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Submitted By:

Submitted To:

Shweta Singh (05835103917)

Ms. Deepti Kapoor

BATCH (2017-2019) MANAGEMENT EDUCATION & RESEARCH INSTITUTE Janakpuri, Delhi – 110058 Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University



The successful accomplishment of this project work is the outcome of the contribution of number of people, especially those who have given the time and effort to share their thoughts and suggestions to improve the report. I would like to express my appreciation to my internal mentor, Ms. Deepti Kapoor, Faculty, Management Education & Research Institute, GGSIP University for providing me all the guidance and support that I needed mostly. This was really a good way of learning and I really appreciate her efforts towards giving me proper line directions. I would like to thank Mr. Prashant Sharma, Head of HR and Mr. Amit, HR Senior Executive, Primotech Energy Solutions Pvt Ltd for rendering their valuable time and providing me with information that was very much needed in order to successful completion of this report. Finally, my sincere gratitude goes to my family and friends for supporting me, sharing their thoughts and giving me the moral support during the preparation of this report.

Sincerely, Shweta Singh Place: New Delhi Date:



I SHWETA SINGH, hereby, declare that the project report entitled “RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION AT PRIMOTECH ENERGY SOLUTIONS PVT LTD.” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) TO MANAGEMENT EDUCATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE, GGSIP UNIVERSITY is original and has not been submitted previously either in part or full to any University or College for award or any degree.

Place: New Delhi





This is to certify that the project titled “RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS AT PRIMOTECH ENERGY SOLUTIONS PVT LTD.” is an economic work done by SHWETA SINGH submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of MBA from MANAGEMENT EDUCATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE (Affiliated to GGSIPU), New Delhi under my guidance and direction. To the best of my knowledge and belief the data and information presented by her in the project has not been submitted earlier.

Ms. Deepti Kapoor (Assistant Professor) MERI









Executive Summary



Objective and Scope of Study



Chapter-1: Introduction to the topic



Chapter-2: Introduction to the Company



Chapter-3: Literature Review



Chapter-4: Research Methodology




Chapter-5: Data Analysis and Interpretation



Chapter-6: Findings of the Study



Chapter-7: Recommendations and Suggestions



Chapter-8: Limitations of the Study



Chapter-9: Conclusion









Executive Summary This is an internship report based on a month internship program that I had successfully completed in Primotech Energy Solutions Pvt Ltd under Human Resource Division from 07.06.2018 to 07.17.2018 as a requirement of my MBA program in Management Education and Research Institute, GGSIP University. Established in 2013, PRIMOTECH has now etched its name in the Solar and LED industry as one of the most promising company in terms of innovative products and quality standards. Primotech has attained recognition in various sectors like: System Integrators, OEM’s, Channel Sales, Government, EPC’s, and Exports etc.

The objective of the report is to identify how theories and concepts are discussed in my educational program can be practiced in the aspect of recruitment and selection process in an organization like Primotech.

As usual, primary data and secondary data were used to prepare this report. Primary data came from my day to day observation and interviewing employees. Secondary data was collected by Organization employee hand book, website, and relevant books. I tried to minimize to bias and produce an unbiased report.

The exclusive HR practices help Primotech to achieve its goals. Hence, the management development programs are introduced to update their employees. This report tried to look on how and why recruitment and selection process have done. This report also shows my observation on recruitment and selection process. This report provides some recommendation which may help to improve their process.


Objective and Scope of the Study


To study and analyze the Recruitment and Selection process followed at Primotech Energy Solutions Private Ltd (PESPL).

• To analyze the satisfactory level of the employees about Recruitment and Selection. • To study recruitment and selection methods at PESPL.


The present research is confined to study the recruitment and selection process followed at PESPL. The study reveals the recruitment and selection process followed in the organization. Whether employees are satisfied with the recruitment process? Is the organization is providing ethical process for recruiting employees? The organizational study of PESPL was done with the study of recruitment and selection.

RESEARCH DESIGN Research design is defined as the specification of methods and procedures for accruing the information needed. It is a plan of organization frame for doing the collection of data. Data which is required for the study is collected from both the primary and secondary source. Primary data was collected through survey method by distributing questionnaires to employees.


CHAPTER - 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC Recruitment & Selection Hiring involves two broad groups of activities: -

Recruitment Selection

Nature of Recruitment •

In simple terms, recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and obtaining applicants for jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected

Recruitment refers to the process of receipt of applications from jobseekers

B schools talk about campus recruitment. In newspapers too, recruitment is frequently used to connote the process of employment.

Its Purpose and Importance •

Determine the present and future requirements of the firm in conjunction with its personnel planning and job-analysis activities.

Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the organization only after a short period of time.

Meet the organization’s legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce.

Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.


Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term.

Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants.

Factors Governing Recruitment

1) Internal sources: Through internal sources they collect resumes. Internal sources help HR division reduce the cost. There are some sources that are used to utilize internal resources. These are:  Employee referrals: The PESPL Noida has huge number of employees. Employee referrals are great and strong source for The Primotech Energy Solutions Pvt Ltd (PESPL) for gathering resumes. Here employee from The PESPL will sign on applicant’s resume. If giving signature is not possible, employee will contact with officer from recruitment and talent management. They will write it down. Employees also refer about internee.  Notice board: A copy of the advertisement is placed on all the company notice process and can recommend suitable candidates, if any. For lower level post like security guard, driver, technician The PESPL does not publish advertisement at 

external resources. It sends a copy of advertisement in every branch’s notice board.  Transfer and promotion: HR Division follows this source if vacant position is immediately important. 2) External sources: Through these sources, The PESPL Noida gathers huge and good number of applicants. The Sources are: 12

 Newspaper advertisement: HR Division advertises about its job recruitment. At first, they create an advertisement and send it for management approval. After Management approval, they contact with newspaper for booking advertisement. Most of the time, they basically publish their advertisements on Friday to capture maximum applicants. Their advertisements are printed on Hindi newspapers and some of English ones.  Online advertisement: HR Division of PESPL Noida has contract with certain job portals. HR manager has full access to post a circular here. Here, they advertise about mid level and high level job. For posting job on or etc, they have to pay certain amount.  Interns: Interns are one of the external sources. HR division wants interns’ resume from different educational institutions and universities. Sometimes students send 

their resumes to HR division. They can also apply online through  CV Bank: HR Division of PESPL Noida always maintains CV bank. In CV bank, there are two parts. First one is unsolicited CVs. Applicants send their CVs. Some send in their carrier service mail. Then HR Division keeps these CVs if they are suitable for Primotech. Another one is rejected CVs from different selection process. Excellent rejected CVs are kept in file. So when HR division needs job holder, they pick some CVs from these files.


