Final Mission Report2

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United Nations Development Programme

‫برنامج المم المتحدة النمائي‬









Subject: ART GOLD MAGHREB – MISSION REPORT – Period 20.11.04 – 15.07.05

This document is prepared in order to provide to the new CTA, the relevant information for a smoothly continuation of the activities already realized in the framework of ARG GOLD Libya. ToRs Consultant on Local Development: Main focal point in Libya for all issues concerning the Art Gold MAGHREB project, in coordination; promote the Libya window of the Art Gold MAGHREB project, its objectives and methodology at local level in the selected pilot regions, to achieve a full participation of local actors; Provide technical assistance to Local authorities to finalize Local Action Plans for each pilot region, to ensure the identification of quick impact projects and middle-term development actions with a detailed budget. Elaborate a national Action Plan integrated by each Local Action Plan, with related budget, which will be negotiated with national and local authorities before its approval; Strengthen operative coordination with UNDP CO in order to build synergy at local level and assume the GOLD approach/programme as the local development strategy of UNDP in the country; Maintain and reinforce contacts and operative coordination with International Cooperation agencies present in the country, and with decentralized cooperation partners, in coordination with the APPI Management Unit and the EDINFODEC project; Draw reports of the activities undertaken during the appointment period and maintain permanent communication with GOLD Regional Unit in Tunis; Link up to UNESCO and UNIFEM, when needs be, concerning the international activities component of the Art Gold MAGHREB project.

69/71 Turkia Street, Tripoli Libya. Tel: (218-21) 333 08 52 Fax: (218-21) 333 73 49 e-mail: [email protected] Web: :‫ انترنت‬[email protected] :‫ بريد الكتروني‬49 73 333 )21 -218 ( :‫ فاكس‬52 08 333 )21 -218 ( :‫ شارع تركيا طرابلس – ليبيا هاتف‬69/71

United Nations Development Programme

‫برنامج المم المتحدة النمائي‬


The main results


In the framework of ART GOLD MAGHREB, according to the ToR and the goals defined, the main results of the mission in Libya of the consultant Gianluca Nocera have been: • The setup of the LWG in the Sha’abiyat (Derna, Butnan, Misurata and Jaghboub) involved in the Programme; • The preparation of the Territorial Marketing Document for the Sha’abiya of Butnan with the assistance of Mr. Michele Zarrelli; • The complete successful missions in Italy, Spain and Greece of Libyan delegations to meet the European DCCs with the signature of various MoU among Libyan Sha’abiyat and DCCs; • The successful mission in Libya of the International Secretariat for ART Gold of Tuscany Region with the identification of a first project of telemedicine as cooperation in the field of the public health with the involvement of the three Sha’abiyat; • The involvement of the Area of Jaghboub in the Programme; • The presentation for approval by the Libyan Ministry of Planning of a project of training in the field of local planning to the ministry of Planning with the involvement of CIRCLE; • The identification of possible projects of cooperation in Derna, Misurata and Butnan; • With the support of CIRCLE, drafting of a project in the field of tourism with the involvement of the Libyan Sha’abiyat and the Italian Regions of Sicily and Basilicata; • The activation of cooperation with WWF in support to the realization of a conference for the coastal protection on 27th September 2005. The conference is a first step for the identification and implementation of Projects in the field of sustainable development for the coastal areas. • The preparation of the Action Plan of the Programme with the involvement of the Ministry of Planning and the Sha’abiyat involved in the Programme and the official presentation for approval;

ACTIVITIES The mission started on 20th November 2004. It was foreseen the participation to a conference in Tunisia on local development organized by Gold Programme. With the cancellation of the conference and the delay of the visa for Libya, it was organized a first agenda in Italy with the aim to meet the Italian Decentralized Cooperation

69/71 Turkia Street, Tripoli Libya. Tel: (218-21) 333 08 52 Fax: (218-21) 333 73 49 e-mail: [email protected] Web: :‫ انترنت‬[email protected] :‫ بريد الكتروني‬49 73 333 )21 -218 ( :‫ فاكس‬52 08 333 )21 -218 ( :‫ شارع تركيا طرابلس – ليبيا هاتف‬69/71

