First Contact-part One-chapter10

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  • Words: 3,852
  • Pages: 7
CHAPTER TEN PENNANCE *** CRACK! A plant pot at the far end of the shop exploded in a shower of ceramic shards. ‘Apparently not,’ Mister Olivander hummed as he took the wand from William’s hands and placed it back into its box. ‘Sorry,’ William said meekly. ‘Not to worry,’ Mister Olivander said, disappearing into the depths of his stores. ‘We’ll find the right one sooner or later.’ ‘It’s okay,’ Mrs Armer assured her son. ‘It happens.’ ‘I remember coming here to get my first wand,’ Mr Armer said as he stared out of the window. ‘I broke all the glass in this pane … and that one … and … that one over there … blew up the pots … and a few other things …’ ‘Including the desk,’ Mister Olivander said as he reappeared with another box. ‘Can I have a go yet?’ Edward asked eagerly from Mrs Armer’s side. ‘NO!’ Mr Armer said sternly. ‘How many times Eddy? You’re not allowed one yet.’ ‘Perfectly alright,’ Mister Olivander said without looking up from what he was doing and handed a new wand to William. ‘Willow - eight and a quarter inches – Dragon-heartstring – pliable.’ Tentatively, William picked it up. He felt a sudden warmth in his fingers. He raised the wand above his head and brought it down again, sending white and purple sparks from the end through the dusty air of the shop. ‘Oh! Well done, William!’ Mr Armer said brightly. ‘Bravo Mister Armer,’ Mister Olivander said, taking the wand from William and placing it back into its box. ‘Well done, I said that it would only be a matter of time, now didn’t I?’ ‘Thankyou,’ William said with a wide smile. ‘No need to worry about the mess,’ Mister Olivander said with a wry smile that he turned to Mister Armer. ‘At least this time, my shop still has a door.’ *** ‘Now,’ Elion frowned. ‘Please, tell us where to find the Sorceress so we can save our Universe, or we’ll all sit down and look at some paintings together.’ ‘You wouldn’t,’ Gray spluttered abhorrently. ‘Try us,’ Jeebus said, cocking his gun needlessly. ‘Amanda will be very angry,’ Gray said in a warning tone. ‘She’ll get over it,’ Red frowned. ‘Now … call her.’ ‘OH, THERE REALLY IS NO NEED.’ The Moderators looked to the second level of the Library, where a tall, blackhaired woman leaned wistfully against the banister, picking apart a daisy. She raised her eyes at them and sighed deeply. ‘I’VE HEARD ENOUGH ALREADY,’ she said with a slight smile in the same kind of ethereal voice used by Mooney and the Administrators. ‘You are the Sorceress, Elysium?’ Totoro asked unsurely. ‘WELL NOW,’ she replied, pressing a finger to her lips. ‘LET US EXAMINE THE EVIDENCE … WHILE ITS HERE,’ she laughed. ‘OBVIOUSLY, I’M NOT OF THIS WORLD … FEMALE … INCREDABLY POWERFUL I MIGHT ADD … THOUGH THAT CLUE’S A FREEBEE … AND, SINCE DORIAN HERE ISN’T ENTERTAINING ALL MANNER OF ETHERIAL BEINGS … I WOULD SAY THE ODDS ARE QUITE LIKELY THAT, YES, I AM ELYSIUM.’ ‘Good,’ Red began. ‘We’ve got a problem …’ ‘OH, I’D SAY YOU HAVE MORE THAN A SIMPLE PROBLEM,’ she said sternly. ‘YOU SEEM TO HAVE UPSET A VERY DEAR FRIEND OF MINE. AND AS I AM IN FACT A PERSON WITH GREAT CONSIDERABLE POWERS – ENOUGH TO LEAVE NOUGHT BUT SCORCHMARKS

