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  • Words: 1,076
  • Pages: 7
Name: _____________________________

100 pts

World Geography Final May 2009 Fill- in the blank 1 point each

1. The North Sea is between this continent _____________ and this country______________. 2. Name one Russian river ____________________. 3. Name the peninsula in Mexico that divides the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea___________________. 4. What two ancient rivers run through Iraq_______________ & ________________ . 5. Is the Great Rift Valley on the east or west of the continent of Africa? ___________. 6. What country is the Tarim Desert highway (longest highway) in________________. 7. What two bodies of water lie on each side of the Indian subcontinent? ________ of____________ and the __________ ___________. 8. What Ocean is off the east coast of Africa? ______________ ________________. 9. Name the channel between Madagascar and southeast Africa ___________________. 10. Name the two largest rivers in Australia _______________ & ________________. 11. What desert is in Namibia? _____________________. 12. The Straight of Gibraltar divides which two continents? ____________ & ___________. 13. What is the name of the body of water off the west coast of Saudi Arabia? ________ __________.

14. Name the only peninsula on the continent of Australia ____________ __ ________. 15. What is the name of the man-made water passage in Egypt that allows boats to travel between the Mediterranean and Red Sea? ______________ ___________. 16. The Atlas Mountains are in what country? _________________. 17. Name the two seas of Antarctica ________________ & _______________. 18. Finish the name of this country: Turks & _____________. 19. Name the water passage between the islands of Cuba and Haiti? ____________________. 20. Name current that circumnavigates the globe and affects the weather of every continent and the health of every ocean on earth? __________________ ________________. 21. What is the name of the archipelago that extends from Japan to Taiwan? ____________________ _____________. 22. What is the longest mountain range in the world? _____________________. 23. The __________ ____________ of Southeast Asia is where poppies are grown for heroin. 24. Rwanda is the last refuge for this animal _____________ ____________. 25. A savannah is made up of scattered _____________ and _____________ plains. 26. Subsistence farming means farmers produce crops to feed only _________________. 27. There are approximately ____________ million people living in Africa. 28. What is the definition of migration? ________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. 29. Easter Island is off the coast of which country? _______________________.

30. The Drakensburg Mountains are in which country? ______________ _____________. 31. The Rhine River is mainly in which country? ___________________. 32. Name Africa’s largest lake ________________________. 33. Name the largest desert in the world ________________________. 34. __________is mined in huge surface deposit pits in Kazakhstan. 35. The Western and Eastern Ghats are found on what continent? ____________________. 36. There are 700 tribes in Papua New Guinea that speak ___________ languages. 37. The _______________ canal in Turkmenistan is the world’s longest irrigation canal. 38. Deep in the Himalayan Mountains, Bhutan is an isolated country that harnesses fast flowing rivers to produce ______________ _____________. 39. The Sherpa people of Nepal are skilled ____________ ____________. 40. Bangladesh is a huge _______________ created by the Ghanges & Padma Rivers. 41. The Iberian Peninsula is made up of what two countries? ____________ and __________. 42. The country of _____________ lies at the physical center of the European continent. 43. What country has more then 2,000 islands? ___________________. 44. What mountain range runs the length of Italy? _____________ _____________. 45. OPEC is an acronym for ____________ of _____________ ____________ ____________. 46. The monsoon rains of India last from ____________ to ______________. 47. The Marsh Arabs have been living in southern Iraq for ______________ years.

48. Name the two Palestinian Territories inside Israel _____________ & ______________. 49. Half of Israel’s food is produced by communes called ________________. 50. An international conservation effort is underway to save the beautiful 400 year old mud & brick houses of ____________. 51. Name the 3 regions of Oceania ________________, _______________ & _____________. 52. Bahrain is made up of groups of __________ in the __________ _____________. 53. New Zealand is ______________ miles from the southeast of Australia. 54. The settlers of Oceania came in ______________ ________________ from New Guinea. 55. What mountain range runs through both western Canada and US?__________________. 56. What sea is the island of Cypress in? ______________________ . 57. The Pyrenees are in what European country? __________________. 58. The Ionian Sea is between what two countries? ________________ & ______________. 59. What country grows 3,000 kinds of rice? ____________. 60. Name the two water passages that separate Turkey from Europe? The _________________ & the ___________________. 61. Name the mountainous area in Central Asia where 4 mountain ranges converge which means “Roof of the world.” ____________ _______________. 62. What is the name of the group of islands off the Malabar Coast of India? ______________. 63. What mountains divide European Russia from Asian Russia? ________________________. 64. Name the latitude of 66’ north? ____________ ________________.

65. What country is the radioactive city of Chernobyl in? _______________________. 66. What desert is located in both China and Mongolia? ____________________. 67. Name the straight between the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra _________ of ___________. 68. The Annam Mountains divide which two countries? _______________ & __________. 69. What country does the Irrawaddy River flow through? _________________________. 70. Are the Carpathian Mountains in a) Russia b) Greenland c) E. Europe? ___________ . 71. Name the huge aquifer in Australia _____________ _______________. 72. What country is the Syrian Desert located in? _______________ 73. What sea is located directly above Turkey? ________________. 74. Name the large island off the southeast coast of Africa ______________________. 75. What desert is at the southern end of Israel? ______________________.

Extra Credit (worth 5 points each) A. Name the five bodies of water surrounding the Arabian Peninsula _____________, _______________, ________________, _______________, _____________. B.

Name all seven “-stans” ______________,_______________, ____________, _______________, ______________, ______________, ____________________.


Name the 7 provinces of Canada that border the United States: ________________, ________________, ______________, __________________, ________________,________________,_______________.

World Geography Map Portion Place the number corresponding to physical or political location on the blank map. Worth 1 point each.

1. Drakes Passage 2. Baffin Bay 3. Aegean Sea 4. Burma/Myanmar 5. Kamchatka Peninsula 6. Lake Baikal 7. Aral (Ural)Sea 8. Caribbean Sea 9. Tierra del Fuego 10.

Arafura Sea






South Africa (country)


Malaysia (2 parts)


Beaufort Sea






Yellow Sea


Greenland Sea


The Antarctic Peninsula


Sri Lanka




Persian Gulf

24.Sao Tomé & Principe 25.Iceland

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