Fit News 3

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contents 2 / AB Exercises 4 / SPORT PARTNER profile – CALGARY MASTERS SWIM CLUB 6 / ATHLETE PROFILE – MICHELLE THORKELSON 9 / TALISMAN CENTRE ROOF UPDATE 10 / TALISMAN CENTRE CUSTOMER SERVICE 12 / STAFF profile – PAM WILSON 14 / SUMMER Fashions FROM BREATHE APPAREL 16 / PILATES 18 / LIFESTYLE EXERCISE – KAYAKING 19 / EAT MORE FISH FITnews is published by Talisman Centre four times per year and is distributed to more than 50,000 members and program participants of Talisman Centre. The magazine provides information on living a healthy, active lifestyle in and around the City of Calgary. FITnews stimulates interest in its members through information on athletics, wellness and aquatic experiences available at Talisman Centre and through profiling Talisman Centre athletes and customers that have achieved success through utilizing the building. Letters to the editor and editorial submissions are welcome. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse any submission. Views expressed or implied are those of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Talisman Centre. robert bunka editor

our contributors lorissa chan kelly drager virginia janes dave joseph madeline kapiczowski shane pizzey susan rockafellow aimee rowles jocelyne svensson and special thanks to our models . . . Susan, Stacey and Dominique Cover Photo: Susan wearing Nike PB Long Sport Top ($69) and Nike Perfect Fit Capri Pant ($92) from Breathe Apparel.

2225 MacLeod Trail South, Calgary, Alberta T2G 5B6 233-8393 [email protected] Advertising Coordination: 403 355 1268

from the editor Finally warm weather has arrived! I can’t tell you how long I have anticipated these days and how, now that they are here, I cherish each one. I love summer in Calgary— patios, outdoor runs, hikes, floats down the Elbow and tons of sunshine. People seem to get a lot more active in and around the city. I get outdoors as soon as I can. Since the beginning of May I have been using the pathway system that connects Talisman Centre to our outdoor facility—Stanley Park Pool. I run “the loop”. It’s about a 4 km trail that takes you by the pool and then over to the Glencoe Club and up a set of mile high stairs. Now in my fourth week of training, I have started running those tough stairs twice with hopes of incorporating 4 sets per run mid-summer. What a great workout! With access to hundreds of kilometers of pathways, Talisman Centre is a great meeting place to start your run, roller blade or walk and then hit the hot tub afterwards. For others, summer entails opportunities such as those portrayed in our lifestyle exercise article on kayaking (page 18). With so many great lakes and rivers at our fingertips this is a unique way of getting a great workout and seeing our beautiful country at the same time. I’ve had the opportunity to visit Vancouver on a regular basis every few months and can tell you that sea kayaking around Stanley Park is absolutely beautiful and a great way to spend your morning. Check out our article to find out more information on who to contact. For those that continue their workout regimes inside the building over the summer months you have the unique opportunity of working out beside some of Canada’s top athletes and coaches. In each publication of FITnews we showcase athletes and members (who were once top level athletes) who continue to train at the centre. I find this such a motivating factor as you lift weights and look over and see Canada’s top kick boxing athlete, top rower or highly ranked female wrestler working out beside you or assisting you with your workout as a staff member of Talisman Centre. Many of our staff members are athletes in training or coaching high level athletes and have been attracted to the centre because of the healthy, active lifestyle that we promote and live. Talk about membership having it’s privileges! This summer challenge yourself with something different, a run outside, a kayak across a lake, or question our staff to find out how they can change up your workout routines to keep you motivated. These summer months are fitness filled and lots of fun so let’s take full advantage!

With access to hundreds of kilometers of pathways, Talisman Centre is a great meeting place to start your run, roller blade or walk and then hit the hot tub afterwards.

— R.B. • Talisman Centre FITnews • Spring 2007 • 1

ab exercises

to the


There is more to doing your abs than just working to get a six-pack. Working on your abs is one part of keeping an all around strong core. Good core strength is important for keeping good posture, whether you are sitting, standing or being active. Maintaining core strength and good posture over the long term will help you to keep a healthy lower back. Here are a few things to think about when you do your next core workout.

by dave joseph Dave is a Personal Trainer at Talisman Centre and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology.

