Final Exam Answer Scheme (set A).docx

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SULIT BLHW 2403 SECTION A (60 MARKS) Part I: Classifying Information Elements (10 marks). 1. Scope 2. Organization 3. Background 4. Objective 5. Organization 6. Scope 7. Background 8. Objective 9. Objective 10. Background

(1 correct answer= 1 mark)


SULIT BLHW 2403 Part II: Paraphrasing and Documentation (20 marks) For all answers, award the following marks for documentation.




No error; strictly follows the stipulated format for citations; display academic quality.


Average; some errors in citations.


Poor; unable to follow the format.


Well paraphrased, Language is accurate; no slips, no minimal lifting. Varied structures, effective word choices


Satisfactorily paraphrased, Language fairly accurate; one or two slips, very minimal lifting. Attempted changes in structures and word choices.


Poorly paraphrased, Language fairly accurate with some minor errors, noticeable lifting.

Paraphrase and document the following information to show emphasis on the author. 1.

Social networking and blogging has opened up a whole new world to people from remote locations, and the reach of the mass media has increased a thousand fold. Reference: Thieman, Y. G. (2008). Using technology as a tool for learning and developing21st century citizenship skills: An examination of the NETS and technology use. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(4), 342-366.

Possible answer and keywords; Thieman (2008) observed that, the access to mass media has expanded thousand fold. Individuals from the rural area are also given an opportunity to socialize via social networking sites and blogs. 2.

Additionally, many people and animals have died in flash floods as flood also brings a lot of diseases and infections including military fever, pneumonic plague, dermatopathia and dysentery. Reference: Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Cummins, M., Estrada, V., Freeman, A., & Ludgate, H. (2013). NMC Environmental Report: Effect of Flooding. Retrieved 2 SULIT

SULIT BLHW 2403 October 1, 2015 from report/23 Possible answer and keywords; According to Johnson et al. (2013), individuals and creatures perished due to the downpour. The researcher also agreed that, downpour can cause sicknesses and contaminations including military fever, pneumonic outbreak, skin diseases and diarrhea. Paraphrase and document the following text to show emphasis on the information. 3.

Floodwaters also carry lots of nutrients that are deposited in the plains and farmers love such soils, as they are perfect for cultivating some kinds of crops. Reference: Johri, A., Williams, C. B., & Pembridge, J. (2013). Creative collaboration: A study of the role of computers in preventing flood. International Journal of Environment, 29(1), 33-44.

Possible answer and keywords; Flood also gives benefit to farmers. Floodwaters bring bunches of supplements that are kept in the fields which are ideal for developing a few sorts of yields (Johri, Williams & Pembridge, 2013).


With then utilization of advanced technology, most engineering students believe that they are able to enrich their ability in accessing information, manipulating data, creating design, analysing results and storing information. Reference: Anderson, J. E., Schwager, P. H., & Kerns, R. L. (2006). The drivers for acceptance of tablet PCs by faculty in a college of business. Journal of Information Systems Education, 17(4), 429-439.

Possible answer and keywords;


SULIT BLHW 2403 With then use of cutting edge innovation, most engineering graduates agree that they are able to improve their capability in getting to data and information, making outline as well as working with results (Anderson, Schwager & Kerns, 2006).


The auto-balancing characteristic of the Hovertrax should help the riders stay balanced. The hovertrax can travel up to 5 miles (8 km) and/or 30 minutes on a charge, reaching speeds of up to 5 mph. It only take about an hour to charge the lithium-ion battery from a standard wall outlet. Halim, T. (2011). A Hovertrax: The Greatest Innovation. Journal of Engineering and Human, 3(1), 42-50.

Possible answer and keywords; The Hovertrax is able to assist riders to stay adjust. It also can go up to 5 miles (8 km) and/or half hour, speeds of up to 5 mph after its lithium-particle battery has been charged for an hour (Halim, 2011). * The above are sample paraphrases, do accept any others relevant answers.


SULIT BLHW 2403 Part III: Conclusion & Recommendations (30 marks) Answer Key Element


Justifying purposes/ objectives (1 element) Reviewing scope/ method (1 element)

The aim of this report was to recognise the current state of the computer environment and usage, which included the ergonomic viewpoint.