Recruitment Process


Selection •

Selection is the process of picking individuals (out of the pool of job applicants) with requisite qualifications and competence to fill jobs in the organization.

Recruitment and selection are the two crucial steps in the HR process and are often used interchangeably.

Recruitment is said to be positive in its approach as it seeks to attract as many candidates as possible. Selection, on the other hand, is negative in its application inasmuch as it seeks to eliminate as many unqualified applicants as possible in order to identify the right candidates.

Organization of Selection •

It is easier for the applicant because they can send their applications to a single centralized department/agency.

It facilitates contact with applicants because issues pertaining to employment can be cleared through one central location.

It helps operating managers to concentrate on their operating responsibilities. This is especially helpful during peak hiring periods.

It can provide for better selection because hiring is done by specialists trained in staffing techniques.

The applicant is better assured of consideration for a greater variety of jobs.

Hiring costs may be cut because duplication of effort is minimized.

With increased government regulations on the selection process, it is important that people who know about these rules handle a major part of the selection process.


Selection Process

The size of the labor market, the image of the company, the place of posting, the nature of job, the compensation package and a host of other factors influence the manner of aspirants are likely to respond to the recruiting efforts of the company. Through the process of recruitment the company tries to locate prospective employees and encourages them to apply for vacancies at various levels. Recruiting, thus, provides a pool of applicants for selection. Definition To select mean to choose. Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization. The basic purpose is to choose the individual who can most successfully perform the job from the pool of qualified candidates.


Purpose The purpose of selection is to pick up the most suitable candidate who would meet the requirements of the job in an organization best, to find out which job applicant will be successful, if hired. To meet this goal, the company obtains and assesses information about the applicants in terms of age, qualifications, skills, experience, etc. the needs of the job are matched with the profile of candidates. The most suitable person is then picked up after eliminating the unsuitable applicants through successive stages of selection process. How well an employee is matched to a job is very important because it is directly affects the amount and quality of employee’s work. Any mismatched in this regard can cost an organization a great deal of money, time and trouble, especially, in terms of training and operating costs. In course of time, the employee may find the job distasteful and leave in frustration. He may even circulate „hot news‟ and juicy bits of negative information about the company, causing incalculable harm to the company in the long run. Effective election, therefore, demands constant monitoring of the „fit‟ between people the job. The Process Selection is usually a series of hurdles or steps. Each one must be successfully cleared before the applicant proceeds to the next one. The time and emphasis place on each step will definitely vary from one organization to another and indeed, from job to job within the same organization. The sequence of steps may also vary from job to job and organization to organization. For example some organizations may give more importance to testing while others give more emphasis to interviews and reference checks. Similarly a single brief selection interview might be enough for applicants for lower level positions, while applicants for managerial jobs might be interviewed by a number of people. Screening Interview A preliminary interview is generally planned by large organizations to cut the cost of selection by allowing only eligible candidates to go through the further stages in selection. A junior executive from the Personnel Department may elicit responses from the applicants on important items determining the suitability of an applicant for a job such as age, education, experience, pay expectations, aptitude, location, choice etc. this „courtesy interview‟ as it is often called helps the department screen out obvious misfits. If the department finds the candidate suitable, a prescribed application form is given to the applicants to fill and submit. Obvious misfits. If the department finds the candidate suitable, a prescribed application form is given to the applicants to fill and submit.


Application Blank Application blank or form is one of the most common methods used to collect information on the various aspects of the applicants‟ academic, social, demographic, work related background and references. It is a brief history sheet of employees background, usually containing the following things:  Personal data (address, sex, telephone number) & marital data  Educational data  Employment Experience  Extra-curricular activities  References and Recommendations


CHAPTER - 2 INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPANY Primotech and its history

Primotech Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd. an ISO 9001 & 14001 certified company is an integral part of the well diversified Shri Prem Chand Sharma Group which has interests in Film Exhibition (Satyam Theatre ,Sarang Theatre) and Clean Tech. With an impeccable track record spanning 35 years, the same group is comprised of over 100 ABA in multiple offices in India and abroad. The group is headquartered in Delhi, India, with network offices and Authorized Business Associates (ABA) spread across multiple cities in India. The same group in its past 3 decades has grown, not only grown but evolved and has diversified its dimensions in leaps and bounds. Having a strong commitment to serve its clients – For Film Exhibition and to provide the best & numerous green energy solutions. The initiative was taken by Mr. Prashant Sharma (Managing Director) along with Mrs. Uma Sharma (Director) in December 2013 and in a short span of time PRIMOTECH has etched its name in the Solar and LED industry as one of the most promising company in terms of innovative products and quality standards. Primotech has attained recognition in various sectors like: System Integrators, OEM’s, Channel Sales, Government, EPC’s, Exports etc. The Primotech team of qualified and experienced professionals understands your needs and delivers customized world-class engineering solutions to various Residential, Commercial and Industrial clients across the globe. Primotech is an organization with expertise in Design, Engineering, Integration, Installation and Turnkey Execution, along with requisite After Sales Service / Support in Both Solar and LED verticals. Primotech has a state of the art Testing facility equipped with multiple testing instruments catering to both LED and Solar solutions. Group Vision “We aspire to provide value, commitment and world – class services & products to our valued clients, stakeholders and employees. “ Primotech stands committed to exceeding the highest standards of quality stipulated by the leading authorities, both in India and globally. The following recognitions and certifications bear testimony to the company’s uncompromising quality standards. Brief list of certifications received by Primotech: · ISO 9001: 2008 · ISO 14001:2004 · CE · IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) Primotechiians generates the ideas, technologies and solutions that meet the planet's demand for smarter, cleaner & better energy by creating a sustained value. 19

PRIMOTECH is structured around 3 business verticals: PRIMOTECH SOLAR SOLUTIONS VERTICAL: Our Solar energy based solutions are designed to last long and serve a variety of purposes, under the brand name “Primotech Solar”. Solar Lighting portfolio - Solar LED lanterns, solar home lighting systems, Solar street lighting systems. Solar Thermal portfolio - Solar water heating systems (ETC & FPC) Solar Miscellaneous portfolio - Solar water pumps, Solar Management Units, Solar Power Plants and much more.