Curve Your Back The rectus abdominis muscle is the “ab” muscle that people are most familiar with – it’s the “six-pack” muscle. The action of this muscle is to pull your rib cage and pelvis closer together. In doing so, you curve your back. To best isolate your abs, focus on curving your back as you do any ab exercise. This is where the term “curl-up” comes from – you are curling your back to isolate your abs rather than sitting up with a straight back. Keeping a straight back still encourages your abdominal muscles to contract, but they function mainly as a stabilizer. To help with curving your back, try not to do abdominal exercises with too much weight; using too much weight encourages more powerful hip flexor muscles to take over and you end up flexing at the hip with a straight back rather than curving your back to isolate your abs. See photo top right. Don’t Forget Your Obliques Your oblique muscles are as important for good core strength as your rectus abdominis. The oblique muscles have that name because they run at an oblique angle to the vertical plane of your body. Because of this orientation, the action of the oblique muscles is a combined flexion and rotation of your spine. You can isolate your obliques by adding a rotation of your upper body (i.e. sit-ups, curl-ups) or lower body (i.e. hanging leg raises) to pretty much any ab exercise. To best isolate your obliques, focus on bringing your right-hand side ribs towards your left-hand side hip, and vice-versa. See photo middle right. Try a Decline Bench If you already have strong abdominal, and you find that doing sit-ups or curl-ups on a flat mat isn’t cutting it anymore, try taking the next step. Try doing sit-ups on a decline bench. Remember – sit-ups should still involve curving of your back. By using a decline bench, you use the same muscles, but it becomes a greater challenge. As you do a sit-up on a flat surface the exercise becomes easier at the end because you are moving your torso more forward, rather than “lifting” it up with your abdominals. Using a decline bench lets you “lift” your upper body through a fuller range of motion, allowing your abs to become more fatigued. See photo bottom right. Your Lower Back – The “Other” Core Though your lower back muscles are not traditionally thought of as core muscles, they are a vital part of keeping an all around strong core. The muscles in your back act as antagonists (perform the opposite actions) to your abdominal muscles. Your lower back muscles are a collection of several muscles grouped together as the spinal extensor muscle group. The action of these muscles, as the name implies, is to extend the spine. Just as you can use a decline bench to increase the challenge for your abdominal muscles, you can increase the challenge for your lower back by doing back extensions using a 45 degree incline bench. Begin the exercise with your back arched down in front of the bench. As your glut muscles extend your hips to bring you up, focus on straightening your back to isolate your spinal extensor muscles. Extend your back as far as comfortable, and avoid hyper extension.

• Talisman Centre FITnews • Spring 2007 • • Talisman Centre FITnews • Spring 2007 • 3

TAlisman Centre

sport partner profile

Calgary Masters Swim Club (CMSC) by susan rockafellow

It all began in 1976, when swimming parent Henry Rechel placed an advertisement in the Calgary Herald for masters swimmers. The first night brought out five swimmers. Thus CMSC was founded. After a brief stint swimming at Glenmore Pool, CMSC moved to Talisman Centre (then known as Lindsay Park Sports Centre). They have been a sport club at this high-profile facility since. CMSC has hosted four Canadian Masters National Championships at Talisman Centre—in 1981, 1991, 2001 and lastly in 2006. Today, we provide a number of options and schedules for our members, conducted with talented and qualified coaches. We continue to swim 12 months of the year and currently have 156 members in our sessions, with swimmers aged 18 to 76. Master swimmers come from all walks of life and all swimming capabilities and people swim at the masters level for all sorts of reasons, including team camaraderie, maintaining great cardio and shared motivation. Many swimmers are interested in maintaining a high level of fitness, which ultimately provides a better quality of life. Some swim for fun, however “fun” can be a loose term when the coach writes up an 8 x 400 metre set. Others swim to race and compete and are able to break records—Provincial, Canadian and even World Records!

