Fit News 2

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blythe hartley the road to Beijing 08 new year new you! pump up that chest roof update

contents 2 / CHEST Exercises 6 / ATHLETE profile – BLYTHE HARTLEY 9 / TALISMAN CENTRE ROOF UPDATE 10 / TALISMAN CENTRE Customer Service 12 / member profile – CARI DIN 14 / SPRING Fashions FROM BREATHE APPAREL 16 / VACATION LIFESTYLE EXERCISE 18 / LIFESTYLE COACHING 19 / COOKING CLASSES 20 / Final Thoughts FITnews is published by Talisman Centre four times per year and is distributed to more than 50,000 members and program participants of Talisman Centre. The magazine provides information on living a healthy, active lifestyle in and around the City of Calgary. FITnews stimulates interest in its members through information on athletics, wellness and aquatic experiences available at Talisman Centre and through profiling Talisman Centre athletes and customers that have achieved success through utilizing the building. Letters to the editor and editorial submissions are welcome. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse any submission. Views expressed or implied are those of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Talisman Centre. robert bunka editor

2225 MacLeod Trail South, Calgary, Alberta T2G 5B6 233-8393 [email protected] Advertising Coordination: 403 355 1268

from the editor A new year, a new you! Every year we do it – we make a commitment to change. The change may be better health, to stop smoking, to spend more time with family – and every year we fall off the band wagon. We have an insurgence of people that come to Talisman Centre throughout January & February with great intentions of achieving their new years resolution. But slowly, beginning in March, we see a decline in the volume of people as they perceive their resolution completed or, more often, they simply give up. I like the way our feature athlete in this issue, Blythe Hartley, puts it: “it’s about setting a long term goal that works for me and then committing full heartedly to that goal.” I’ve been involved in sport long enough to know that if you don’t commit, you won’t succeed. We can find excuses along the way. Eliminate them and your goal is so much easier to get to. I really believe that if you develop a routine for yourself or get a workout partner, you are more likely to stick to a regular workout routine and keep it going throughout the year rather than going for a one-time deal, as many new years resolutions tend to be. Get yourself kick started by hiring a personal trainer. You will find that you lift more, run faster, actually do ab crunches and are sore the next day, but the big thing is that you will see immediate results. It’s amazing the difference a trainer can make in your regular workout routine. After retiring from competitive swimming a few years ago, I hired a personal trainer to help me develop a maintenance program and ensure that the notorious “after-sport bulge” didn’t appear. I can tell you that I thought I’d worked hard for the several years of varsity and club swimming, training over 22 hours a week, pushing myself to the point of exhaustion, but my personal trainer opened my eyes to what my actual physical capabilities were and how, in certain areas, I was coasting. When I did weights I did them at a weight that I wanted and thought was reasonable but my trainer pushed me to lift weight I never thought possible and gave me exercises that worked muscles I never even knew I had. He also taught balance in terms of what muscles groups I should be focusing on to get the results I wanted as well as encouraging proper nutrition along the way. He made me run faster and harder than I would have ever thought possible and made sweat pour off me like I was still in the pool! I think that by having a personal trainer I was able to learn new exercises properly, work in new routines and develop a regular scheduled exercise regimen custom-designed for me. A new year, a new you, but grab someone else along the way. It’s so much easier when you have someone pushing you. Happy New Year! See in you in the weight room or swimming pool!

Get yourself kick started by hiring a personal trainer. You’ll find that you lift more, run faster, actually do ab crunches and are sore the next day, but the big thing is that you will see immediate results.

— R.B. • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 • 1

chest exercises

while you


There are several chest exercises that you can do to strengthen your “pushing” muscles. You might wonder how various exercises work your chest differently, and what you can do to improve your exercises and routine. Here are a few things you can consider to help improve the effectiveness of your chest work-out.

by dave joseph Dave is a Personal Trainer at Talisman Centre and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology.