AND SKIDMARKS WHERE YOU INFIDELS STAND – I WOULD CONSIDDER YOUR CURRENT POSITION MORE THAN SLIGHTLY PROBLEMATIC!’ ‘I’m sorry, Amanda,’ Dorian said wearily as he picked himself up. ‘They had the painting and … ‘OH, DO SHUT UP GRAY,’ Elysium snapped. ‘THERE ARE DAYS WHEN YOUR COMPANY IS SO DELIGHTFUL THAT I AM THANKFUL IT CAN NEVER END … THEN THERE ARE DAYS LIKE THESE WHEN I’M REMINDED EXACTLY HOW SHALLOW AND SPINELESS YOU REALLY ARE!’ ‘Woah, steady on,’ Will-ko puffed. ‘Yeah!’ Elion spoke up. ‘It’s not his fault.’ ‘OH, MAKE UP YOUR MIND MORTAL!’ Elysium fumed. ‘YOU WANTED ME HERE, YOU HAVE ME HERE, SO ACCEPT THE IDEA THAT IT CAN PISS ME OFF AND GET ON WITH YOUR BUISNESS! MY TIME ALONG WITH MY PATIENCE GROWS SHORT. BE DIRECT WITH ME SO I MIGHT RECIPROCATE … BEFORE I INCINERATE YOU …’ ‘Incinerate?’ Jeebus hissed. ‘It means she’s going to burn us to a crisp,’ Red whispered. ‘Crap,’ Jeebus said glumly. ‘I knew it was something mildly unpleasant … I thought it was some kind of over-eager, violent massage or something.’ ‘If only,’ Will-ko humphed. ‘Look,’ Elion said, striding forwards. ‘We need your help; otherwise our Universe is going to be destroyed.’ ‘TELL ME WHY I SHOULD CARE ABOUT YOUR UNIVERSE,’ Elysium mused. ‘Because hundreds of millions of people are going to die if you don’t do something about it,’ Red said scornfully. ‘I’VE NEVER MET THOSE PEOPLE, SO WHY SHOULD I CARE?’ Elysium shrugged. ‘UNIVERSES COME INTO EXISTANCE AND FADE AWAY LIKE THAT,’ she snapped her fingers. ‘FOR MILLIONS OF DIFFERENT REASONS THEIR LIGHTS ARE SNUFFED OUT LIKE CANDLES.’ ‘But you’ve got a chance to save one of them,’ Elion said stiffly. ‘Its on your shoulders, you could be a hero … err … heroine.’ ‘Maybe he’s right Amanda.’ Elion looked to his left in surprise as Dorian spoke up. ‘Maybe it is time one of us did something worthwhile … for once.’ Elysium tittered. ‘Oh Dorian,’ she smiled. ‘You do bring the most tedious notions to mind … though, I suppose it cannot hurt to hear these gentlemen out,’ she said, descending the spiral staircase to the library floor and seating herself in Dorian’s large armchair by the fire. ‘Well?’ She glowered. ‘SPEAK!’ ‘We need you to take us to the Oracle,’ Elion said after a deep breath. ‘He’s the only one who can tell us how to repair the machine that’s going to end the Universe.’ Elysium looked at Elion with deep-set eyes, glaring into his very soul … right before she threw her head back and descended into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. An uncontrollable fit of laughter that lasted for several minutes and much longer after that. It got to the point where most of the room’s occupants had got uncomfortable standing and seated themselves. Will-ko was even picking out a book to read to pass the time. Finally, she heaved a great sigh and relaxed, wiping a tear from her eye. ‘Oh, oh my,’ she giggled. ‘I have not laughed like that in eons …’ she rasped. ‘Ah …’ she said wearily. ‘If it is the Oracle you want, my dears,’ she said, stepling her fingers. ‘Then … Your Universe IS DOOMED.’ *** King’s Cross Station was alive with activity as the Armers proceeded through the main entrance. Mr Armer had loaded William’s luggage onto a trolley and seemingly saw nothing wrong with having a giant cage for the owl. Though that was most likely what was drawing the attention of every Muggle in the vicinity. William had expressed his concerns on the matter and suggested that his parents simply send Tentomon – the owl – directly to the school. This was apparently, not how it was done.

