First Quarter Examination English 7 Name.docx

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1. FIRST QUARTER EXAMINATION ENGLISH 7 Name:_____________________________________________________Date:___________ _______Score:___________________ I. 2. Knowledge Directions:Read carefullytheitems.Writetheletterofyouranswerin youranswersheet. 1. Thesearereferredto by somescholarsas“the wisdom ofmanyand the wit of one”. Howdo they term these? a. myths b. verses c. proverbs d. sayings 2. In the anthologyof DamianL.Eugenio,she classifiedproverbsintosix categories.Whichof the followingcategorydoesnot belong to the group? a. miscellaneousproverbs b. ethnicalproverbs c. humorousproverbs d. tribal proverbs 3. “Thelove of an oldmanis like a snailthat crawls.”Thisproverbis an exampleofa/an: a. miscellaneousproverb b. ethicalproverb c. humorousproverb d. tribal proverb 4. From what legendarytale the followinglinesarefound: Then from the depth of this formless void, there appearedtwo gods, TungkungLangitandAlunsina.Just where the two deitiescame from it was not known. a. Panayan b. Maranao c. Hiligaynon d. Ibaloi 5. Of what version of “Why the Sky is High?”this lineis found? In the early days, when the sky was still low, two brothersnamedIngat andDaskollivedwith their parentson earth. a. Panayan b. Tagalog c. Hiligaynon d. Ibaloi 6. Hanzel has an assignmentinEnglishaboutthe latest sports news. Towhatsectionof the libraryHanzel shouldlookfor the sports news? a. Serials Section b. FilipinianaSection c. GeneralReferenceSection d. Periodicals 7. Whichof the followingdoesnotbelongto the groupof words? 1. ate, consumed,gobbled,harassed,devoured 2. chaos,disaster, havoc, order, mayhem 3. news, reports, tidings, word, value a. harassed, order,values b. harassed, havoc,tidings c. devoured, mayhem,tidings d. gobbled,havoc, tidings 8. Refer to item no.7, news, reports, tidingsare wordscalledas: a. heteronyms b. antonyms c. synonyms d. homonyms 9. Despite beingaking, Indarapatraremained downto earth whenhemetthe peoplewhohidin the caves. Down to earth means: a. kneelingdown b. giving worship c. humbleness d. giving honor 10. Thepairof wordsPROject:project, CONtent:content,Record:recordarecalled: a. homonyms b. antonyms c. heteronyms d. synonyms II.PROCESS A. Directions:Underlinetheverb thatcompleteseach sentencein paragraph. Shark is a meat-eatingfish.It 1( is , are ) oneof the mostfeared animalsofthe sea. Scientists 2( classifies , classify ) about 250speciesof fish as sharks. Thesefishes 3( lives , live ) inoceansthroughouttheworld, but they 4( is , are ) commoninwarm seas. Sharks 5( varies, vary ) greatlyin size andhabits. Thelargestkindof shark, the whalesharks, grow18 meterslong.A whaleshark 6( weighs , weigh ) up to 14 metric tons.Thesmallestsharks 7( measures , measure ) only10 centimeterslongand 8( weighs, weigh ) less than28 grams.Somekindsof sharks 9( lives, live ) in the depthsof the ocean,butothers 10( is , are ) foundnear the surface. All sharks 11( is , are ) carnivores.Mostof the 12( eats , eat ) live fish, includingothersharks.A shark’sonlynatural enemy 13( is , are ) largersharks. Sharks 14( eats , eat ) their prey whole,or they tear off largeof flesh. Theyalso 15( feeds, feed ) ondead or dying animals. B. SimpleRecall.In threesentencesforfivepoints,writesomethingaboutthemyth/epicread below.Makeitsimpleand brief. 1. How the World wasCreated (PanayanVersion) _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________. 3. 2. 2. Biag ni Lam-ang _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________. 3. Ibalon _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________. III.UNDERSTANDING A. Choosethemeaning ofthe italicized word fromtheoptionsgiven. 1. I was in doubtsoLudyexplainedthewholestory to me. a. dull b. hesitation c. nervous d. natural 2. Indigent familiescangoto the DepartmentofSocialWelfareand Developmentforhelp. a. dirty b. poor c. unhealthy d. accused 3. Eliza dozed offwhilelisteningtothe boringlecture. a. fell asleep b. keep talking c. got out d. jumpedoff 4. Manycaraccidentsarecausedbyreckless drivers. a. discourteous b. careless c. dishonest d. drunkard 5. Do you noticehow tranquil theseais at night? a. clear b. clean c. peaceful d. deep 6. Mr. Lewishas an invaluable antiquevase.It is: a. unbeatable b. priceless c. vacant d. old 7. Thewoundedsoldierswere groaninginpain.Theywere: a. moaning b. crying c. screaming d. yelling 8. Thevaliantmanrescuedthegirlfrom herkidnappers.He wasindeeda: a. gentleman b. courteousman c. gallantman d. brave man 9. Thesupervisorreprimanded thesalesgirl.Shewas____for beingrude to costumers. a. embarrassed b. reminded c. talked d. scolded 10. Smokingshouldbe banned inallpublic places.Itshouldbe strictly: a. observed b. prohibited c. noticed d. implemented B. Rewriteeach sentencebyreplacing theunderlined word/wordswith thecorrectpronoun. 