Pectoralis Major—Two Parts When you think of chest muscles, you probably first think pectoralis major; the main muscle used in any pushing action or forward movement of the arm. It is helpful to know that pectoralis muscle has two parts – an upper part (the clavicular head attaches to your clavicle) and a lower part (the sternocostal head attaches to your sternum and ribs). Each of these two parts moves the arm at different angles to your torso. Exercises, such as the incline chest press (photo top left), also called horizontal adductions, where the shoulder is being flexed forward and up involves a stronger contraction by the upper part of your chest. Exercises, such as the decline chest press (photo top right) and chest dips, in which the shoulder is being flexed forward and down involves a stronger contraction by the lower part of your chest. Doing a combination of chest exercises involving both an upward and downward flexion of your arms will help to strengthen all parts of your pectoralis major. More Than Your Pecs—Deltoids And Triceps Very few exercises ever completely isolate the action of a single muscle or muscle group, and chest exercises are no exception. Doing any upward flexion of your arm, for instance, will also utilize the anterior portion of the versatile deltoid muscle. Any exercise involving pushing will involve the tricep brachii muscles in addition to your pectoralis major. This is because pushing involves not only horizontal flexion of your shoulder joint, but also the extension of your elbow joint, which is the job of your triceps. To best isolate your chest muscles from your triceps, consider doing front flies to eliminate any extension in your elbows. How Far Apart Should My Hands Be? This is perhaps one of the most common questions about chest exercises, especially about those that involve a barbell. There is no right answer – your ideal hand position depends on how you want to split the workload between your chest and triceps. Think of it like this: doing a barbell press with your hands close together will cause your elbows to move through a greater range of motion (ROM), placing greater demand on your triceps (this reduces the workload of the chest muscles). Putting your hands farther apart on a barbell reduces the ROM through which you elbows are moving, placing less resistance on your triceps. So if you want to concentrate on using your chest muscles, spread your hands farther apart to reduce the effort of your triceps. If you want to fatigue your triceps, bring your hands close together. If you want a good balance, place each hand to a position that is somewhere between your shoulder and elbow.

2 • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 •

incline chest press

decline chest press

shrug, roll back and depress • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 • 3

Keep Your Back Flat One of the most common mistakes when doing chest exercises is excessive arching of the back. Often people will hyper extend their back and even raise their hips off the bench just to get in the last repetition. This creates an unstable position, and can even be harmful for your back. The effect of arching your back is that it brings the lower part of your pectoralis major into a position that will give a more forceful contraction against the resistance. Although this makes the exercise “easier” by using the stronger lower part of your chest, it is counterproductive if you’re trying to concentrate on working on the upper part of your chest, such as when doing a flat or incline chest press. You can avoid arching your back when doing these exercises by focusing on doing a strong and steady abdominal contraction to tilt your pelvis towards your rib cage; this will have the effect of keeping your back flat on the bench (see photo previous page top left). Shrug, Roll Back And Depress Your chest muscles are a powerful muscle group, and it is easy to strain a muscle, or cause a muscle or nerve to become impinged if you allow the actions of your chest muscles to overpower the stability in your shoulders. Here are a few tips to keep in mind to maintain proper posture in your shoulders when doing chest exercises. Shrug, roll back, and depress is a simple series of actions you can do with your shoulders to help engage the muscles that will stabilize your shoulders when you do a set of chest exercise. Shrugging your shoulders will prevent your shoulders from dropping. Rolling your shoulders back will encourage the head of your humerus (upper arm bone) to stay firmly in place, and your scapula (shoulder blade) to remain retracted and will avoid it being thrust forward with the pull of your chest. Depressing your shoulder will hold your scapula down and will prevent your shoulders from being pressed up towards your neck (acting against the motion of shrugging your shoulders to create a stable balance). Once you shrug, roll back and depress your shoulders, focus on keeping this position throughout the set of the chest exercise. These series of actions can also be used to help stabilize your shoulder whenever doing back or shoulder exercises (see photos previous page bottom left/right).

4 • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 •


Allow the Strength and Conditioning Coaches of the Athletic Performance Enhancement Team (APE) guide you to the best athletic year you could have. APE training packages are designed with the needs of the athletes of all abilities and levels in mind. Through the APE you have access to qualified Strength and Conditioning Coaches, dietitians, and sport physiologists, who will provide leading edge training, guidance, motivation, expertise and

TALISMAN CENTRE PERSONAL TRAINING! Long term success is what we’re all about—personalized programs and a staff of experts committed to ensuring you achieve your goals. • All of our trainers have diplomas, bachelors and/or masters degrees in kinesiology, physical education. • Certifications from the Alberta Fitness and Lifestyle Certification Association, National Coaching Certification, Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology, National Strength and Conditioning Association. • Our team will inspire and motivate you! They represent a wide range of interests, experiences, and expertise.