The family made their way across the station and soon found themselves at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. It took several minutes for the area to be clear as there were trains departing from both platforms on either side of them so, their movements had to be made with the most precise secrecy. Not that any of the Muggles would ever look twice. They were blissfully ignorant like that and the Armers were grateful for it, as was every other wizarding family passing through to Platform Nine-andthree-quarters. ‘Go on, Will,’ Mr Armer said, handing the trolley over. ‘You first.’ ‘Okay,’ William said, licking his lips as he gripped the trolley tightly and stared at the barrier. This was it; this is where it all began. Today was the day that William Armer became a real wizard at last. He began to push his cart, picking up speed as he neared the barrier. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears as his jog became a sprint and felt the cool rush of air flow through his hair as he passed right through the bricks as though they weren’t there; he could feel the freezing flash of the gateway filter across him and could smell, quite distinctly, a heavy odour of antiseptic. Then he hit the padded wall and smacked his head on the trolley’s handle. *** ‘Look,’ Elion fumed as Elysium rose to leave. ‘I do realize that it’s asking a lot, I’m not stupid.’ Elysium made a snort of derision at this. ‘But the higher-beings that sent us said that you were the only person who knew how to find the Oracle and without him … her … it …our world will be destroyed.’ ‘You seem noble and just,’ Elysium said emotionlessly. ‘But it is not a question of whether or not I should wish to help you. You are not the ones destined to meet with the Oracle, it is as simple as that.’ ‘Destined?’ Jeebus scoffed. ‘Yes,’ Elysium said testily. ‘You don’t think you get to decide what happens in your lives do you? Dear oh dear, you clearly aren’t as developed as I was willing to give you credit for. And since you are not the ones who are destined to seek the Oracle’s wisdom and this would be the only way to save your world then, logically, your world is destined to die. ‘There is no escaping the matter. It is the electronic lion who will meet with The Illusive Oracle at a time that is not yet known to me. And when that time comes, enough difficulty will befall the situation without complicating matters at this stage.’ ‘So, we’re not the ones who get to see him then?’ Red said gloomily. ‘Well,’ Elysium shrugged. ‘None of you look like lions to me … electronic or otherwise. So, I would think that would bring the matter to a close.’ ‘I’ve never heard of an electronic lion before,’ Will-ko mused. ‘WHICH IS PRECISELY WHY I KNOW I HAVE NOT YET COME ACROSS IT,’ Elysium replied as she ascended the spiral stairs. ‘THE E-LION WILL MAKE ITSELF KNOWN TO ME IN A TIME OF PERIL AND WHEN THAT TIME COMES …’ ‘Did you say e-lion?’ Jeebus grunted. ‘INDEED,’ Elysium replied, narrowing her eyes. Jeebus scoffed and rose to his feet, pushing Elion forwards towards the stairs. ‘Tell her your name squire,’ he said gruffly as he looked up at the sorceress. ‘His roar’s more of a meow, but that shouldn’t be a problem if everything’s all about destiny.’ *** The sudden impact made William’s head collide violently with the handle of his cart, knocking him to the padded ground where he lay dazed. He was vaguely aware of people fussing around him, there was a torch being shone into his eyes as he fought to stay conscious. Already his vision was blurred.

