Flat Earth Koran 02 Of 13 - The Flat Earth

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The Flat Earth Koran 02 of 13 The Flat Earth

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


An interpretation of the Cosmology of the Koran & a critique of Islamic Fundamentalism

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


The Common Cosmology of the Ancient World Many Ancient peoples had similar ideas about the Universe which seem strange to us today.

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02 – The Flat Earth



Babylonian World Map (900 BC) This is a clay tablet from Ancient Mesopotamia showing a Map of the known World. The World is a flat circular disk with Babylon in the centre.The Flat Circular Earth is surrounded by a circular World Ocean

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Greek Map of the World (500BC) Reconstructed map the known World according to Hecataeus of Miletus (550-490 BC ) with Greece in the centre. The World is roughly circular & surrounded by a World Ocean. Similar ideas are found In the Koran 10th March 2009

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Mesopotamian Cosmos (See next slide)

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02 – The Flat Earth


Mesopotamian Cosmos Legend

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02 – The Flat Earth


The Common Cosmology of the Ancient World 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Ideas such as those in the previous few slides were common throughout the Ancient World from Egypt to China. Each culture had its own variation on this basic concept while retaining the basic theme of a Tri-partite Universe sitting on water. The Earth was a flat disc centred on your own country and surrounded by a World Ocean. Below the Earth was a multi layered Underworld. The Sky was a solid dome made from metal and precious stones. There was a multi layered Heaven up in the Sky. The Sky was for the Gods, the Earth for Mortals and the Underworld for the Dead. There was no ethical judgement after death.

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02 – The Flat Earth


The World of the Koran The Koran contains similar ideas on Cosmology to other Ancient peoples.

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02 – The Flat Earth



Map of the World of the Koran

Roman Empire Persian Empire Mecca Arabia Ethiopia

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All the parts of the World mentioned in the Koran fit into this map. The Americas,East Asia,Sub-Saharan Africa and Australia are not mentioned in the Koran.


Another view of the World of the Koran

Canopy of the Sky

The World of the Koran is Flat & circular below a solid Sky dome or Firmament. Mecca is at the centre of the World.

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


The Cosmos of the Koran (See legend on the next page) The Koran assumes a Universe like the one shown on the left. This is essentially a variation on the Ancient Mesopotamian view of the Universe. Dozens of verses in the Koran support this.

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02 – The Flat Earth


Legend for the Cosmos of the Koran

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02 – The Flat Earth


The Shape of the Earth in the Koran is Flat & not Spherical as some claim.

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02 – The Flat Earth


Indications of a Flat Earth in the Koran 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

The Sun is portrayed as shining on the whole of the Earths surface at the same time. According to the Koran, the whole of the Earths surface an be seen from a single point. The Earth is referred to using descriptions or similes that relate to a Flat shape rather than a Spherical one. Earth is implied to be a flat circle. Earth is described as being static and unmoving.

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02 – The Flat Earth


1. The Sun shines on the all of the Earths surface at the same time Surah 18:85-86, Surah 18:89-90, Surah 31:29, Surah 36:38

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02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 36:38 Sun going to its resting place. When the Koran speaks of the Sun rising & setting, it means this literally & not figuratively. The Koran is said to be the literal words of God speaking. God would have known that Geocentric Cosmology was not true. The Koran says that at night, the Sun goes to a resting place. 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 36:38 Resting place of the Sun Pickthall “And the Sun runneth on unto a resting-place for him. That is the measuring of the Mighty, the Wise.” Yusuf Ali “And the Sun runs his course for a period determined for him: that is the decree of (Him), the Exalted in Might, the All-Knowing.” Hilali-Khan ”And the Sun runs on its fixed course for a term (appointed). That is the decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.” Shakir “And the Sun runs on to a term appointed for it; that is the ordinance of the Mighty, the Knowing.” Sher Ali “And the Sun is moving on to its determined goal. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing God.” Khalifa “The Sun sets into a specific location, according to the design of the Almighty, the Omniscient.”

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Surah 36:38 Continued Arberry “And the Sun -- it runs to a fixed resting-place; that is the ordaining of the All-mighty, the All-knowing.” Palmer “And the Sun runs on to a place of rest for it; that is the ordinance of the mighty, the wise.” Rodwell “And the Sun hasteneth to her place of rest. This, the ordinance of the Mighty, the Knowing!” Sale “And the Sun hasteneth to his place of rest. This [is] the disposition of the mighty, the wise [God].” Irving “The Sun runs along on a course of its own. Such is the design of the Powerful, the Aware!” Dawood “The Sun hastens to its resting place:Its course is laid for it by the Mighty One, the All Knowing.”

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02 – The Flat Earth


Copernicus & Galileo contradicted the Koran as well as the Bible

Copernicus (1473-1543)

Galileo (1564 –1642)

Anyone wishing to interpret “Sunrise” & “Sunset” in the Koran in a non-literal way must first demonstrate Heliocentric knowledge within the pages of the Koran. 10th March 2009

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Surah 31:29 The Sun & Moon are not in the Sky 24/7. The Koran Says that the Sun & Moon each move across the Sky for a specific period of time & then leave the Sky.

The Moon disappears into Its Mansions during daytime

The Koran is not aware that the Sun & Moon are always visible from somewhere on Earth.

