Flight Disasters In June 2009: Flight 626 Compared To Flight 447

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Galactic Centre Research, Astrology: Flight Disasters and near Disasters in June 2009; Flight 447 compared to Flight 626, and one more in July? 2nd July 2009

S. Seymour Hedke

In my June article on flight 447 I suggested that 28th June could bring another flight disaster. The Galactic Centre is involved in all disasters and depending on which additional planets are involved one can predict what kind of disaster is likely to occur1. Left: FLIGHT 447 take off from airport 31st May 2009, crashed into the Atlantic Ocean on 1st June

Right: emergency landing US Airways Flight 1549 into Hudson River January 2009 For instance these two charts show the T square between Uranus, Saturn and the Galactic Centre as basis for a near flight disaster back in January 2009 and for the much worse disaster of Flight 447 on June 1st 2009. As the T square involves both Saturn (ruling earth) and Uranus (ruling air) it was possible that an earthquake or an air disaster could be caused. However if the chart energy forms a bow2, bow and arrow, or even half a bow and arrow as shown above left, that suggests the kind of disaster will be connected to the planet and sign pointed at, and as in the two above cases we have a half bow to Uranus (air planet) in a water sign, it suggests aviation disaster with water involvement. 1 This understanding of the Galactic Centre and our present relation to it was the reason for the Mayan Prophecy of a disastrous end to our age and the Sun's motion over the Galactic Centre each December is causing the recurrent historic earthquakes each December. 2 A bow and arrow is an aspect I discovered pointing at the Galactic Centre in the astrological chart of the Tsunami 2004, or at least I named the aspect usually made up of two sextiles atrine and an opposition, a bow and arrow.

On the basis of this T square, strengthened by the transiting Moon and a few other factors, I predicted (in my article about Flight 447) the possibility of another disaster by the next Moon transit past Saturn and opposite Uranus on 28th June 2009. A near disaster did occur on 28th June and as in January there was an emergency landing after the cockpit had filled with smoke. Yet of course there are other factors to consider by flight disasters and more support for the prediction was found in the involvement of Mercury in his own air sign of Gemini at that time. Mercury and Uranus are really quite similar planets, though Uranus (described as the higher octave), is (as all the outer planets), the more prone to create accidents and disasters. In January, as the plane was forced to land in the Hudson River, Mercury had been in Uranus' sign of Aquarius conjunct the North Node (which can bring luck and may have done here). Uranus being in Pisces (water sign) caused the water landing. On June 1st Mercury sextiled (c. 60° aspect) Uranus and by take off created a half bow and arrow to Uranus. At the end of June I saw that Mercury would be again involved, this time in a grand cross with Uranus, Saturn and the Galactic Centre. and I suspected that 28th June would be the most likely day because the Moon also opposed Uranus then. An emergency landing on that day did occur and below left you see my prediction for the 28th given originally in Flight-447-and-the-Worst-Flight-Disasters-Predicting-And-Galactic-Centre. Usually disasters occur when a bow aspect, or bow and arrow form pointing at the Galactic centre, involving it or at one or more of the outer planets. In this case an air disaster would be most likely when a bow and arrow forms pointing at the air planet Uranus. Below right you see the aspects that were present as the cockpit filled with smoke prompting an emergency landing.Cabin Smoke Downs Pakistan Airbus over Quetta

Left: my prediction on 2nd June of a flight disaster on 28th June 2009 Right: an actual near flight disaster on 28th June 2009 As you see on the above dates and times the bow and arrow to Uranus is not quite perfect but there is also a bow and arrow in air signs pointing to the Galactic Centre involving Mercury, so a real

danger was present. Also on the 28th a plane lost some parts during its flight: Beechcraft Loses Parts over Anchoragei However on the 29th June, as the difficult aspects between Mercury, Uranus and the Galactic Centre continued, a near disaster and a real disaster both occurred. Let us look first at the „near disaster“.Delhi: Airbus Hydraulics Emergency landing Delhi, India 29th June In this near disaster nothing dramatic seems to have occurred, the pilot returned to Delhi and all disembarked with no diffuculty. You see however that at the time of occurrence the ascendant has brought Moon and Saturn closer together and how the grand cross and bow and arrow is connected to them and to the angles of the chart. Another near disaster was averted also on this day (29th June) when again the cabin filled with smoke as by the Quetta near-disaster: Aerolineas Argentinas Flight Diverts Due to Cabin Smoke, however for this I have no time and so no chart. As to the real disaster on 29th June, Yemenia_Flight_626 was lost within sight of the airport and all on board, 155 people, all except one girl who swam and held to the wreckage for many hours, were killed. That two such similar aviation disasters should occur within one month has disturbed many people. Flight 626 crashed into the Indian Ocean on 29th June 2009 local timeii The actual loss of Flight 447 in the ocean may have occurred under very similar aspects to Flight 626 with the ascendant in Pisces, Uranus below the ascendant and an additional bow to Jupiter conjunct Neptune just rising over the ascendant, but as I am not quite certain as to the exact time I will not place the chart. Still, with Flight 626 we see a quite clear bow and arrow pointing at the ascendant Pisces where Uranus is placed in that water sign. It is made by Venus and Mars in Taurus and Lilith in Capricorn and North Node in Aquarius. Saturn is on the descendant shooting the arrow. Mercury sits on the IC axis aspecting Uranus, the GC, Saturn, as well as Jupiter conjunct Neptune, god of the ocean and ruler of Pisces.

So the crashing of the plane into the ocean a second time is quite explainable using astrology when the Galactic Centre is included in the analysis. I was a day out with my prediction but the basic principle of predicting is not disproved. The involvement of Saturn in an earth sign and also Pluto being conjunct the GC, also in an earth sign, as also the North Node moving from Aquarius (air sign) to Capricorn (earth sign) in the next month, could switch the disasters more to earthquakes than to aviation disasters, as in fact is already occurring, or the two are happening simultaneously, on 28th June as the Moon was with Saturn in Virgo (earth) a larger than usual earthquake shook the whole southern island of New Zealand, and Sorcha Faaliii noticed a tectonic connection to the disappearance of the two planes in June. However, before the aspect fades and the North Node leaves Aquarius I should mention that Mercury is still in aspect to Uranus and there is still a bow of the North Node in Aquarius to Venus and Mars pointing at Uranus, which is in fact strengthening right now, so the next involvement of the Moon moving over the GC in Sagittarius forming a T square, even a grand cross to Uranus, Mercury and Saturn could cause yet again another such flight disaster between the 4th and 6th July 2009. However, here the disastrous quality, although supported by the bow to Uranus and the square of Mercury to Jupiter conjunct Neptune in the sign Aquarius, is not supported by Saturn. Saturn is not yet fully opposite Uranus as it will be later this year. The involvment of Neptune and his sign suggests again that flights over an ocean are the most likely to bring a disaster.

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3rd July 2009



ii http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemenia_Flight_626 iii http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1246.htm

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