He felt nauseous as he was helped to sit up and tried to comprehend what he knew was a question being asked by one of the blurred shapes moving around him. He presumed they were fellow students and their parents. But there was so much white, all around him. The room was white, the people kneeling next to him were dressed in white, all of it was white. He really hoped that he hadn’t somehow died accidentally while passing through the barrier. He’d never been onto the platform before. Had he gone too fast and then ended up walking off the edge of the platform into the path of the train? He strained to focus at the man with black-rimmed glasses who was urgently asking him something. ‘WAND!’ William finally made out what the man was asking. ‘DO YOU HAVE A WAND?’ ‘In my case,’ was what William tried to reply, how much of that he got across was a mystery to him. He felt really sick now as the tunnel vision became deeper, his head swam and a moment later, he was out cold. *** ‘You’ve got to admit, it’s a little funny,’ Will-ko said cheekily from where he had perched on the arm of the sofa. ‘E-lion; Elion. You could have spent forever waiting for a cybercat.’ ‘I’m well aware of that,’ Elysium said testily as she took up Dorian’s chair again. ‘It seems the fates are with you gentlemen. However, you may recall that I mentioned … complications in this task.’ ‘Such as?’ Red frowned. ‘We have dealt with many complications thus far in this quest,’ Totoro spoke as he gazed out the window into the rain outside. ‘I believe we can overcome them.’ ‘Well, I am so glad to hear it,’ Elysium nodded. ‘Because the problem is exceedingly simple for me, it is one of you who will be greatly inconvenienced by the act of attaining my greatest secret.’ ‘Inconvenienced, how?’ Jeebus asked wearily, cocking his gun unnecessarily. Elysium sat up in the chair and glared at them all. ‘I CANNOT SIMPLY TELL YOU THE LOCATION OF THE ILLUSIVE ORACLE,’ she sighed. ‘I MUST GUIDE YOU TO HIS SANCTUM AND BRING YOU BEFORE HIM MYSELF.’ ‘Riiiiight,’ Elion said, wondering where the catch was. ‘HOWEVER,’ Elysium continued. ‘I AM BOUND TO MY HOME DIMENSION. I CANNOT TRAVEL FROM HERE TO THE DIMENSION WHERE THE ORACLE RESIDES. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. THE LINK WHICH HOLDS ME IN THE VASCINITY OF MY OWN REALITY WILL NOT PERMIT IT.’ ‘So … you want us to … break the link?’ Red offered. ‘THE LINK CANNOT BE BROKEN,’ Elysium said sternly. ‘NEVER BROKEN … BUT IT CAN BE EXCHANGED.’ ‘In what way?’ Totoro prompted. ‘ONE OF YOU MUST TAKE MY PLACE IN MY HOME REALITY,’ Elysium said plainly. ‘BUT, ONCE THERE, I CANNOT HELP YOU TO RETURN … IT WILL BE UP TO YOU AND YOU ALONE TO MAKE YOUR WAY HOME AGAIN … SHOULD YOU EVER MANAGE TO ACHIEVE IT … WHICH IS HIGHLY UNLIKELY. SO, IF YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR UNIVERSE, ONE OF YOU MUST BE WILLING TO SACRIFICE HIS OWN FREEDOM AND TAKE UP THE ETHERIAL SHACKLES THAT BIND ME THERE … … … SO … ARE YOU SILL AS EAGER TO TAKE UP THIS QUEST NOW?’ Elysium sat back in the chair and closed her eyes, smiling to herself softly. The Moderators exchanged similar looks of discontent. ‘Group Conference,’ Elion declared, pointing to the large table at the other side of the Library. ‘Not you, Gray,’ he added, ushering the Immortal away from the conversation. ‘So … what do we do?’ Red whispered. ‘Well, if one of us doesn’t agree then the Universe is done for,’ Jeebus said darkly. ‘All this time I’ve been saving it from those flying devils, if I’d have known; I’d have let them have the world and left the bastards to it. All for nothing.’