The Sun disappears underground during night time

10th March 2009

This implies a belief in a Flat Earth. 02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 31:29 Sun & Moon move in similar manner but not 24/7 Pickthall “Hast thou not seen how Allah … hath subdued the Sun and the Moon (to do their work), each running unto an appointed term.” Yusuf Ali “Seest thou not that God … has subjected the Sun, and the Moon (to his Law), each running its course for a term appointed.” Hilali-Khan “See you not (O Muhammad saw) that Allah … has subjected the Sun and the Moon, each running its course for a term appointed.” Shakir “Do you not see that Allah … has made the Sun and the Moon subservient (to you); each pursues its course till an appointed time.” Sher Ali “Seest thou not that Allah … has pressed the Sun and the Moon into service; each pursuing its course till an appointed term.” Khalifa “Do you not realize that God … has committed the Sun and the Moon in your service, each running in its orbit for a specific life span.” 10th March 2009

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Surah 31:29 Continued Arberry “Hast thou not seen how that God … has subjected the Sun and the Moon, each of them running to a stated term?” Palmer “Dost thou not see that God … has subjected the Sun and the Moon, - each of them runs on unto an appointed time?” Rodwell “Seest thou not that God … hath subjected the Sun and the Moon to laws by which each speedeth along to an appointed goal?” Sale “Dost thou not see that God … compelleth the Sun and the Moon to serve [you]? Each [of those luminaries] hasteneth [in its course] to a determined period.” Irving “Have you not seen how God … regulates the Sun and Moon: each runs along on a fixed course.” Dawood “Do you not see how God … has pressed the Sun and Moon into his service, each running for an appointed term.”

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Surah 31:29 & 36:38 are wrong about the Sun In reality, the Sun does not run to a resting place. Nowhere in the Koran is there any reference to the Earth orbiting the Sun. Indeed, Surah 18 claims that the Sun is just a little light in the sky. 10th March 2009

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Surah 31:29 & 36:38 are wrong about the Moon also

The Moon does not orbit for a period of time & then stop for a while to rest like the Sun is also supposed to do.It is always in orbit. 10th March 2009

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Surah 18:85 - 86 Setting place of the Sun. The Sun sets in a muddy pool of water in the West. The Koran describes this as being a specific place that people can go to

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Surah 18:85-86 Setting place of the Sun. Pickthall “And he followed a road till, when he reached the setting-place of the Sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring.” Yusuf Ali “One (such) way he followed, until, when he reached the setting of the Sun, he found it set in a spring of murky water.” Hilali-Khan “So he followed a way. until, when he reached the setting place of the Sun, he found it setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water.” Shakir “So he followed a course. until when he reached the place where the Sun set, he found it going down into a black sea.” Sher Ali “Then he followed a certain way. until when he reached the setting-place of the Sun, he found it setting as if in a pool of murky water.” Khalifa “Then, he pursued one way. When he reached the far west, he found the Sun setting in a vast ocean.”

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Surah 18:85-86 Continued Arberry “Then he followed a way until, when he reached the setting of the Sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring.” Palmer “Then he followed a way until when he reached the setting of the Sun, he found it setting in a black muddy spring.” Rodwell ”Then followed he a route,until when he reached the setting of the Sun, he found it to set in a miry fount.” Sale “Then he continued [his] way until he came to the place where the Sun setteth; [and] he found it to set in a spring of black mud.” Irving “So he followed a [certain] course until when he reached the place where the Sun sets, he found it setting in a mucky spring.” Dawood “He journeyed on a certain road until he reached the West and saw the Sun setting in a pool of black mud.”

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Surah 18:89 - 90 Rising place of the Sun The Sun rises up out of a muddy pool of water in the East. The Koran describes this as being a specific place that people can go to

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Apollo rising from the sea at Dawn.

The story in the Koran about the Sun rising from the sea resembles the story in Greek Mythology about Apollo causing Sunrise by rising out of the Eastern Sea. 10th March 2009

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Surah 18:89 – 90 Rising place of the Sun Pickthall “Then he followed a road till, when he reached the risingplace of the Sun …” Yusuf “Ali Then followed he (another) way, until, when he came to the rising of the Sun …” Hilali-Khan “Then he followed another way until, when he came to the rising place of the Sun …” Shakir “Then he followed (another) course until when he reached the land of the rising of the Sun …” Sher Ali “Then indeed he followed another way. until he reached the rising-place of the Sun …” Khalifa “Then he pursued another way when he reached the far east…”

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Surah 18:89 – 90 Continued Arberry “Then he followed a way until when he reached the rising of the Sun.” Palmer “Then he followed a way until when he reached the rising of the Sun.” Rodwell “Then followed he a route, until when he reached the rising of the Sun.” Sale “Then he continued [his] way until he came to the place where the Sun riseth.” Irving “Then he followed [another] course until when he reached the place where the Sun rises.” Dawood “He then journeyed along another road until he reached the East and saw the Sun rising.”

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Analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

At night, the Sun leaves the Sky and goes to a resting place. This resting place is underground or under water in the West There are specific places on Earths surface where the Sun rises & sets that a person can go to. In the morning, the Sun rises up into the sky, a long way off in the East & at night it goes back underground. The Koran does not seem to know that during Night time in one part of the World, there is daytime on the other side of the World. It has no concept of local time. This implies a Flat Earth where the position of the Sun in the sky is the same for everyone all over the World. There is a hint of the Ancient Middle Eastern belief that the Sun goes under the Flat Earth at Night, from West to East, possibly on a Subterranean Ocean.

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The resting place of the Sun Underground resting place of the Sun during the Night Setting place of the Sun

Setting place of the Sun

When read literally & taken together, these four passages suggest that the Sun travels under a Flat Earth. (Surahs 18:85-86,18:89-90,31:29, 36:38 ) 10th March 2009

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Mesopotamian Cosmology Ocean of Heaven

Waters under the Earth

In Mesopotamian Cosmology, the Sun travelled across the Sky during the Day & returned to the East underground at Night 10th March 2009

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Egyptian Sun God carrying the Sun under Earth during the Night Many ancient cultures believed that the Sun travels underground from West to East during the Night.

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Islamic Fundamentalist Counterarguments. 1. 2. 3. 4.


Islamic Fundamentalists cannot accept this interpretation of these passages. They most likely will argue that the language about the Sun moving is figurative, poetic or non-literal in some way. They may say that we use the phrases “Sunrise” and “Sunset” in everyday speech without meaning them literally. Furthermore, they may say that the references to the Sun setting in a body of water merely describe somebody standing on the coast and watching the Sun disappear below the horizon. Fundamentalists might further claim that the reference to the rising place of the Sun is figurative, like the way we call Japan “The Land of the Rising Sun” without meaning it literally.