PRIMOTECH ENERGY CONSULTING SERVICES VERTICAL: We are committed to provide our clients with all the information and resources you need to ensure you have access to high quality consulting services for residential, commercial, industrial applications especially solar specific & LED specific.

PRIMOTECH LED SOLUTIONS VERTICAL: Primotech offers various solutions for LED, both for Indoor and Outdoor applications. Primotech Led Portfolio comprised of: LED Bulbs: 5 Watts, 7 Watts, 10 Watts LED Panels: Of various configurations (edge lit / back lit) LED Down lighters: Of various shapes, sizes and Watts LED Street Lights: Of different Wattages LED Flood Lights: Of all configurations Moreover, PRIMOTECH is very much flexible to provide any customized offering in terms of service or product, related to any of the above mentioned verticals.

Now Primotech has come up with a new vertical.


TRAINING VERTICAL We provide following training: ● ● ● ●

Sales Training Solar Technical Training Soft Skills Training LED Technical Training

Primotech’s Vision To be a globally recognized organization that provides innovative, cost effective and the best green energy solutions to our customers.

Primotech’s Mission To continually strive to provide the highest quality, most reliable and affordable green energy products and services globally by applying our scientific, technical and management expertise for the benefit of people and the planet.

Quality Policy Customer is at center for what we do. We enhance value to customer by innovating high performance solar products and “build in” industry-leading quality consistently. We strive continually to improve customer satisfaction.

CORE VALUES INTEGRITY: We work with highest ethical standards and demonstrate a behavior that is honest, decent and fair. We are dedicated to the highest levels of personal and institutional integrity.

INNOVATION: We constantly support development of newer technologies, products, improved processes, better services and management practices.


COMMITMENT: We set high performance standards for ourselves as individuals and our teams. We honor our commitments in a timely manner.

EXCELLENCE: We are committed to deliver and demonstrate excellence in whatever we do.

TEAM WORK: We work together as a team to provide the best solutions and services to our customers. Through quality relationships with all stakeholders we deliver value to our customers.

PRIMOTECH’S PHILOSOPHY: Our clients should know us, as a solution provider, they can trust on technology, which will lead them to the future. Our system is based on our client’s actual needs, not the wants, latest industry fad or buzzword. We offer solutions that make sense for our customers, now and in the future.

Code of conduct: Workplace attire (Dress code)

Male • Tucked in long shirt (may wear

Female •

Salwar Kameez/ Saree

shirt during summer)

Formal Footwear

Pant (formal)

Jacket/Shawl/Sweaters(when and where

Jacket/Blazer/Suit/Sweaters (when




where required)

Considering the job nature and relevance, employee, employee may require wearing tie.


Conversational etiquette: Employee’s conversation or communication with his/her peers, customers, supervisors or vendors should be formal avoiding any kind of local colloquial diction.

Use of telephone:

Employees are discoursed to make personal phone calls during the office hour by using official phone/ personal cell phone. However they may make such calls during the breaks. All employees should always keep their voice low while talking over phone so that it does not distract their peers.

Use of company property:

While using company’s property employee has to be very careful about that property as well as him/ herself.

Use of computer:

Employees should be cautious while using computer and must abide by the “IT security policy” which has been uploaded in the PESPL intranet for details information.

Personal property:

Employee must keep his/her personal thing in safe place. If anything is lost/ misplaced from his/her desk, PESPL inform every employee about the loss so if someone finds it, gives it to the lost and found desk.



PESPL premise has been decaled a non-smoking zone. Employees who prefer to smoke are advised to smoke outside the premises. Cooperation of all in this regard is highly appreciable.

Clean Desk/Work Station:

Employees’ desks must be kept neat and tidy and all unnecessary papers and files should be removed. Confidential documents are kept in right place before leaving their desks.

Access to the colleague’s desks/PC:

Without permission, Employees should not touch/go through their peer’s documents.


Organizational Structure

Management Team

Prashant Sharma Managing Director & CEO

He is the Managing Director and CEO of Primotech Energy Solutions who guides the company in strategy and promotions. With innovative ideas he oversees the marketing activities & heads the product development. He pursued his MBA from Birla Institute of Management Technology (Noida), where he specialized in Marketing. He also holds a B.Tech in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from D.Y. Patil College of Engineering, Pune. He is passionate about Solar Energy and envisions it to take a lead in Renewable Energy Sources in India. The potential for Solar Energy to become a trillion watt energy market in the world excites him and it has driven him to start this venture with much zeal and enthusiasm. He is also a member of IEEE.

Prof. K.R. Chari Advisory Board Member Former Vice President Development, Unique Computing Solutions India (A subsidiary of unique Computing Solutions, USA) Currently he is Senior Professor at Birla Institute of Management Technology (Greater Noida) and is also Chief Mentor of Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development CIED. He is BE (Mechanical Engineer) & PGDIE, Fellow of Institution of Engineers (I). He has an extensive industry experience of more than 43 years in the areas of Manufacturing and Service Sector units. He has covered more than 300 industries in and outside India. He is also a Certified


Lead Assessor by P. E. Batalas, UK, 1992. He was also closely associated with numerous Rural Development projects. His area of expertise is: Energy Management, System Design, and Value Engineering.


Primotech do have a team of skilled and experienced workforce, which works diligently to offer an excellent set of solutions and services to our clients. Primotech team is dedicated to deliver a range of products that can meet the dynamic needs of the clients in this ever changing era. Our team comprises the following members: » Quality Analysts » Sales Managers » Operations Managers » Packaging experts » Warehousing experts » Skilled employees » Supervisors The consistent efforts of the R&D team play a pivotal role in Primotech’s persistent quest for innovation. A combination of design and technological functions, the team relentlessly works to create cutting-edge products. The strength of Primotech emanates from its dynamic R&D that painstakingly tests and refines product designs. As a dynamic company, we believe in technology and product innovation. A significant investment is dedicated every year for product improvement and innovation, thereby installing a seamless model and churning out best results.