Every swim competition hosts a relay event. Relay events allow swimmers to come together to out race and outwit their opponents. Calgary Masters Swim Club (CMSC) hosted the 2006 Masters National Swim Championships in May 2006 at the Talisman Centre Pool. They competed beside their arch rivals, the Edmonton Masters Swim Club (yes, the Calgary-Edmonton rivalry extends beyond the Saddledome, Flames and Oilers!) and went on to break the national meet record for a 4 x 100 metre Freestyle Relay. CMSC lead swimmer, Brian Brix came in at 100 m with a half-body length lead. Dave Dickson left the blocks and managed to hold that lead. Chris Daniel, swimming third, was able to increase the lead to two body lengths. The anchor and last relay member, our fastest male swimmer, Jeff Welechuk, increased the lead to four body lengths. Finish time: 3:43:16 (a 56 second average). This broke a best time of 3:43:45 set seven years ago at the same meet by an American team! For information about the Calgary Masters Swim Club visit

4 • Talisman Centre FITnews • Spring 2007 •


More Aquatics Programs Beginning this Fall!

More Ducklings and Dinos Classes – on weekends and every day of the week! Swim programs on Fridays! Make the right choice for you and your child! ✔ small class sizes ✔ more time spent swimming ✔ more attention on stroke improvement ✔ focus on self-esteem ✔ explore other aquatic sports

Coming from another Learn to Swim Program? The Sears I Can Swim Program is fully compatible. Let us know you or your child’s level of accomplishment and we will designate the appropriate class. Participation! Fun! GUARANTEED Success! For more information call 403-233-8393 or visit • Talisman Centre FITnews • Spring 2007 • 5

Talisman Centre

athlete profile

michelle thorkelson

by shane pizzey

Michelle Thorkelson is on a mission to achieve her dream of being involved in the National Rowing Program. She is a very dedicated athlete who has called Talisman Centre home this winter. Where are you from? I was born in Vancouver and raised in beautiful Barrie, Ontario. Why did you move to Calgary? I moved here to attend U of C after completing three years at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario. What did you take in school? Back in Ontario I was a biology major. When I came to Calgary I focused on geology, more specifically hydrogeology. Now I work in the oil & gas industry. Go figure. How did you get involved in the sport of rowing? I was first exposed to rowing at Laurentian by their rowing club. I took a learn to row course and sort of left it at that for a while. When I moved to Calgary, I dabbled in the U of C Rowing Club before I started competitive rowing in 1999. My first full competitive season was the summer of 2000 here in Calgary. What success stories do you have to share? I have been fortunate enough to have trained with some very good teammates. Sometimes memorable successes happen when everything comes together during a really tough training session on the water. Podium success stories? I competed for the Alberta rowing team for three consecutive seasons. I won a silver medal in the pairs event, and a few bronze medals in other events at the

Canada Cup of Rowing in Montreal. I’ve made it to the finals a handful of times in crew boats at the Royal Canadian Henley Regatta in St. Catherines, Ontario, perhaps Canada’s top rowing regatta. That was fun. What are your goals? My number one goal is to be involved in the National Rowing Team program. This is what I am training for. In the meantime, I would like to achieve my personal best 2000m time this summer. Have you had any injuries during your career? In 2002 I suffered a serious back injury. I continued to push through it until the end of the 2003 season, where I was diagnosed with 2 herniated disks in my lower back. I spent two and a half years in and out of physiotherapy, and didn’t get on the water at all during that time. I thought that my career may have been over. Last summer, I felt good enough to return to active competition. I was very pleased with my season after the long layoff. When not training, what do you do? Not training? (Laughs). In the winter, during the offseason, I try to spend as much time with my friends as possible, to let them know that I am still alive, and to find balance. In the summer, I am usually up at 4:30 am to get onto the water for practice. That isn’t very conducive to an active social life. If I have days off, I get out of the city for some mountain biking or camping with friends. My career as a geologist is important to me, so I am trying to foster that as well.