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02 – The Flat Earth


Surah18:85-86 Fundamentalist Interpretation Sun disappears below horizon

Islamic Fundamentalists Sometimes try and claim that Surah18:85 - 86 merely describes the Sun disappearing below the horizon. But this is not what the words involved actually say.

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Surah18:89-90 Fundamentalist Interpretation Sun appears above horizon

In Surah 18:85 – 90 the setting & rising places of the Sun are not just what you see when watching the Dusk or Dawn. These places are described as specific locations on Earths surface that you can go to.

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Reply to Fundamentalist Counterarguments. •

• •

The terms “Sunrise” & “Sunset” are linguistic relics of a time before AD1700 when everyone thought that the Earth was static & that the Sun moved.These terms reflect our ancestors limited knowledge.However, God does not suffer from limited knowledge.When God refers to the motion of the Sun, he means it literally. The Koran does not say that the Sun disappeared below the horizon. It says that the Sun entered a body of water just like in many Ancient Myths. The name “Land of the Rising Sun” for Japan was first used in Ancient China when it was believed that the Sun did literally rise in the East near Japan. The name persists today even though the original justification for it is no longer accepted.The Koran seems to agree with the Ancient Chinese Geocentric belief. Muslims never knew about Heliocentricity before Copernicus & Galileo despite centuries of studying the Koran. 10th March 2009

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Land of the Rising Sun The Ancient and Medieval Chinese used to think that the Sun literally rose in the East somewhere near Japan. The name has remained even though we no longer believe in a literal Sunrise. 10th March 2009

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Rising and Setting places of the Sun on the Flat Earth

Setting Place 10th March 2009

Rising Place 02 – The Flat Earth



All of the Earths surface can be seen from a single point Surah 18:47 Surah 57:4 Surah 84:1

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Surah 18:47 All Earths surface visible from one point With Mountains The Koran says that one day, God will remove the mountains & people will able to see all of the Earths surface as if it were a level plain.

Without Mountains

This is not possible on a Sphere. Level Plain = Flat Earth

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02 – The Flat Earth

See also: Surah 84:1-4 44

Surah 18:47 All Earths surface visible from one point Pickthall “And (bethink you of) the Day when we remove the hills and ye see the Earth emerging, and We gather them together so as to leave not one of them behind.” Yusuf Ali “One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the Earth as a level stretch, and We shall gather them, all together, nor shall We leave out any one of them.” Hilali-Khan “And (remember) the Day We shall cause the mountains to pass away (like clouds of dust), and you will see the Earth as a levelled plain, and we shall gather them all together so as to leave not one of them behind.” Shakir “And the day on which We will cause the mountains to pass away and you will see the Earth a levelled plain and We will gather them and leave not any one of them behind.”

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Surah 18:47 Continued Sher Ali “And bethink of the day when we shall remove the mountains and thou wilt see the nations of the Earth march forth against one another and we shall gather them all together and shall not leave any one of them behind.” Khalifa “The day will come when we wipe out the mountains, and you will see the Earth barren. We will summon them all, not leaving out a single one of them.” Arberry “And on the day We shall set the mountains in motion, and thou seest the Earth coming forth, and We muster them so that We leave not so much as one of them behind.” Palmer “And the day when we will move the mountains, and thou shalt see the (whole) Earth stalking forth; and we will gather them, and will not leave one of them behind.”

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Surah 18:47 Continued Rodwell And call to mind the day when we will cause the mountains to pass away, and thou shalt see the Earth a levelled plain, and we will gather mankind together, and not leave of them any one. Sale On a [certain] day we will cause the mountains to pass away, and thou shalt see the Earth appearing plain [and even]; and we will gather [mankind] together, and we will not leave any one of them behind Irving “Some day We shall set the mountains travelling along and you will see the Earth lying exposed” Dawood “Tell of the day when we shall blot out the mountains and make Earth a barren waste.”

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Surah 84:1- 4 Earth spread out Pickthall “When the Heaven is split asunder And attentive to her Lord in fear, And when the Earth is spread out.” Yusuf Ali “When the Sky is rent asunder, and hearkens to (the Command of) its Lord, and it must needs (do so); And when the Earth is flattened out.” Hilali-Khan “When the Heaven is split asunder, and listens and obeys its Lord, and it must do so; And when the Earth is stretched forth.” Shakir “When the Heaven bursts asunder, and obeys its Lord and it must. And when the Earth is stretched.” Sher Ali “When the Heaven bursts asunder, and hearkens unto her Lord - and this is incumbent upon her - and when the Earth is spread out.” Khalifa “The time will come when the Sky is ruptured, it will submit to its Lord and expire.” The Earth will be levelled”. 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 84:1-4 Continued Arberry “When Heaven is rent asunder and gives ear to its Lord, and is fitly disposed; when Earth is stretched out Palmer “When the Heaven is rent asunder and gives ear unto its Lord, and is dutiful! And when the Earth is stretched out Rodwell “When the Heaven shall have split asunder and duteously obeyed its Lord; And when Earth shall have been stretched out as a plain, and when the Earth shall be stretched out.” Sale “When the Heaven shall be rent in sunder and shall obey its Lord, and shall be capable [thereof]” Irving “When the sky will split open and listen to its Lord as it ought to,suddenly the Earth will flatten out.” Dawood “When the Sky is rent apart obeying her lord in true submission; when the Earth expands.”

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02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 57:4 God can see all of Earths surface from his throne in Heaven With a Spherical Earth, God cannot observe all of the surface at the same time.

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Surah 57:4 God can see all of Earths surface from his throne in Heaven Only on a Flat Earth, can God see all of Earths surface from his throne up in the Sky in Heaven. See Presentation 04 of 11 Heaven in the Sky In this series.