Organizational Chart

Primotech do have a team of skilled and experienced workforce, which works diligently to offer an excellent set of solutions and servicesto our clients. Primotech team is dedicated to deliever a range of products that can meet the dynamic needs of the clients in this everchanging era. Our team comprises the following members: » Quality Analysts » Sales Managers » Operations Managers » Packaging experts » Warehousing experts » Skilled employees » Supervisors

The consistent efforts of the R&D team plays a pivotal role in Primotech’s persistent quest for innovation. A combination of design and technological functions, the team relentlessly works to create cutting-edge products. The strength of Primotech emanates from itsdynamic R&D that painstakingly tests and refines product designs.


As a dynamic company, we believe in technology and product innovation. A significant investment is dedicated every year for product improvement and innovation, thereby installing a seamless model and churning out best results.

Functions of various departments in the Company The Project Management and Procurement function The Project Management and procurement function undertakes the activities necessary to provide the organization’s products or services. Its main responsibilities are: ●

control and supervision of the procurement workforce

Managing product quality (including process control and monitoring)

Maintenance of plant and equipment

Control of inventory

Close collaboration will usually be necessary between Production and various other functions within the organization, for example:

Research and Development, concerning the implications of product design.

Marketing, concerning desired product functionality, appearance, quality, durability and so on.

Finance, concerning the availability of funds for purchase of new equipment and the acceptability of inventory levels.

Human Resource Management, concerning staff motivation implications of job design.

The Research and Development function R&D activities must be closely coordinated with the organization’s marketing activities to ensure that the organization is providing exactly what its customers want in the most efficient, effective and economical way.


The Purchasing function The Purchasing function is concerned with acquiring goods and services for use by the organization. These will include, for example, raw materials and components for manufacturing and also production equipment. The responsibilities of this function usually extend to buying goods and services for the entire organization (not just the Production function), including, for example, office equipment, furniture, computer equipment and stationery. In buying goods and services, purchasing managers must take into account a number of factors – collectively referred to as ‘the Purchasing Mix’, namely, Quantity, Quality, Price and Delivery. ●

Quantity. Buying in large quantities can attract price discounts and prevent inventory running out. On the other hand, there are substantial costs involved in carrying a high level of inventory.

Quality. There will usually be a trade-off between price and quality in acquiring goods and services. Consequently, Production, R&D and Marketing Functions will need to be consulted to determine an acceptable level of quality which will depend on how important quality is as an attribute of the final product or service of the organization.

Price. Other things being equal, the purchasing manager will look for the best price deal when procuring goods and services, although price must be considered in conjunction with quality and supplier reliability, in order to achieve best value, rather than lowest price only.

Delivery. The time between placing an order and receiving the goods or services, the lead time, can be critical for production planning and scheduling and also has implications for inventory control. Suppliers must therefore be evaluated in terms of their reliability and capability for on time delivery. In short, the ‘purchasing mix’ can be considered as making sure that the organization has the right amount, of the right quality, at the right price, in the right place at the right time!

The Marketing function

Marketing is concerned with identifying and satisfying customers needs at the right price. Marketing involves researching what customers want and analysing how the organisation can satisfy these wants. Marketing activities range from the ‘strategic’, concerned with the choice of product markets (and how to compete in them, for example, on price or product differentiation) to the operational, arranging sales promotions (e.g., offering a 25 per cent discount), producing literature such as product catalogues and brochures, placing advertisements in the appropriate media and so on. A fundamental activity in marketing is managing the Marketing Mix consisting of the ‘4Ps’: Product, Price, Promotion and Place.


Product. Having the right product in terms of benefits that customers value.

Price. Setting the right price which is consistent with potential customers’ perception of the value offered by the product.

Promotion. Promoting the product in a way which creates maximum customer awareness and persuades potential customers to make the decision to purchase the product.

Place. Making the product available in the right place at the right time – including choosing appropriate distribution channels.

In order to be successful, a business enterprise must either have a lower price than its competitors, or a product that is in some way superior – or both! A competitive strategy based on low price is known as a cost leadership strategy. A competitive strategy based on developing a superior product is known as a differentiation strategy. The historical evolution of marketing Several writers (e.g., Harrison, 1978) have argued (and it is now widely accepted among management theorists and practitioners) that there have been three distinct eras in the history of advanced capitalist countries, such as the UK, which have affected the status, role and responsibilities of the Marketing function. These were: 1. The Production Era (pre–1930). This refers to a period of time during which products (and services) were relatively scarce (thereby constraining consumer choice) and the most important function of business was that of production. Marketing, in so far as it existed, was considered the least important function. 2. The Sales Era (1930–50). This refers to an era characterised by a shift in emphasis of business management from the production function to that of selling. With continued industrial development and innovations, many new consumer oriented products became available and a much more competitive selling environment resulted. This made it necessary to seek out customers and make significant use of advertising, promotion and personal selling. 3. The Marketing Era (1950–present). This period marked another significant change in

the attitude of senior management towards the status and responsibilities of marketing. This change, referred to by many writers as the Marketing Concept (Kotler, 1967), meant a departure from the previous concept of marketing as being the sales function of a business, to one where marketing had a much greater responsibility in total company policy formation and operation. Under the Marketing Concept, marketing was placed at the beginning of the process of determining the products (services) which were needed by the market, the price at which they should be sold and the way in which they were to be distributed.


Figure ‘We produce an inferior line of goods. That’s why we’re looking for a real first class marketing man.’

The Human Resources function The Human Resources function is concerned with the following: ●

Recruitment and selection. Ensuring that the right people are recruited to the right jobs.

Training and development. Enabling employees to carry out their responsibilities effectively and make use of their potential.

Employee relations. Including negotiations over pay and conditions.

Grievance procedures and disciplinary matters. Dealing with complaints from employees or from the employer.

Health and Safety matters Making sure employees work in a healthy and safe environment.

Redundancy procedures Administering a proper system that is seen to be fair to all concerned when deciding on redundancies and agreeing redundancy payments. Organizations are dependent on their employees. Consequently, their recruitment and selection require careful management. In recent years, the Human Resources function has attained a more important status as there has developed an increasing need (especially in service organizations) to ‘get the most’ from employees, in terms of customer service, for the benefit of the organization.