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What is your training schedule like? In the off-season, during the winter months, I workout between 6-9 times a week. These include erg (rowing machine) workouts and weight lifting to maximizing strength and core stability. In the summer our practice schedule ramps up to 8-11 workouts per week. When we get on the water in May, the focus shifts a bit to technique, endurance, and race strategy. How does the coaching you’ve received from the Athletic Performance Enhancement Program compare to other coaching that you have received? I have had great team coaches at rowing clubs although it’s inherently different than a personal coach. The difference has been the attention to detail. My coach is making sure that I’m training for improvement, and at the same time, for specific injury prevention. We have open dialog about what’s going on physically and that gives me confidence that my workouts are appropriate. My coach’s dedication and time spent on programming really stands out. What do you do to stay focused and not just give in? Challenge, that’s what I use. The drive to constantly improve is what keeps me focused. The sport itself is incredible. The sensation you get when you’re gliding across the water as the sun rises and the fog lifts, with nothing but the sound of your oars slicing the water is what gets me out of bed at 4:30 am.

When is your next competition? My most recent competition was the Alberta Indoor Rowing Championships March 24th in Red Deer. My first on-water regatta this year was in May (Michelle won this event!). What do you like about the training at Talisman Centre? I love the competitive atmosphere of the Athletic Training Zone. There is a common thread among the athletes and we push each other to work hard. The coaching staff is top quality and I appreciate the different performance enhancement options under one roof. When time is an issue, it is incredibly helpful to be able to talk with my coach, do a workout, consult a nutritionist, and when needed, a physiotherapist, all without having to leave the facility! What is your best memory of the sport? I have so many fantastic memories from over the years, I don’t know where to start. Actually, I’d say the best hasn’t happened yet. I’ll tell you at the end of my career, when I look back on everything. My best memory is yet to come. Any advice you can give to those interested in rowing? Try rowing if you want a fun, full-body, athletic experience. And if you compete in rowing or any sport, give it all you’ve got because the possibilities may surprise you.

MOST COMPLETE PROGRAM IN THE CITY! Customized Program Design • Advanced Nutrition Services Guaranteed Small Groups • Weekly On-Ice Conditioning Choose 8, 12 or 16 week packages • Call 355-1247 for all the details! 8 • Talisman Centre FITnews • Spring 2007 •

Talisman Centre will be replacing the fabric roof of the main building (the “tent”) in the spring of 2010. The new fabric roof will preserve the unique look that has become synonymous with Calgary’s architectural identity. FACTS ABOUT THE TALISMAN CENTRE ROOF REPLACEMENT: • The Talisman Centre roof will not be replaced until the spring of 2010 or later. • At this time we are working on a plan to minimize facility interruption “under the tent” during the roof replacement. We anticipate being able to operate the two new buildings and sections of “the tent” with minimal disruption to our customers. • The work is expected to take 6-8 months to complete. • Talisman Centre is committed to mitigating the impact of the closure in any way possible for all stakeholders — members, sport partners, program users, staff, and the Calgary community. • Talisman Centre is an architectural icon that contributes to Calgary’s skyline; the Talisman Centre roof is a City of Calgary asset and the cost to replace it will be covered by the City. • The new roof of Talisman Centre will be better than ever! It will have increased translucency, a 30 to 40 year lifespan, and potential energy utilization savings. The new fabric roof will still maintain the unique wide-open space feeling and the warmth of the streaming natural light, integral to the original roof design. • Talisman Centre wants to answer all your questions and concerns — we appreciate and value your loyalty! President and COO, Robin Mitchell has promised to sit down with each and every person who wants to discuss the roof replacement. In addition, there will be ongoing information available through newsletters, handouts, postings, Talisman Centre publications, and at

it’s all about

customer service It seems like Talisman Centre is hosting a lot more sporting events on the weekends this year, more than in past years? Is this true, and if so, why?

robin mitchell President and Chief Operating Officer

In 2010, we anticipate replacing our existing fabric roof. We are extremely excited about this unique opportunity as the new roof will provide greater energy efficiency within the building and allow much needed natural light to filter through.