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Surah 57:4 God can see all of Earths surface from his throne Pickthall “Then He mounted the Throne. He knoweth all that entereth the Earth and all that emergeth therefrom and all that cometh down from the Sky and all that ascendeth therein … and Allah is Seer of what ye do.” Yusuf Ali “And is moreover firmly established on the Throne (of Authority). He knows what enters within the Earth and what comes forth out of it, what comes down from Heaven and what mounts up to it… and God sees well all that ye do.” Hilali-Khan “And then Istawa (rose over) the Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty). He knows what goes into the Earth and what comes forth from it, what descends from the Heaven and what ascends thereto… and Allah is the All-Seer of what you do”. Shakir “He knows that which goes deep down into the Earth and that which comes forth out of it, and that which comes down from the Heaven and that which goes up into it… and Allah sees what you do.” 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 57:4 Continued Sher Ali “Then he settled Himself on the Throne. He knows what enters the Earth and what comes out of it, and what comes down from the Heaven and what goes up into it… and Allah sees all that you do.” Khalifa “Then assumed all authority. He knows everything that enters into the Earth, and everything that comes out of it, and everything that comes down from the Sky, and everything that climbs into it. … God is seer of everything you do.” Arberry “Then seated Himself upon the Throne. He knows what penetrates into the Earth, and what comes forth from it, -- what comes down from Heaven, and what goes up unto it… and God sees the things you do.” Palmer “Then He made for the throne; and He knows what goes into the Earth and what goes forth therefrom, and what comes down from the Sky and what goes up therein…for God on what ye do doth look!”

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Surah 57:4 Continued Rodwell “Then ascended His throne. He knoweth that which entereth the Earth, and that which goeth forth from it, and what cometh down from Heaven, and what mounteth up to it; and wherever ye are… God beholdeth all your actions!” Sale “And then ascended [his] throne. He knoweth that which entereth into the Earth, and that which issueth out of the same; and that which descendeth from Heaven, and that which ascendeth thereto… for God seeth that which ye do.” Irving “Then He mounted on the throne. He knows what penetrates the Earth and what issues from it, and what comes down from the sky and what soars up into it.God is observant of anything you do.“ Dawood “And then he mounted the throne.He knows all that goes into the Earth and all that emerges from it. All that comes down from Heaven and all that ascends to it…God is cognizant of all your actions.” 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


1. Descriptions and similes used for the Earth. Surah 2:22, Surah 13:3, Surah 15:19, Surah 20:53, Surah 43:10, Surah 51:48, Surah 57:21, Surah 71:19

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Descriptions and similes used for the Earth •

• • • •

The Earth is not described as being spherical or is it compared with any spherical objects such as a ball or pomegranate. Words and similes used to describe the Earth imply Flatness rather than a Spherical shape. The Earth is described as being spread out or level Level The Earth is compared to a bed or couch. All these suggest a belief in a Flat Earth.

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The Earth is not compared with Spherical objects in the Koran When using similes to describe the Earth, it is not compared with spherical objects such as pomegranates which were known to the Arabs in the time of the Prophet Mohammed. Instead, it is compared tp Flat objects

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02 – The Flat Earth


The Earth is not described as a Spherical object in the Koran


Instead, it is compared with flat objects and described in a manner that indicates flatness rather than a spherical shape.

ra n

It is compared to: • • •

A bed or couch A carpet A wide expanse

All of which are flat. 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 2:22 Earth is like a Couch,Bed or Carpet Pickthall “(God) who hath appointed the Earth a resting-place for you, and the Sky a canopy.” Yusuf Ali “(God) who has made the Earth your couch, and the Heavens your canopy.” Hilali-Khan “(God) who has made the Earth a resting place for you, and the Sky as a canopy.” Shakir “(God) who made the Earth a resting place for you and the Heaven a canopy.” Sher Ali “(God) who made the Earth a bed for you, and the Heaven a roof.” Khalifa “(God) the One who made the Earth habitable for you, and the Sky a structure.”

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Surah 2:22 Continued Arberry “(God) who assigned to you the Earth for a couch, and Heaven for an edifice.” Palmer “(God) who made the Earth for you a bed and the Heaven a dome.” Rodwell “(God) who hath made the Earth a bed for you, and the Heaven a covering.” Sale “(God) who hath spread the Earth as a bed for you, and the Heaven as a covering.” Irving “[He is] the One Who has made the Earth a carpet for you and had the Sky built above you Dawood “(God) who has made the Earth a bed for you and the Sky a dome.”

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 2.22 Earth is like a Couch or Bed & the Sky is a covering

Canopy of the Sky covering a Flat circular Earth

The surface of Earth is like the floor of a Bedouin tent where people would rest on a Bed, Couch or Carpet The floor of a tent is always Flat.

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Surah 20:53 Earth is like a Bed, Carpet or Cradle Pickthall “Who hath appointed the Earth as a bed and hath threaded roads for you therein.” Yusuf Ali "He Who has, made for you the Earth like a carpet spread out; has enabled you to go about therein by roads (and channels)” Hilali-Khan “Who has made Earth for you like a bed (spread out); and has opened roads (ways and paths etc.) for you therein.” Shakir “Who made the Earth for you an expanse and made for you therein paths.” Sher Ali “It is he who has made the Earth for you a bed and has caused pathways for you to run through it.” Khalifa “He is the One who made the Earth habitable for you, and paved in it roads for you.”

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02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 20:53 Continued Arberry “He who appointed the Earth to be a cradle for you, and therein threaded roads for you.” Palmer “Who made for you the Earth a bed; and has traced for you paths therein.” Rodwell “He hath spread the Earth as a bed, and hath traced out paths for you therein.” Sale “[It is he] who hath spread the Earth as a bed for you, and hath made you paths therein.” Irving “[since he is the one] Who has laid out the Earth as a carpet for you and has traced highways on it for you.” Dawood “It is he who made the Earth your cradle and traced on it paths for you to walk on.”