The Accounting and Finance function The Accounting and Finance function is concerned with the following: ●

Financial record keeping of transactions involving monetary inflows or outflows.

Preparing financial statements (the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement) for reporting to external parties such as shareholders. The financial statements are also the starting point for calculating any tax due on business profits.

Payroll administration Paying wages and salaries and maintaining appropriate income tax and national insurance records.

Preparing management accounting information and analysis to help managers to plan, control and make decisions.



Literature Review: Definition: Edwin Flippo defines Recruitment and selection process as "A process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization." In simpler terms, recruitment and selection are concurrent processes and are void without each other. They significantly differ from each other and are essential constituents of the organization. It helps in discovering the potential and capabilities of applicants for expected or actual organizational vacancies. It is a link between the jobs and those seeking jobs. Work by Korsten (2003) and Jones et al. (2006): According to Korsten (2003) and Jones et al. (2006), Human Resource Management theories emphasize on techniques of recruitment and selection and outline the benefits of interviews, assessment and psychometric examinations as employee selection process. They further stated that recruitment process may be internal or external or may also be conducted online. Typically, this process is based on the levels of recruitment policies, job postings and details, advertising, job application and interviewing process, assessment, decision making, formal selection and training (Korsten 2003). Jones et al. (2006) suggested that examples of recruitment policies in the healthcare, business or industrial sector may offer insights into the processes involved in establishing recruitment policies and defining managerial objectives. Successful recruitment techniques involve an incisive analysis of the job, the labor market scenario/ conditions and interviews, and psychometric tests in order to find out the potentialities of job seekers. Furthermore, small and medium sized enterprises lay their hands on interviews and assessment with main concern related to job analysis, emotional intelligence in inexperienced job seekers, and corporate social responsibility. Other approaches to selection outlined by Jones et al. (2006) include several types of interviews, role play, group discussions and group tasks, and so on. Any management process revolves around recruitment and failure in recruitment may lead to difficulties and unwanted barriers for any company, including untoward effects on its profitability and inappropriate degrees of staffing or employee skills (Jones et al. 2006). In additional, insufficient recruitment may result into lack of labor or hindrances in management decision making, and the overall recruitment process can itself be advanced and amended by complying with management theories. According to these theories, the recruitment process can be largely enhanced by means of Rodgers seven point plan, Munro-Frasers five-fold grading system, personal interviews, as well as psychological tests (Jones et al. 2006). 33

Work by Alan Price (2007): Price (2007), in his work Human Resource Management in a Business Context, formally defines recruitment and selection as the process of retrieving and attracting able applications for the purpose of employment. He states that the process of recruitment is not a simple selection process, while it needs management decision making and broad planning in order to appoint the most appropriate manpower. Their existing competition among business enterprises for recruiting the most potential workers in on the pathway towards creating innovations, with management decision making and employers attempting to hire only the best applicants who would be the best fit for the corporate culture and ethics specific to the company (Price 2007). This would reflect the fact that the management would particularly shortlist able candidates who are well equipped with the requirements of the position they are applying for, including team work. Since possessing qualities of being a team player would be essential in any management position (Price 2007). Work by Hiltrop (1996): Hiltrop (1996) was successful in demonstrating the relationship between the HRM practices, HRM-organizational strategies as well as organizational performance. He conducted his research on HR manager and company officials of 319 companies in Europe regarding HR practices and policies of their respective companies and discovered that employment security, training and development programs, recruitment and selection, teamwork, employee participation, and lastly, personnel planning are the most essential practices (Hiltrop 1999). As a matter of fact, the primary role of HR is to develop, control, manage, incite, and achieve the commitment of the employees. The findings of Hiltrop's (1996) work also showed that selectively hiring has a positive impact on organizational performance, and in turn provides a substantial practical insight for executives and officials involved. Furthermore, staffing and selection remains to be an area of substantial interest. With recruitment and selection techniques for efficient hiring decisions, high performing companies are most likely to spend more time in giving training particularly on communication and team-work skills (Hiltrop 1999). Moreover the finding that there is a positive connection existing between firm performances and training is coherent with the human capital standpoint. Hence, Hiltrop (1996) suggests the managers need to develop HR practices that are more focused on training in order to achieve competitive benefits. Work by Jackson et al. (2009) and Bratton and Gold (1999): As discussed by Jackson et al. (2009), Human resource management approaches in any business organization are developed to meet corporate objectives and materialization of strategic plans via training and development of personnel to attain the ultimate goal of improving organizational performance as well as profits. The nature of recruitment and selection for a company that is pursuing HRM approach is influenced by the state of the labor market and their strength within it. Furthermore, it is necessary for such companies to monitor how the state of labor market connects with potential recruits via the projection of an image which will have an effect on and reinforce applicant expectations. Work of Bratton & Gold (1999) suggest that organizations are now developing models of the kind of employees they desire to recruit, and to recognize how far applicants correspond to their models by means of reliable and valid techniques of selection. Nonetheless, the researchers have also seen that such models, largely derived from competency 34

frameworks, foster strength in companies by generating the appropriate knowledge against which the job seekers can be assessed. However, recruitment and selection are also the initial stages of a dialogue among applications and the company that shapes the employment relationship (Bratton & Gold 1999). This relationship being the essence of a company's manpower development, failure to acknowledge the importance of determining expectation during recruitment and selection can lead to the loss of high quality job seekers and take the initial stage of the employment relationship so down as to make the accomplishment of desirable HRM outcomes extremely difficult. In the opinion of Bratton and Gold (1999), recruitment and selection practices are essential characteristics of a dialogue driven by the idea of "front-end" loading processes to develop the social relationship among applicants and an organization. In this relationship, both parties make decisions throughout the recruitment and selection and it would be crucial for a company to realize that high-quality job seekers, pulled by their view of the organization, might be lost at any level unless applications are provided for realistic organization as well as work description. In view of Jackson et al. (2009) and Bratton & Gold (1999) applicants have a specific view of expectations about how the company is going to treat them; recruitment and selection acts as an opportunity to clarify this view. Furthermore, one technique of developing the view, suggested by Bratton and Gold (1999), are realistic job previews or RJPs that may take the form of case studies of employees and their overall work and experiences, the opportunity to "cover" someone at work, job samples and videos. The main objective of RJPs is to allow for the expectations of job seekers to become more realistic and practical. RJPs tend to lower initial expectations regarding work and a company, thereby causing some applications to select themselves; however RJPs also increase the degree of organization commitment, job satisfaction, employee performance, appraisal and job survival among job seekers who can continue into employment (Bratton & Gold 1999) Jackson et al. (2009). Work by Silzer et al (2010): However, the process of recruitment does not cease with application of candidature and selection of the appropriate candidates, but involves sustaining and retaining the employees that are selected, as stated by Silzer et al. (2010). Work of Silzer et al. (2010) was largely concerned with Talent management, and through their work they were successful in resolving issues like whether or not talent is something one can be born with or is it something that can be acquired through development. According to Silzer et al (2010), that was a core challenge in designing talent systems, facing the organization and among the senior management. The only solution to resolve the concern of attaining efficient talent management was by adopting fully-executable recruitment techniques. Regardless of a welldrawn practical plan on recruitment and selection as well as involvement of highly qualified management team, companies following recruitment processes may face significant obstacles in implementation. As such, theories of HRM can give insights in the most effective approaches to recruitment even though companies will have to employ their in house management skills for applying generic theories across particular organizational contexts.


