First Contact-part One-chapter7

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  • Words: 3,675
  • Pages: 7
CHAPTER SEVEN IN MODERATION *** ‘What is troubling you J’onn?’ Diana asked sympathetically from somewhere behind him. J’onn did not answer right away. There were a great many things that currently troubled him. Least of which was their recent ordeal down on the planet surface at the International Convention. But such attacks of that kind were common, almost expected. What he was currently struggling with were the emotions that it had brought to light. For some time now, The Martian Manhunter had kept himself occupied on The Watch Tower and he not returned to Earth for almost two years now. He had shrugged off the idea that he wanted nothing to do with humanity, but apparently there was more to the claims than he had first realized. He had lost his sympathy for them. ‘Nothing,’ he said finally, lying blatantly and Diana knew it. ‘Do I need to get the Lasso of Truth?’ She asked jokingly. Manhunter shot her a stern glance. ‘Nothing is troubling me that will be solved with conversation, Diana,’ he replied. ‘It seems that what you said earlier is the truth. I have unintentionally disconnected myself from the Earth and in doing so; I have disconnected myself from the people. I cannot continue to be a part of the Justice League when I no longer care about those it strives to protect.’ ‘You don’t mean that,’ she replied tentatively, joining him at the window that looked out into the cosmos. ‘I fear that I do,’ Manhunter replied sadly. ‘I must rectify the situation at once and reconnect with humanity … if I can.’ ‘How do you suppose you’re going to do that?’ Diana questioned. ‘I do not yet know,’ Manhunter sighed. ‘The answer will show itself in time.’ ‘And until then?’ ‘Until then,’ Manhunter said, turning to face the mass of super-powered beings that were The Justice League all around him, going about their daily business as though none of them were having troubles. ‘I will continue with my work here.’ ‘Do you think you are able to continue?’ Diana asked, raising an eyebrow after him. His mouth wrinkled into a knowing smile. ‘No … no, I suppose not.’ ‘Well then,’ Diana shrugged. ‘You’ll just have to devote yourself to finding that answer … and I think it would be best accomplished … down there,’ she nodded towards The Earth. Manhunter nodded sagely. ‘That is the answer that I myself continue to arrive at.’ ‘Then what’s stopping you?’ Diana frowned. His orange eyes snapped up at her, the brow furrowed. ‘I don’t think I want to,’ he said coldly. *** The DDOS reared its head and roared. A deafening sound that shook the walls around them. The black ooze that dribbled over its fangs and down the sides of its tusks pooled on the ground and left acidic dark imprints where it fell. ‘It’s corrupting the data of The Mercury Rooms,’ Jason said warningly as the creature extended its six arms and leered at the people in the doorway. It seemed to ignore Waldo as it began to move swiftly towards them. ‘Guys …’ Jason said worriedly. The beast charged, its gaping mouth letting loose a terrifying screech. ‘I know its tempting and it seems like the best option right now …’ The DDOS was upon them, it leapt into the air, its swollen hands a mass of claws and spines as it dived at the group. ‘… But, seriously, don’t …’ ZAP! ZZAP! ZAP-P! Zap! ZAAAP! Z-ZZ-Z-ZAP! ZZAAPP! ZAP-ZAP! SPLAT! ‘… … … shoot it …’ Jason grimaced.

