Preliminary Software Design And Development Preliminary Assessment Task 4

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  • Pages: 8
Preliminary Software Design and Development Preliminary Assessment Task 4 Topic:

Developing a Software Solution

Task Name:

Structured Software Solution



Date Received:

Wednesday, 30th July, 2008

Date Due:

Monday, 8th September, 2008

Submission Instructions: 1.

Students are required to hand their assignments to their teacher during class time on the specified day.


Students are required to submit their marking criteria and sign the confirmation below.


All work submitted should be of a high nature.

Student Confirmation: I, ___________________________ have completed this task without plagiarising the work of others. It is all my own work. I am also aware that a non-submission on or before the due date will incur a penalty of 100% of total marks allocated for each day it is not submitted. Signature:____________________

Outcomes Being Assessed: P1.2

Describe and use appropriate data types.


Describes the interactions between the elements of a computer system.


Identifies the issues relating to the use of software solutions.


Analyse a given problem in order to generate a computer-based software solution.


Investigate a structured approach in the design and implementation of a software solution.


Use and justify the need for appropriate management techniques.


Use and develop documentation to communicate software solutions to others.


Communicate with appropriate personnel throughout the software development process.


Design and construct software solutions with appropriate interfaces.

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This assessment will establish whether the student understands the following outcomes:

TASK DETAILS Cross Curriculum Links  KC1 Research skills, KC2 Presenting ideas in algorithms, KC3 Organising Documentation, KC7 Using

technology.  Literacy – Report and folio writing.  ICT – Word-processing.

Context for the Task You are required to follow the Software Development Cycle to document and develop a computer program using the structured approach. The structure is provided for you. Coding is to be done using Visual Basic.NET. It is suggested you keep a backup copy of your work as computer issues are not an excuse for non-submission. It is also industry practice to create versions of your work, and this is strongly suggested. Task Description You are required to use the structured approach to developing software solutions to construct a suitable program given the problem identified. All steps in this process are to be undertaken and at the conclusion a fully working error-free executable program is to be submitted with suitable documentation.

Method of Submission A copy of your program is to be handed in to your teacher on a CD-ROM or DVD on the due date. Also to be handed in is your program documentation which should be Computer-Generated and of a Professional Nature. NOTE: Students are reminded that file organisation is an important part of website development and problems based on file organisation are the responsibility of the student.

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Students are reminded that regular backup and versioning of their work is an important technical process and computer problems are not an excuse for non-submission of project or documentation. Students should backup daily in order to ensure that data loss only affects that day’s work.

Task Rubric – Part 1 (Software Program)


Problem You have been employed by a local children’s day care centre to develop a program that will be implemented on their computers for students to use during free time or when they have been given permission for good behaviour. This software should be suitable for students within the age bracket of 35. Remember suitable social and ethical issues should be employed when generating ideas. You should ensure that the program is appropriate for the capability of children of that age. The software should also contain relevant help that will be suitable for children and the adult supervisors. Examples Include:  Matching Pairs  Noughts and Crosses  Bingo  Connect Four  Colour Matching  Scenario games

Task Rubric – Part 2 (Algorithms)


You will also be required to submit on Friday 22nd August, 2008 a printed hardcopy of the following: 1. Algorithms (Written in pseudocode or flowchart showing no VB syntax). 2. Test results of your algorithms via: i. Deskchecking ii. Structured Walkthrough (It is intended that you construct and test your algorithms prior to the development of your software program)

Task Rubric – Part 3 (Documentation)


The scaffold below gives you information regarding what needs to be addressed and included in your documentation. Your documentation will be presented as a professionally laid out booklet that will

Defining and Understanding the Problem A list of objectives from the problem statement (5 – 10 measurable objectives) An IPO chart for the intended problem.

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accompany your project. The booklet will have the following chapters and information.

Project Management Provide a suitable Gantt chart that demonstrates the time line expected to be experienced in the project development cycle. Throughout the project development cycle you will be required to make between 5 and 20 log book entries outlining the tasks completed in each lesson, raising issues and reflecting on solutions to previous problems. Logs may be kept in a dedicated notebook or in a “Software Project Log” category on a blog. Building Software Solutions Development of appropriate syntax diagrams that define data types, data structures used in the program in either EBNF or Railroad diagrams. Draft screen designs for the all screens to be used in the interface that incorporate good design and ergonomic features. Make sure to highlight all screen elements i.e. buttons, text boxes. Checking Software Solutions Demonstrate and describe the testing process including how the developer tests the software and the inclusion and documentation of user testing Evaluating the Software Solution Critically evaluate your project with reference to the objectives specified at the beginning of the project. Constructing interviews with peers and recording the results in a useful format i.e. graphs. Modifying The Software Solution

Identify and present at least TWO modifications that may need to be made to

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the program and include suggestions as to possible solutions

Marking Criteria Preliminary Assessment Task 4 Name: ________________________________________________________ PART 1: Software Program



(ii) Outcome


(iii) Outcome


(iv) Outcome


Program Addresses Identified Need (5 Marks) Criteria Student demonstrates a Comprehensive understanding of the problem’s need through the construction of the software solution. Student demonstrates a Satisfactory understanding of the problem’s need through the construction of the software solution. Student demonstrates a Poor understanding of the problem’s need through the construction of the software solution.