• Weight Management • Improve body composition • Functional Training for Your Real life needs • Performance Plateau breakthrough • Increased Quality of Life • Enhanced muscle definition and mass • Improvement in bone density, metabolism, muscular strength and endurance • Enhanced heart and lung function • Decreased stress levels • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 • 5

Talisman Centre

athlete profile

blythe hartley by rob bunka

This two time World Champion and Olympic medalist diver is on track to achieve her dream of Olympic Gold at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. What sets her apart from the rest? You’ve been extremely successful in your sport and have achieved what many people only dream of. What is it that pushes you to excel and win? (She laughs) I feel incredibly fortunate with the accomplishments that I’ve had and I also feel incredibly lucky that I have a talent. I try to acknowledge that talent throughout my training and mental preparation. I’m constantly making goals and striving to achieve the best at everything I do. Every goal I make I reassess and set new goals. I have a desire to constantly improve. How did you originally get into the sport? How has it influenced the person you are today? As a child my parents encouraged participation in a variety of sports but I really liked both competitive swimming and gymnastics so my parents encouraged me to combine the two and try diving. Diving now influences every aspect of my life. I am the person I am today because of the sport and the positive influences it has had on me growing up. Sport has opened so many doors for me and allowed more options for me, such as living in a different country for a while and moving to different cities for training. I don’t believe I would have had obtained these options as easily without being involved in sport. I really believe the best avenue to learn the life skills of perserverance and goal setting is directly through involvement in sport.

6 • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 •

What do you like about training at Talisman Centre? I absolutely love it! One of the friendliest, most accommodating facilities I’ve ever trained in. When you train five to six hours a day and walk in the door and staff know your name and greet you, it just makes your day. I’ve had some great opportunities through competitions and training in other cities, but honestly, you can’t compare. This place really stands above the rest. As many people are now working on New Years Resolutions and developing goals, how do you go about goal setting and do you make modifications to those goals as you go through the training process? In terms of developing goals I think the best thing is to sit down, ask yourself what you want and what you are willing to do to get to that goal – then stay the course. That’s really what I have done throughout my career to achieve success. Modifications may happen along the way, but it’s important that when you set a goal you stick to it. Most of my goals are more long term goals than short term so I’m looking at the big picture and what steps I need to take to get to those goals. What are your new years resolutions? I think this year my big focus will be on staying in contact more with close friends and family throughout the year. Sometimes I am so focused on a goal that I forget this important priority. What would you tell parents of kids aspiring to get into the sport of diving? The sport is fantastic! I love to see kids involved. You can watch them face their fears and overcome them. I would encourage parents to get their kids involved in a variety of sports first and let their kids determine which sport they feel passionate about. The sport of diving is not for everyone but I think you have to discover that for yourself and not let anyone discourage you from trying something out.

What would you tell kids who decide they want to pursue this sport? For the kids that are already involved in diving – I would say be dedicated, set goals, keep a very balanced life and make sure you love the sport on a daily basis. Leave the pool at the pool. Making the Olympics doesn’t happen overnight and such a long term commitment needs to be enjoyed along the way or you can easily become discouraged. I think if you can find enjoyment on a daily basis in your sport it provides longevity and keeps you motivated. How many hours a day do you train? How many days a week? I average about 4 to 5 hours daily, 6 days a week. What are the next major competitions that you are training for? I have the World Championships in March followed by the Pan Am Games in July. How do you stay focused on such long term goals? Each Olympic experience has been very different. The last Olympic experience, I had moved to Montreal the previous year to commit myself 100% to the sport of diving. I breathed, spoke, ate the sport for the whole year. Then came Athens and I had a successful Olympics (Bronze – 10m Synchro Diving), but I looked back and realized it wasn’t the greatest year of my life. I was fearful of not living up to people’s expectations. After Athens, I began to enjoy the sport again and looking forward I really want to be able to just be myself and give it my all and not worry about results. I just want to have fun with the whole experience. What is your greatest accomplishment in your sport? I have three but all for very different reasons. My fondest memory was qualifying for the 2000 Olympics. Winning my first world title and winning the medal in Athens are • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 • 7

also great accomplishments for me personally but for very different reasons.

influence on my diving. I just need to make it a priority to make it happen.