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Surah 43:10 Earth is like a Bed, Carpet or Resting place Pickthall “Who made the Earth a resting-place for you, and placed roads for you therein, that haply ye may find your way.” Yusuf Ali “(Yea, the same that) has made for you the Earth (like a carpet) spread out, and has made for you roads (and channels) therein, in order that ye may find guidance (on the way).” Hilali-Khan “Who has made for you the Earth like a bed, and has made for you roads therein, in order that you may find your way.” Shakir “He who made the Earth a resting-place for you, and made in it ways for you that you may go aright.” Sher Ali “He, Who has made the Earth for you a cradle and has made pathways for you therein, that you may follow the right way.” Khalifa “He is the One who made the Earth habitable for you, and created for you roads therein, that you may follow the right way.” 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 43:10 Continued Arberry “He who appointed the Earth to be a cradle for you, and appointed ways for you therein, that haply you may be guided.” Palmer “Who made for you the Earth a couch and placed for you therein roads, haply ye may be guided.” Rodwell “Who hath made the Earth as a couch for you, and hath traced out routes therein for your guidance.” Sale “Who hath spread the Earth [as] a bed for you, and hath made you paths therein, that ye may be directed.” Irving “The one who has placed the Earth as a cradle for you, and traced highways for you on it so that you may feel guided.” Dawood “It is he who made the Earth a resting place for you and traced out routes upon it that you might find your way.”

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02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 71:19 Earth is like a Carpet or wide Expanse Pickthall “And Allah hath made the Earth a wide expanse for you.” Yusuf Ali "'And God has made the Earth for you as a carpet. (spread out)” Hilali-Khan “And Allah has made for you the Earth wide spread (an expanse). Shakir “And Allah has made for you the Earth a wide expanse.” Sher Ali “And Allah has made the Earth for you a wide expanse.” Khalifa “God made the Earth habitable for you.” Arberry “And God has laid the Earth for you as a carpet.” Palmer “And God has made for you the Earth a carpet.” Rodwell “And God hath spread the Earth for you like a carpet.” Sale “And God hath spread the Earth as a carpet for you.” Irving “'God has laid the Earth out as a carpet for you.” Dawood “God has made the Earth a vast expanse for you.” 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


The Koran describes the Earth as being spread out like a Carpet Carpets are always Flat when they are spread out.

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Earth shown spread out like a flat Carpet

Wide expanse of the Earth

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Ever see a Spherical Carpet?

Sometimes, Fundamentalists try and argue that the descriptions of the Earth being spread out like a carpet refer only to Earths outer crust & not the whole Planet. However, the Koran does not actually say this & a carpets are never spherical.

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 79:30 Egg shaped Earth? “He made the Earth egg shaped” - Khalifa

Non Spherical Ostrich Egg

Some say that this verse describes the Earth as a sphere. There is said to be an allusion to an ostrich egg which is supposedly spherical. But this is not an accurate translation since eleven other translations contradict it. Besides this,the Earth is not egg shaped. 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 79:30 Egg shaped Earth? Pickthall “And after that He spread the Earth.” Yusuf Ali “And the Earth, moreover, hath He extended. (to a wide expanse)” Hilali-Khan “And after that He spread the Earth.” Shakir “And the Earth, He expanded it after that.” Sher Ali “And the Earth, along with it, He has spread forth.” Khalifa “He made the Earth egg-shaped.” Arberry “And the Earth-after that He spread it out.” Palmer “And the Earth after that He did stretch out.” Rodwell “And afterwards stretched forth the Earth.” Sale After his he stretched out the Earth.” Irving “And the Earth has He spread out besides.” Dawood ”After that he spread the Earth.”

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 79:26-31 Egg shaped Earth? “Lo! herein is indeed a lesson for him who feareth Are ye the harder to create, or is the Heaven that He built? He raised the height thereof and ordered it; and He made dark the night thereof, and He brought forth the morn thereof. And after that He spread the Earth, And produced therefrom the water thereof and the pasture thereof” Surah 79:26-31- Pickthall Viewed in context, verse 30 is part of a description of God creating the Universe.Firstly, God created Heaven or the Sky and then lifted it up like a roof of a building. Next, he spread out Earth like a flat floor.

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 79:26-31 God lifts up Sky & then spreads out Flat Earth beneath.

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Earth not Egg Shaped In reality, the Earth is nearly a perfect sphere. It is not at all Egg shaped in any way. The difference in Polar & Equatorial diameters is only 42 Km There is a translation error in the Khalifa Koran.The other eleven translations Contradict him. 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


The Earth is described as a being “spread out” in the Koran God is described as spreading out the Earth while creating it. Likewise a baker spreads out dough by flattening it. This may be what the Koran means 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


“Spreading out” the Earth? This dough has been spread out into a flat shape. The Koran may be describing God spreading out the Earth into a flat shape in a similar manner.

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 13:3 The Earth was spread or stretched out when it was created. Pickthall “And He it is who spread out the Earth and placed therein firm hills and flowing streams, He placed therein.” Yusuf Ali “And it is He who spread out the Earth, and set thereon mountains standing firm and (flowing) rivers.” Hilali--Khan “And it is He who spread out the Earth, and placed therein firm mountains and rivers.” Shakir “And He it is who spread the Earth and made in it firm mountains and rivers.” Sher Ali “And He it is who spread out the Earth and made therein mountains and rivers.” Khalifa “He is the One who constructed the Earth and placed on it mountains and rivers.” 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 13:3 Continued. Arberry “It is He who stretched out the Earth and set therein firm mountains and rivers.” Palmer “And He it is who has stretched out the Earth and placed therein firm mountains and rivers.” Rodwell “And He it is who hath outstretched the Earth, and placed on it the firm mountains, and rivers.” Sale “[It is] he who hath stretched forth the Earth, and placed therein steadfast [mountains], and rivers.” Irving “He is the One Who has spread the Earth out and placed headlands and rivers on it.” Dawood “It was he who spread out the Earth and placed upon it mountains and rivers.”

