Flash Multimedia Game Design

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,618
  • Pages: 21
Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

Flash Multimedia: Game Design Prepared by: Kelly Short

Kelly Short


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO


Kelly Short




The Scene Panel



Action Panel



Responding to a key action






Responding to a hitTest



Adding a score






Adding sound to movement



Turning on and off sounds



The Final Code



Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

Screen Layout

Create a new Flash Document

Lists recently opened items

Kelly Short


Sydney CEO

Kelly Short



Properties Bar



Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

The Timeline Key Frame

Empty Key Frame Empty Frame

Layer Name

Onion Skinning

Scene and Symbol New Layer, Motion Guide, Layer Folder

The Tools Select (V) Free Transform Tool (Q)

Sub Select (A) Gradient Fill (F)

Line Tool (N)

Lasso (L)

Pen Tool (P)

Text (T)

Oval (O)

Rectange (R)

Pencil (Y)

Paintbrush (B)

Ink Bucket Tool (S)

Paint Bucket (K)

Eye Dropper (I)

Erase (E)

Hand Pan(H)

Zoom (Z) Stroke Colour Fill Colour

Black and White, No colour, Swap Colours Tool related Options

Kelly Short


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

The Scene Panel In order to create any multimedia product, you must create multiple scenes, and navigate between them. Open the scene panel by going to Window—>Other Panels—>Scene

This lists the scenes that are within your document. Double click to change the names

Delete the scene

Duplicate the current scene

Kelly Short

Add a new scene


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

The Action Panel

Add an action script statement

Lists all the action script statements, double click to add

Kelly Short

States what object you have added the action script to


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

Responding to a key action Begin

Create a key Listener

Which Key is Pressed?

Print Message to say “Right”

Print Message to say “Left”

Print Message to say “Up”

Print Message to say “Down”


Draw a ball and convert it to a symbol (movie clip) Call the ball “Ball” Because there can be multiple instances of the one symbol, you also need to name the instance of the ball that you are using. With the ball selected, type in “Ball1” into the instance name

Kelly Short


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

The following is the code to add the keylistener: (line numbers are for reference only) Add this as a frame script 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

/* =======================Key Listener=============================*/ var myListener:Object = new Object(); //=============================================on key release myListener.onKeyUp = function () { switch (Key.getCode()) { case Key.RIGHT : break; case Key.LEFT : break; case Key.UP: break; case Key.DOWN: break; }//end switch }//end function Key.addListener(myListener);

At the moment though, this does not do anything aside from add a listener. It doesn’t actually respond to the listener, because you haven’t programmed it to do anything. On the following lines, insert the following code: 8. trace ("Right"); 11. trace ("Left"); 14. trace ("Up"); 17. trace ("Down");

Your code should now look like this: (Changes in bold) /* =============Key Listener============================================*/ var myListener:Object = new Object(); //=============================================on key release myListener.onKeyUp = function () { switch (Key.getCode()) { case Key.RIGHT : trace ("RIGHT"); break; case Key.LEFT : trace ("Left"); break; case Key.UP: trace ("Up"); break; case Key.DOWN: trace ("Down"); break; }//end switch }//end function Key.addListener(myListener);

Kelly Short


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

Of course, the trace function is simply there to see if your ball will actually move. In order to make it move, you have to program it to. Add the bold sections to your code

/* =======================Key Listener==================================*/ var myListener:Object = new Object(); //=============================================on key release myListener.onKeyUp = function () { switch (Key.getCode()) { case Key.RIGHT : _root.ball1._x= _root.ball1._x + 10; //moves ball 10 right of //current x position of ball break; case Key.LEFT : _root.ball1._x= _root.ball1._x - 10;//moves ball 10 left of cur //rent x position of ball break; case Key.UP: _root.ball1._y= _root.ball1._y - 10;//moves ball 10 UP of cur //rent y position of ball trace ("Up"); break; case Key.DOWN: trace ("Down"); _root.ball1._y= _root.ball1._y + 10;//moves ball 10 Down of cur //rent y position of ball break; }//end switch }//end function Key.addListener(myListener);

Kelly Short


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

Hit Test http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/hittest.htm Select the circle movie clip. Once the circle movie clip has been selected, click the Instance tab to display the Instance panel. In the Name field of the Instance panel, enter the word circle