Talisman Centre is hosting more sporting events this year, and the primary reason is that the Kinsmen Sports Centre in Edmonton is undergoing nine to ten months of major renovations to their facility. During any given year, Talisman Centre and Kinsmen Centre typically share the hosting of sporting events that occur in Alberta. With Kinsmen undergoing the renovations, Talisman Centre has had to pick up several additional events. While we will always host great sporting events as part of our unique culture, the additional number of events this year is not something that we anticipate doing year after year. In 2010, we anticipate replacing our existing fabric roof.  We are extremely excited about this unique opportunity as the new roof will provide greater energy efficiency within the building and allow natural light to filter through.  You may even get the feeling that you are training outside!  The existing roof is really showing it’s age with small drips and darkening of the inside insulation. With the new one we won’t have to worry about any of this. As our partnership with Kinsmen Sports Centre had us hosting many of the aquatic special events for the province due to their renovation, Talisman Centre expects the same partnership will occur for 2010 when most of the provincial aquatic events will be held at Kinsmen.   In anticipation of the increased number of events that we are hosting this year, we partnered with several other recreational facilities in Calgary in order that we might be able to ensure that our members were given the opportunity to still work out. We know that people joined Talisman Centre in order to work out here and not somewhere else. We also know from previous experience that the pressures on the parking lot, locker rooms and the rest of the building during events result in fitness members being frustrated. Members made it quite clear to us that we needed to do something. Since we do not have plans to stop hosting events and with limited parking and no immediate plans for additional parking, we needed to look elsewhere for facilities our members could go to when hosting a big event—hence the MEMBER EXCHANGE PROGRAM. On any given weekend, when we pre-determine that it is going to be busy because of an event, we will inform our members via the web site and signage located strategically throughout the building (Customer Alert Boards). We know that the Member Exchange Program is not a perfect solution but one we hope our members will take advantage of.

10 • Talisman Centre FITnews • Spring 2007 •

Talisman Centre

member services You’re invited to a . . .


Tuesday, July 10th 7 am to noon BBQ • Membership specials Lots of fun activity for the kids! Live entertainment! 30% off Breathe Retail for members [email protected]

The 2 Month Summer Membership is Back Limited time offer until June 30th only! $159 Adult • $319 Family • $139 Students

A gift for our valued members! Refer a friend today and we’ll extend your membership! Come in to Talisman Centre and pick up your referral card. Give it to a friend. If they sign up for an annual membership we extend your pass by one month for free!

Corporate Memberships

Get your company involved! With as few as 5 employees signed up your company is eligible for corporate rates. Team Building

Bring your company in for a social club event or intramurals! Book the Sears Nutrition Kitchen and have tasty team building events with a twist of lemon, a pinch of salt and a whole lot of fun!

Corporate Family Days Book your customized event today – gyms, pools, floatables toys

Programs & Personal Training

From swimming to yoga & personal group fitness training, something for every employee of all ages & abilities.


Enjoy North America’s largest fleet of giant inflatable toys. One of a kind, seriously cool experiences for your employees & families.

Stop by and check out our new website! Launch date early July! • Talisman Centre FITnews • Spring 2007 • 11

Talisman Centre

staff profile pam wilson by madeline kapiskowski Pam Wilson started her athletic career at a young age in Peterborough Ontario. She quickly excelled in the sport of Judo and earned the opportunity to travel around the world as one of Canada’s best. In University she started wrestling on a whim and quickly moved up the ranks in the University and National standings. She burst onto the international scene right away, winning a bronze medal at the Junior Worlds and the World University Championships which earned her a spot on the senior national team. Pam’s success as a wrestler brought her to Calgary after graduating in 2005 to train with new coaches and work towards to her next goal, going to the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. When Pam moved to Calgary she had many job interviews but it was when she walked into Talisman Centre that she knew it was where she was meant to be! She joined the TC team as a fitness consultant and quickly became a personal trainer. Pam managed to find the time to work five days a week, train six days day a week and travel periodically to tournaments in Asia, Europe and United States. When I asked Pam what her favourite part about competing in sports was she said it was the opportunity to travel and experience new cultures, meet so many unique people and test her limits everyday in training. Pam’s ability to excel as an athlete has complemented her career as part of the Talisman Team and her work with diverse groups of clients at the facility. She attributes her success to the support of friends and family and the flexibility she enjoys working at Talisman Centre. Her clients are understanding when she needs to reschedule a few sessions and her co-workers are always willing to cover a few shifts when needed. Thanks Pam, for your contribution to sport excellence and work excellence! Good luck!