Work by Taher et al. (2000): Toward that end Taher et al. (2000) carried out a study to critique the value-added and non-value activities in a recruitment and selection process. The strategic manpower planning of a company, training and development program, performance appraisal, reward system and industrial relations, was also appropriately outlined in the study. This study was based on the fact that efficient HR planning is an essence of organization success, which flows naturally into employee recruitment and selection (Taher et al. 2000). Therefore, demand rather than supply must be the prime focus of the recruitment and selection process and a greater emphasis must be put on planning, supervising and control rather than mediation. Extending this principle, a realistic approach to recruitment and selection process was demonstrated, and the study found that an organization is efficient only when the value it commands exceeds the price involved in determining the process of decision making or product. In other words, value-added and nonvalue added activities associated with a company's recruitment and selection process impacts its role in creating motivated and skilled workforce in the country (Taher et al. 2000). Thus, the study identified the waiting time, inspection time and filing time as non value added tasks and the cost of advertisement as the only value added activity in the overall process. Taher et al. (2000) investigated the recruitment and selection section of Bangladesh Open University. It was found that whenever the recruitment and selection department of BOU received a recruitment request of new applicants from other sections, the officials failed to instantly advertise the vacancy in various media. The university had to follow some long sequential steps prior to doing so. After the vacancy is publicly advertised, what followed were the bureaucratic formalities and complications together with inspection and supervision by two departments thereby causing unnecessary waiting in the recruitment and selection process that eventually increases the cost of recruitment by keeping the organization's image at stake. The study also witnessed some amount of repetition taking place at every step of recruitment where the applications of applicants circulating around too many departments for verifications. This repetitive work tends to engage unnecessary persons for a single task that results in unnecessary delay in the decision and unjust wastage of manpower. After careful consideration of similar problems in the BOU, Taher et al. (2006) recommended for amending the recruitment process by stating that firstly processes like job analysis and searching internal and external sources must be followed by direct advertisement of the post as the HR's own responsibility, and not by any intermediate officials. This will eliminate the non-value activities. Secondly, Taher et al (2000) suggested a 'system' to be introduced to ease the respective department to study the shortlisted candidates, which can be done only by the request of the HR department. A medical assistance must be sought by BOU in regards to the physical or mental abilities of applicants for the job function as well as their workers compensation and risk. A procedure needs to be devised pertaining to the privacy and confidentiality of medical reports. Thus, this privacy and decrease in noon-value added activity of the medical exam can be sustained effectively by testing the applicants via contracted medical advisors, or in-house doctors. Use of a computer based HR system should be installed in BOU to manage the pool of information about employees and to make the organization to take just-in-time HR recruitment and selection decisions. Therefore, any organization is encouraged to development real-time recruitment strategies that must attempt to generate a pool of appropriately qualified and well-experienced individuals so as to effectively initiate the selection strategies and decisions. In essence, the potential applications


are encouraged to apply for the open vacancies and also the relevant departments can engage in recruiting the best candidates to upgrade the department's performance (Taher et al. 2000).

Conclusion: It can be clearly concluded that for a company to succeed all it takes is the proper recruitment and selection strategies which also shapes the overall manpower management of the company. By conclude this literature review, the study emphasizes on the fact that the recruitment and selection process is integrated with other processes such as strategic plan of the company, training and development schemes, compensation, rewarding/incentive system, performance appraisal, and lastly, industrial relations. Furthermore, according to Silzer et al (2010), there exist several reasons why the most apparent information have been more promising; including the well-structured nature of interviews, the use of questionnaires based on a job analysis, inclusion of panel of interviewers, the practice of note-making during the interview, and the use of rating scale based on behavioral factors to gauge the interviewee's answers all play an integral part in the improvement of the recruitment validity. Therefore, the study has offered an incisive review of literature of as many as six authors based on their individual studies and research on recruitment and selection processes.



1. Research Methodology The research design and the methods used to conduct the research. It will discuss the methods used in the research and the reasons of using such methods. Hence the research comes to the part where the research methodology was to be selected. 2. Problem Statement This research is based on the major problems faced by the HR department of an organization in regards to the recruitment and selection methods or sources and these are stated below: Do the HR personnel’s pay due attention to the recruitment and selection methods or do they follow their own way of doing it? Analyze the outcome of the traditional and modern way of recruitment and selection methods. The recruitment and selection of the person intended for the job or not? Do the standards and requirements of the recruitment and selection sources or methods turns out to be feasible or not? 3. Theoretical Framework The theoretical frame work of the research is to find the best possible solution of the problems stated above and to this some analysis and findings had to be done and to do this the research methods were used to identify the problems and then analyze it to find the conclusion and recommendations. The research method used is the methods used to conduct the research are interview which is the qualitative method of the research and questionnaire which is the quantitative method of conducting the research. And the audiences for the research are the HR personnel and employees from Primotech. Interviews were held and questionnaires were given out to management and staff in the organizations, which were found out to be very useful for the research and the outcome of the analysis and findings. While we conducting the research, we used both primary and secondary data. The questionnaire and its analysis is discussed and shown the analysis and discussion. There were 10 questions asked to the respondents and the rate of return, analysis and answers have been included. The methodology used for this research is given below, it has been described in brief and some other methods are also there. Methodologies can be classified in different ways; some writers distinguished between Qualitative and Quantitative methodologies reflecting the distinction between various paradigms.


