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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10 Grade Level: Grade 10 Date: March 12, 2019 (Tuesday) Schedule: 8:20-9:20 - G10-Flores I. Competency: Use a variety of informative, persuasive and argumentative writing techniques (EN10WC-IVb14.1.2) Objectives: A. Identify the different functions of hedging devices B. Use hedging devices in different group tasks C. Express the importance of using hedging devices

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II. Subject Matter A. Topic: Hedging Devices B. Materials: Power Point Presentation Chalk Board Cue card

   

Illustration board Shampoo bottles Microphone Boxes

  

Printed hand outs Printed rubrics Score board

C. References: III. Procedure A. Daily Routine Teacher’s Activity 1. The teacher will enter and greet the class. “ Good morning class!.”

Student’s Activity “Good Ms. Cha, We’re glad to see you”

2. “Can someone please lead us in a prayer?”

A student will volunteer to lead the class in a prayer.

3. “Before you sit down, please pick up the pieces of litter under your chair and arrange your seats properly.”

The students will pick up the litter under their chair and will arrange their chair properly.

4. “You may now take your seat.”

“Thank you Ms. Cha”

5. “Are there any absentees for today?”

“None Ms. Cha”

B. Review Teacher’s Activity 1. “Let us recall our previous lesson about Les Miserables.”

Student’s Activity

2. “Who is the author of the of the classic literature Les Miserables?”

“The author of Les Miserables is Victor Hugo.”

3. “Very good! What about the characters? Will you give one and describe each?

     

4. “Very good class! And lastly, for you, what is the message of Les Miserables?”

5. “Excellent class!” C. Presentation of the lesson 1. Activity

Fantine - she is a hardworking mother that will do everything to give the needs of her daughter. Cosette - she is a very beautiful lady that grew up kind in the care of Valjean. Valjean - a responsible man for he have taken care of Cosette even though they were not blood related. He is also brave and helpful to other people. Javert - he is strict and abides the law in which he believes. If he wants to achieve or attain something, he would not stop until he get it. Mr. And Mrs. Thernardier - they were the kind of people that takes advantage of other people which makes them greedy. The Bishop - He was a good man that helps people who are in need like Valjean. He believes that a man could change into an honest man.

“The message of Les Miserables is about love and compassion. It showed us that the most important gifts a person could give or share is love and compassion. Just like Valjean who took care of Cosette even though they are not blood-related.”

A. Motivation Teacher’s Activity 1. The teacher will post on the board an advertisement about the product Dove. 2. The students will be given a time to observe the poster.

2. Analysis Teacher’s Activity 1. After the observation time of the students, the teacher will ask the following questions.

Student’s Activity

Student’s Activity

QUESTIONS: A. “What do you think does this poster advertises?”

“The poster advertises about the soap Dove.”

B. “What have you observed in the poster? You may give a comment or opinion about it. Who wants to share their thoughts?”

“The poster shows two women removing the shirt. The first woman skin complexion is dark while the second woman is fair.” “The first woman seems to be an African while the second woman seems to be an American.”

C. What is your interpretation about the advertisement? D. “From the responses of your classmates, what do you think is their way of delivering their responses?”

“If you use the Dove soap you will have a fairer skin like the second woman in the picture.” “ Some of the responses sounds like criticizing and judgmental.” “Some of the responses sounds polite or respectful”

E. “You said that the responses of your classmates are polite? How do you say so? What grammar devices are present in the responses written on the board?”

“The grammar devices used in the responses to make it sound polite or respectful are lexical verbs and modal verbs.”

(While the students are sharing their answer, the teacher will write it on the board.) “Very good class!” 3. Abstraction Teacher’s Activity 1. “Very good! In academic writing, there is what we call ‘Hedging’ in which verbs and modals were used.”

Student’s Activity

2. “Base on your responses a while ago, what do you think is the meaning or definition of Hedging?”

“ The meaning of Hedging is to make your words as polite as possible even though you are making criticism or comment to a certain idea, people or event. That is why you will use verbs or modals as your grammar devices.”

3. “Very good!” 4. After asking the definition from the students, the teacher will show the definition of hedging to the students through a power point presentation. CONTENT OF POWER POINT PRESENTATION Hedging - “avoiding extreme use of language” - being cautious in using language 5. After the definition, the teacher will also show different examples of Hedging Devices through a power point presentation. CONTENT OF THE POWER POINT PRESENTATION Grammar Devices for Hedging

Students will be encouraged to read what is on the power point presentation.

“Hedging should be used because it will make you sorespectful and more professional to the person your speaking or writing to.” Students will also be encouraged to read the content of the power point presentation.

Outline: A. Verbs B. Modal Verbs  Lexical Verbs  To show state (perception) or condition (relation) Key words to use For appearance: For evidence: For frequency: - seem(s) - contribute(s) - tend(s) to - appear(s) - indicate(s) Example: The data suggest gas prices are going down.  Modal Verbs (possibility)  To show probability or possibility - may/ may not - could - might/ might not - would Example: - Jennings’ (2010) research would appear to show that smoking tobacco may cause lung cancer. 

There is also a possibility that both introductory verb and modal verb could be used in one sentence.

Example: - Smith’s (2011) evidence suggests that greenhouse gases may have an effect on the climate. 6. “Thank you for reading. Now, will you give one reason as to why hedging should be used?”

“Hedging should be used because it will make you sound respectful and more professional to the person your speaking or writing to.”