12 • Talisman Centre FITnews • Spring 2007 •

fitness fashions! brought to you by

On Susan: Nike PB SL Base Layer ($52); Nike Perfect Fit Knee Short ($81)

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On Stacey (left): Nike Perfect Fit Pant ($104), Nike PB Cap Sleeve Shirt ($58); On Dominique: Nike Seamless SS Fitted Shirt ($86), Sugoi Mobil Trail Short ($48); On Susan: PUMA SL Sheer Top ($41), PUMA 3/4 Tight ($75). • Talisman Centre FITnews • Spring 2007 • 15

“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.” Joseph Pilates, Return to Life


breathe, strengthen and lengthen your way to a new you! by lorissa chan & jocelyne svensson

Pilates has become a popular form of exercise in the past decade but Joseph Pilates developed his series of exercises on the mat and on specialized equipment such as the Reformer and Cadillac/Trapeze table over 90 years ago. He set out to create a system of movements that would challenge not only the physical body but the mind as well. The three main principles of the Pilates Method are Whole Body Health, Whole Body Commitment and Breath (as described in Pilates’ book Return to Life). Pilates is a system of work and release designed to open the body while releasing joints. It trains muscle systems so that the body can move more efficiently. A Pilates session is comprised of exercises done on the mat and/or on equipment designed by Joseph Pilates. He originally developed 34 matwork exercises which later evolved into exercises done on the Reformer, Chair, Cadillac and other equipment. The matwork exercises use one’s own body weight and gravity for resistance, while some of the exercises done on the equipment use springs for resistance. Many of the Pilates exercises we see today maintain the original intent of the exercise as developed by its founder. However, as science and knowledge of the body have evolved, so have the exercises. To achieve the maximum benefit from your Pilates workout, proper execution of the exercises requires: 1) Concentration: Requires that the mind and body both be engaged. It can be considered as a 2-way street, where the brain trains the body and the body trains the brain. 2) Control: Requires that the entire body is controlled at the same time and is achieved through concentration 3) Centering: Stabilization of the area from the floating ribs down past hipbones. It is important to have control of this area at all times as there is no connection between the upper and lower parts of the body if the center is not secure.

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4) Precision: Requires that correct muscles and muscle systems are used and ensures that bones are in their proper positions so that muscles can work efficiently. 5) Rhythm (Flowing Movement): Objective is efficient movement – the body learns in movement not in stillness. 6) Breathing: Facilitates the movement, delivers oxygen, relieves stress along the vertebrae and discs and opens and strengthens the body. 7) Balanced Muscle Development: so that no one particular muscle or muscle system becomes overdeveloped Pilates is suitable for all levels of fitness, and can be done either in a group setting or an individual setting. To achieve maximum benefit from Pilates, a well-rounded program will include elements of matwork as well as equipment work. Group mat classes are designed for the average healthy back and focus mainly on the core postural muscles which support the spine. Alignment of the spine and contraction of deep torso muscles are important to help alleviate and prevent back pain. A one-on-one session may include exercises done on the equipment, giving the individual a total body workout. The Pilates professional is able to address specific issues, aid in promoting rehabilitation from injury, and promote healing. In both the group and individual settings, exercises can be modified to make the exercise either more challenging for the advanced participant or less challenging to address specific injuries or limitations. Pilates is now being recognized by health care professionals as a respectable form of rehab exercise but should be done “one-on-one” with a certified Pilates professional because every injury is unique and requires specific exercises for recovery. As Pilates is not designed to be a cardiovascular activity but rather a supplement to one’s weekly workout program, the full benefits of Pilates are realized when Pilates is practiced 3 times per week along with regular cardiovascular activity and proper nutrition.

