Field Drills

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,651
  • Pages: 5
Field Drills Jumps Coach Says - Students are set up in an area, spread out evenly - Ask students to demonstrate various jumps or movements. Calls to include: continuous jumps on the spot, sideways jumps left, sideways jumps right, run forwards, run backwards. - Students should only follow your instructions when you say ‘Coach says’. - Mix up the calls and the speed of the calls. Progression - Include more variety of jumps - Increase speed between jumps - Make it into a competition KTPS - Push off from ground - Bend knees - Arms used to assist movement of body - Fast and effective movement Speed jumps - Obstacles are set up randomly in an area for students to jump over, e.g. wedge, block - Students must touch the ground on either side of the wedge with both feet. - If the wedge is touched, but the players’ feet still cross to the other side, then the bounce is counted. - One correct cross of the foam wedge in either direction counts as one bounce. - The teacher blows the whistle to start - Students are to jump over the wedge and see how many jumps they can get in a given time - Continue until the time runs out Progression - Increase difficulty of jump - Decrease time to complete jumps - Make it a competition KTPS - Push off from ground - Bend knees - Arms used to assist movement of body - Fast and effective movement Frogs and lily pads - Randomly distribute the hoops (lily pads) inside the pond (given area), making sure they are not too far away from each other (i.e. jumping distance). - Students jump from lily pad to lily pad and see how many they can land on in a given amount of time, e.g. 60 seconds. - If there is more than one frog on the lily pad, it will sink. If a player jumps onto a lily pad with another player already on it, the original player must immediately find another lily pad to jump onto.

- Players may jump into the pond as well as onto the lily pads. - Continue for given time Progression - Vary distance between jumps to vary jumps, e.g. jumping for height or for distance - Add a variety of objects to jump into/onto - Introduce tagger that players aim to avoid whilst jumping KTPS - Push off from ground - Bend knees - Arms used to assist movement of body - Fast and effective jumps Coloured jump - Cones are positioned in a box, enough for 2-3 students to line up on each - Coloured dots/cones are positioned randomly within the area - On the teachers call, students at the start of the line run out and double foot jump onto the colours called by the teacher, following the pattern, e.g. red – white – blue - Once completed, they run back to the their line and the next students runs out to follow the same pattern of jumps - Continue through until all students have had a turn - Can order of colours called each round Progression - Increase area - Increase distance between coloured dots - Introduce competition between lines/groups KTPS - Bend knees - Knees together for double foot jump - Arms used to assist movement of body - Fast and effective jumps Pit Jumps - Students are organised into even groups and positioned in lines facing a long jump pit - Mini hurdles/obstacles are set up just before the pit - The first person each line does a double foot jump over the hurdle into the pit - Continue through until all students have had a turn - Progress to walking up to the hurdle, stepping and then jumping over with a double foot land - Continue through until all students have had a turn - Progress to running up to the hurdle and replicating a long jump Progression - Increase distance of jump - Manipulation for triple jump – include the hop, step and jump - Add a time limit KTPS - Bend knees - Knees together for double foot jump - Arms used to assist movement of body - Fast and effective jumps

Throws Bullseye - Students are organised into small groups, e.g. 4 per group. and positioned behind a line - A target can be created using cones/chalk drawing etc. - Each player is to throw their object to the target area. - Repeat for a given number of rounds, e.g. 5 throws for each player. - Each round, players use a different hand when throwing. - Points are scored depending on where the object stops in the target area. - Students note whether their score improves from round to round. Progression - Increase distances - Manipulate for focus throwing event - Add a time limit KTPS - Object held appropriately for task - Knees bent - Accuracy of throw - Bend elbow and release Hit the target - Targets are set up in the given areas, with students distributed evenly between areas - Students throw their object to hit or land in targets spaced 3m, 5m and 7m apart. - Each student has a set number of throws, e.g. 2. - Play is stopped to re-position targets that have been knocked over. - When scoring, consider a bonus point if a ball lands inside a target. Alternatively, set a target, e.g. 15. The team with the smallest number of throws or the most points in a set time (e.g. 45 seconds) wins. Progression - Increase difficulty of targets - Add a time limit and have each group compete against one another - Manipulate for focus throwing event KTPS - Object held appropriately for task - Knees bent - Accuracy of throw - Bend elbow and release How many balls? - Students are organised into 4 groups of 2. (Alternatively use other combinations as required, e.g. 6 groups of 3, but adjust the playing space so it is not too crowded). - One player from each pair hops to a central point to collect one ball at a time and throw the ball back to their team-mate at their base. - This player then runs back to their team-mate and tags them. - Teams collect as many balls as possible in the allotted time, e.g. 60 seconds.

- When all the balls have been removed from the centre, the coach calls ‘STOP!’ Progression - Increase playing area - Reduce time limit - Manipulate for focus throwing event KTPS - Object held appropriately for task - Knees bent - Accuracy of throw - Bend elbow and release - Fast and efficient movement Noodle javelin - Join rings into a colourful target for noodle javelins - Stakes keep the target upright and if you don’t have noodle rings tape can hold a makeshift ring in place. - Assign different point values to the rings - Students work in groups and attempt a javelin throw through the noodles - Points are awarded for each throw, tallying up for a whole group score - Continue for given time to determine a winning team Progression - Increase distance of throws - Add a time limit KTPS - Javelin gripped appropriately - Javelin arm extends backwards - Effective movement to build up power and speed - Throwing arm remains straight until released Shot put & Discus stations - Set up a circuit with different stations for students to complete - Students to move around in groups, with a set time for each station - Stations: 1. Medicine/soccer ball over head throw & sitting 2. Kneeling med ball throws 3. Shot put in hoops: 3-4 hoops in a line, one behind each other. 1 pt for first, 2 for 2nd etc, 3 pts for 3rd hoop (Use shot put bowls or bocci) 4. Discus roll for distance 5. Discus hoop slings over wickets or witches hats 6. Discus game: 1pt for 5-10m, 2 pts 10-15m, 3pts 15-20m and 4pts - Students rotate through stations, changing after given time Progression - Increase difficulty of tasks - Manipulate for javelin as well - Include jumping events KTPS - Object held appropriately for task - Knees bent - Accuracy of throw - Fast and efficient movement

High Jump challenge - Students are organised into two even teams - Each team has an allocated time to do as many high jump clearances as possible - Each jumper nominates the height they wish to clear and the bar is moved accordingly - Points are allocated: 2 points for good technique, 1 point for clearing the bar - Points are tallied between teams within the given time to determine the winning team Progression - Have a set height - Change time limit - Change points system KTPS - Ensure run up if accurate and controlled - Effective and correct technique - Propel body over mat to avoid hitting Escape from the space monsters - Organise students into two even teams - Students participate in a high jump competition with the focus of “you have all been captured by space monsters and are being held in space monster prison. The only way to escape is via the electric fence (elastic high jump bar)” - Once a student has cleared the bar, they stand behind the mat as an ‘escape’. If a student knocks the bar they set off an alarm and have to have another turn - The winning team is the first to have all players over the bar or ‘safely out of prison’ - Continue until all have made it across, or the given time has been reached Progression - Add a time limit - Introduce a height limit that students must achieve KTPS - Ensure run up if accurate and controlled - Effective and correct technique - Propel body over mat to avoid hitting

(Athletics Australia, 2010)

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