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 15:19 The Earth was spread out like a carpet when it was created. Pickthall “And the Earth have we spread out, and placed therein firm hills, and caused each seemly thing to grow therein.” Yusuf Ali “And the Earth we have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance.” Hilali--Khan “And the Earth we spread out, and placed therein firm mountains, and caused to grow therein all kinds of things in due proportion.” Shakir “And the Earth -- we have spread it forth and made in it firm mountains and caused to grow in it of every suitable thing.” Sher Ali “And the Earth have we spread out, and set therein firm mountains and cause every thing to grow therein in proper proportion.” Khalifa “As for the Earth, we constructed it, and placed on it stabilizers (mountains), and we grew on it a perfect balance of everything.” 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 15:19 Continued Arberry “And the Earth -- we stretched it forth, and cast on it firm mountains, and We caused to grow therein of every thing justly weighed.” Palmer “And the Earth we have stretched out and have thrown on it firm mountains, and have caused to grow upon it of everything a measured quantity.” Rodwell “And the Earth have we spread forth, and thrown thereon the mountains, and caused everything to spring forth in it in balanced measure.” Sale “We have also spread forth the Earth, and thrown thereon stable [mountains]; and we have caused every kind of [vegetable] to spring forth in the same, according to a determinate weight.” Irving “Earth have we spread out and cast headlands upon it, and planted a bit of everything to grow there (so it is) well balanced.” Dawood “We have spread out the Earth and set upon it immovable mountains.” 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 51:48 The wide Earth was spread out like a carpet when it was created Pickthall “And the Earth have We laid out, how gracious is the spreader (thereof)!” Yusuf Ali “And we have spread out the (spacious) Earth: How excellently we do spread out!” Hilali--Khan “And we have spread out the Earth, how excellent spreader (thereof) are we!” Shakir “And the Earth, we have made it a wide extent; how well have we then spread (it) out.” Sher Ali “And the Earth we have spread out, and how excellently do we spread it out!” Khalifa “And we made the Earth habitable; a perfect design.” 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 51: 48 Continued Arberry “And the Earth -- We spread it forth; O excellent Smoothers!” Palmer “And the Earth - we have spread it out; and how well we lay it out!” Rodwell “And the Earth - we have stretched it out like a carpet; and how smoothly have we spread it forth!” Sale “And we have stretched forth the Earth beneath; and how evenly have we spread [the same]!” Irving “The Earth have we spread out; how blissful is the One who has smoothed it off!” Dawood “And stretched out the Earth beneath it.Gracious is he who spread it out.”

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 3:133 & 57:21 Earths surface is described as being as wide as Heaven

Happy Muslims in the Gardens of Paradise. Sky Earth

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 3:133 Earths surface is described as being as wide as Heaven Pickthall “And a Garden whereof the breadth is as the breadth of the Heavens & the Earth, which is in store for those who believe in Allah & His messengers.” Yusuf Ali “Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, & for a Garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the Heavens & of the Earth, prepared for the righteous” Hilali-Khan “And march forth in the way (which leads to) forgiveness from your Lord, & for Paradise as wide as are the Heavens & the Earth, prepared for Al-Muttaqun (the pious - see V.2:2).” Shakir “And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord; & a Garden, the extensiveness of which is (as) the Heavens & the Earth, it is prepared for those who guard (against evil).”

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 3:133 Continued Sher Ali “And hasten towards forgiveness from your Lord, & the Paradise whose value is the Heavens & the Earth. It is prepared for the God-fearing. “ Khalifa “You should eagerly race towards forgiveness from your Lord and a Paradise whose width encompasses the Heavens & the Earth; it awaits the righteous.” Arberry “& a Garden the breadth whereof is as the breadth of Heaven & Earth, made ready for those who believe in God & His messengers.” Palmer “& vie with one another for pardon from your Lord, and for Paradise, the breadth of which is as the heaven & the earth, prepared for those who fear.”

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 3:133 Continued Rodwell “Vie in hasting after pardon from your Lord, & Paradise whose outspread is as the outspread of the Heaven & “ Sale “Hasten with emulation to [obtain] pardon from your Lord, and paradise, the extent whereof equalleth the extent of Heaven and Earth, prepared for those who believe in God and his apostles.” Irving “Hasten towards forgiveness from your Lord and a garden broader than Heaven and Earth which has been prepared for those who do their duty.” Dawood “Vie with each other to earn the forgiveness of your Lord and a Paradise as vast as Heaven and Earth, prepared for the righteous.”

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 57:21 Earths surface is described as being as wide as Heaven Pickthall “& a Garden whereof the breadth is as the breadth of the Heavens & the Earth, which is in store for those who believe in Allah and His messengers.” Yusuf Ali “& a Garden (of Bliss), the width whereof is as the width of Heaven & Earth, prepared for those who believe in God & His apostles.” Hilali-Khan “& towards Paradise, the width whereof is as the width of Heaven & Earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah & His Messengers.” Shakir “& to a garden the extensiveness of which is as the extensiveness of the Heaven & the Earth; it is prepared for those who believe in Allah & His apostles.” Sher Ali “& for a Garden the value whereof is equal to the value of the Heaven & the Earth; it has been prepared for those who believe in Allah & Khalifa “& a Paradise whose width encompasses the Heaven & the Earth. It awaits those who believed in God and His messengers.” 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 57:21 Continued Arberry “& a Garden the breadth whereof is as the breadth of Heaven & Earth, made ready for those who believe in God & His messengers.” Palmer “& Paradise, whose breadth is as the breadth of the Heavens & the Earth, prepared for those who believe in God & His apostles!” Rodwell “& Paradise - whose outspread is as the outspread of the Heaven & of the Earth: Prepared is it for those who believe in God & His apostles.” Sale “& Paradise, the extent whereof equalleth the extent of Heaven & Earth, prepared for those who believe in God & his apostles.” Irving “& a garden broader than the Sky plus the Earth, which has been prepared for those who believe in God & His messenger.” Dawood “& a Paradise as vast as Heaven & Earth, prepared for those who believe in God & his Apostles.”

