Flight 447 And The Worst Flight Disasters, Predicting And Galactic Centre

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Flight 447: Uranus and Saturn T square the Galactic Centre: (Predicting Air Disasters - to Fear or not to Fear)

June 2nd 2009

Susan Seymour Hedke

The recent disaster of flight 447 disappearing with all 228 people on board, does give cause for concern. Should we call it a phobia when we feel afraid to fly after hearing such news? It would be helpful if we could ascertain the risk, just as one can read the weather forecast. Is that possible? Are there days, or even longer periods when aviation disasters are more likely to occur? Back in the mid to late 1980s Uranus transited the Galactic Centre in 27° of the tropical sign of Sagittarius and the airplanes became unusually accident prone. In fact their were all kinds of accidents and disasters at that time, most notably Tchernobyl back in April 1986. By 1988 to 1989 the planes were dropping out of the sky as if someone had attached a stone to them. The stone or lead weight that pulled the planes out of the heavens at that time was Saturn, the planet that rules the earth sign of Capricorn and the metal lead. He is no friend of flying and while he aspected Uranus and the Galactic Centre disaster was inevitable. Disasters came to rather a climax in December 1988, with what th

German wikipedia dubbed „Katastrophen Dezember“ ,when on the 7 25,000 lost their th

lives in an earthquake at Spitak, in Armenia, on the 12 two trains collided at Clapham th)

Junction (after already another newsheadlines train disaster in Paris on June 27 , and then at the winter solstice, on the 21st a plane hijiacked by terrorists exploded in mid air and crashed into the town of Lockerbie in Great Britain killing all on board and some on the ground. with 270 fatalities all together


Uranus, Saturn + the Sun were most closely conjunct the Galactic Centre on 21


December 1988. The Moon was in a grand cross with the Nodes of the Moon.

Now Uranus and Saturn are beginning to T square the Galactic Centre and


memorable news items about flights were related to this aspect. The one that went badly st

where all were lost occurred on 31 May, Flight 447, and the one that went well was on 17


January 2009, where the pilot managed to land on the water of the Hudson Bay and

save everybody on board. We will notice that the most important factors to consider apart from the Galactic Centre, particularly by air, aviation and even space disasters, is the involvement of Uranus and his sign Aquarius, which is an air sign. Uranus is also the ruler of the coming „Space Age“, as we already think of the new age: the age of Aquarius. The other two air signs Gemini and Libra are also important to consider. Gemini is probably more significant because his sign up near the Summer Solstice of the year in June is associated with the high and airy heavens and his ruling planet Mercury- also known in myth as Hermes - is usually pictured with wings on his back, on his feet, or on a circlet round his head, or perhaps on the caduceus that he carries, suggesting his light and airy nature. Uranus is thought of as the higher octave of Mercury. Good aspects involving Uranus do not suggest an aviation disaster. Uranus and the Sun ii

were in conjunction with the Galactic Centre by the first flight made by the Wright Brothers back on 17th December 1903, and there things went well. What can make the difference is a T square, a grand cross or bow involving the Galactic Centre, Saturn and the Nodes of the Moon, especially the South Node Ketu the dragon's tail can be particularly lethal. Deadly disasters tend to involve Pluto and Scorpio in some th

way perhaps through a bow. This was the case in 1986 when on 28 January the Space iii

Shuttle Challenger exploded . Apart from Uranus conjunct the GC, the Sun in Aquarius was T square the nodes and the Moon also aspected them with the South Node in Scorpio conjunct Pluto. Of course Tchernobyl occurred a few weeks later under that same South Node and Pluto in Scorpio. The Galactic Centre seems to mysteriously cause instruments to go heywire as in the th

story of Flight No.19 that was lost in the Bermuda triangle on 5 December 1945. Here also the South Node was involved, conjunct the Galactic Centre, Mercury, Sun and Moon opposite Uranus. Following I show a small list of a few aviation disasters that have occurred when the Sun crossed the Galactic centre and many of them it was remarked were strange, associated to instruments not functioning.


24 December 1966 Plane crashes in a Vietnam village killing 129. rd

23 December 1973 Jet crashes in Morocco killing 106. st

21 December 1952 Plane crashes and burns in Moses Lake, Washington, killing 107. st

21 December 1995 Boeing 757 crashes into a mountain in Columbia killing 160. th

17 December 1997 Plane crashes into a mountain near Katerni, Greece killing 70. 19


December 1997 Two days after Katerni a plane crashed into the Musi River in

Sumatra, Indonesia, killing 104. However, let us now get to the nitty-gritty.