‘URGH!’ Beakedbard exclaimed wiping a large globule of DDOS entrails from his head. ‘I though you said that thing was digital.’ ‘It was,’ Jason groaned, peeling himself from the wall where the explosion of DDOS slime had cocooned him into the doorframe. ‘… and filled with digital goo.’ ‘It’s … seeping through … my shorts,’ Mooney exclaimed, biting his lip. ‘Urgh … don’t worry,’ Jason said, wiping himself down as best he could. ‘The internal slime isn’t harmful … just …’ ‘Disgusting?’ Elion offered, spitting out a large blob of the teal-coloured offal. ‘Exactly,’ Jason nodded. ‘I dunno about you guys,’ Will-ko frowned, flopping his arms to get rid of the larger portion of the substance that clung to him. ‘But … I think I really need a shower … my fingers and toes are all stuck together.’ ‘We needed some new clothes anyhow,’ Danny shrugged, examining a wad of glop encasing his entire arm. ‘And Waldo needs a bath,’ Jeebus nodded. ‘He’s really starting to smell a lot lately.’ ‘… Wonder why,’ Red muttered quietly to Elion who snorted knowingly. Tentatively, the group unstuck themselves from the quick-drying concoction and began to make their way back down the Index section. ‘OH! THE SLIME! … MY SHORTS!’ Mooney gasped and fidgeted suddenly. ‘It’s come through! All the way … through … Urgh … It’s! … … It’s … … … oh … actually … that feels kinda nice …’ *** The Martian Manhunter landed in an alleyway, completely invisible to the humans that walked past the entrance. He watched them scurry about their daily business, unaware that an alien stood merely metres away from them. That made him smile a little. But for all the wrong reasons. Humans were arrogant creatures, completely convinced of their own superiority regardless of the truth behind the matter. Their ability to hate and destroy was measured only by their ability for love and kindness. But the latter was much harder to coerce from them. He had long since come to the conclusion that to truly understand them again, he would have to move amongst them and integrate himself into human society. That was probably what made him most uncomfortable. He knew that he would have to do it disguised as one of them, something else he detested about humanity. Their lack to understand those that were different. It seemed to be offensive to them in some way. Hopefully, that would be a characteristic that he would avoid integrating into himself. He looked into a puddle on the ground and allowed himself to become visible, choosing a human form that suited him. The result was a tall, middle-aged man with short wiry hair. He smiled at his new reflection and proceeded casually down the street into the world of the humans. *** ‘WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS MY GRATITUDE,’ Fink said proudly later that day when all ten of the group had assembled once more in The Black Hole Room. ‘YOU DEFENDED THE MERCURY ROOMS AT GREAT RISK TO YOURSELVES AND FOR THAT, YOU HAVE MY THANKS.’ ‘What? No cookies?’ Beakedbard remarked coyly with a laugh. ‘ACTUALLY, I COULD GO FOR SOME COOKIES,’ Krizzo said off-handedly. ‘IN ANY CASE,’ Fink cut over him. ‘DUE TO YOUR VALIENT ACTIONS, MYSELF, KRIZZO AND VATEX WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND TO ALL OF YOU A PROPOSAL.’ ‘A proposal?’ Elion raised an eyebrow. ‘THIS INCIDENT ONLY INDICATES HOW LIKELY IT IS THAT THE MERCURY ROOMS WILL BE TARGETED BY VIRUSES, ROGUE ANOMALIES AND DDOS ATTACKS.’