walk this way by virginia janes

The old adage, don’t knock a sport until you try it remains true. If you are looking for something to increase core strength and deepen cardio conditioning try racewalking. It may not be big in Canada, but racewalking has respect and a large following through Europe, Asia and Australia. Racewalking is a technique which requires the use of often under utilized muscles to propel the walker forward at faster speeds and evolved through decades of defining the sport. A legal racewalker must walk without violating two rules. At no time should there be visible loss of contact with the ground and the advancing leg must be straight from the moment it contacts the ground until the vertical and upright position is achieved. It is these two rules differentiate racewalking from running. In Calgary we are fortunate to have Canada’s reining queen and former Olympic racewalker Janice McCaffery and Jeannie Harms as coaches for Adrenaline Rush Racewalkers. I first met Janice at a Mentally Tough workshop held at Lindsay Park (now Talisman Centre) where she introduced the group to racewalking as a way to stretch paradigms. At the time I was running 6 km easily, but soon discovered it took more cardiovascular endurance and muscle tone to reach that distance racewalking. After three knee surgeries, running is no longer an option so I turned to racewalking with continued success. Talisman Centre’s 200m track is a good likeness to Edmonton’s Butterdome for race conditioning. Through the winter, several Adrenalin Rush Racewalkers have utilized Talisman’s track in the mornings to prepare to challenge Edmonton racewalkers. All members are competitive and yet wonderfully compassionate friends. We encourage each other and take great pride in our accomplishments as a group and as individuals. Long live racewalking! Oh, and if a racewalker passes you as you run, remember you are welcome to join us. Talk to us on Talisman’s track! • Talisman Centre FITnews • Spring 2007 • 17

go kayaking and

experience lifestyle exercise! by aimee rowles

Experience what the coast of British Columbia has to offer whether you have two hours on a business trip or a week to paddle through remote islands. Every year I make it a point to visit Vancouver Island for at least a weekend to relax and enjoy the ocean. Recently a group of us decided to spend two weeks on vacation with one week on Vancouver Island between Echo Bay and Quadra Island. The four of us girls piled into a car with all of our gear and headed out (luckily we didn’t have to pack any kayaks or paddles). The tour we were booked with, Spirit of the West Adventures, provided us with the equipment and food needed for our week on the water. The trip started with a two hour drive from Quadra Island / Campbell River to Alder Bay where we boarded a water taxi to transport us an additional two hours to Echo Bay where we spent our first night on a floating house. This would be our only night in a bed. For the rest of our nights we would kayak up to remote islands, tie our kayaks up and pitch our tents under the canopy of trees.

We paddled each day for four-six hours, stopping for lunch on various beaches and paddling into remote areas to look at sea life beside us on rocky cliffs and under us in shallow water. We even went out on a night paddle with natural light guiding us around the islands. Wildlife was very visible, from bald eagles and bears to harbor seals and porpoises. The harbor seals would tend to follow our group from a distance, randomly poking their heads out of the water. One time a harbor seal poked his head up at the end of my kayak which caught both of us by surprise. Unfortunately, in a region known for Orcas, we didn’t see any. A super pod had formed further north of our location. Our guides consistently made the experience one to remember. The information they provided about the area and the history of the various islands made the trip more exciting then if we would have paddled on our own. I personally loved every second of this trip and will return to the area. It was extremely relaxing, fun and provided a way to keep active in a form we don’t have in Calgary.