United Nations Development Programme

‫برنامج المم المتحدة النمائي‬

Committees interested to cooperate with Libya. The details of the meeting are in the annex 1. On 7th of December the Libyan visa was ready and the mission in Libya begun on 8th of December. Ms. Benedetta Oddo introduced the Libya consultant as new CTA to Mr. Zunni, Mr Shuaib, Governor of Derna, and ‫ليبيـا‬ Mr. Julio Grieco. After a selection of assistants, Mr. Osama Matri was selected as an assistant. The first mission in the field was organized on 26th of December 2004 in Derna and Butnan. During the meetings with the Governors and the other Secretaries of both the Sha’abiyat was discussed the priorities of each sector and the methodology of intervention of ART GOLD MAGHREB. On 03rd of January the consultant has visited the Sha’abiya of Misurata and met, in an official meeting, with the Governor and the most members of the Secretaries. The consultant presented the Programme and the initiatives and proposed the next activities in course of planning. According to the request of the APPI office in Rome, the consultant prepared a first budget in order to cover the cost of the activities until the end of February 2005. Until the second week of February the amount approved was not available. In that phase, as advance, the consultant has guaranteed the Programme operations with his own financial resources. ART GOLD Libya intended to organize the first nucleus of the RWG and support them, with an international assistant specialized on local development in order to elaborate the first document of Territorial Marketing. This document is the basic tool for the promotion of the future cooperation with the European DCCs. The second activity planned has been a first mission in Italy with the participation of three delegates from each Sha’abiya and a delegate for each Ministry or National Authority involved in ART GOLD Libya. Each Sha’abiya has identified three staff members as first nucleus of LWG. In particular: For the Sha’abiya of Misurata Muftah Abdalla Gibril 2. Kamal Abdalla Elshalfuh 3. Mohamed Omar Esmaio 1.

Secretary of the People’s Committee for Education Secretary of the People’s Committee for Tourism Representative of the People’s Committee for Labor

For the Sha’abiya of Derna 1. Fathalla Muftah Sargewa 2. Masaud Mohamed Ekraym

Secretary of the Planning Council of Derna Director of High Center for Polytechnic Studies

69/71 Turkia Street, Tripoli Libya. Tel: (218-21) 333 08 52 Fax: (218-21) 333 73 49 e-mail: [email protected] Web: :‫ انترنت‬[email protected] :‫ بريد الكتروني‬49 73 333 )21 -218 ( :‫ فاكس‬52 08 333 )21 -218 ( :‫ شارع تركيا طرابلس – ليبيا هاتف‬69/71

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Mohammed Najib Leias Financial Follow-up


Zakaria Mohamed Busheha for

Member of the Technical and Department Member of the faculty of High Center Polytechnic Studies



For the Sha’abiya of Butnan Fakhraldin-S-A-Mahmod 2. Hussen El Mabruk 3. Abdulsalam M. Abubaker 1.

Secretary of Trade Unions. Honorary Italian Consul in Tobruk Secretary of basic people’s congress- city of Tobruk.

Based on the constituted LWG the consultant requested the selection of experts for the assistance of the LWG in the preparation of the TMD. The consultant defined the profiles and the ToRs. EDINFODEC Programme and CIRCLE have provided several CVs of youth consultants or stagers that did not find the approval of the RR. Mr. Zarrelli has been the only stager approved by the RR. Mr. Zarrelli has been assigned to Tobruk. He had prepared, with the active cooperation of the Sha’abiya departments and the LWG, the TMD for the Sha’abiya of Butnan. Mr. Zarrelli arrived in Libya on 24th January 2005. The duration of his mission was three months. At the end of his mission, due to the positive evaluation of his work, the consultant requested to Mr. Gianluca Vignola to make him a first contract in order to continue his work in Tobruk and in the other Sha’abiyat. From 02nd until 5th of February 2005 the consultant and his assistant Mr Osama Matri, have organized another mission in Derna and Tobruk in order to introduce Mr. Zarrelli in Tobruk and to confirm the last details regarding the mission in Italy such as Visa, advance, agenda, etc. During this period various meetings was organized with national authorities in order to define the potential partnerships for A. G. Libya: • • • •

Mr. Lorenzo de Prosperis – Chief of Cooperazione Italiana in Libya; Mr. Rajab Shiglabu – General Director of Libyan Investment Board; Mr. Mohamed Omer Esmaio – expert of vocational training in the Office of Developing Working forces and training Boss; Dr Mustafa Attir - President of Arab Sociological Association; Mr. Ali El Sherif - Under Secretary of General Popular Committee of Economy and Trade