‘It should be me,’ Totoro said. ‘I am a warrior, trained in the art of combat many times over. If there is any danger to be faced within Elysium’s reality, then I shall be able to overcome it.’ ‘We’ve no idea what to expect out there,’ Red said evenly. ‘Muscles and swordsmanship might be worthless.’ ‘What about?’ Jeebus started. ‘I’m betting guns would be equally shit,’ Elion humphed. ‘Just guessing, but to be honest, looking at her, I doubt anything from her reality would be much concerned with bullets.’ ‘But … magic on the other hand,’ Will-ko mused, turning his hands over eachother. ‘Is something that you’ve run out of, small-fry,’ Red said pointedly. ‘Don’t even consider it, Will-ko. Sending you isn’t even an option.’ ‘Why not?’ Will-ko asked scornfully. ‘You think you guys could handle yourselves better than I could? You think that any one of you would survive longer in another Universe? Is it because I’m smaller? Younger? Spit it out!’ ‘It’s all those things and more,’ Red spat. ‘Listen, you came to us asking for help and we’re not about to send you up to be sacrificed. It’s not right.’ ‘Though he is the one with the magical joojoo,’ Jeebus said coolly. ‘Which has run out,’ Red glowered. ‘I think I’ve already said that.’ ‘It’s not a case of it running out,’ Will-ko shrugged. ‘It’s more of … … … no … actually, you’re right, it has run out, I dunno why. It was really powerful at one point, and then it just began to fade … but I still think I’m the best candidate. ‘Cause, Elion can’t go, it’s him who’s destined to be the one who sees the Oracle. You need Totoro to protect you guys and you need Jeebus to … kill pigeons and … carry Waldo and … stuff …’ ‘Which just leaves me,’ Red coughed. ‘I was going to say that they need you as a Link Hunter,’ Will-ko added smartly. ‘I’ll do it,’ Red said with a bob of his head. ‘I’ll be the one to stay behind.’ ‘PERFECT!’ Elysium said loudly, rising from her chair. ‘I THOUGHT YOU WOULD TAKE FOREVER TO DECIDE.’ ‘It’s rude to eavesdrop,’ Elion observed. ‘ITS ALSO RUDE TO KEEP A LADY WAITING,’ Elysium growled, snapping her fingers. The air beside her rippled like the surface of a lake being broken by a raindrop, and a tear in the fabric of existence appeared, cascading into a large, white portal. What lay beyond was shrouded in the brilliant white energy that held the gateway open. ‘AS I SAID BEFORE,’ Elysium continued. ‘ONCE YOU ENTER INTO THIS REALM … YOU WILL BE ALONE. YOUR FRIENDS WILL BE UNABLE TO HELP YOU. I WILL BE UNABLE TO HELP YOU AND YOU WILL MOST LIKELY FIND THAT FEW ON THE OTHER SIDE WILL BE WILLING TO HELP YOU, LET ALONE ABLE.’ ‘I understand,’ Red nodded, stepping forwards. *** ‘He’s out General,’ Stevenson said, lowering the young Wizard’s head to the floor. ‘Never thought it would work at all,’ General Anderson said, rubbing his chin. ‘Too bad the cells fried.’ ‘Lucky we got a subject at all,’ Jacobson said as she rummaged through William’s cases. ‘It would be interesting to know where their portal was located and the reason for their passing through it.’ ‘Looks like he’s travelling somewhere,’ Peterson offered. ‘Maybe it’s a magic airport or something.’ ‘Who cares,’ General Anderson said, standing over the unconscious boy. ‘Does he have one or not?’ ‘Go it,’ Jacobson said triumphantly, lifting the wand from William’s trunk. ‘Excellent, excellent,’ Anderson nodded. ‘Top points all around team … do we have a name for our new subject?’ ‘Armer,’ Peterson said, reading off one of the labels on William’s trolley. ‘William Armer.’