1. The Legendof Mariang Makiling is a popularfolktale. _________________________________________________________________________ ______ 2. MariangMakiling wasa young womanwholivedon a mountain. _________________________________________________________________________ ______ 3. The residents of the placesaidthat she was a nymph. _________________________________________________________________________ ______ 4. Everyone loved andrespected MariangMakiling. _________________________________________________________________________ ______ 5. MariangMakiling wasfond of anindustriousyoung manof the barrio. _________________________________________________________________________ ______ 6. The young man grew the best cropsinthe barrio. _________________________________________________________________________ ______ 7. MariangMakilingprotected hiscropsfrom typhoon and drought. _________________________________________________________________________ ______ 8. Thepest never affected the youngman’s animals. _________________________________________________________________________ ______ 9. Theyoung manwasengagedto pleasantbarriolass. _________________________________________________________________________ ______ 10. Before their wedding,theyoung man gave the bridea gownandjewels. C. Underlinethe completesubjectonce andthe completepredicatetwice. 1. ThePhilippinesisanislandcountryin Southeast Asia. 2. Its officialnameisRepublic ofthe Philippines. 3. Thecountryconsistsof morethan 7,000 islands. 4. It has a total area of 300,000squarekilometers. 5. SpanishexplorerscolonizedthePhilippinesinthe 1500’s. 6. LapulapufoughtMagellanandhismen. 7. ThesecolonizersnamedtheislandsafterKing PhilipII of Spain. 8. TheSpaniardsconvertedmostof the FilipinostoChristianity. 9. Sometribes kept their ownreligion. 4. 3. 10. Today,the PhilippineshasmoreChristiansthanany othernation inAsia. D. Reading Comprehension. IV. PRODUCT A. Using theappropriatecoordinatingconjunction,usethedetailsgiven belowto writea completesentence.Underlinethe connectorused.2pts. 1. now , never _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ 2. here , abroad _________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________ 3. he is rich, heis kind-hearted _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ 4. before leaving, after dressingup _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ 5. diligentstudy, constantpractice _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ B. Enumeratethefollowing: a. Give5 categoriesofpronouns b. Givethe6 categoriesofproverbs Preparedby: IDEZAB. SABADO,T-I EnglishTeacher Checked: EDUARDO A. VINOYA School Principal I 5. 4. Republic of the Philippines DOLORES INTEGRATED SCHOOL Dolores, Quirino, Isabela FIRST QUARTER EXAMINATION ENGLISH 8 Name:____________________________________________________Date:____________ ______Score: ___________________ I. KNOWLEDGE Directions:Read carefullytheitems.Writetheletterofyouranswerin youranswersheet. 1. ManyJapanesetraditionsstem from theirdeep roots inreligion.TwomainreligionsdominatetheJapaneseculture: a. Hinduism andBuddhism b. Buddhism andShintoism c. Taoism andShintoism d. Hinduism andShintoism 2. Archbishops:Catholicism ; Brahmins: Aryans ; ___________________: Buddhism a. Priests b. Upanishads c. Monks d. Hermits 3. Amy saw a hugesnake.She screamedshouting,“Snake! Snake!” What matterin speakingconceptisobviousin this sense? a. pitch b. highness c. loudness d. volume 4. You look so beautiful! (usinga highpitch); You lookso beautiful.. . (usinga lowpitch)What do these sentencesshow? a. stress b. intonation c. pitch d. all of the above 5. You holdoffice in this building? Whatfeelingis demonstratedinthe sentence? a. Thespeakeris doubtful. b. Thespeakeris excited. c. Thespeakerhasselfconfidence d. Thespeakerscorns. 6. You can identifyattitude and feelingsbyreadingto the way a personspeaks. Is there somethingwronginthepassage? a. None, becausethepassageis true. b. Yes, there is. Thewordreadingshouldbelistening. c. Yes, there is. Thewordspeaksshouldbe reads. d. Yes, there is. Thewordreadingshouldbewriting. 7. TheJapaneseTeaceremonyisa culturaltraditionthat originatedinChina.Before the ceremonybegins,thehost cleansthe serving bowls,boils water, preparessweettreat for the guests, and then mixesthetea in front of the guests. What characteristics ofthe Japanesemaybereflectedon this ceremony? a. Theyconsidertheirguests as very importantpeople. b. Theyare service orientedpeople. c. Theydrinktheir tea onlyin the companyof friends. d. Theywant to impresstheirguests. 