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth



Earth is Flat and circular

If the Sky is a dome, then the Earth is circular. Surah 2:22, Surah 21:32, Surah 40:64 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


The Sky is described as a Canopy, Roof or Dome

Canopy of the Sky

Many verses of the Koran describe the Sky as being like a Canopy,Roof or Dome. This implies a Flat circular Earth beneath the solid Sky.

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 2:22 The Sky is described as a Canopy, Roof or Dome Pickthall “Who hath appointed the Earth a resting-place for you, and the Sky a canopy.” Yusuf Ali “Who has made the Earth your couch, and the Heavens your canopy)”. Hilali--Khan “Who has made the Earth a resting place for you, and the Sky as a canopy.” Shakir “Who made the Earth a resting place for you and the Heaven a canopy.” Sher Ali “Who made the Earth a bed for you, and the Heaven a roof.” Khalifa “The One who made the Earth habitable for you, and the sky a structure.”

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 2:22 Continued Arberry “who assigned to you the Earth for a couch, and Heaven for an edifice.” Palmer “who made the Earth for you a bed and the Heaven a dome.” Rodwell “who hath made the Earth a bed for you, and the Heaven a covering.” Sale” who hath spread the Earth as a bed for you, and the Heaven as a covering.” Irving “[He is] the One who has made the Earth a carpet for you and had the Sky built above you.” Dawood “who has made the Earth a Bed for you and the Sky a dome.”

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 21:32 The Sky is like a Roof,, Canopy or Ceiling Pickthall “& we have made the Sky a roof withheld (from them). Yet they turn away from its portents.” Yusuf Ali “& We have made the Heavens as a canopy well guarded: yet do they turn away from the Signs which these things (point to)!” Hilali--Khan “& We have made the Heaven a roof, safe and well guarded. Yet they turn away from its signs (i.e. sun, moon, winds, clouds, etc.).” Shakir “& we have made the Heaven a guarded canopy and (yet) they turn aside from its signs.” Sher Ali “& we have made the Heaven a roof, well-protected, yet they turn away from its Signs.” Khalifa “& we rendered the Sky a guarded ceiling. Yet, they are totally oblivious to all the portents therein.” 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 21:32 Continued Arberry “& we set up the Heaven as a roof well-protected; yet still from Our signs they are turning away.” Palmer “& we made the Heaven a guarded roof; yet from our signs they turn aside!” Rodwell “& we made the Heaven a roof strongly upholden; yet turn they away from its signs.” Sale “& we made the Heaven a roof well supported. Yet they turn aside from the signs thereof, [not considering that they are the workmanship of God].” Irving “We have placed the Sky as a roof which is held up even though they shun its signs!” Dawood “We spread the Heaven like a canopy and provided it with strong support:Yet of its signs they are heedless.”

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 40:64 The Sky is like a Canopy Pickthall “Allah it is who appointed for you the Earth for a dwellingplace and the Sky for a canopy.” Yusuf Ali “It is God who has made for you the Earth as a resting place, and the Sky as a canopy.” Hilali--Khan “Allah, it is He who has made for you the Earth as a dwelling place and the Sky as a canopy.” Shakir “Allah is He who made the Earth a resting-place for you and the Heaven a canopy.” Sher Ali “Allah is he who has made for you the Earth a resting-place and the Heaven a structure for protection.” Khalifa “God is the One who rendered the Earth habitable for you, and the Sky a formidable structure.”

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 40:64 Continued Arberry “It is God who made for you the Earth a fixed place and Heaven for an edifice.” Palmer “God it is who has made for you the Earth as a resting-place, and a Heaven as building.” Rodwell “It is God who hath given you the Earth as a sure foundation, and over it built up the Heaven!” Sale “[It is] God who hath given you the Earth for a stable floor, and the Heaven for a ceiling.” Irving “God is the One Who has granted you the Earth to settle down on and the Sky built above you.” Dawood “It is God who has made the Earth a dwelling place for you and the Sky a ceiling.”

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth



East and West are described as places Surah 43:38

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 43:38 The 2 East's & 2 West's

Above: The two East's, the most Extreme points The Horizon where The Sun appears to rise. Left: The two West's, the most Extreme points The Horizon where The Sun appears to set. 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Ali battling an Islamic Devil (Shaitan) The Koran says that Devils follow people around and lead them astray while pretending to be their friends. God says that on Judgement Day such people will wish that they were as far away from Devils as East & West or two points on the horizon. This assumes that such points are real places.

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 43:38 The 2 East's & 2 West's

Distance between East & West

Distance between the 2 East's

Distance between the 2 West's 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth

In this verse, God uses the distance between East and West (or between two points on the horizon) as a metaphor for extreme distance. But these points do not really exist – except on a Flat Earth like this. God condones this sort of thinking. 100

Surah 43:38 God refers to East and West as places Pickthall “Ah, would that between me and thee there were the distance of the two horizons - an evil comrade! “ Yusuf-Ali "Would that between me and thee were the distance of East and West!" Ah! evil is the companion (indeed)!” Hilali-Khan "Would that between me and you were the distance of the two east's (or the east and west)" a worst (type of) companion (indeed)! “ Shakir “O would that between me and you there were the distance of the East and the West; so evil is the associate!” Sher Ali “Would that between me and thee were the distance of the East and the West!' What an evil companion he is!” Khalifa "Oh I wish you were as far from me as the two east's. What a miserable companion!"