Many of Canada’s amateur athletes have to balance work and personal life with their sport career in order to make ends meet­ – how do you do it?

What are your sport retirement plans?

I currently work with Royal Bank of Canada and the RBC Olympian program. They provide work experience, flexibility in schedules and financial support. I really believe in having a balanced life based on my experience in 2004 where I just focused on diving for the whole year. I really think it hurt me in the end. I am going to continue working, training and having a social life because that’s what makes me happy and I think it will have a positive

This is something that all athletes struggle with. Right now I’m so focused on sport that I’m still looking at what adventure I’m going to take next. I’d love to stay in Calgary and find a job that I’m passionate about, but I’m not sure what that journey will look like quite yet. You can see Blythe train at the dive tank at Talisman Centre from 9:00 – 12:00 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays or from 3:00 – 5:00 pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Make the right choice for you and your child! ✔ small class sizes ✔ more time spent swimming ✔ more attention placed upon stroke improvement ✔ focus on self-esteem and confidence building ✔ great opportunity to explore other aquatic sports

Coming from another Learn to Swim Program? The Sears I Can Swim Program is fully compatible. Let us know you or your child’s level of accomplishment and we will designate the appropriate class.

Participation! Fun! GUARANTEED Success! For more information call 403-233-8393 or vist

8 • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 •

TALISMAN CENTRE . . . Keeping our Customers Informed

We’re flipping our lid but not before 2010!

The legendary roof at Talisman Centre will remain an architectural icon in Calgary’s skyline! Talisman Centre will be replacing the roof of the main building in the spring of 2010 or thereafter. The new roof will preserve the unique look that has become synonymous with Calgary’s architectural identity. FACTS ABOUT THE TALISMAN CENTRE ROOF REPLACEMENT:

• The current roof of Talisman Centre is 100% safe—the roof is, has been, and will be, vigilantly monitored by various experts to ensure the integrity of the roof’s structure. • The Talisman Centre roof will not be replaced until the spring of 2010 or later. • The main building may be closed for approximately six to eight months during the roof replacement—Talisman Centre is currently working on a plan to shorten the closure period. • At present, Talisman Centre is also investigating the opportunity to continue operating the two newly constructed buildings during the roof replacement, pending safety and ease of access. • Talisman Centre is committed to mitigating the impact of the closure in any way possible for all stakeholders—sport partners, members, program users, staff, the general public and the Calgary community. • Talisman Centre is an architectural icon that contributes to Calgary’s skyline; the Talisman Centre roof is a City of Calgary asset and the cost to replace it will be covered by the City. • Talisman Centre will explore the opportunity to complete a major capital maintenance program during the closure; projects such as painting the dive tank or re-tiling the 50 metre pool will be considered. • The new roof of Talisman Centre will be better than ever! It will have increased translucency, a 30 to 40 year lifespan, and potential energy utilization savings. The new roof will still maintain the unique wide-open space feeling and the warmth of the streaming natural light, integral to the original roof design. • Talisman Centre wants to answer all your questions and concerns —we appreciate and value your loyalty! President and COO, Robin Mitchell, has promised to sit down with each and every person who wants to discuss the roof replacement. In addition, there will be ongoing information available through newsletters, handouts, postings, Talisman Centre publications, and at

it’s all about

customer service Dealing with the New Year Crowds . . . With New Year’s resolutions, getting back to the regular daily routine, and trying to work off those extra pounds that came from the turkey, egg nog, sweets and treats, recreation facilities all over the city will be busy especially during the evening prime times. Talisman Centre will be no different, and in saying that we would like to encourage you to have the “mind set” coming in, that you may have to wait a little longer for equipment, there will be more people using the locker rooms, and there will be less parking available. To get the most out of your workout, we suggest that you consider exercising outside of the 5:30 to 9:00 PM time frame if you can. Be courteous to fellow members and limit your cardio time to 30 minutes. Sign up using the cardio boards. Allow others to work in with you on weight training equipment. Try a different piece of cardio equipment than you normally use. Over the month of January and early February people will sort out their workout routines, and the overcrowding will lessen. Please be patient and enjoy your workout time.