‘SUCH IS THE OBVIOUS RISK THAT WE WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU ALL TO BECOME OFFICIAL MODERATORS OF THE MERCURY ROOMS.’ ‘Even us?’ Danny asked, indicating himself and Will-ko. ‘EVEN YOU,’ Vatex replied. ‘YOU MAY HAVE ONLY JUST ARRIVED DANIEL, BUT AS YOU SAID YOURSELF, THE MERCURY ROOMS ARE LIKE A HOME TO YOU, AND HOPEFULLY, THEY ARE AS SUCH TO YOU ALL.’ ‘MODERATOR IS A TITLE BESTOWED UPON THE DEFENDERS OF THE MERCURY ROOMS. THEY SEEK OUT THREATS AND DISPOSE OF THEM, THEY STRIVE TO END CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE MEMBERS SHOULD THEY ARISE. THEY ARE THE KEEPERS OF THE PEACE, THE GUARDIANS, THE CUSTODIANS AND THE AUTHORITY TO WHICH ALL ASPECTS OF THE ROOMS COME TO FIRST.’ ‘ … So, basically,’ Jason sniffed. ‘You’re talking about middle-management.’ ‘… INDEED …’ Fink retorted. ‘Sounds good,’ Red nodded, wiping his face. ‘I accept.’ ‘We all accept,’ Jeebus said, stepping forward with Waldo. ‘It’s a great honour Administrators,’ Elion said in agreement. ‘We will all do our best to keep The Mercury Rooms alive and well, in perfect order.’ ‘He is such a bloody suck-up,’ Jason whispered quietly to Will-ko. ‘THEN IT IS AGREED,’ Fink said warmly. ‘THIS IS A DAY THAT WILL BE LONG REMEMBERED … MODERATORS OF THE MERCURY ROOMS.’ ‘Elion, Totoro, Red, Save Me Jeebus, Mooney, Jason, Vash, Beakedbard, Will-ko, Danny … Status Upgraded …’ The computer voice rang from the ceiling. ‘New Status … Moderator.’ ‘VERILY!’ Mooney cried. ‘FINALLY! MY SERVICES HAVE BEEN JUSTY RECOGNIZED AND REWARDED. KNOW THIS ADMINISTRATORS! I SHALL NOT DISAPPOINT YOUR EXPECTATIONS OF ME! I SHALL EXCELL, AND YOU SHALL BEAR WITNESS! MY WORK HERE SHALL BRING PRIDE TO YOUR HEARTS, TEARS TO YOUR EYES! MOISTNESS TO YOUR NETHER REGIONS!’ ‘WE’LL PASS ON THAT LAST ONE,’ Krizzo replied uncomfortably. ‘SUIT YOURSELF,’ Mooney said indignantly. ‘… Does this mean I get to keep the gun?’ Jeebus asked eagerly, brandishing the largest of the Zap Guns. ‘YES,’ Fink replied. ‘BUT PLEASE, USE THEM ONLY WHEN NECESSARY.’ ‘AND TRY NOT TO BLOW HOLES IN ANY OF THE WALLS,’ Krizzo added. ‘WHEN WE OPEN THE MERCURY ROOMS TO THE PUBLIC THIS WEEKEND,’ Vatex continued. ‘IT WILL BE YOUR JOB TO KEEP ORDER AND PEACE. MODERATE WITH TOLERANCE AND JUSTICE THOUGH. DO NOT ALLOW YOUR PERSONAL FEELINGS TO INTEREFERE WITH YOUR DUTIES, AND ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT WE ADMINISTRATORS ARE HERE TO ASSIST YOU SHOULD YOU REQUIRE IT.’ ‘So, this weekend is the big opening then?’ Red asked conversationally. ‘INDEED,’ Fink replied. ‘WE MUST OPEN THE MERCURY ROOMS SOON, OTHERWISE, THERE IS A DANGER THAT THE LINKS YOU HAVE COLLECTED THUS FAR WILL ONLY LEAD TO VIDEOS THAT HAVE EXPIRED.’ ‘True,’ Jeebus nodded. ‘We got any clue what’s doing that by the way?’ ‘NONE,’ Krizzo replied bitterly. ‘IT’S AS MUCH A MYSTERY TO US AS IT IS TO YOU GUYS.’ ‘PERHAPS WE SHALL GAIN MORE INSIGHT AS TIME PASSES,’ Vatex surmised. ‘So,’ Elion said, nudging Totoro with his elbow. ‘Moderators, the pair of us! That’s much more prestigious than “Link God”.’ ‘Regardless,’ Totoro said sharply. ‘My Link Hunting will be unaffected by this development. I will continue to contribute to the Mercury Rooms with as much enthusiasm as I have displayed thus far.’ Suddenly, there came a great rumble from The Black Hole itself and the control panel on the wall exploded in a shower of sparks. ‘Blimey,’ Jason said, stunned. ‘You were saying?’ Elion frowned at Totoro.