69/71 Turkia Street, Tripoli Libya. Tel: (218-21) 333 08 52 Fax: (218-21) 333 73 49 e-mail: [email protected] Web: :‫ انترنت‬[email protected] :‫ بريد الكتروني‬49 73 333 )21 -218 ( :‫ فاكس‬52 08 333 )21 -218 ( :‫ شارع تركيا طرابلس – ليبيا هاتف‬69/71

United Nations Development Programme

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• • • •

Dr. Mahmoud Khaled – National Coordinator of FAO Programme Libya Agri cover. Mr. Abdalla M. Fallah – Member of the Libyan Businessmen Council Libya Mr. Abounnaby Abughania – Director of National Planning Centre ‫ليبيـا‬ for Education Mr. Aribi Mazuz – Under Secretary, Libyan General People Committee for Tourism Mr. Amar El-Taief, Secretary Libyan General People Committee for Tourism

These meetings have represented the first approach to the different aspects of the interventions that Art GOLD will foresee in its own implementation. Economy, Social exclusion, Gender Policies, Health, Education, etc, are the fields of action for AG Libya in connection with the goals defined in the Libya Common Country Assessment 2004. In cooperation with EDINFODEC, Art Tuscany and Circle, a first mission of Libyan delegates in Italy to meet the Italian DCCs was held from 13th to 20th of February 2005. The Mission report and the main results are attached in the Annex 2. In the period of March-April 2005, with the assistance of Ms. Giulia Dario, under the supervising of Mr. Gianluca Vignola, the consultant has drafted the Action Plan for ART GOLD – April 2004 – April 2005. The draft has been prepared in cooperation with the Under secretary of the Ministry of Planning, Mr. Abdoul Bari Zunni and Asma Muttawa, Program officer UNDP and the Governor of the three Sha’abiyat. After the presentation of ART GOLD to the Governor of the Jaghboub area, Mr. Mansour Salem Kamees, He decided to present an official request to the Ministry of Planning, Mr. Zunni in an official letter requesting the involvement of Jaghboub Area in Art Gold. The area has been included in the Action Plan. On April 22nd arrived in Libya the delegates of the first mission of Italian decentralized cooperation of Tuscany region. The delegation has been composed by: • Mr. Sauro Gori, Coordinator of International Secretariat for ART Gold Decentralized Cooperation for Maghreb. • Dr. Marcello Caremani, expert in ultrasound and international cooperation, Hospital of Arezzo. • Dr. Vincenzo Lucchetti, First Surgeon of Hospital of Florence and export of international cooperation. The mission agenda is attached as annex 3. The goal of this first mission has been the setup of a Program of cooperation among the Hospitals and the Local Authorities for the Public Health. It has been drafted as a project of telemedicine and tele-assistance among Italian and Libyan hospitals. In 69/71 Turkia Street, Tripoli Libya. Tel: (218-21) 333 08 52 Fax: (218-21) 333 73 49 e-mail: [email protected] Web: :‫ انترنت‬[email protected] :‫ بريد الكتروني‬49 73 333 )21 -218 ( :‫ فاكس‬52 08 333 )21 -218 ( :‫ شارع تركيا طرابلس – ليبيا هاتف‬69/71

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order to define the project and for the elaboration of a work plan in the field of health a mission of three months of an expert has been planned. Dr. Flavio Godi, has started his mission on 11th of July. The ToR of the mission has been defined with the cooperation of ART Tuscany; the delegates came in Libya a companied by the International Consultant.



The mission of Miss. Alessandra Pomè, expert of WWF has been supported by ART GOLD Libya. In the framework of the cooperation between WWF Mediterranean Programme Office and UNOPS/UNDP ART GOLD Libya Programme, the mission aimed: •

To plan and start the organization of a National Conference on “Sustainable human development - Natural and Cultural Resources Conservation in the Cyrenaica Coastline”, to be held in Tripoli on 27th of September 2005. Define a first common action plan for the Sha’abiyat along the Cyrenaica Coast, which combines sustainable human development and environmental conservation measures such as a network of Marine Protected Areas;