General Public and Sport Share the Same Space . . . Talisman Centre is unique in that we have a dual mandate: TO provide facilities, programs and services for the wellness and recreational sporting needs of the citizens of Calgary and; TO provide training facilities and competition facilities and services for the development of Calgary’s high performance athletes in their respective dryland and aquatic sports. Talisman Centre supports and sponsors 29 sport clubs that are proud to call Talisman Centre home! That means they train and compete here 7 days a week. As a member or program user, the environment that this creates is one of serious training, results oriented, with a high level of expertise when it comes to staff and phenomenal facilities. It is a balancing act to ensure that there is enough training and competition time for the sport teams and the general public. Throughout the year one may encroach on the other. We try, where possible, to minimize this imbalance, but we acknowledge that this does happen. In 2007, to combat this, on busy event weekends, we have formed partnerships with other recreational facilities and will be offering the Partner Exchange Program. On select busy event weekends, annual, four and one-month members will be made aware in advance that they can utilize facilities elsewhere in Calgary for FREE. Visit the Customer Service Desk for details.

Sincerely, Robin Mitchell President & Chief Operating Officer, Talisman Centre

10 • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 •

Talisman Centre

member services

One of Talisman Centre’s key strategies for 2007 will focus around building our customer service level to match and surpass some of the leaders in the industry. As part of the Membership Services Program, new value-added services will be incorporated including a referral program for recommending the facility to your colleagues, friends and families, additional benefits for upgrading your membership and more exciting Membership Appreciation Days. For more information drop by the Customer Service Desk.

Corporate Memberships

Get your company involved! With as few as 5 employees signed up your company is eligible for corporate rates. On December 3rd, 2006, Talisman Centre hosted its largest Member Appreciation Event in the history of its operation. Over 260 people came to the event and enjoyed a multitude of activities designed for the whole family. Parents, aunts, uncles, and even grandparents could be found racing in the obstacle courses, giving their kids a pounding in the gladiator ring and even competing against them in the touch down bungee run. Even Santa Claus stopped by to hand out Christmas oranges to everyone he met. In addition to all of the special activities many people took advantage of the “Its Good to be a Member” special. They received special discounts on all retail items from Breathe Apparel, on their new or renewed memberships and on many other great Christmas gift ideas that were available here at TC.

Easter Member Appreciation Day!

April 1st 2-5pm

Talisman Centre welcomes all members and their family and friends to come and enjoy a fun filled afternoon at one of Canada’s largest sport and wellness facility. Easter games, more obstacle courses, and of course the Talisman Centre floatables will all be a part of the largest event yet. If you are interested in attending please RSVP as soon as possible to [email protected].

Team Building

Bring your company in for a social club event or intramurals! Book the Sears Nutrition Kitchen and have tasty team building events with a twist of lemon, a pinch of salt and a whole lot of fun!

Corporate Family Days Book your customized event today – gyms, pools, floatables toys

Programs & Personal Training

From swimming to yoga & personal group fitness training, something for every employee of all ages & abilities.


Enjoy North America’s largest fleet of giant inflatable toys. One of a kind, seriously cool experiences for your employees & families. • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 • 11

Talisman Centre

member profile

by rob bunka

cari din TALISMAN CENTRE Member Since 1983 Cari won a silver medal in team synchronized swimming at the ‘96 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta. We talked to her about family, training and maintaining a healthy lifestyle since achieving this ultimate goal. How long has your family been coming to Talisman Centre? What activities do you regularly participate in? I have been coming to Talisman since the opening ceremony at the Western Canada Summer Games in 1983 and have not really left. My children have been coming to Talisman Centre since they were new babies jostling around the Stroller Class. What do you like best about the facility? My favourite thing about the facility is its diversity. I am inspired by the Cardiac Wellness customers, the staff in all areas, the very young, the very old, the Olympic hopefuls, the uber-strong moms. What is your new years resolution? To rely more on positive imagery. Expand upon the positives. How do you balance your work & personal life with maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle? Scheduling. I plan what our week looks like in advance – as much as possible – to balance needs and wants. Organized grocery shopping helps too. I am a big list person and healthy foods are on it.

