than in any other time in North American history. However, things are far from equal. In the lower levels of companies or institutions there are many women and minorities working, but in the power positions of president, principal, or Prime Minister, the majority is still old, white males. Gender neutral language Part of the previously mentioned movement includes changing the English language. Gender biased terms are being changed to become more gender neutral. Gender biased: Policeman Fireman Chairman Manhole Waiter/Waitress

Gender neutral: Police officer Fire fighter Chair Utility cover Server

There has been a definite change in the English language even to the point of changing the word “woman” to “womyn” to avoid the masculine bias, but this has been rather unsuccessful perhaps due to the lack of a plural form. Changes in personal pronouns have also been attempted. For example: Gender biased: If a student uses a pen, he should not use red. Gender neutral: If a student uses a pen, s/he should not use red. If students use pens, they should not use red. Though not all changes can be as simple as this, efforts are being made to make the language less masculine oriented.

The job interview is a special, horrible place where your future is decided in less than ten minutes on the basis of how well you speak. Consider this situation: Interviewer: Why do you want to work for us? What special skills can you offer us?

Interviewee: (looks at the floor) I need a job. (speaks quietly, looking at the floor) Well, I’m not a great worker. I’m OK, I guess.

In this situation, do you think the interviewee gets the job? No! Why? He’s shy, lacks confidence, speaks quietly, and maybe he’s not trustworthy. But are these assumptions true? What are these assumptions based on? The answer is culture. In this situation the interviewee is a North American. North Americans like confidant, outgoing people who look you in the eye when they talk to you. Mothers tell their children, “Look me in the eye when I speak to you.” They believe that if you look someone in the eye, you can’t tell a lie, or you’ll be able to see a lie. The interviewee, on the other hand, is an Athapaskan Indian from northern Canada. In that culture you should not look someone in the eye. It’s disrespectful. You should not brag about your ability to work. That’s arrogance, and you should not ask someone direct questions, so the Athapaskan was feeling quite offended by the rude North American looking him in the eye and asking direct questions. The North American was thinking the Athapaskan is shy, lacking confidence and perhaps untrustworthy. Culture is beautiful, but it can cause problems. Asians are not immune to these cultural differences either. When you are asked, “Are you good at speaking English?” The polite, humble way to respond is “No, I’m not very good at speaking English.” In a job interview situation that answer is suicide. A job interview is one of those special moments in life where it is OK to lie! People expect you to lie! People expect you to say, “I’m the best! I can speak English wonderfully! I can use computers as good as Bill Gates!” North Americans like to smile as well, whereas Asians tend to be serious at interviews. North Americans like a firm, quick handshake, while Asians have a softer grip and tend to shake hands for a longer period of time. Understand these differences. Practice these differences.

My Favourite Job The best job I’ve ever had in my life was teaching at the Institute of International and Foreign Affairs and National Security (or IFANS) in Seoul, South Korea. It was teaching Korean diplomats. I taught there for two years from 1998 to 2000. I taught them conversation, diplomacy and speech making. It was my favourite job because the students were very intelligent and highly motivated. They were some of the smartest people in the county and their future jobs were going to be very important to their nation. They were going to travel to many different countries and represent their nations at embassies and consulates. For that class, I could use my favourite lesson plans for conversation, I could teach linguistics, and I could teach them how to make really good speeches. I could also get paid fifty bucks an hour! So, that is why teaching at IFANS was my best job ever.

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