For more information contact Spirit of the West Adventures at

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eat more fish by kelly drager BPE, BSc, RD

With the release of the new Canada’s Food Guide comes a specific recommendation on the number of servings of fish to consume per week. The benefits of consuming fish are not new. The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada as well as the American Heart Association currently encourage 2 servings of fish per week and many nutritionists also stress the importance of fish in your diet. Fish is an excellent source of high quality protein and is one of the few foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids – mainly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These fats have been shown to have cardiovascular protective effects. DHA particularly is essential for optimal brain and retinal development. Fish is also low in saturated fat compared to meat and poultry, a source of vitamin D and A, selenium, and calcium (if the bones are eaten). The recommendation stated on the Canada’s Food Guide is: “Eat at least 2 servings of fish each week; choose fish such as char, herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines and trout” (1 serving is equal to 75g, 2 ½ oz, 125 ml (½ cup)) EAT MORE LOW CONTAMINATED FISH Though increasing fish intake has many human health benefits, one also needs to look at choosing lowcontaminated fish. For example, the Food Guide also refers individuals to Health Canada’s website for advice on limiting exposure to mercury from certain types of fish. Health Canada’s guidelines for mercury exposure from fish are reviewed and updated as needed. On February 19, 2007, Health Canada updated the health advisory related to mercury in fish to include advice for certain groups (namely women and children) on eating canned Albacore tuna.1 To decrease intake of fish with mercury consider the following: a) Avoid eating fish with higher levels of mercury such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, and fresh or frozen tuna.

b) Limit amount of canned Albacore tuna. Read the label – look for canned ‘light’ tuna (or skipjack on the ingredients). Health Canada advises that women who are or who may become pregnant, or who are breastfeeding can eat up to 10 oz (2 cups) of canned albacore tuna each week. Children between 1 and 4 years can eat up to 2 1/2 oz (1/2 cup) each week. Children between 5 and 11 years can eat up to 5 oz (1 cup) each week. EAT MORE LOW CONTAMINATED FISH THAT ARE HEALTHY FOR THE OCEANS The oceans ability to provide fish for the growing intake of people is diminishing. One study that looked at the effects of changes in marine biodiversity on the marine ecosystem predicted that all wild fisheries would suffer 90% depletion by 2048 if current management methods persist. But these current trends could be reversed if changes take place now to fix the problems.2 Fish options that are high in omega 3 fats, low in contaminants and good for the fish populations include anchovies, Atlantic herring, Atlantic mackerel, wild (Alaska) salmon, canned salmon (pink/sockeye) and Arctic char. As healthy as fish are for people, awareness of contaminants as well as fishing practices need to be considered when buying seafood. This can help to ensure future generations can have the fish and eat it too! To download an eco-friendly pocket-sized seafood selector visit documents/1980_pocket_seafood_selector.pdf 1. Information update – Health Canada advises specific groups to limit their consumption of canned albacore tuna. Available at www.hc-sc.gc. ca/ahc-asc/media/advisories-avis/2007/2007_14_e.html. 2. Worm et al. 2006. Impacts of biodiversity loss on ocean ecosystem services. Science 314: 787-790. • Talisman Centre FITnews • Spring 2007 • 19

You asked us!

The Use of Chlorine in Talisman Centre Pools Why does Talisman Centre use chlorine in the pools? Talisman Centre is committed to the health and safety of our customers. We are required to work with the Calgary Health Region to ensure our standards meet the industry regulations. • Compared to most facilities, we have a much higher volume of pool use. Chlorine is recognized and approved by the Calgary Health Region as one of the best agents to control the level of bacteria in the water in order to maintain safe swimming conditions. • The Calgary Health Region determines that the minimum required level of free available chlorine is 1 ppm. The strong smell of chlorine is not due to excessive levels. Our chlorine levels are monitored via an electronic controllers for each pool (24 x 7) and water samples are taken daily. • All large swimming pools in Calgary use chlorine in one form or another. Talisman Centre uses chlorine gas to treat the water. Pools that use other systems also produce/use chlorine in one form or another: a) salt system which produces chlorine b) liquid bleach (which is chlorine) c) ozone and liquid bleach d) full stream ultraviolet and liquid bleach The concentrations of chlorine vary from system to system.

Would we consider changing to a different system? Talisman Centre is exploring options and upgrades of the current system. Since the anticipated shut down time in order to convert from one system to another is approximately 1 month, this would not take place unless the building were closed for facility upgrades such as when we replace the roof.

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Stanley Park Outdoor Pool Projected Opening June 30th, 2007

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Issue 3 • Spring 2007


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