What is your family’s definition of a healthy lifestyle? Balanced nutrition and fun activity. I think at this point our boys understand those two concepts. How has your use of the facility changed from being an athlete to a parent? As an athlete I didn’t worry about anyone else – certainly not in the way that a parent worries. Coming to Talisman everyday was completely about me and achieving my goals. I now look at TC with a wider lens. I have opened up to see more than the pool I was training in. I rely heavily upon the kindness of the staff in the child care and the preschool now as well. I guess the constant through being an Olympic athlete and an at-home mom working to be fit is that the setting, the environment at Talisman Centre motivates me – it always has. When I was competing, our sport psychologist made a tape for me of background noise inside the building. It had the normal sounds and voices that echoed through a normal weekday evening here – lots of noise. I would play that tape before competing and take myself out of the pressure-filled setting of a World Championship and back into my bustling, loud home. I always swam really well when I could get into the head space of being at home – in Talisman. You’ve had many successes as an athlete and coach, how do you stay motivated to pursue your own personal goals? At this stage of life, it is more about enjoying the process than targeting an end result. I like to push myself both physically and mentally but don’t have a deep desire to compete in an organized event. That may change as my family grows.

12 • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 •

How will you influence your children to pursue physical activity as they get older?

What has been your greatest success while being at Talisman Centre?

My hope is to instill in them the feeling that being active is simply fun and that activity really is its own reward.

It is hard not to say the Olympic medal. It really was the culmination of an eighteen year odyssey.

What would you tell first time mothers in terms of getting back into a regular workout routine?

What brought you and your family to Talisman Centre initially?

Join the stroller class! The smartest decision I made with my first child was to come to the class at Talisman. I made some of my greatest mom connections in that class and cannot applaud it enough.

Swimming for the Calgary Aquabelles. What keeps me coming back is the multitude of offerings including the personal pursuits training, the child care, the preschool and the diversity of athletes assembled under the big top! • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 • 13


fitness fashions brought to you by

located at Talisman Centre

and Sugoi Wahine SL Top ort; on Andrea (right) Sh tch No , Top T e Pac goi c Short; on Calvin Su i Magna Tank Top, Zin On Susan (left) Sugo

14 • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 •

Activ Short.

On Susan Nike Adventure Top, Nike Argo Ergo Woven Pant.

On Calvin Nike Double-Mesh SS Top, Nike Power Capri Pant.

On Andrea Nike Club Tee, Nike Pranidana Knee Short. • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 • 15

explore Hawaii and

experience lifestyle exercise! by rob bunka

For those of us that are lucky enough to vacation throughout the year, usually the last thing on your mind is working out. Finally time to relax, sleep in, tour around your new destination, eat out and in some cases party the night away. In recent years a larger percentage of travelers are seeking out adventure sport holidays or are looking for opportunities to continue their healthy lifestyle while on vacation. Recently, I had the amazing opportunity to take a holiday to the beautiful islands of Hawaii for an active adventure holiday. It all started with the flight over to Honolulu, Oahu with United Airlines with a quick stop in San Francisco. The flight from San Fran is slightly more than 4 hours and the staff at United get you in that Aloha spirit with great activities and a good selection of movies. If your budget allows, I’d definitely recommend upgrading your ticket to ECONOMY PLUS where you get plenty of leg room to stretch out. As a frequent flyer throughout North America I find it really important to ensure you drink plenty of water throughout a flight to stay hydrated and to take several moments to ensure you stretch your legs. This can easily be done in your seat or by taking an opportunity to walk throughout the cabin. Upon arrival in Honolulu we were immediately greeted by the warm, humid tropical air that makes you feel and look amazing throughout your stay. My adventure began early the next morning, catching a 5:00 am flight over to the Big Island for a 12 hour Volcano hike. I booked with Hawaii Forest & Trail Tours as they had won the 2006 Ecotour Operator of the Year Award and came highly recommended in my internet searches. The tour was phenomenal as was our tour operator, Keith. If you want above and beyond customer service and a ton of local information about Hawaii and the ecology of the islands this is the tour for you. Even though it was 12 hours in length the day flew by and the group was provided with many opportunities to explore the youngest and largest of the Hawaiian Islands. In terms of hiking there are opportunities for short hikes throughout the day but you won’t be hiking for a full day. We toured the entire

