Final Questionnaire

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,832
  • Pages: 9
For more Notes, Presentations, Project Reports visit Name of the Organization: ----------------------------------------------------------------------Name Of the HR Manager: ---------------------------------------------------------------------Workforce (No. of Employees): ----------------------------------------------------------------Nature Of work: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ….

Questionnaire I. Recruitment & Selection 1. Potential Candidates in your Organization are generated through the following external recruitment sources: (tick and rank them based on the number and quality of candidates generated. Also roughly specify the percentage mix of each of the following sources adopted) i) Direct applicants ii) Placement Consultants iii) Job portals iv) Employee referral v) Through temporary staffing vi) Head hunting vii) Body shopping viii) Any other sources, please specify 2. a. Do you have employee referral schemes? i) Yes ii) No b. If yes, the reward given on bringing the candidate on board is – i) Monetary reward ii) Non-monetary reward c. If monetary, then define the upper and lower limit . d. If non-monetary, then what does the rewards include? 3.a. In selection procedure, how many rounds of technical interviews & HR rounds do you conduct for lower level candidates? b. Does the same hold good for managerial level cadre also?

4. a. Do you conduct psychometric tests? i) Yes ii) No b. If yes, is it level specific? i) Yes ii) No 5.a. Do you conduct background checks? i) Yes ii) No b. If yes, is it for all levels of employees or only for senior positions?

c. Is the background check done by the internal staff or is it outsourced? 6. Do you bear any expenses of the out-station candidate for the final interview? If yes, please specify the expenses. i) Yes ii) No 7. Do you also bear the relocation expenses of the outstation candidate(within India)? i) Yes ii) No 8 . If yes, which of the following expenses are covered of the out-station candidate, once he/she is selected? (tick mark wherever applicable) a. Travel b. Transportation of house-hold goods c. Accommodation d. All of the above 9. For which hierarchical level ,do you provide such expenses? 10. What are the monetary limits for the following expenses? a. Travel ……………………. b. Transportation of house-hold goods …………………. c. Accommodation ………………….. 11. Ideally, how much time does the hiring process take i.e. right from the test/ interview stage to the offer stage? 12. Do you get an employment agreement signed by the freshers? If yes, what is the value of the agreement? 13. The duration of the probationary period for a new joinee in your organization is: i) 6 months ii) 1 year iii) 2 years II. Induction

1. The induction programme of your organization is of: a. Structured and Formal type b. Informal type 2. The duration of induction programme is a. Less than one week b. One week c. One month 3. What does the induction programme of your organization cover? 4. Do you have a Buddy mentor system to make the new joinee feel at ease? i) Yes ii) No

5. Do you offer any gifts, vouchers etc to the new joinees to welcome them in a warm and friendly way? i) Yes ii) No III Learning & Development 1. Is the training mandatory for all level of employees? i) Yes ii) No 2. If yes, on an average, how many man-hours of training do you provide for each employee in a year? 3. On what basis is the training need analyzed in your organization? i. Employee performance ii. Performance Counseling iii. Competency framework iv. Need based v. Any other, please specify. 4. a. Training is provided to employees in your Organization to enhance their i) Technical skills ii) Soft skills iii) Both i. & ii. iv) Any other area, please mention. b. If you provide training in soft skills, what are the different types of behavioral training programmmes offered to employees? ( tick mark wherever applicable) i) Communication Skills ii) Interviewing Skills iii) Assertiveness iv) Creativity v) Culture Sensitivity vi) Any other, please specify c. What is the frequency of such Behavioral training programmes? 2. Generally, what are the different methods adopted by your organization to train the

employees? i) Web-Based ii) On-the-job training iii) Class room iv) Both web–based and class room. v) Any other, please specify. 3. Effectiveness of training program in your Organization is normally evaluated by i) Observing the post training performance of employees ii) Reaction/ Feedback of the trainees iii) Determining ROI iv) Any other method, please specify.

IV. Performance Appraisal 1. The performance appraisal method followed in the Organization is i) Balanced Scorecard method ii) MBO iii) Any other method, Please specify. 2. An individual employee is evaluated on the basis of his/her (tick where required and rank based on the weightage given for each of the following) i) Technical skills ii) Behavior iii)Adaptability in the Organization iv) Any other, please specify. 3. The employee is evaluated on the basis of : i) 360 degree feedback ii) 180 degree feedback 4. The appraisal is conducted: i) Once in 6 months ii) Once in a year 5. Is the appraisal feedback communicated to the respective employee? i) Yes ii) No 6. Is the post appraisal feedback viewed seriously by the Organization? i) Yes ii) No 7. Are the employees satisfied with the appraisal system adopted currently? i) Yes ii) No V. Career progression 1. a. Do you have a mentor system intended to help employees in their career progression? i) Yes ii) No b. If yes, how do you carry out the career progression through such mentor?