Implication (1 element)

Now that the amount of computer time at home and school is sure to keep increasing, the important thing is to use the equipment in a welldesigned environment, accustomed to human behaviour, physiology and psychological features, in order to maintain users’ health. It is a matter of urgency that we develop new guidelines based on attention given to the physique and physiology of pupils and student.

A questionnaire was sent out to 100 elementary schools selected randomly in Yokohama and Kawasaki Cities, from January to March 1998 regarding the use of personal computers by pupils and students. The survey included the questions that asked how often and in what environment computers are used, whether any instructions are given as to their use, children’s working posture, and the effect on health. Reviewing findings The results show that most schools are slow to develop instructive (1 element) programs from the environmental or ergonomic point of view. Explaining So far there are not many children who complain of any serious Findings symptoms such as pain in the neck, head or shoulders, but a future (1 element) increase in the number of classes which involve computing, as well as the widespread popularity of home computers, will surely arouse a legitimate concern about the health of pupils and students, since they will spend more and more time operating the devices Discussing Due to the logistic and manageability factors, the respondents were limitation randomly selected from Yokohama and Kawasaki Cities only. (1 element) Therefore, there is still a question on whether similar results will be obtained with respondents from other cities.

Recommendations (1 element)


SULIT BLHW 2403 Marking Scheme Component Content (14 marks)

* 2 marks for each element which is effectively constructed *only 1 mark for comprehensible construction, but with several errors. *no mark for incomprehensible structures

Organisation (5 marks)

Satisfactorily written 8 - 12

Poorly written 2–6

All 7 elements are included

 Some elements (4-6) are included

 Only (1-3) elements are included

2-3 Paragraph shows some unity and is reasonably coherent Able to link ideas satisfactorily

0-1  Paragraph lacks unity and coherence  Hardly any attempt to link ideas

4-5  Paragraph has unity and coherence  Well-linked * take note of the uses of linkers/transitions *reflective of the marks for Format Arrangement 6-8 

Language (8 marks)

Well-written 14

Language fairly accurate, one or two slips  Hardly any spelling errors  Meanings are clear  Variety sentence structure *reflective of the marks for Content

3-5    

Language fairly accurate with some minor errors Few spelling errors Meaning comes across satisfactorily Some variety of sentences, but tendency to use simple sentences

0-2  Language fairly inaccurate with more spelling errors  Meaning is often unclear  Hardly any variety of sentences


SULIT BLHW 2403 3 FormatArrangement (3 marks)

 Points are in correct sequence

2 

1 or 2 points are not in correct sequence

1  More than 2 points are not in correct sequence


SULIT BLHW 2403 SECTION B (20 MARKS) Part I: Tenses (10 marks). Award 1/2 mark for each error identification, and 1/2 mark for correction. Answer:  Marks should not be awarded in cases: - wrong line no. - wrong error identification No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Line no. 3 4 7 9 10 12 14 18 19 21

Error will occur was reappeared left was decided will include were was were

Correction occurs is reappears leaves is decide include are is are

Part II: Faulty Parallelisms (10 marks). Award 1 mark for each correction. 1. The irrigation technologies have been focused on the reduction of fresh water and application of this resource for increasing the yield. 2. Management hopes to improve profits by cutting costs, increasing productivity, and improving distribution. 3. The company can become profitable by cutting costs or selling more widgets. 4. The computer brain uses only 10% of its volume for energy supply and thermal transport, 70% for communication and 20% for computation.


SULIT BLHW 2403 5. Spare compressors are used to improve the flexibility of the plants and to avoid unsatisfied production deliveries. OR Spare compressors are used for improving the flexibility of the plants and avoiding unsatisfied production deliveries. 6. There is a need for decisions which minimize operational costs and increase the lifetime of the compressors and their motors. 7. The maintenance of a compressor involves several actions such as bearing repairs, coupling and gear box maintenance, and sealings inspection. 8. The result of the fouling is a decrease in performance and an increase in power consumption for the same load. 9. The literature from one side examines the maintenance of a single compressor, and on the other side examines the optimization of the operation of networks. 10. Agriculture helps to preserve biological diversity, provides elements to the flue gas capture, and contributes to enhance the landscape.

*accept possible answers which reflect understanding of the concept of parallelism without changing the rest of the sentence structure.

CALCULATING THE MARKS: Section A: x/2 = 30% Section B: x/2 = 10% TOTAL = 40%


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