Flight 447 The aircraft departed Rio de Janeiro at 7.00 pm local time according to some sources, at 7:03 pm according to others and acording to airdisaster.com it left at 7:30pm local time (2230 GMT) for a flight to Paris. About 3 hours into the flight, the last radio contact was made at 0133 GMT . By 0148 GMT, the aircraft was out of radar coverage, indicating level flight. But at 0210 GMT, a series of automated messages began to arrive at Air France, indicating problems with the airplane's flight control and electrical systems. The first indicated that the aircraft's autopilot had disengaged . Between 0211 and 0213 a series of messages regarding faults arrived, and at 0214 the last message advised cabin vertical speed. The cabin vertical speed advisory is issued when a rapid change in cabin pressure exceeds 1800ft/min. What happened? Was the plane struck by lightning? On the morning of Tuesday, June 2, floating seats and other objests were found 447 miles from Fernando de Noronha, an archipelago of islands about 220 miles off the northeast coast of Brazil. This lies near the flight path the airline said the jet would have followed from Rio de Janeiro to Paris.


On the next page the two charts of the two newsheadline disasters in January and May 2009 can be compared. Although the exact time of the Flight 447 disaster can only be conjectured, both occurred as the Moon was just past Saturn and involved in a T square to Uranus and the Galactic Centre. There were obvious differences that made the one flight accident end in life, the other with the sentence of death.

Flight 447 For the time it left the airport.

Flight for the time it landed US Airways Flight 1549 Crash Landing into the Hudson River..

The disaster of Flight 447 occurred probably about 3 ¾ hours after take off at 2:14 GMT. Significant is the T square created by the transiting Moon in Virgo. Saturn is not quite opposite Uranus yet, but the Moon lends a hand to activate the T square. Mercury is involved as well, and the Sun is in Gemini also square Saturn giving two good reasons for an aviation disaster as also for a storm. The bad luck is connected to Mars T square the Nodes, the North Node being in Aquarius (air). At the time the flight left the airport the T square is strengthened by the Midheaven and IC axis with the GC just rising over the ascendant. The chart of the near disaster in January 2009 shows the Moon also just past conjunction to Saturn, and also in a T square with Uranus and the Galactic Centre, yet here the chart is in many ways opposite. Instead of Saturn ruled Capricorn rising, the Moon ruled Cancer rises, and Saturn conjunct the Moon is below instead of above, where he is a lot happier. The chart of the disaster where all were saved, is simpler and there is no T square involving the Nodes and Mars as in the first. Mercury is conjunct the North Node but the South Node, that is much more unlucky, is hardly touched. Sometimes the North Node is called the lucky Node, in this case he was. Jupiter conjunct the Sun and trining Saturn may have helped to give the first disaster a good outcome as Mars in Capricorn in sextile instead of square suggesting an experienced heroic figure, aiding the potentially disastrous T square. In an article about recent earthquakes the same T square with the Moon either conjunct or opposite Saturn was also common and also often so that the Galactic Centre was rising over the ascendant. Let us wait and see what the next Moon transit over Saturn brings opposite Uranus, when Mercury in the sign of Gemini is also involved turning the T square to a grand cross for the first time! th

Chart 28 June 2009 I certainly would avoid flying on such a day!

Following are the charts of some of the worst

aviation disasters in recent times showing the influence particularly of the Galacti Centre and Uranus.

Turkish Airlines Flight 981v


nicknamed the Ankara, that crashed just outside Senlis, France on 3 March 1974 killing all on board. Known as the Ermenonville air disaster, after the forest where the aircraft crashed. The accident resulted in the deaths of all 346 on board. The crash of Flight 981 th

was the deadliest air disaster of all time before the Tenerife disaster of March 27 1977, and remained the deadliest single-airliner disaster until the crash of Japan Airlines 123 in 1985. Flight 981 has the highest death toll of any aviation accident in France and the highest death toll of any accident involving a McDonnell Douglas DC-10 anywhere in the world. The crash resulted from the failure of the rear cargo hatch latching system, which allowed the hatch to blow off in flight. The resulting decompression of the cargo hold caused the

cabin floor above the hatch to collapse. The flight control cables for the airplane that ran through the floor were severed, leaving the pilots with little control over the aircraft. From an astrological perspective, the perfect disaster aspect. The South Node in air conjunct the greater malific Saturn in Gemini where he feels quite unwell conjunct the Moon in a bow and arrow to the GC involving both Uranus and Mercury in the other two air signs.

Mid-air Crash Over Zagreb Kills 176


The two flights must have met at 33,000 feet as one remained at this height while the other climbed, language differences and tiredness contributed to the crash. Libra is the sign of the other- the partner- it takes two to crash, here Pluto with Mercury in Libra was not advantageous. Saturn T square the Nodes and Uranus in Scorpio.