(1) The Sample Size (Population) The population or the sample size for this research was derived from the Managers and staff of Primotech and some of the staff working on the higher levels of management in the organization. The other respondents of the research method were the new recruits who were recently appointed in the organization. The sample size was minimized due to the shortage and non availability of members and hence still was able to find the answers to the most of the part of the research. (2) Measures of Variables The variables involved in this research were the HR policies for the recruitment and selection which was an independent figure and the other was the company’s productivity after the recruitment and selection was done. The questionnaire was based on 10 questions which were administered and distributed in the levels of management and staff to find the results and put the results in the analysis phase, and from the result it was analyzed that the HR policies implemented in the organization in regards to recruitment and selection sources comes to the ratio of 75 %. (3) Data Collection Method Table 1 shows the close-ended questionnaires were given out and some interviews were held with the managers and staff. The questionnaire was finalized keeping in mind the nature of the job and the organizations portfolio and culture. The questionnaire was handed back in confidence of no material to be published hence only for the use of the research, it comprised of about six parts and hence is attached in the appendix. The three factors to keep in mind when collecting data are the Validity, Reliability and Easy to use.


(4) Quantitative Data What is quantitative data? The answer to this question comes in mind that the data gathered in quantity depending upon the size of the sample used and the validity, reliability and authentication of the material. There are levels of quantitative data used now days. The lowest level of quantitative data used is the Nominal Data which is commonly used; the next level of data is the Ordinal Data, which is based on the counts of things or happenings and is used for specific categories,

Table 1 Data collection Primary data

Secondary data





HR policies



The next level of data is the Interval Data; it is used on the scaling purpose; like in the case of ‘more than’ or ‘less than’ scenarios. The next level is the Ratio Data which is based on the scale of ’true zero’ and it is the highest level of data. The last of all is the Discrete Data; it comes in the chunks and is naturally based in whole units.


(5) Qualitative Data What is qualitative data? We say words or images either of them are the process of interpretation, they become data if and if they are treated in the form of data; they don’t exist as data until they are treated as data and a positive approach towards them is needed. Qualitative data is concerned with meanings and how people perceive it and thinks about it, they follow a way of a pattern which is the main quality of this data. Hence qualitative data is the Tran scripted data which is used in the research methods to produce more accurate and firm results after the analysis of the data collected.

5. Questionnaire Questionnaire is used in the variety of context in the research, the design and method of obtaining data from the questionnaire depends upon the researcher by itself, it is formally a data collection method for research or questioning which formally sets a way of result orienting path. The questionnaire is based on three major parts i.e. introduction, body of the text (questionnaire) and basic data. The planning from the initial stage means that the Costs, Production, Organization, schedule, permission and feedback all should be kept in mind when developing the questionnaire. It should have the information about the research and researcher, purpose and confidentiality. 6. Interview An interview is a verbal interchange, often face to face or on the telephone, in which the one person (Interviewer) tries to elicit information, beliefs or opinions from another person”. In the interviews I have collected the in depth and comprehensive information from the managers and hiring staff of English heritage and National trust.



 RECRUITMENT Question 1: Which sources used to display the vacancy at Primotech? Observations:1) Employee Referral


2) Internet


3) Data Bank


4) Campus Placement




5% Employe e Referral Internet


Question 2:-.Which source of recruitment is preferred? Observations:1) Internal


2) External



Question 3:- In the external Sources which system majorly used? Observations:1) Press Advertisement


2) Consultancy


3) Data Bank


4) Campus


5) Similar Organization





Press advertisement Consultancy 10%

Data bank Campus


Similar Organisation

Question 4:-What was most preferred internal source? Observations:1) Promotions


2) Transfers


3) Employee Referrals


Promotions 25%


50% 25% Employee Referrals


Question 5:-Percentage of vacancies filled in the organization from different sources? Observations:1) New vacancy


2) Replacement


3) Transfers


4) Promotions



 SELECTION Question 6:- Mostly used pattern of interviews? Observations:1) Structured


2) Non structured


3) Stress Interviews


4) Walk in interview



Question 7:- Commonly used tests during selection process? Observations:1) Medical test


2) Ability test


3) IQ test


Question 8:- Action taken against employees who do not work properly? Observations:1) Counseling


2) Transfer


3) Termination



CHAPTER – 6 FINDINGS OF THE STUDY During my internship program at Primotech Energy Solutions Pvt Ltd, I have come across different practices of recruitment and selection which lead me to analyze. Research Findings Recruitment and selection is the major part of any organization’s HR team or department which has to justify the recruitment and selection for the desired post set up by the organization. The problem statement is discussed below: (1) Why Recruitment and Selection sources or methods are not up to the standard required by the organization? (2) The Recruitment and Selection methods or sources used by the HR personnel’s nowadays: why is it changing day by day and getting complex not suitable? (3) The other problem to find out was the selection of the staff in regards to the job, which is not his position to be.

SWOT analysis Strengths: Primotech has been serving since 2013 and has gathered huge experience in the solar and LED market which is now acting as strength for the company. •

It has done a great business in Delhi and has almost covered whole of Noida.

It designed the facility of laboratory for the upcoming vertical.

Environment friendly office area has been developed.

In recruitment and selection process, they involve concern division’s manager.

In their management, they follow participative management style.

The organization has adopted ISO certificates.

In HR Division, the data is contained through HRIS.

It has eco friendly and safe disposal system.


Weaknesses •

The chain of command PESPL is elongated. If there is a situation to take immediate and deputy directors are not available, that’s time they face problem. The decision will be hanging up until deputy directors are available.

Online base advertisement is proper cannot get right candidate.

Their sales centers are not that big.

It cannot hold its sales and promotional representatives for the long time. They have freelancers for it.

Opportunities: •

• People are getting consciousness about healthy and environment. Almost ever Existing demand in the market flourishes the business.

Everyone is knowing about the benefits the Solar and LED products and hence the demand is continuously increasing.

Trading into this field seems a great benefit.


