Flp Gra Itin+palm

  • October 2019
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Sample Formal Lesson Plan: Grammar: Itineraries and Palm Reading Bruce Lawrence

Objectives: Students will learn some intricacies between using the 4 different future tenses: present, present continuous, “will” and “be going to” and also the combination of “if clauses” and future tense Prerequisites: Students should have a basic knowledge of both IF clauses and future tenses. Level: Intermediate Duration: 2 hours Materials: Itinerary Dialogue (one per student) Itinerary schedule (one per group) cut up photocopies of “Itineraries” characters (one per group) Fortune Telling/Palm Reading (set of ten different palms) Set up: small groups, then individual Anticipated problems: Some groups will be faster. Have them make a budget breakdown. Others will be slow, so keep the time pressure on them.

Warm up: T: Did you have a good weekend? What did you do on the weekend? S: I went to the beach. I went to a club/restaurant/etc. T: Do you like Vancouver, in general? Ss: Various answers <Specific Qs: future tense> T: Sach, when are you going back to your home country? S: answers T: So, you are going back on Sept 30th? Koji, when are you going back? S: answers T: What time does your plane leave? Do you remember? When does it arrive? T: Here’s a little text about someone else’s travel plans. Tinny, can you read the woman’s part? Jiin Song, can you read the man’s part? The rest of you, underline all the future tenses you can find. Only underline the future tense. For example in line 3 “I didn’t receive”. Is that future tense? Ss: No T: Right, so don’t underline it. Man: Hello, Jane? Woman: Yes, hi Richard. Man: Hi, look I didn’t receive the fax on my itinerary. Could you just give it to me by phone. I think the machine is broken. Woman: Sure, no problem. You fly in on August 14, arriving at 9am. Man: Right. Is someone coming to meet me at the airport. Woman: Yes, they’ll probably send Mr. Yomato. You’re staying at the Green Hotel. Check in first because you have a meeting at lunch with the president, Mr. Noda. Man: Right. For an hour? Woman: For two hours, actually. They’re having a big presentation for all the company representatives before the convention which starts right after lunch. Man: Great. Do I have any free time at all? Woman: Not until Monday. Your first meeting is at 5 pm. What are you going to do? Man: Hmm. I saw a nice temple near the hotel last time I was there. I think I’ll go check it out this time. Woman: Sounds great. See you when you get back Man: Right. Bye now. Woman: Bye.

Teaching: T: How many future tenses did you get? Ss: “will” T: Yes. Will (write on board) What ‘S? What other ones are there? There are four ways. Did you get them all? (elicit all four and write in the following order) <Whiteboard form/pron: future tenses> present present continuous BE going to will

The plane lands at 9am. He’s meeting Mr. Noda at lunch They are going to send Mr. Yomato. I’ll go check out the temple.


< Concept checking: eliciting examples> T: OK, you got them all. Now give me some new example sentences not from the dialogue? < Concept checking: eliciting discourse usage> T: OK, you got them all. Now can you give me the pattern of when I use present tense, when I use present continuous, be going to and will? (let Ss try; if they can’t give hints) If I’m talking about a plane schedule, which ones can I use? If I’m talking about my own schedule, which ones can I use? If I made the decision 10 minutes ago, which ones can I use? If I make the decision right now, which ones can I use? T: So, if I’m talking about a train schedule, what can I say? Ss: present T: For example? Ss: The train leaves at midnight. T: Can I say “I meet Tinny at 7:30”? Ss: No T: Why not? Ss: … T: Am I an official institution? Ss: No T: So which ones can I use? Ss: present continuous or be going to T: right

Main activities Semi-controlled practice: Graduation Interview T: OK, we are going to do a very quick activity. You have to talk to 3 people and find out what they are going to do after they graduate from this course. If they talk about their own personal schedules you write down their personal plan using which 2 tenses? Ss: be going to or present continuous! T: If they mention an official institution like work or school? Ss: present! <Example> T: OK, for example, Mika, what are you going to do when you finish this course? Mika: Um, look for work? T: So what do I write down? Ss: Woo Jung looks for work! Woo Jung is going to look for work! T: Is Woo Jung an official institution? Ss: No T: So which one? Ss: Woo Jung is going to look for work! T: OK, Jack, pretend like you got a job and it starts September 1st. OK, so again, Mika, what are you going to do when you finish this course? Mika: I gotta job. I’m going to start in September. T: So what do I write down?... Mika’s job… Ss: starts in September. T: Got it? Go! So, what are you supposed to do in your group? OK? Clear? Go! Free practice: Itineraries T: You are employed by Global Trading Company, Inc., which is located in Vancouver. On Friday your company is expecting the representative of Systems International, Inc., a large Asian conglomerate, with whom you hope to finalize a very valuable contract. Your job is to cater to your guest’s needs and impress him or her with Vancouver in order to get Systems International to sign a major contract with your company. Your boss has given you an unlimited budget, but

has also instructed you to be very careful not to do anything that may offend your visitor. Here is a blank itinerary. You must fill in the details. <Example> For example, if you think your representative needs free time on Friday, you can simply write in “free time” in the Friday evening slot. At the end you will give a presentation where you must say the right tense “On Friday he will have or is going to have free time?” Ss: Is going to T: right! Go! Free Practice: Palm Reading T: OK, so now we are going to focus in detail on how these work with IF clauses You are all going to become fortune tellers today. Ss: Wow. T: Yeah, but first I need to teach you a little about IF clauses. If I have a long life line, what does that mean? Ss: You will have a long life! T: Right <write on board> How else can I say it? Can I say you are going to have a long life? <whiteboard> IF CLAUSE If you have a long life line,