*** Martian Manhunter, J’onn J’onzz or rather, John Jones these days, sat in a café with an untouched cup of coffee in front of him. So far, getting in touch with humanity was harder than even he had first assumed. They were just so complicated. But he had vowed not to use his telepathic abilities to further his relationships with them. That was a Martian attribute that they had no hope of reciprocating with him. ‘So, what’s this place supposed to be about then?’ Manhunter glanced over his shoulder at a group of human youths who were gathering around an Internet Access Terminal behind the booth he was occupying. ‘Like I told you,’ the only girl amongst them replied. ‘It’s not open yet. I just heard about it at Veoh from some weird guy carrying a dead dog and a gun around with him.’ ‘And you seriously want to go to a place where people like that are hanging out?’ Her friend frowned at her. ‘That’s not the point, Gmac,’ she said in an exasperated tone. ‘It’s going to be one of the largest Internet forums ever! There’s no way you’ll ever find a better one if that guy wasn’t completely off his nut.’ ‘… which he probably was, Leara,’ the third youth said plainly. ‘Well, I think it’s worth checking out,’ the girl named Leara humphed. ‘Think of how brilliant somewhere like that would be if they could pull it off.’ ‘If,’ the one she had called Gmac pointed out. ‘Well,’ she shrugged. ‘You, Tweak and Gerrardinho don’t have to come with me on Saturday to The Mercury Rooms. You don’t have to join in all the fun. You don’t have to come and watch all the latest TV shows and Movies for absolutely free. You really don’t have to mingle with a wider variety of people then you could ever possibly do outside the Internet.’ ‘Is she going to keep listing stuff until we agree?’ Tweak grumbled. ‘Isn’t that how it normally works?’ Gmac replied. ‘You know you want to see,’ Leara replied incredulously. ‘You can see if they need any extra help finding Videos, Gmac; you know how good you are at it. I’d have nothing to watch these days if it wasn’t for your help.’ ‘It’s true,’ Gmac nodded. ‘They’re supposed to have an Artwork area too,’ Leara added, shooting a glance at Tweak and Gerrardinho. ‘That should give you guys something to do. You can show off those pictures you were showing me.’ ‘… Well …’ Tweak mulled, scratching the back of his head. Leara tossed her hair. ‘I even heard that … well … no.’ ‘What?’ Gerrardinho frowned. ‘I dunno, it’s just a rumour,’ Leara said, biting her lip. ‘Go on,’ Gmac frowned as the Internet Access Portal opened before them. ‘You’re going to tell us anyway.’ ‘Oh, alright,’ Leara smiled as they entered the portal. ‘There’s a rumour going around that Jazz Valentine is going to be at the opening for …’ The portal closed on them. Manhunter folded up the paper he had been attempting to read instead of eaves dropping – and failing miserably –. He rubbed the new growth of stubble on his chin and mulled to himself that perhaps somewhere with hundreds of people from all around the globe interacting with eachother would most likely be somewhere that somebody who was interested in understanding humanity might wan to visit. With a smile, he began to drink his coffee making a note of the name of the Internet site on a napkin – not that he would forget of course, he was a Martian and therefore blessed with a limitless memory – but just because it made him seem a little more human. ***

‘WHAT HAPPENED?’ Elion exclaimed as Jason examined the charred wiring inside the panel of The Black Hole Operating System. Jason let out a furious grunt of annoyance and threw his screwdriver violently back into his tool box. ‘I was afraid of this!’ He remarked angrily. ‘That DDOS did more to the system than I first thought. It’s completely burned out the controls for The Black Hole.’ ‘So … we can’t submit Links anymore?’ Jeebus frowned. ‘Oh, it’s worse than that,’ Jason said, wiping his mouth. ‘Much, much worse.’ ‘TELL US,’ Fink implored. ‘The whole Black Hole system is falling apart,’ Jason said anxiously. ‘Not just the cataloguing system that distributes the Links you submit … but all of it. The Generator’s gone and the Stabiliser along with it … which means …’ ‘YES …’ Fink replied. ‘YES … THIS IS VERY BAD INDEED.’ ‘Very bad?’ Red raised his eyebrows. ‘How “very bad” exactly are we talking?’ ‘Bad!’ Jason cried. ‘The baddest of bads you can imagine. Whoever sent that thing obviously didn’t know what they were doing. Morons. I didn’t think anybody would be crazy enough to mess about with a Black Hole Operating System, least of all send a thicker-than-thick DDOS in to do the job for them. They’ve interrupted the system that keeps the Black Hole contained.’ ‘So, we are going to lose the Black Hole System?’ Totoro inquired. ‘Surely we might still create Rooms manually for the Links we locate.’ ‘No,’ Jason said, his eyes wide. ‘You don’t understand. When the stabilisers fail all together, The Black Hole isn’t going to just disappear. It’s going to break loose and start expanding.’ ‘WE MUST SPREAD WORD THROUGHOUT THE INTERNET,’ Fink said urgently. ‘WE MUST LET THE EARTH KNOW.’ ‘That would probably cause global panic,’ Red exclaimed. ‘THEN WE MUST AT LEAST CANCEL THE OPENING,’ Vatex said clearly. ‘I doubt it would do any good no matter what we did right now,’ Jason replied, scrambling through his tool box. ‘Unless this can be repaired. The Black Hole will grow to such a size, that it will consume the whole Internet. The whole of planet Earth, the solar system … everything. By that time, it won’t matter if ALLUC is open or not. We’re talkin’ about Armageddon.’ ‘Not to mention what will happen when this Black Hole collides with the Black Holes used by other Video Hosting sites,’ Vash gulped. ‘Oh, and that’s bad news alright,’ Jason nodded feverishly, wiping sweat from his brow. ‘CAN YOU REPAIR THE SYSTEM, JASON?’ Fink questioned calmly, trying not to panic. ‘Oh, this kind of thing is well beyond me,’ Jason admitted. ‘The technology you’re using isn’t from Earth, Fink. None of The Black Hole Operating Systems are … and I’m an Earth-based Technician. I might be the best with anything you can give me that was developed on good old Terra-Firma,’ he said, patting the floor. ‘But stuff from other dimensions like these … well … there’s no University I know of that teaches AlternativeDimension-Machinery-Mechanics.’ ‘JOB ONE IF WE SURVIVE THIS THEN,’ Krizzo puffed. ‘THIS IS NO TIME FOR JOVIALITY, KRIZZO!’ Fink reprimanded. ‘WE MUST FIND A WAY TO REPAIR THE SYSTEM … QUICKLY!’ ‘I DO NOT KNOW OF ANY BEING IN OUR REALITY OR THEIRS’ WHO COULD REPAIR A BLACK HOLE OPERATING SYSTEM,’ Vatex’s voice came sullenly. ‘Well then … Jason threw his arms up. ‘I’d say that was chips then.’ ‘There’s nothing we can do?!’ Jeebus growled. ‘At all?!’ ‘PERHAPS THE ORACLE WOULD KNOW,’ Krizzo suggested. ‘The Oracle?’ Beakedbard inquired. ‘Sounds trippy.’ ‘KRIZZO! THIS IS NEITHER THE TIME NOR THE PLACE!’ Fink said sternly. ‘WE REQUIRE USEFUL SUGGESTIONS.’ ‘THAT WAS A USEFUL SUGGESTION,’ Krizzo replied incredulously. ‘THE ORACLE KNOWS EVERYTHING. IF HE CAN’T TELL US WHERE TO FIND SOMEBODY TO FIX THE SYSTEM, THEN HE CAN TELL US HOW TO FIX IT OURSELVES!’