8. You are a researcherfrom theDepartmentof tourism.You aretasked to gatherinformationaboutAsians’ ways of living, style of dressingup, eating,expressingtheir faith, courtshipandbeliefs.What willbethe focus of your research? a. History b. Customs c. Economics d. Politics 9. You are tasked by the organizersof the Ms. Philippines’ searchtoformulateonequestionfor the Q & A portion. Eachcandidatewill be askeda question.Based on whatyou have learnedinyour Languageclass,whatcouldbethebest questionthat you couldaskthe candidates? a. If you won this pageant,what wouldyou initiallydo? b. If you were to changesomethingaboutthispageant,what wouldthat be and why? c. If you were to sacrificeonethingfor the pageant,what wouldit be andwhy? d. If you were to judgethis pageant,whichcriterionwouldhavethe highest bearing?Why? 10. In your literatureclass,your performancetaskis to makeanadaptionof Mahabharata.Foryou to beableto showthe adaptation clearlyand effectively, what is the possibleoutputyou couldhavefor this project? a. Makeyour ownversion of the story. b. Have a photocopyof the story. c. Preparea dramapresentationofMahabharata. d. Write a sloganaboutthe story. 11. Theteaceremonyisa practiceinJapan.Therearesteps that the host follows. First, beforethe ceremonybegins,the host cleanstheserving bowls, the host cleanstheserving bowls. Next, he boilswater. Thenhepreparesa sweettreat for the guests. Lastly, he mixesthe tea infront of the guests. Howare the ideasin the paragraphorganized? a. causeandeffect b. descriptive c. chronologicalsequence d. simplelisting *12-15.Choosethe

appropriateconjunctiontocompletethesentence. a. and b. but c. therefore d. however 12. Theyworkedrapidly______carefully. 13. We sang ______danceheartily. 14. She was hereyesterday; _______,I didn’ttalk to her. 15. She is absent; ______I can’ttalk to her. *1620.Identify the sentenceaccordingtoits structure.Choosethe letter of your answer. a. simple b. compound c. complex d. compound-complex 16. Very few peoplerealize that the newsis incorrect. 6. 5. 17. Themanknewhowdangerousthemissionwas;nevertheless, he carriedoutthe assignment. 18. When the storm occurred,wewerein Legaspi. 19. Myneighbor,whois a scientist, is very muchinterested inthe latest advancesinspacetravel. 20. Ourteam lost the game. II.PROCESS A. Identifythefollowing itemsfor2points. ______________________________1.It is the “Veda of praise” anda collection1017hymns. ______________________________2.It is a Japanesestyle of wrestlingandJapan’snational sport. ______________________________3.“TheHandsofthe Blacks”is written by: ______________________________4.Who is the authorof “What is an EducatedFilipino?”? ______________________________5.It is a sentencecomposedoftwoor moreindependentclauses. ______________________________6.Thesewordsaresometimesstressedbecausetheyhave meaninginthemselves. ______________________________7.TheauthorofSakuntala ______________________________8.despoticmeans: ______________________________9.Theauthorof“TheSoulof the Great Bell” ______________________________10.Thesewordsareusedinrelation to their grammaticaluseinthe sentence. ______________________________11. Thelongestpoem inanylanguageform ______________________________12.mandatemeans: ______________________________13.malletmeans: ______________________________14.Theauthorof“TheProphet” ______________________________15.It refers to the prominencegivento a syllableor wordwhichmakestheword or syllablestand out. ______________________________16.Intonationisalso knownas: ______________________________17. Theauthorof“I am an African Child” ______________________________18.It is a gradedsequenceofwordswhose meaningsgoacrossacontinuum ofmeaning. ______________________________19.It refers to the highnessorlownessof a sound. ______________________________20.Thebookofhistory of the Aryan raceand its relationshipwiththegods B. Numberthesentencesin theorderin which theyshould appearin aparagraph.Noticethattheconnecting wordsare italicized to help you. 1. _____ For example,ostrichesandpenguinscannotfly. _____Thefastest birds canfly 160km. per hour. _____Whenpeoplethinkof birds,they think first of their flying ability. _____However, not all birdscanfly. _____Theyuse their wingsonly for balance. 2. _____It receivesinformationfrom the senses. _____Brain is the mastercontrolcenterof the body. _____Thebrainalsostores informationfrom pastexperience. _____Then it rapidlyanalyzes this information. _____In addition,thebrain is the sourceof thoughtsandmotions. _____After analyzing the information,the brainsendsout messages. Preparedby: IDEZAB. SABADO,T-I EnglishTeacher Checked: EDUARDO A. VINOYA School Principal I

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