National Volcanoes Park and learned so much information about volcanoes and lava that I could probably teach a class on it. From lava tubes, lava fields, craters, rivers and cone heads I found the tour extremely rewarding not only from the educational standpoint but also in the way the experience connected you to the island and its breathtaking scenery. It really was a great way to start the holiday as we were given hints on local eateries, local culture and the language and history of the islands. The next day we took a Mountain Bike tour of the Kaaawa Valley through the Bike Hawaii Tour Company. These guys are the only licensed mountain bike company in Hawaii and they certainly know what they are doing. From top of the line Kona mountain bikes to once in a lifetime views of the same valley where such films as Pearl Harbour, Jurassic Park and the TV series LOST were filmed. This company knows how to give you a great workout! I probably lost 5 lbs in sweat alone as we traversed steep single-track inclines and maneuvered through mountain streambeds. Our guide, Matiesse, was not only excellent at providing various tourist information but also provided ample rest time and tips on how to traverse some of the extreme terrain. He let us choose paths that were less difficult or more extreme (for the thrill seekers!). We even got the opportunity to taste fresh guava picked right off the tree and fresh coconut milk from coconuts knocked down by our guide. By the end of our five hour adventure we were exhausted, covered in mud and soaked with perspiration but grinning ear to ear. It was an amazing experience that I plan to do over again every time I cross the Pacific and land on these amazing islands. I’m big on trying new experiences and love to be active outdoors. Hawaii provides you all that and the best weather and scenery to boot. If you are looking to stay in shape throughout your holidays why not look at going somewhere that provides you the atmosphere to relax, explore, have fun and remain active and healthy. For more information on the tours I took in Hawaii check out and

16 • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 •

life coaching

What is holding you back?

by colin hyland Colin is a Wellness Coordinator and Program Instructor at Talisman Centre.

When I tell people I am a Life Coach I get all sorts of responses. They range from “life coaching – what is that?” to “how can you coach my life, if you haven’t experienced what I do?” Telling people I am a Life Coach when the term is not too well known has its challenges but it always turns into something quite special. Having a Life Coach is something I recommend for everyone even if you are a person who has it all together. With everybody so busy these days trying to fit everything in, our core values often get overlooked. We are willing to put a lot of time and energy into doing things for other people but are reluctant to spend it on ourselves. Sit down and think about the following questions for a minute: • What gets you up in the morning? • What gets your blood flowing? • What have you always wanted to do in life? • Where have you always wanted to go? • How do you want to be remembered? When you ask yourself these questions, what comes to mind? If your answers are “I don’t know” then ask yourself what is holding you back. This is the starting point of a Life Coaching Session. Your life coach helps you focus on what is important for you and what you want to achieve with your life, helping you build precisely defined and prioritized goals. With your coach’s help, you will examine and clarify your needs, values and beliefs and develop the goals that help you grow – personally and professionally. Your coach also helps you to dig deep into the issues you face, understanding the possible causes underlying them, and develop and implement a plan for dealing with them. To find out more about Life Coaching you can contact Colin at 233-8393.

18 • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 •

Your life coach helps you focus on what is important for you and what you want to achieve with your life, helping you build precisely defined and prioritized goals.



in the

by crystal dennis

COOKING CLASSES We have an exciting new year of cooking classes coming up in the Sears Nutrition Kitchen! Guest chefs, including Certified Chef de Cuisine Dean Mitchell and “Thai Guy” Patrick Dunn will pass their cooking expertise over to you in these fun and informative hands-on classes. Check these out (for a full listing go to and click on the cooking classes button): Tuesday, January 23 – 6:00 to 9:00 PM $65.00 per person EAST INDIAN FOODS FOR ENTERTAINING Shefali will provide some wonderful ways to spice up your winter entertaining. Tuesday, January 30 – 6:00 to 9:00 PM $65.00 per person COMFORT FOODS – Patrick Dunn Cold winter nights…Soup, meatloaf, mac and cheese, anything fried and sweet treats are the typical fare when most of us think about the foods that make us feel warm and fuzzy. Patrick will show you a few of his favorites in this class, making you feel as comforting and cozy as sitting in a nice warm bathrobe and fluffy slippers by the fireplace. Friday, March 9 – 6:00 to 9:00 PM $65.00 per person Friday, May 4 – 6:00 to 9:00 PM COUPLE’S NIGHT – Patrick Dunn Enjoy a themed evening filled with skills and socialization. Couples will prepare a variety of dishes and some dessert as they learn to divide the tasks to make entertaining a pleasant way to spend time together in the kitchen. Wednesday, February 7 – 6:00 to 9:00 PM $85.00 per person SWEETHART DINNER/APHRODISIACS 101 Everyone has heard of aphrodisiacs -- those delicious little tidbits that tickle your tummy and wet your sexual appetite. Do they really work? Patrick Dunn will give his spin on the topic, with several recipes to seduce your lover. Please note: All cooking classes are subject to a 10 person minimum registration.