‘Alright,’ General Anderson nodded. ‘Make sure he’s got nothing that identifies him on his person. Burn his clothes, get rid of his luggage, salvage anything magical, dispose of the owl … and then wipe his memory … all of it …’ ‘Do you want to retain motor skills and language?’ Stevenson queried. ‘No,’ Anderson spat. ‘I went to all this trouble to reduce our only subject to a vegetable … OF COURSE I WANT MOTOR FUNCTIONS AND LANGUAGE RETAINED! … Prick!’ ‘Sorry sir,’ Stevenson clucked, marking off the instructions on his chart. ‘So,’ Jacobson said, holding the wand up to the light. ‘Transplanting the power of a magical wand directly into the DNA of a supernaturally-inclined test subject … it will be a fascinating experiment, General.’ ‘If he lives through the procedure,’ Peterson added glumly. ‘Still have no idea how we’re going to get the wand’s properties into him.’ ‘Well, if gene splicing and genetic augmentation doesn’t work,’ Stevenson said as he and Jacobson lifted the subject onto a gurney and set about undressing him. ‘We could always shove it up his arse and see if that works.’ ‘Crude and unnecessary,’ General Anderson remarked. ‘But make a note of it, just in case it comes to that.’ ‘I’m still concerned that the supernatural properties of both the subject and the wand will gradually diminish now that you’ve removed him from his home dimension,’ Jacobson said as she yanked off the subject’s shoes and threw them into the incinerator hatch. ‘It was the same with the last subject. There seems to be an invariable link between supernatural properties and their Universe of origin. Theoretically, if we were to reintroduce him to his Universe of origin or one of supernatural properties, his power levels should restore themselves.’ ‘But all that is just a theory,’ Peterson added ruefully. ‘Well, we’ll find an answer to that question too then,’ General Anderson said as he went to leave. ‘Should it occur that this fellow eventually looses all magical ability … then you can throw him into that incineration chute along with his effects. Now, I want this project well underway when I get back here tomorrow, understood?’ ‘Yes, General,’ the scientists replied as Anderson disappeared through the swing doors of the laboratory. ‘Did you mention that we originally designed this dimensional gate to look into women’s locker rooms?’ Stevenson asked quietly. ‘I think it best not to,’ Peterson replied as he bundled the subject’s socks and T-shirt into the incinerator. ‘It would only upset him.’ *** ‘ONCE YOU STEP THROUGH THE PORTAL, YOU WILL ENCOUNTER A WORLD OF LIMITLESS WONDER, COUNTLESS DANGERS AND UNSPEAKABLE HORRORS,’ Elysium explained. ‘You make it sound so appealing,’ Red humphed. ‘THE APPEAL IS THAT YOU ARE SAVING YOUR UNIVERSE FROM DESTRUCTION,’ Elysium replied sternly. NOW, GET INTO THE PORTAL. IT WAS YOU WHO STRESSED THAT TIME WAS OF THE ESSENCE, DO NOT DELAY ANY FURTHER!’ ‘Alright,’ Red nodded, turning to the other Moderators. ‘Well guys … it’s been ... … … weird … really … weird.’ ‘But fun?’ Jeebus offered. Red nodded. ‘In places, yeah,’ he said reluctantly as he turned and stepped towards the portal. ‘See you guys around,’ he said tentatively and peered into the bright expanses of the portal. CRASH! Red’s head swam and he found himself suddenly crumpling to a heap on the floor. ‘Sorry,’ Will-ko cringed, putting down what remained of the ceramic vase he was holding and stepped over Red’s unconscious form. ‘What the hell are you doing, Will?’ Elion shouted.

‘I’m making a difference,’ Will-ko said purposefully, stepping into the portal. ‘You need somebody with brains and experience a lot more than you need a powerless Wizard born and bred in a lab ... trust me. You guys will have a lot more luck if you keep Red with you.’ ‘A POWERLESS WIZARD?’ Elysium mused. ‘HOW QUAINT.’ ‘Destiny again?’ Will-ko asked as the edges of the portal began to close around him. ‘OF A SORT,’ Elysium nodded, turning to Will-ko as the portal began to shimmer and blur out of existence. ‘I WISH YOU LUCK.’ ‘Cheers,’ Will-ko said with an attempted smile, giving her and the Moderators a mock salute. ‘Tell Red I’m sorry for hitting him … and … bye as well … I guess …’ A moment later, the portal was gone. ‘ALRIGHT THEN,’ Elysium said, clapping her hands. ‘SHALL WE GO SAVE THE UNIVERSE?’

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