2. What are the different measures adopted by your organization to encourage the employees in their career growth? 3. a. Does your organization provide the employees an opportunity to shift their career line if their interest lies in some other area, existent in the organization. i) Yes ii) No b. If yes, on what basis is it entertained?

VI. Leave policy 1. a. How many days of privilege leave do you provide your employees annually? b. Can they carry forward privilege leave? If yes, then for how many days? i) Yes ii) No c. Specify the conditions of availing privilege leave. 2. How many days of Casual leave do you provide your employees annually? i) less than 10 days ii) 10 days iii) 12 days iv) 15 days v) 15 days and above 3. What are the other kinds of leave enjoyed by the employees in the organization? Specify the conditions for each. VII Communication & Decision making processes 1.The Communication pattern in your organization is structured such that it is: i) Formal & transparent ii) Informal c) Both i) & ii) iv) Any other, specify 2.a. Is your organization encouraging employee participation in decision making? i) Yes ii) No b. If yes, what are the different employee participative programs you organize? c) What is the frequency of such programs? i) Weekly ii) Monthly iii) Quarterly IX. Rewards & Recognition 1. What are the types of rewards usually given to the employees? a. Monetary b. Non-monetary c. Both d. No defined rewards 2. From the following options considered, the employee gets recognition for:

(put tick mark where ever applicable) a. Performance b. Milestones c. Birthday d. Length of service e. Marriage f. Innovation & creativity g. Team performance h. Customer Satisfaction i. Contribution towards society j. Any other, specify. 3. What is the upper and lower limit in case of monetary rewards for recognition ? 4. What is the approximate value of the non-monetary rewards given by your organization? X. Employee Recreation 1. Which of the following types of recreational activities are followed in your organization? (tick mark where ever necessary) a. Outings b. Sports Events c. Organization- wide parties d. Lunch and dinner e. Offsite training / Team Building Activities g. Any other, please mention. 2. What is the frequency of the above recreational activities? i. Monthly ii. Quarterly iii. Bi- annually iv. Annually

v. Need Based

XI. Personal Accident Insurance Policy: 1. What are the contingencies that you cover under this policy? 2. Other than the standard contingencies, do you provide any other benefits like expenses for the carriage of dead body, children’s education grant ? If yes, then what is the amount fixed and how is it ascertained? 3. How is the insurance amount decided? a) Fixed b) Contingent on Compensation c) Contingent on Level 4. What is the sum insured for each employee as per Personal accident insurance policy? 5. What is the general practice for ascertaining the insurance amount, if it is based on compensation or level?

XII. Mediclaim Policy 1. Which type of policy do you offer? a. Floater b. Fixed c. Both 2. Who are covered under Mediclaim policy? a. Employee only b. Employee, Spouse, 2 Children c. Employee, Spouse , Parents d. Employee, Spouse, Parents and 2 Children

3. What are the services that are covered under the Mediclaim policy? e. Pre-existing Illness f. New Babies from day-one Cover c. Any other specific illness/disorder 4. Do you have any third party service provider other than the insurer? i) Yes ii) No 5. What is the sum insured for each employee as per the mediclaim policy? XIII. Domestic Relocation Policy 1. i) Do you have any policy for Domestic relocation? a. Yes b. No ii) If yes, the expenses covered under that include: a) Travel b) Transportation of goods c) Temporary accommodation d) Relocation bonus e) Any other, please specify. 2. If travel expenses are covered, please answer the following questions: i) What is the mode of travel provided by the company? a) Road b) Railway c) Air ii) If it is through railways, which class do you provide? a) I a/c b) II a/c c) III a/c d) Sleeper Class iii) Do you provide economy class airfare? If yes, then how many people are covered under the airfare? 3. If Transportation of goods is covered:

i) Do you have a defined limit for expenses incurred for transportation of goods? a) Yes b) No ii) If yes, what is the defined limit? 4. Accommodation Duration & Cost: i) For how many days is the accommodation provided by the organization? ii) How much is the amount allocated for accommodation? 5. Local Conveyance & Sundry expenses i) Do you have any provision for the local conveyance & sundry expenses? i) Yes ii) No 6. Relocation Bonus i) If the relocation bonus is provided, what are the defined upper and lower limits? XII Notice Period. 1 a. What is the notice period a candidate on probation should serve on leaving the organization? b. Is there any provision for employee on probation, who cannot serve the notice period and would like to have smooth exit? Please Specify. 2.a. What is the notice period in case of permanent employee leaving the organization? b. Is there any provision in your organization for them to get relieved before the notice period? XIII Employee Retention: 1. What are the retention strategies adopted by your organization to retain employees and also to attract prospects? -----------XIV. Compensation

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