The study of comparative, trend and common-size analysis is also very good and profitability position in the KSE Ltd., at during the year of 2003 to 2008.
The value of current ratio of KSE LTD is irregular Year after year and the ratio is more than the ideal value for the five years ie, the value greater than 2.
The liquidity position of KSE LTD is satisfactory.
The net profit ratio shows that KSE LTD is in a favourable position.
The fixed asset to net worth ratio shows that the owner’s funds are more than the total fixed assets.
Proper control over various expenses may increase the profit generation of a company.
To purchase raw material at lower cost will reduce the cost of material
The company can reduce the cost of production and try to improve its profitability.
The company has to give importance to maintanence and consumption of raw materials which would otherwise result in the overstocking and leads to obsolescence
In order to overcome the expenses the firm may reduce the operating expenses. Labour cost, material cost and other overheads are reduced so as to improve the profitability of the company
KSE Ltd started as a small organization with limited capital. The company has becomes a large-scale organization with multifarious quality products.
It has got a
reputation among its customers.
The management of the organisation is very keen in introducing sophisticated technology to upgrade the quality of the product. It has made proper plan for future development. For conducting the project work the authorities of the company has given its full support and better co – operation. It helps to conduct the study in an easy way and to reveal its performance.