Flight 007 over Sakhalin

269 civilians and around thirty US air force and navy passengers lost thei lives. The official version at the time of the KAL 007 disaster (August 31, 1983) was that the Korean airliner, bound for Seoul from New York via Anchorage, went off course accidentally and unwittingly, alone overflew Soviet territory at the Kamchatka Peninsula and Sakhalin Island, was intercepted by Soviet fighters over Sakhalin Island, and alone was shot down and crashed into the sea to its west. This is questioned by John Keppel in an internet vii

article . Here we have our first Star of David. Not all the aspects of six bows and arrows are strong. The strongest points at Libra/ Scorpio, where Saturn conjunct Pluto are placed. Also most significant is the alignment of the Nodes of the Moon with the galactic axis and particularly

the South Node conjunct Neptune and the Galactic Centre. Uranus aspects Mercury, which is close to a T square to the Nodes and the Sun is T square the Moon and Uranus conjunct Jupiter. With the involvement of all three air signs as well this is quite clearly an air disaster. Possible deception is suggested by Neptune's involvement and Scorpio for secrecy.

Flight 191

On the afternoon of 2 August 1985, Delta Air Lines flight 191 crashed while approaching the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, killing 8 of 11 crew members,126 of the 152 passengers on board and one person in a car on the motorway. Storm and unpredictable windspeed changes led to the crash landing and a collision with two water tanks leading to the plane bursting into flames. The very dramatic story of these last minutes has been filmed, and the name 191 has become so famous that it has been withdrawn from use by viii

many airlines . Uranus and Neptune are both fully involved with the chart too speeding towards the Galactic Centre and watery Neptune helped by a bow in water signs. Mercury , the wind, is square the South Node conjunct Saturn in deadly Scorpio, and the fiery Sun conjunct fiery Mars in fire sign Leo. The TV film about the disaster was called „Fire and Rain“.


Interesting is that the aspects here point away from the Galactic centre, which is the earth and underworld below, they point up towards the heavens of the summer solstice (June), where normally good things happen, where the sun god smiles and the angels sing hallelujah. However, the highest point is just past and on this flight at 31,000 feet high a bomb exploded in the for a long time worst air disaster in history. The plane then crashed into the sea (Cancer is a water sign and Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune is below in icy 1

Capricorn) Those that survived the fall and decompression were then frozen in the icy sea, 1 For those who follow my other writings this is an interesting parallel to other myths and true stories such as the story of the Titanic, in which Mars and Pluto were in the same position in Cancer and the passengers landed in the icy waters after Man had felt he had created an unsinkable machine, the Icarus story of pride coming before a fall. Phaethon who was flying his Sun father's chariot up in the heavens was shot down with a fiery thunderbolt by Zeus and he fell in pieces into the river Eridanus. In the Great Year cycle this would have been the time when the Galactic Centre was in the same tropical placing as the Sun and Mars are here, just past the highest point in the heavens and


329 fatalities in all and no survivors . Some blame for this should again be given to those no-good nodes in a grand cross. In 1987 there was a noticeable escalation in all kinds of disasters, but particularly of the air: Saturn had moved to conjunct Uranus and the Galactic Centre.

LOT Polish Airlines Flight 5055 in 1987

What would you see as the cause of this aviation disaster? We have three fire signs involved, creating a bow and arrow pointing at Mars conjunct Chiron in the air sign Gemini. Here is what happened. Just after 10.41 am, there is a loud explosion during the flight occurring at about 31, 000 feet. 10.41.30 Crew: Hey! Air pressure! 10.41.32 Acoustic signal of decompression of cabin 10.41.34 beginning the descent - fall.

Crew: It's fire? What's going on? 10.41.35 Crew: Doubtless - it's fire. 10.41.37 Crew: Engine? Shut-off! 10.41.39 Crew: ...shut-off. That's first is on fire! 10.41.42 Crew: ...fire... 10.41.44 Crew: ...all small (engine's throttles) 10.41.45 Crew: Warsaw? 10.41.46 Crew: ...all small. Decompression. 10.41.48 Crew: Two engines failed! 10.41.49 Acoustic signal of engine fire. 10.41.50 Crew: Two engines failed! Crew: Shut-off... Crew: We're get back! Fire! 10.41.55 Crew: Danger!!! Warsaw radar LOT! Warsaw radar!

Crashx In both the last cases it is a fiery explosion at a high altitude that causes the disaster and in both cases explosive and fiery Mars is up near the summer solstice (June) with a bow pointed at it, where incidentally it will be again in August 2009. Looking at the chart of the next disaster one can see that this is no good time of day to take to the air. Saturn practically forbids it as he conjuncts exactly the high midheaven point and draws on the additional power of the Galactic Centre, Uranus and Neptune. Although there is a strong fire and air energy in the chart, which elements strive to rise,

they are in the lower half of the chart connected to earth and underworld. As I would think, this plane never really got up into the air.