‘THE ORACLE IS GONE FROM OUR WORLD KRIZZO,’ Vatex replied plainly. ‘I KNOW THAT,’ Krizzo said evenly. ‘ELYSIUM CAN LOCATE HIM.’ ‘Are you lost at all by this?’ Will-ko asked Danny quietly, who nodded in reply. ‘WE DO NOT HAVE TIME TO SEND THEM ON A WILD GOOSE CHASE, KRIZZO,’ Fink said vehemently. ‘Hold on, hold on,’ Elion said loudly, holding up his hands. ‘Is there a way to fix this or not?’ The Administrators were silent for a time before Vatex spoke. ‘THERE IS AN ORACLE WHO KNOWS ALL THAT WAS, ALL THAT IS, AND ALL THAT WILL BE. YOU MAY ASK OF HIM THREE QUESTIONS AND THREE ALONE.’ ‘AND ONCE YOU’VE ASKED HIM THREE QUESTIONS HE DISAPPEARS COMPLETELY FROM THE DIMENSION HE’S IN AND TRAVELLS TO ANOTHER AT RANDOM.’ ‘CORRECT,’ Vatex continued. ‘BECAUSE OF THIS, HIS LOCATION IS ALWAYS A MYSTERY-’ ‘WHICH IS WHY IT IS A FOOLS ERRAND TO TRY,’ Fink cut in. ‘THOUGH,’ Vatex said. ‘THERE IS ONE WHO WILL KNOW OF HIS SANCTUM. A BEING FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION WHO IS KNOWN TO US. A SORCERESS NAMED ELYSIUM … THOUGH WHERE SHE RESIDES …’ ‘IS, AGAIN, A MYSTERY,’ Fink thundered. ‘WE HAVE TAKEN VALUABLE TIME TO DWELL UPON THIS LUNACY, NOW, WE NEED REAL ANSWERS.’ ‘WHAT OF THE IMMORTAL ONE?’ Krizzo spoke up. ‘HE AND ELYSIUM ARE CLOSE ALLIES. IF ANYBODY WOULD KNOW OF HERE WHEREABOUTS, HE SHALL.’ ‘SO, YOU SUGGEST THAT WE ASK OUR MODERATORS, TO SEEK OUT AN IMMORTAL ON THE HOPES THAT HE MIGHT AID THEIR SEARCH FOR A SORCERESS SO THAT SHE MIGHT, SHOULD SHE BE IN A MOOD TO DO SO, SHOW THEM TO THE GREAT ORACLE?’ ‘I DO,’ Krizzo replied evenly. ‘WELL,’ Vatex sighed. ‘ITS AS GOOD AS WE’VE GOT RIGHT NOW I SUPPOSE.’ ‘I can keep it stable,’ Jason said surely, popping his head out of the terminal. ‘For a time at least. But not forever. I give it … maybe four or five days before the system goes completely and we all take a trip to oblivion.’ ‘IT IS A LOT TO ASK,’ Fink replied weakly. ‘TOO MUCH.’ ‘We’ll do it,’ Elion said, stepping forward. ‘Surprise, surprise,’ Jason commented under his breath as he attended to the damaged circuitry as best he could. ‘YOU HAVE DONE SO MUCH ALREADY …’ Fink began. ‘Well,’ Red said coolly. ‘If we don’t do this, then we die … basically … so, I think we’re obligated to do everything in our power to stop the system from going nuclear … or whatever Black Holes go.’ ‘WE SHALL NEED SOME OF THE MODERATORS TO REMAIN HERE,’ Vatex said. ‘SHOULD WE DISCOVER ANY NEW INFORMATION THAT MAY SOLVE THE PROBLEM FASTER.’ ‘I’ll hang around here,’ Beakedbard puffed. ‘AS SHALL I,’ Mooney nodded, raising his sword aloft. ‘THIS MAY REQUIRE SOMEBODY TO CROSS BETWEEN THIS WORLD AND THE DIMENSION OF THE ADMINISTRATORS … THAT SOMEBODY IS ME.’ ‘It’s also a handy escape route for you, isn’t it?’ Jeebus said, narrowing his eyes. ‘MAYBE,’ Mooney shrugged. ‘I will stay here also,’ Vash spoke up. ‘People might start asking questions. It’s in times of crisis that you need a P.R. man around.’ ‘I’ll need somebody to help me too,’ Jason shouted from inside the terminal. ‘On it,’ Danny raised his hand. ‘So,’ Elion bobbed on his heels. ‘Me, Totoro, Red, Jeebus and Will-ko are going then?’ ‘LOOKS LIKE IT,’ Krizzo boomed. There was another shower of sparks from the panel. Jason shrieked and threw himself away from the console, brushing embers from his shirt. ‘Err …’ He gulped,

tightening his grip on the wrench in his hand. ‘Remember how I said I could probably keep it stable for four to five days?’ ‘… Yeah …’ Danny said incredulously with a nod. ‘Uhm … you’d better be back with help in two ...’ Jason spluttered, diving back into the wires. ‘At the very most.’ ‘Okay then,’ Red said, quickly stepping forwards and picking up his Zap Gun. ‘Where do we find this Immortal?’

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