Track Drills

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 884
  • Pages: 3
Track Drills Ladder Relay - Organise students into even teams - In teams, students divide with half the group at one end of the area, and the other half at the other end – facing each other - Place markers/lines down in each running line – evenly spread - Students race to the other side, placing one foot in each section – relay formation - Continue until all members have completed the relay, with the first team to finish being the winning team Progression - Increase running distance – different length sprints - Practice starting from either leg - Add block for students to start in - Introduce passing the baton KTPS - Fast and effective take off from line - Quick strides - Knees up - Place foot in each space - Arms assist to propel body *Can be adapted for sprints, hurdles, middle distance, long/triple jump and relay practice Racing Relays - Students organised into teams and line up in one line - An area of approximately 10m is used - Obstacles are positioned in the area – e.g. mini hurdles, hoops, cones etc. - Players sprint to the other side, striding over the hurdles. Once they have reached the end, they call ‘go’ for the next person in the line to go - Students continue through until all students have had a turn - Increase distance of obstacles from start and students repeat Progression - Increase sprinting distance - Increase difficult of obstacles - Start on blocks KTPS - Fast and effective take off from line - Quick strides - Knees up to stride over obstacles - Arms assist to propel body *Can be adapted for sprints, hurdles, middle distance, long/triple jump and relay practice Target Relay - A course is set up with obstacles positioned randomly around the course, e.g. cones, mini hurdles - Students start by running around the course from a start gate - Students must run the course, clearing the obstacles using different stride lengths


Students alternate legs for each take-off, however should remain at a constant pace when approaching, clearing and running away from the obstacles - Allow students to choose their own starting gate. - Continue until a given time, or until students have completed a certain number of rounds Progression - Increase distances between obstacles - Increase difficulty of obstacles - Increase speed of movement KTPS - Fast and effective take off - Quick strides - Knees up to stride over obstacles - Arms assist to propel body *Can be adapted for sprints, hurdles, middle distance, long/triple jump and relay practice Slalom Sprint - Students are organised into teams and positioned in lines at one side of the area - Cones are positioned in a zig zag formation within the running lines - On ‘GO’, the first player in each team runs slalom-style through the cones to the end of the course. - When they reach the end, they call out ‘GO’ for the next player in their team to start. - Students continue until all team members are at the other end of the course. Progression - Increase distance students have to run - Have teams compete against each other KTPS - Fast and effective take off - Quick strides - Effective movement between cones - Arms assist to propel body *Can be adapted for sprints, middle distance and relay practice Formula One - Divide students into even teams (up to 6 players per team) - Set up the course, about 60m or 80m long and divide into the following areas: – one area for flat sprinting – one area for sprinting over hurdles – one area for sprinting around cones (or slalom poles if available). - On your call, the first player from each team runs, holding the baton, around the course. - The next player in line sits facing the incoming runner. As the runner approaches, they jump up and stand with their back to their partner on the starting line waiting to receive the baton. - They then run to complete the course.

- Time the event! Each team is to try and beat their own time at each attempt at the course Progression - Increase area - Increase difficulty of obstacles - Include area for jogging/pace KTPS - Fast and effective take off - Quick strides - Effective movement between obstacles - Arms assist to propel body *Can be adapted for sprints, hurdles, middle distance, long/triple jump and relay practice Pyramids - Students work individually - Establish 3 distances students aim to run for middle distance or long distances practice, e.g. 200m, 800m, 1500m - Students run through each distance, starting with the shortest distances, having a break, then the next distance, etc. - Once the furthest distance is achieved, students have an extended break, then complete same distances back again, e.g. the middle length, then the shortest length – following a pyramid process - Continue until students have achieved distances Progression - Increase distances - Add a time that students need to complete task in - Have students compete – relevant to game situation KTPS - Maintain steady running technique - Head up and looking forward - Long strides - Effective pace and endurance *Can be adapted for sprints, middle distance and long distance

(Athletics Australia, 2010)

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