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 43:38 God refers to East and West as places Arberry “Would there had been between me and thee the distance of the two east's!' An evil comrade!” Palmer “O, would that between me and thee there were the distance of the two orients, for an evil mate (art thou)!” Rodwell "O Satan, would that between me and thee were the distance of the east and west." And a wretched companion is a Satan.” Sale “would to God that between me and thee [there was] the distance of the east from the west! Oh how wretched a companion [art thou]! Irving “"Alas, if the distance between the two east's only lay between you and me! He's such an awful soulmate!" Dawood “Would that we were as far apart as the east is from the west.Indeed, evil is that companion.” 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 43:38 The 2 East's and 2 West’s do not really exist The Sun does not really rise or set in different places throughout the year. This is an illusion caused by the Earths orbital position around the Sun changing during the year. In the Koran, God does not seem to know this.

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth



Earth described as Static and Unmoving This does not necessarily imply flatness but it supports a Geocentric Cosmology

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


The Earth is not static and unmoving The Earth moves around the Sun. It is not static as the Koran claims

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 30:25 Earth standing still Pickthall “& of His signs is this: The Heavens and the Earth stand fast by His command.” Yusuf Ali “& among His Signs is this, that Heaven and Earth stand by His Command.” Hilali--Khan “& among His Signs is that the Heaven and the Earth stand by His Command.” Shakir “& one of His signs is that the Heaven and the Earth subsist by His command” Sher Ali “& of his Signs is that the Heavens and the Earth stand firm by his command.” Khalifa “Among His proofs is that the Heaven and the Earth are standing at His disposal.”

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 30:25 Earth standing still Pickthall “& of His signs is this: The Heavens and the Earth stand fast by His command.” Yusuf Ali “& among His Signs is this, that Heaven and Earth stand by His Command.” Hilali--Khan “& among His Signs is that the Heaven and the Earth stand by His Command.” Shakir “& one of His signs is that the Heaven and the Earth subsist by His command” Sher Ali “& of his Signs is that the Heavens and the Earth stand firm by his command.” Khalifa “Among His proofs is that the Heaven and the Earth are standing at His disposal.”

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 30:25 Continued Arberry “& of His signs is that the Heaven and Earth stand firm by His command.” Palmer “& of His signs is this, that the Heavens and the Earth stand by His order.” Rodwell “& of his signs also one is that the Heaven and the Earth stand firm at his bidding.” Sale “& of his signs [this also is one, namely], that the Heaven and the Earth stand firm at his command.” Irving “Among His signs are [the fact] that the Sky and Earth hold firm at His command.” Dawood “By another sign, Heaven & Earth stand firm at his bidding.”

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 27:61 Earth is a fixed abode Pickthall “Is not He (best) Who made the Earth a fixed abode.” Yusuf Ali “Or, who has made the Earth firm to live in.” Hilali--Khan “Is not He (better than your gods) Who has made the Earth as a fixed abode.” Shakir “Or, who made the Earth a resting place, and made in it rivers.” Sher Ali “Or, who made the Earth a place of rest.” Khalifa “Who is the One who made the Earth habitable.” Arberry “He who made the Earth a fixed place and set amidst it rivers.” Palmer “He who made the Earth, settled.” Rodwell “Is not He, who hath set the Earth so firm.” Sale “[Is not he more worthy to be adored], who hath established the Earth.” Irving “Who set the Earth up as a residence,laced it with rivers.” Dawood “(Surely worthier is) He who established the Earth.” 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


This Earth is static and unmoving The Koran is referring to an Earth that looks like this. This Earth is static & unmoving.

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 35:41God holds Heaven and Earth firmly in position? The Earth in reality moves around the Sun and is not at all fixed in a static position as the Koran suggests. Surah 35:41 makes sense on a Flat static Earth though.

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 35:41God holds Heaven and Earth firmly in position Pickthall “Lo! Allah graspeth the Heavens & the Earth that they deviate not, & if they were to deviate there is not one that could grasp them after Him.” Yusuf Ali “It is God Who sustains the Heavens & the Earth, lest they cease (to function): & if they should fail, there is none - not one - can sustain them thereafter.” Hilali-Khan “Verily! Allah grasps the Heavens & the Earth lest they move away from their places, & if they were to move away from their places, there is not one that could grasp them after Him.” Shakir “Surely Allah upholds the Heavens & the Earth lest they come to naught; & if they should come to naught, there Is none who can uphold them after Him.” Sher Ali “Surely, Allah holds the Heavens & the Earth lest they deviate from their positions. & if they did deviate, none can hold them back but he.” Khalifa “God is the One who holds the Heavens & the Earth, lest they vanish. If anyone else is to hold them, they will most certainly vanish.” 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 35:41Continued Arberry “God holds the Heavens & the Earth, lest they remove; did they remove, none would hold them after Him. Palmer “Verily, God holds back the heavens and the earth lest they should decline; & if they should decline there is none to hold them back after Him.” Rodwell “Verily God holdeth fast the Heavens & the Earth that they pass not away: and if they were passing away none could hold them back but He.” Sale “Verily God sustaineth the Heavens & the Earth, lest they fail: And if they should fail, none could support the same besides him.” Irving “God grasps both Heaven & Earth lest either one should slip out of place. If either should slip out of place, no one else would hold on to them besides Him.” Dawood “It is God who keeps the Heavens & the Earth from falling. Should they fall, none could hold them back but him” 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Surah 35:41God holds Heaven and Earth firmly in position Heaven / Sky


Above: God’s hands reach down from above in order to grasp Heaven & Earth and hold them firmly in position. 10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Summary 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

The Koran refers to the Sun leaving the sky at night and going underground. All of Earths surface can be seen from a single place. Earth is described using terms such as “level” or “spread out” and similes suggesting flatness such as “bed”, “carpet”, “couch” or “cradle.” The Earth is described as static and immobile. All of this indicates a belief in a Flat Earth.How can the Koran be of divine origin if it contains such absurd beliefs?

10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


10th March 2009

02 – The Flat Earth


Continued on next Presentation ……

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