Mark 4–5 2–3 1

Error-Free Solution (5 Marks) Criteria Student constructs a Comprehensive computer-based solution that is well constructed and free from major errors including a print out of code in documentation. Student constructs a Satisfactory computer-based solution that contains minor errors including a print out of code in documentation. Student constructs a Poor computer-based solution that contains major errors including a print out of code in documentation.

Mark 4–5 2–3 1

Help Documentation (10 Marks) Criteria Student constructs Comprehensive user help documentation that provides insightful and well documented help for users. Student constructs Good user help documentation that provides well documented help for users. Student constructs Satisfactory user help documentation that provides some documented help for users. Student constructs Poor user help documentation that provides basic documented help for users.

Mark 8 – 10 6–7 3–5 1-2

User Interface (10 Marks) Criteria Student demonstrates a Comprehensive understanding of effective interface design. Including aspects such as: consistency, appropriate use of colour, contrasting and readability. Student demonstrates a Good understanding of effective interface design. Including some aspects such as: consistency, appropriate use of colour, contrasting and readability. Student demonstrates a Satisfactory understanding of effective interface design. Including minimal aspects. Student demonstrates a Poor understanding of effective interface design. Failing to address any aspects.

Mark 8 – 10

6–7 3–5 1-2

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PART 2: Algorithms (i) Outcome

(ii) Outcome

Creates algorithms to plan the intended problem (10 Marks) Criteria Student constructs Comprehensive algorithms that demonstrate modularisation, intrinsic naming, indentation and appropriate control structures. Student constructs Good algorithms that demonstrate modularisation, intrinsic naming and appropriate control structures. Student constructs Basic algorithms that demonstrate intrinsic naming and some appropriate control structures. Student constructs Poor algorithms that demonstrate some appropriate control structures.

Mark 8 – 10 6–7 3–5 1-2

Testing of Algorithms (10 Marks) Criteria Student completes a Comprehensive testing of algorithms via desk checking and a structured walkthrough using appropriately selected test data. Student completes a Good testing of algorithms via desk checking and a structured walkthrough using selected test data. Student completes a Basic testing of algorithms via either desk checking or a structured walkthrough. Student completes a Poor using test data.

Mark 8 – 10 6–7 3–5 1-2

PART 3: Documentation


(ii) Outcome

Analyses the identified problem (5 Marks) Criteria Student demonstrates a Comprehensive analysis of the problem by identifying multiple objectives that are evident. Student demonstrates a Satisfactory analysis of the problem by identifying some objectives. Student demonstrates a Poor analysis of the problem by identifying some objectives.

Mark 4-5 2-3 1

Project Management (10 Marks)

Criteria Student completes a Comprehensive management of the project through a project diary and Gantt chart. Student completes a Satisfactory management of the project through either a project diary or Gantt chart. Student completes a Poor management of the project failing to use either a project diary or Gantt chart. (iii) Implements appropriate modelling tools (5 Marks) Outcome Criteria Student constructs a Comprehensive IPO chart and hierarchy chart that effectively models the intended solution. Student constructs a Good IPO chart and hierarchy chart that satisfactorily models the intended solution. Student constructs Poor IPO chart and hierarchy chart that poorly models the intended solution.

Mark 8 - 10 4-7 1-3 Mark 4-5 2-3 1

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(iv) Outcome

(v) Outcome

(vi) Outcome

(vii) Outcome

Syntax Diagrams (5 Marks) Criteria Student constructs a Comprehensive set of syntax diagrams that effectively define all data types, data structures and control structures used. Student constructs a Satisfactory set of syntax diagrams that attempts to define all data types and control structures used. Student constructs a Poor set of syntax diagrams.

Mark 4-5 2-3 1

Screen Designs (5 Marks) Criteria Student constructs a Comprehensive set of screen designs that incorporates good GUI design and ergonomic features. Student constructs a Basic set of screen designs that incorporates some good GUI design and ergonomic features. Student constructs a Poor set of screen designs that fail to incorporate good GUI design and ergonomic features.

Mark 4-5 2-3 1

Testing Process (10 Marks) Criteria Student constructs a Comprehensive demonstration and description of the testing process. Student constructs a satisfactory description of the testing process. Student constructs a Poor description of the testing process.

Mark 8 - 10 4-7 1-3

Evaluating the Software Solution (5 Marks) Criteria Student constructs a Comprehensive evaluation with reference to the objectives by interviewing peers using interviews & surveys to extract results that are conveyed in a useful manner. Student constructs a Basic evaluation by peers using interviews & surveys to extract results. Student constructs a Poor evaluation using surveys.

Mark 4-5 2-3 1

(viii) Modifying the Software Solution (5 Marks) Criteria Student completes a Comprehensive documentation of two modifications that have been encountered within the checking & testing phase and includes suggestions as to possible solutions Student completes a Basic documentation of two modifications that have been encountered within the checking & testing phase. Student completes a Poor documentation of one modification.

Mark 4-5 2-3 1

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Student Evaluation Circle a number (1 = strongly agree to 5 = strongly disagree) This is my best work






I was organised






I understood the task






I took notice of marking guidelines






The outcomes I feel I have demonstrated best was outcome number________ The outcome I found most challenging was outcome number________ This assessment took me 0-1





hours to complete

Next time I will: At the time of review of the task: I could improve the following skills bySkill

Method of Improvement

I would like to seek further clarification or assistance with:

Please complete the following section following the return of the task: Student Name : Student Signature: Parent Signature:

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Parent Comment (optional):

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