Threats •

Aggressive promotional actions and movement by the rivals can affect Primotech’s market.

Not everyone understands the benefit of Solar and LED.

People are still using electricity.

The unstable weather conditions are a great threat.


Major findings of the study: In the internship program at Primotech Energy Solutions Pvt Ltd, I have observed and found different issues. These are: 1. Managing Director is the sole authority approve finally for any business or functional decision. Only after receiving approval from the Managing Director, HR Division starts all their functioning as per method. 2. Modern Human resource management always talks to involve line manager in HR Practices. Primotech Ltd engages both HR manager and line managers in their recruitment and selection process. 3. The organization has online requisition process. For example, sales manager of Savar sales centre raises a requisition form. He must send this requisition form through their internal mail service. If there is any strike or hartal, this day internal mail service will work. As a result, recruitment process is not affected.

4. HR division does not maintain CV banks properly. Often they lost resumes. They keep failed and passed resumes in same spaces. 5. In their Recruitment and Talent management, there are only two employees. Only two employees have done all the recruitment and selection process. So when work pressure is really high, number of these employees is not enough. 6. HR Division of Primotech does not contact with those candidates who failed in their recruitment and selection process. 7. HR division does not arrange physical examination for final applicants. 8. The company always tries to provide a healthy and safe work environment.



Suggestions for improvement:

After completing internship program, I have come up with some recommendations which Primotech can use for their improvement. These are:

1. HR Division should introduce online requisition system which is actually in process. As a result, HR division will get requisition form immediately and it will make faster its process. 2. HR Division already exercises their internal network properly for recruitment advertisement. Now they can post recruitment advertisement on their website. So, interested applicants can get information to visit their website. 3. HR Division needs enough space to maintain CV bank. It will employees to find resumes easily. 4. In written, viva or practical exam, there should not be any unfairness. Otherwise organization will lose appropriate candidates. 5. HR division should also communicate with failed candidates. At least, they can send an email on applicants’ account. 6. HR division can also minimize using paper on its recruitment and selection process. 7. The office work needs to be more organized. 8. Generally the announcement of selection process gets delayed in case of campus recruitments.



Limitations at Primotech:

The major limitations that I faced during my internship period and preparation of this report are as follows:

2. Employees are not allowed to provide sensitive and depth information. 3. The main constraint of the study was insufficient access to information which has significantly disturbed the scope of the analysis that is required for the study. 4. As the employees were busy with their own duty, they could give me little time for consultation. 5. Time restriction is another important for limitation of study. 6. Published information is not up to date



Primotech Energy Solutions Pvt Ltd, the Solar and LED trading company of Satyam group, is a dealer and trader of solar products, LED products, energy consulting services and now training vertical is a way to create a greener tomorrow. From the very beginning, the company had faced many challenges and defeat successfully to convert the company.

Human resource division at Primotech Energy Solutions Pvt Ltd is vast and elaborative which compromises the overall management process. Strong recruitment and selection process and teamwork is the secrets of PESPL’s success.

Since its setting up in 2013, Primotech Energy Solutions Pvt Ltd has been working relentlessly with a vision to ensure the creation of an eco-friendly and cost effective environment, Vigor and Happiness for all and they are truly focused on it with optimism about perpetual growth and success with time.



1. Gary Dessler (2011) . 11th edition. New Delhi: Prentice- Hall of India 2. Primotech Energy Solutions Private Limited (PESPL) Employee Book 3. Standard of Procedure – PESPL 4. 5.

6. Birley G, Moreland N (1998) A practical guide to academic research. Kogan Page Limited, London 7. Denscombe M (2003) The good research guide. Open University Press, Philadelphia 8. Falcone P (2002) Hiring and firing question and answer book. GB Press, New York 9. Kneeland J (2005) Recruitment and selection methods. PhD thesis, Biar, USA 10. Saunders M, Lewis P, Thornhill (2003) Research methods. uk/ 11. Taylor S (2002) Human resource management. Prentice Hall, Great Britain



The recruitment and selection process of company meets the current and legal requirements? 1.

Strongly agree






Strongly Disagree


No opinion


Do you feel that the right job is being performed by the deserved person at your working environment? 1.

Strongly agree






Strongly Disagree


No opinion


Are you happy with the salary what you offered by the company? 1.





How long have you been with the company? 1.

0 to 1 yr


1 to 2 yr


3 to 4yr


More than 4yr


The employee’s competency matches with the job specification?

5. 1.

Strongly agree






Strongly Disagree


No opinion


Do you know what all the domains are functioning in PESPL are? 1.





Did you have the right Designations? 1.





Have you attended any training session apart from your domain training? 1.





What should be the best recruitment sources according to your preference? 1.

Internal Recruitment


External Recruitment



10. How do you think about Recruitment and selection procedure in your company? 1.





Questionnaire for Recruiters


Name :


Designation :


Qualification :


Working with PESPL since :


Previous experience if any. 1. name of the previous employer



worked as


duration of previous job

Number of candidates you lined up in the month of May - June for the Organization. a) 10-30


b) 30-60

d) 90-120

e) 120 and above

what were the sources of recruiting the candidates for your current client a) Direct Walk in b) Existing database c) Bring your Buddy d) Internal Moment


c) 60-90

c) others

What was the method of selection adapted by you to recruit the people? a) Telephonic round b) personal information round c) aptitude test


d) Group discussion 9.

e) any other

What are the parameters for selecting a candidate according to your present requirement? (Rate from 1-5 and 1 being the highest). Parameters






Communication skills Qualification Confidence Language skills Convincing skills


How many candidates were eliminated in the first round of interview conducted by you? a) 0% - 5% b) 5% - 10% c) 10% - 15% d) 15% -20% e) 20% and above


How many candidates attended the final round of interview? a) 100% - 85% b) 85% - 70% c) 70% - 55% d) 55% - 40% e) below 40%


How many candidates were selected by you among the short listed candidates? a) 100% - 85% b) 85% - 70% c) 70% - 55% d) 55% - 40% e) below 40%


What is the employee turnover rate in the month of May – June a) 0% - 10% b) 10% - 20% c) 20% - 30% d) above 30%


What would be the employee requirement on 2013? a) 1000 – 2000 b) 2000 – 3000 c) 3000 – 4000 d) More than 4000



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