RESULT CLAUSE you will have a long life. are going to have a long life it indicates a long life you can/might have a long life


T: Yeah, you are going to learn how to read palms. I’m going to give you each a palm sheet (give out palm sheet) and also I’m going to give you one sheet on how to become an expert at reading one line on the palm. So, first you have to read the box on how to become an expert at reading one line, then you take notes on your own palm in the box at the bottom. Then you read everyone else’s palm and give them their fortune, And you will receive your fortune on all the other lines from the other students. There are 10 lines in all. <Example> T: So, Aree, what’s your line? Aree: Life line. T: So it says “If the line is long and clear you will live a long time”

Is your line long and clear? Aree: Yes, I think so. T: So, you are going to live a long time! Congratulations Aree: Yay! T: Now, Mami, what tense did I use first? Aree /other Ss who remember: will T: and the second time, which tense did I use? Ss who remember: be going to T: Right. It’s the same pattern. When you make an immediate prediction of the future you use “will”. For example Aree, I foresee that you will marry an ugly man! Aree: What? T: Yes, you’re going to marry an ugly man, but that’s OK because he’s going to be rich! Aree: ha ha! OK, Go get your fortunes! Wrap up: T: OK, Yukako how long are you going to live? Aree, when are you going to get married? Sach, how many kids are you going to have? (make sure they answer using “I’m going to…” T: What the first tense you learned from your grammar text books? Ss: Will T: Is that the most commonly used tense in English? Ss: No T: Which is the most common tense in spoken English? Ss: be going to Contingency Plan: If Ss finish Itineraries early, have them write out a budget for their plan If Ss finish Fortune Telling early, have them write out their fortunes in a summary paragraph. Homework: Easy: Go home and play this game with your friends Difficult: Write down your fortunes in a summary paragraph.

Itinerary Dialogue

Man: Hello, Jane? Woman: Yes, hi Richard. Man: Hi, look I didn’t receive the fax on my itinerary. Could you just give it to me by phone. I think the machine is broken. Woman: Sure, no problem. You fly in on August 14, arriving at 9am. Man: Right. Is someone coming to meet me at the airport. Woman: Yes, they’ll probably send Mr. Yomato. You’re staying at the Green Hotel. Check in first because you have a meeting at lunch with the president, Mr. Noda. Man: Right. For an hour? Woman: For two hours, actually. They’re having a big presentation for all the company representatives before the convention which starts right after lunch. Man: Great. Do I have any free time at all? Woman: Not until Monday. Your first meeting is at 5 pm. What are you going to do? Man: Hmm. I saw a nice temple near the hotel last time I was there. I think I’ll go check it out this time. Woman: Sounds great. See you when you get back Man: Right. Bye now. Woman: Bye.

Itineraries You are employed by Global Trading Company, Inc., which is located in Vancouver. On Friday your company is expecting the representative of Systems International, Inc., a large Asian conglomerate, with whom you hope to finalize a very valuable contract. Your job is to cater to your guest’s needs and impress him or her with Vancouver in order to get Systems International to sign a major contract with your company. Your boss has given you an unlimited budget, but has also instructed you to be very careful not to do anything that may offend your visitor. Here is a blank itinerary. You must fill in the details. Time




Character A Name:

Lim, Ji Yeon





Marital Status:Single Interests: journalism, movies, art, pop music, good food, nature, history, literature Dislikes: rude people, crowds, unattractive sights, being rushed, fast food, unromantic men

Character B Name:

Tomiko Takahashi





Marital Status:Single Interests: sushi, Korean and Japanese cuisine, beautiful scenery, monuments, museums, oriental art, cut toy, shopping for clothes and expensive cosmetics, comic books, playing badminton, playing volleyball Dislikes: impolite people, overbearing or chauvinistic men, dirty places, bad service, and people who don’t like Japanese

Character C Name:

Richard Wong


Hong Kong-Chinese



Marital Status:Married Interests: Chinese/Asian history, political philosophy, drinking, motorcycles, fast cars, meeting people from different parts of the world, children Dislikes: communism, Chinese control of Hong Kong, boring people, spicy food, cheap products, international hotels

Character D Name:

John Achrin





Marital Status:Divorced Interests: drinking, going to parties, night clubs, beaches, young women, playing tennis, bowling, golf, American football Dislikes: museums, art, places of historical interest, non-Western food, low class hotels, being bored

Future Tense present present continuous BE going to will

The movie starts at 7pm. I’m meeting Jack at 6:30 I’m going to go to a movie. We’ll go see a movie


Future tenses and modals with IF clauses IF CLAUSE If you have a long life line,

RESULT CLAUSE you will have a long life. are going to have a long life it indicates a long life you can/might have a long life


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