North Western Airlines Flight 255 in Detroit 1987. Flight 255 was indeed never able to fully achieve liftoff and stalled as it tried to lift off the runway. It laboured into the air finally only to oscillate and fell back to the ground. It struck a light pole near the end of the runway with its left wing, struck the roof of a car rental building, and crashed into I-94 expressway, colliding with several motorists and light poles. There are some conflicting details in this story from different sources but suffice to say it never became airborne, 154 passengers were lost and there was only one survivor, a 4 year old girl Cecilia who lost brother amd parents in the crash, and in 2006 graduated as a xi

psychologist .

The bows and bow and arrow in the Detroit chart point down toward what I think of as the houses of earth and underworld. Even though they point to signs of the heavens, the

houses of the day make the take off impossible with the additional saturnian seal of fate at the top of the chart. About the same time and all through August, Italy was battling floods

and on the same day people are joining hands around the world on Harmonic Convergence day, supposed to mark the countdown to the end of the Mayan Calendar on st

December 21 2012. The Nodes are beginning to form a grand cross with Neptune and Chiron in the air sign of Gemini suggesting more aviation disasters on the way.

Although my German astrological program tells of the Lecco disaster in Italy the information seems to have disappeared under a huge number of other disasters occurring in this year. At the same time there was a Great Storm affecting England, hurricane force th


winds result in 23 deaths there. America is at the same time ( 14 to 16 ) caught up in a th

drama of a little girl caught in a well in Texas. On the 19 October stock markets fall rapidly, two computer trains crash into each other in Jakarta killing 102 people... and so xii

on .Finally found some detailsof Lecco telling that the aircraft, on a flight from Milan to Cologne/Bonn Airport in Germany, crashed about 15 minutes after takeoff. Icing conditions were present. The aircraft rolled violently several times, pitched down, and crashed nose down into a 700m high mountain following an uncontrolled descent, fatalities possibly 37 This same source gives 21 flight disasters in 1987 and five in December.


Flight 488


The Mauretius disaster above occurred on 28 November 1987 and is mentioned in many a „worst ever“ list, even though surrounded by other planes dropping like flies like a th

November 29 flight disaster. Flight 488 on 28



was cruising over the Indian Ocean from Taipei, Taiwan to

Johannesburg, South Africa when a fire started in the cargo hold. Some sort of hazardous materials were being illegally carried, and smoke overcame the crew in a matter of minutes. The aircraft went out of control and crashed into the Indian Ocean with 159 fatalities. In 1988 and 89 the disasters got really going. However, there are years that were worse than the Uranus Saturn GC conjunction of 1988 to 9. I drew up a list and made a graph of the worst years according to the list at

AirDisaster.Com Accident Database 1950 with 46 disasters was the first year on its files. I was surprised by the number. The

reason Uranus just over the Modheaven opposite the GC conjunct Uranus but also a bow pointed at Neptune in Libra (air) made by Pluto in Leo and the GC in Sag.. The following years the numbers were less rising again in 1960 as Uranus trined the GC and then sinking as that passed, rising to a higher peak again in 1972 (49) and remaining high to 74 as Uranus was in Libra. 1988 to 9 did produce anotherpeak but the year 2001 created the highest peak in recent times with again 46 air disasters. That was the 9/11 year and so I thought I'd share that old chart to conclude, as it shows that it was Uranus in his own sign of Aquarius with an additional strong aspect from Saturn (as also the Moon) in the air sign of Gemini and further support in the air sign Libra that really gave this disaster its chance.

The 9/11 disaster shows clear involvement of all three air signs, nodes and the rulers of the air signs, all pointing at the Galactic Centre. What better proof could there be?

copyright S. Seymour Hedke comments welcome



ii http://firstflight.open.ac.uk/ iii http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Shuttle_Challenger_disaster iv http://www.airdisaster.com/cgi-bin/view_details.cgi?date=06012009®=F-GZCP&airline=Air+France v http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_Airlines_Flight_981 vi http://www.super70s.com/super70s/Tech/Aviation/Disasters/76-09-10(BAYugo).asp vii http://www.geocities.com/ke007us/ viiihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_Air_Lines_Flight_191 ix http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_India_Flight_182 x http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LOT_Polish_Airlines_Flight_5055 xi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest_Airlines_Flight_255 xii http://classic1.reference.com/browse/wiki/1987

xiiihttp://www.airdisaster.com/cgi-bin/view_details.cgi?date=10151987®=IATRH&airline=Aero+Trasporti+Italiani xiv http://www.airdisaster.com/cgi-bin/view_year.cgi?year=1987

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