The mission started on 02nd until 05th of May 2005. The WWF consultant has worked with the Libyan National Authority for Environmental Protection (EGA) in order to prepare the program of the conference and identify the possible future partnerships. ART GOLD, according to the MoU that should be signed in September, will be partner of WWF in the implementation of projects that will foresee initiatives finalized to create the conditions for a sustainable economic development of local communities in respect of the eco characteristic of Cirenaica. The agenda of the conference is available as annex 4. After the mission of WWF, it was organized a mission in Greece and Spain with the aim to have a first meeting between Libyan Authorities and Decentralized Cooperation Committees of the two countries. Thanks to EDINFODEC Program it was possible to have, in few days, a full agenda of meetings in both countries. For the details of the mission please find attached the mission report as Annex 5. Thanks to the results, or better the opportunities created by ART GOLD, the interest regarding the Programme has been extended to other Sha’abiyat. The Ing. Senoussi, Inspector of Tech. Depart. of the Sha’abiya of Eljabal Akhdar has organized a meeting with the Governor of the Sha’abiya Mr. FARAJ AL BARASI. It was the opportunity to introduce the Programme to the Governor. As for the Area of Jaghboub the coordinator has invited the Governor to write to the Ministry of Planning the letter of interest to participate to ART GOLD. After the second part of June it was slacken the activities of promotion of the Programme. The foreseen meetings in Naloot and Gharian have been postponed in relation at the announced arriving of the new CTA.

69/71 Turkia Street, Tripoli Libya. Tel: (218-21) 333 08 52 Fax: (218-21) 333 73 49 e-mail: [email protected] Web: :‫ انترنت‬[email protected] :‫ بريد الكتروني‬49 73 333 )21 -218 ( :‫ فاكس‬52 08 333 )21 -218 ( :‫ شارع تركيا طرابلس – ليبيا هاتف‬69/71

United Nations Development Programme

‫برنامج المم المتحدة النمائي‬

RECOMMENDATIONS In order to prosecute the ART GOLD Libya Programme activities the following initiatives should be taken: • •

• • •



To identify for each Sha’abiya a national Focal point. The term of reference are already drafted. To identify an expert for each Sha’abiya in order to assist the LWG in the preparation of the territorial marketing documents and the identification of the priorities for each sector of intervention of ART GOLD. The coordinator tried to achieve this goal but, a part Mr. Zarrelli, it was not possible to receive this kind of assistance. To cooperate with WWF for the organization of the conference, in September, and for the identification of a Project of cooperation in the framework of ART GOLD. The implementation of the Telemedicine Project with the involvement of the three Sha’abiyat, the Italian, Spanish and Greek decentralized cooperation committees already contacted. To continue the dialogue with Dr. Graschew Georgi for the involvement of German committees in order to contribute to build the Mediterranean virtual Hospital. The organization of a training programme on planning and local development based on the proposal of ARTEM and partially implemented through the proposal presented to the Ministry of Planning. The organization, as soon as possible, of the official meeting for the approval of the Action Plan for ART GOLD. The organization of the delegations from Greece and Spain in order to give continuity to the meeting held in those countries. To promote the projects already identified in the Sha’abiyat such as: o The cataloguing of the historical and archaeological resources of Butnan in cooperation with Soprintendenza per i Beni Librari e Documentari IBC Regione Emilia-Romagna, in particolar, Mrs. Giuseppina Benassati Responsabile catalogazione materiali grafici e fotografici o The project for the rehabilitation of the Medina of Derna with the assistance of city of Matera. CIRCLE initiative has been involved in the preparation of this project.

The information above provided are the more relevant for a smoothly succession in the management of ART GOLD Libya. All the documents produced until now are available on the PCs and the servers of UNDP Libya. Tripoli, 12.07.2005

69/71 Turkia Street, Tripoli Libya. Tel: (218-21) 333 08 52 Fax: (218-21) 333 73 49 e-mail: [email protected] Web: :‫ انترنت‬[email protected] :‫ بريد الكتروني‬49 73 333 )21 -218 ( :‫ فاكس‬52 08 333 )21 -218 ( :‫ شارع تركيا طرابلس – ليبيا هاتف‬69/71

United Nations Development Programme

‫برنامج المم المتحدة النمائي‬

Gianluca Nocera



69/71 Turkia Street, Tripoli Libya. Tel: (218-21) 333 08 52 Fax: (218-21) 333 73 49 e-mail: [email protected] Web: :‫ انترنت‬[email protected] :‫ بريد الكتروني‬49 73 333 )21 -218 ( :‫ فاكس‬52 08 333 )21 -218 ( :‫ شارع تركيا طرابلس – ليبيا هاتف‬69/71

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