Because it takes at least two objects to create a collision, you will need to name the second object: the square movie clip. Select the blue square and give it the name: block. You would enter the word 'block' in the Instance panel just like you did for the circle movie clip in Step 1 Once you named the block movie clip, it is time to add the actions. Right click on the circle movie clip and select Actions. The Object Actions window will appear. Copy and paste the following code into that window: onClipEvent (enterFrame) { The code following this statement will be enabled each time the frame of the movie clip loads. Basically, enterFrame, enables the action to loop continuously.

if (_root.circle, hitTest(_root.block)) {

If the two shapes are colliding

_root.text = "Collision Detected"; } else { _root.text = "No Collision"; } } Displays in the text box on the screen

Kelly Short


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

Responding to a Hit Test onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.circle, hitTest(_root.block)) { //anything you put here will happen if there is a conection } else { //anything you put here will happen if there is a conection } }

Things you can do: •

go back in the opposite direction

Play a sound (see Multimedia booklet)


Exploding: Double click on the circle. In the timeline, set a keyframe at Frame 2. This is where the explosion will start. Place a stop script on frame 1. This way, the explosion will only start when the object gets sent to Frame 2

Set a stop(); script here.

This should be the same as the first frame

Kelly Short

Change this to a spot, or different shape and shape tween


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

onClipEvent(enterFrame) { if(this.hitTest(_root.square1)) { _root.ball1.gotoAndPlay(6); } }

Kelly Short


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

Adding a score Adding a score is very simple. First, create a dynamic text field to store the score and add the Var property of score.

Add the score variable

To embed the font into the text field click here

onClipEvent(enterFrame) { if(this.hitTest(_root.square1)) { _root.ball1.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.score=_root.score+1;//make sure there //are no spaces or it won’t //work!

} }

Also, on the frame script, declare and initialize the variable score by: var score:Number = 0;

Kelly Short


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO


Draw the following shot and convert it to a symbol

Convert to symbol again, so that you have done so twice. Double click to enter the first symbol

Kelly Short


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

Add a stop here

Motion tween so that the shot moves across the screen

Add a stop(); script here, as most of the time, you do not want to shoot, only when key is pressed.

Change the position of the bullet to where the ball is

If the space key is pressed

Shoot the bullet

Kelly Short


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

Adding sound to movement 1. 2.

Select File > Import to import a sound. Select the sound in the library, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh), and select Linkage.

Select Export for ActionScript and Export in First Frame; then give the sound the identifier Swish1

To add sound, for example, to shot:

Var HitSound:Sound = new Sound(); HitSound.attachSound("Swish1"); HitSound.start(); break;

Kelly Short


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

Turning sound on and off

Create a button to turn sound on and off

Add the following code to the button: on (release) { if(SoundOn==1){ SoundOn=0; } else { SoundOn=1; } trace (SoundOn); }

Kelly Short


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

Now, every time a sound plays you must add a condition: if(SoundOn==1)//if the sound is on { //add sound var HitSound:Sound = new Sound(); HitSound.attachSound("Swish1"); HitSound.start(); break; }

Kelly Short


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

The Final Code //The Frame Script var score:Number = 0;

/* =======================Key Listener==================================*/ var myListener:Object = new Object(); //=============================================on key release myListener.onKeyUp = function () { switch (Key.getCode()) { case Key.RIGHT : _root.ball1._x= _root.ball1._x + 10; //moves ball 10 right of current //x position of ball break; case Key.LEFT : _root.ball1._x= _root.ball1._x - 10;//moves ball 10 left of current //x position of ball break; case Key.UP: _root.ball1._y= _root.ball1._y - 10;//moves ball 10 UP of current y //position of ball trace ("Up"); break; case Key.DOWN: trace ("Down"); _root.ball1._y= _root.ball1._y + 10;//moves ball 10 Down of current //y position of ball break; case Key.SPACE: ypos=getProperty(ball1,_y); setProperty(shot1,_y,ypos); shot1.gotoAndPlay("start");//throwshot if(SoundOn==1)//if the sound is on { //add sound var HitSound:Sound = new Sound(); HitSound.attachSound("Swish1"); HitSound.start(); break; } }//end switch }//end function Key.addListener(myListener);

Kelly Short


Flash 8 Multimedia: Game Design

Sydney CEO

//On the Ball onClipEvent(enterFrame) { if(this.hitTest(_root.square1)) { _root.ball1.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.score=_root.score+1;

} } //On the sound button on (release) { if(SoundOn==1){ SoundOn=0; } else { SoundOn=1; } trace (SoundOn); }

Kelly Short


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