Craving a specific food is an encounter that almost everyone has experienced. Cravings can be both psychological and physiological and experiencing them is normal and quite common. Some research shows that when food is decreased, which happens during most fad diets, the thoughts of food increase. Also, sweets high in sugar feed a chemical in our brain called serotonin. Sweets high in sugar give us quick energy but don’t last long leaving us craving more and the cycle for craving sweets begins. Here are four simple tips in combating cravings: 1. Keep a journal Record things such as what you are craving, where these cravings usually occur and when you last had something to eat. Look for feelings of being hungry such as stomach growls and thinking of food. Ask yourself if you are stressed, bored, anxious, rushed, lonely, happy, excited or preoccupied. 2. Give your body what it needs first • Ensure you eat at regular times each day. Meals come first, cravings second! If you’re craving something after work, ask yourself if you have eaten supper first. If not, eat supper, take a walk, and then see if you are still craving. • There is nothing worse than eating 300 calories in foods you didn’t want. You may as well eat what you really want in the right portion size. 3. Eat in a safe environment • If you can’t have a bag of cookies at home without eating the entire bag, then plan to eat cookies away from home. Try a coffee shop with friends and enjoy. • Plan activities that will allow you to incorporate healthy portion sizes of your favorite treats. • Portion out your treat and plan an activity afterwards. 4. EAT MORE FIBER • To break the craving cycle, try eating grains with high fiber. • Women need 25 g/day and men need 38 g/d. Be sure to include adequate fluids to prevent constipation. • Studies show that people who include adequate fiber in their diets are more likely to attain a healthy weight and even control cholesterol better. • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 • 19

FINAL THOUGHTS A goal without a plan is just a wish. — Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900 - 1944)

The New Year Resolution . . .


lmost every site I went to in my google search for the top ten New Year’s Resolutions had losing weight or exercising as the number one item. Number two included quitting smoking or “getting fit” and number three was the desire to give up drinking. “Being a better person” fell into the fours and fives. Each year I watch as people come through the doors of Calgary fitness centres like they were rushing into the malls on the last Saturday before Christmas. I imagine memberships as a bag of marbles that bulge at the seams. And every year it is pretty much the same process—the gyms are empty again by early March. The losing battle begins with ourselves when we rush into the gym on the first (no, second) day of each New Year. We set goals too high or too vague. We cut out drinking, carbs and anything that has more than 150 calories per serving. Nothing less than 60 minutes on the stepmill will do. A coffee and muffin make up breakfast. It is more important to run after work than sit and enjoy your dinner. Snacks fly out the window. We become so hard on ourselves with the drive to battle the bulge that the slightest slip within the first two weeks of our resolution results in eating nothing but celery and exercising two or three times a day. So why is it the gyms empty out when everyone has such good intention? It’s in the numbers. We’ve heard time and time again that if we “fail to plan, we plan to fail.” Blanket terms like “get fit” or “lose weight” or even the cozy “be a better person” lack clarity and direction. Make SMART decisions. Get on your computer and google SMART GOALS. Remember to think small. A few years back the urge to vanquish my pudge with blissfully undirected enthusiasm was achieved by setting out a very small and specific goal to lose five pounds by March. I dragged myself in at 5 am so I couldn’t make any I-had-a-long-day excuses at 5 pm and forced myself to increase my heart rate twice a week. I ate a little better and got more (regular) sleep. Not only could I fit back in to my favourite jeans but I gained pride and hope for achieving the rest of my goals that year. Now, I have a plan. Though I can’t proclaim that I adhere to it with enviable perfection, the self respect I gain from completing each workout is worth the effort. I don’t panic if I miss a day. I embrace the ache in my muscles later. I yearn for the struggle to lift my body through one more pull-up. I have gone from two whiney days a week to four or five days of sometimes gruelling effort and I love it. And I give all the praise to my numbers – my plan. Let’s all resolve to make one SMART GOAL and have a happier, healthier, more fulfilled year. – l.p.

20 • Talisman Centre FITnews • Winter 2007 •

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Issue 2 • Winter 2007


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