7. “Excellent! Let us see the other reasons why we should used hedging.” 8. The teacher will show through power point presentation the four reasons why they should use hedging. CONTENT OF POWER POINT PRESENTATION Reasons to Use Hedging

The students will also be encouraged to read the content of the power point presentation

 Demonstrates politeness or respectfulness Example: A. It is obvious that students never speak English outside the class. B. The data in Figure 1 suggests that students tend not to speak English very frequently outside the class.  Separates the idea from the writer. Example: A. An observation to the gas prices shows that its price are going down. B. The data suggest gas prices are going down. 

Expresses cautiousness A. He is guilty. B. It might be possible that he is guilty.

3. Generalization Teacher’s Activity 1. The teacher will ask: “Again, let us recall what we have discussed about hedging. What is the definition of hedging?”

Student’s Activity “The definition of hedging is avoiding extreme use of language and being cautious in use of language.”

2. “Very good! What about the grammar devices you could use for hedging?”

“Lexical Verbs and Modal Verbs”

3. “Will you give an example of lexical verbs to use for hedging?”

- seem(s) to - suggest(s) - appear(s) to - indicate(s) - tend(s) to - contribute(s)

4. “Very good! What about the modal verbs that can be used for hedging?”

- may/ may not - can/ could - might/ might not - would

5. “Excellent! And lastly, what about the reasons why you should use hedging, anyone?

- Demonstrates politeness or respectfulness - Separates the idea from the writer. - Expresses cautiousness - Makes a report more precise

6. “Very good every one!” 4. Application Teacher’s Activity 1. “Now that you have clearly understand the lesson, let us try if you could use the hedging devices in different kinds of task.” PERFORMANCE TASKS

Student’s Activity

Group 1 - News Casting  Choose one anchor and one reporter to discuss about the upcoming senatorial elections.  Use the modal verbs and lexical verbs while conversing to each other.  Present your task as creative as possible. Group 2 - Shampoo Commercial  Assume that you are filming a shampoo commercial, compare the two products using modal verbs and lexical verbs.  You may also add other ideas to make your presentation creative. Group 3 - Ms. Q & A (Debattle part)  Think of a topic to debate upon by your chosen group mates as contestants.  Use the modal verbs and lexical verbs while conversing to each other.  Present your work as creative as possible. Group 4 - Interview (Showbiz)  Think of a talk show as your inspiration for this task (Tonight with Boy Abunda, Magandang Buhay, etc.)  While discussing a certain issue about a celebrity, use the modal verbs and lexical verbs.  Present your task as creative as possible. Group 5 - Panelists of the other groups  Watch the performances of the other groups closely.  After each performance, give your comment/suggestion using the lexical verb and modal verb.  After each comment/ suggestion, give your score using a score board. 2. Before they begin, the teacher will show to the class the rubrics on how they will be graded. (Please see attached.) 3. The teacher will give 10 minutes to prepare will be given 2 minutes to present their work.

The students will prepare for their presentation

4. “Let us start the presentation with group one. For others who are seated, please listen to your classmates presentation for there will be questions that will be asked to you.”

Each group will present their work in front of the class.

SAMPLE QUESTIONS TO BE ASKED: A. What lexical verb or modal verb was used by your fellow classmate? B. Did they show respect or politeness in their presentation by using hedging? Which part of the presentation? C. Did they show cautiousness? Which part of the

The following groups will also have the same set of questions that will be asked by the teacher.

After the questions were asked to each group, Group 5 will


also give their comments about the presentation using hedging. They will also give the grade of that group based on the rubrics.

5. “Excellent class! You have used the information in hedging for presenting your work.” 5. Valuing Teacher’s Activity 1. “I have a question for you class, why do you think it is important to be respectful whether you are speaking or writing? 6. Evaluation Teacher’s Activity 1. “Now that you are done in presenting the group task, let us have a short quiz. Please get a 1/4 sheet of paper.”

Student’s Activity Students answer may vary.

Student’s Activity

2. The teacher will post the quiz on the board that is written in a cartolina. 3. Students will be given 5 minutes to answer the quiz. CONTENT OF QUIZ 1. What kind of device is used to avoid extreme use of language in writing or in speaking? 2.-3. What is the difference between lexical verb and modal verb? 4. Why is it important to use hedging? 5. Rephrase the following sentence: “Paper newspapers will disappear within the next decade.” 4. “Please exchange your papers with your seatmate and write corrected by” 5. “For those who wanted to answer, please raise your hand then read the question followed by your answer, understand?”

“Yes Ms. Cha” (Students will volunteer to read and answer) “The answer in number one is Hedging.”

6. “Who wants to try number one?” 7. “Very good! Next number two and three. Who wants to try?” 8. “Excellent! What about number four?” 9. “Very good! Last number, please write your answer on the board, anyone?” 10. The teacher will ask the students scores and will get the index of mastery through writing it on the board. 11. “Please pass your papers now.”

“Lexical verb is used to show a state or condition while Modal verb is used to show probability or possibility.” “It is important to use hedging because it will help construct sentences that sounds polite and cautious.” “A study suggests that there is a possibility that paper newspaper will disappear within the next decade.” Students will raise their hand if their score is called which will be counted by the teacher.

7. Assignment Teacher’s Activity 1. The teacher will post on the board the assignment of the students that is written on a cartolina. A. Search for the other hedging devices used aside from lexical and modal verbs. B. Find a news article and paste it on a bond paper. Underline the sentences that used hedging in writing.

Prepared by: Charlene Mae S. Dela Cruz Grade 10, Student Teacher Checked by: Ms. Jennifer C. Rivas Cooperating Teacher Noted by: Mrs. Danelica T. Torrea Subject Coordinator

Student’s Activity

The students will copy it to their notebook.

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