Fhm Philippines 200802 (katrina Halili)

  • October 2019
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136 From the mouths of babes Asia's Sex LessonsTheSexGuru sharesa tinglinghistorylesson!p136 Red-hot gifts Becauseshe doesn't deservecrapon the 14th! pl38 Donna and Sheena A twin treat fromour February muses!pl40 Ladies' Confessions Onlythe scorching truthherelpl42

51 Gadgetsgangbang

EveMhinq that -month... tters this \ o t h i n g l i k ea c o m p r e h e n s i v ge u i d e : o g e t y o u r F e b r u a r ya l l r e v v e du p , -earunng... Gemma Louise Chapman Brit m o d e l ,f r e q u e n tM a n i l av i s i t o r lp 1 6 Jose Manalo The Eat Bulaga c o m i c w a n t s t o d i r e c t a d r a m a !p 2 6 Nardong Tae! LouieCordero's c r e a t i o ni s n o w a t o y l p 2 0 P L U S ! R i d i n gt h e E - J e e p n e y , l o v i n gt h e S u b a r u l m p r e z a , b e f r i e n d i n gP a r o k y a n i E d g a r a n d reading man books p40

Lap trip Burncashfor thesefive portablePCs! p52 Budget toys Playat will, y o u S p i e l b e r gw a n n a b ep! 5 6 Budget pack Hottiesfor the cautiousspender!p58

44 Your fashion bible Wardrobe Basics Scorestyle pointson yourV-Daydates!p44 WatchesTimeto buvthesel2 must-have findslp46 GroomingYou'llsmellgoodlp4g Tips What perfumesuitsyou? p48

TBUE STI]HIES 152 Anecdotesgalore F a t h e rs c h o o l s s o n o n g r e a t , u n d e t e c t a b l ee s c a p e s !


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l' 145 Life-enhanced!

'Peace,brother!' Counteranger's bad,vilevibes!pl46 Wellington Soong Theluxurycar mogulis a pictureof passion! pl49 Heart-stopping action Knowwhat to do whenstrokestrikes!pl50 Beach pafi How to throwa memorable onelp148

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For Him Magazine,Summit PublishingCo. Inc, Level1, RobinsonsGalleria, EDSA cor. Ortigas Ave.,Ouezon City t t OO T e l e p h o n e6: 3 1 7 7 3 8 / 6 3 1 8 9 7 1t o 8 b t o c ,1 4 b Fax:6372206 . SMS: FHM ED (message) (name) and send to 2366g . website:www.fhm.com.ph e-mail:[email protected]

What is your favoriteOPM lovesong of all time? EDITt|RIAI.

C|lilIRIBUTllRS FHM brolher Xander Angeles came home from New York and spent Christmas with his favoritemagazine family.Another vacation postponed for us.

Standee hunterfinally meets queen Katrina. She's ovenrrhelmed!

FltM |ilTEBirATt0l{tr ilETW0Rt(

Out of the freezing 89.9 Magicbooth,Jen andthe chiefwarmup.

(Iaiwan)Han Ku Ohailand)PakomTansiriOurkey)DidemTamarBehram

No morningsickness forJennylyn at her rousingFHM event.

e,"rn*unrtluJlylt"ly':1":$l""9l"lt*."n*"'."*^n VP for Operatlons Hanseldela Cruz Dlgltat Publlsher/Group pub[sher Denisdet Callar Web Buslnss Op€rations ltanager DennisonKo Web Deslgner KelvinTee W6b Programmer KoresMonteloyola P?oductlon Dhector IntetVictoriano Asslstant Producuon Managor JaneM. Puno P.oduction Coordinator Bino T Agustin Productlon D6slgner Arlhur Asturiano Admlnl6tsath,6ilanag61 W)ilma Lopez Admln Aslstants RosalieArtet4 Angel Sm Jose

In awe, Bro. Allan H and his posing-sawy posse praised their rock god and pop goddesses at the Subaru lmprezalaunch!Specialthanksto Joji Dingcong of JLD Management (sorryfor last month's typol).

Uncle Pauland his niecesano nephews ran wild in HongKong,

fhe FHM crew toasted2002 awaywith a partyat Route196.SuperBonngg gatecrashed, thenwashedthe dishesafter!

BabyKiel with proud parents.This won'tbe his lastpic here, we feell

Nothing inthismagazine.may bereproduced in wholeorpartwithout permission thewritten of thepublishers. We cannot accept responsibility forunsolicited manuscripts andphotographs orformaterial lostordam'aged inthemail.

ADYEniTtSlltt Group Adyertl3ing Dlrector FlorenceBienvenido Adv. Dh€ctor.Key Account6 Group Regie Uy Ady. Dhsctor-M€n'E Titles MaizaMueco lGy Account Speclalists JoeyAnciano,Junnde las Alas,Cha Clarino,Alex Revelar,AnnieSantos, SuzetleTolentino S€nior Accoutt Manager Bem Caharian Junior Account ilanagE|s- l(ey Accounb Group GingerTaduran,JJDinglasan,Chenie Banetto, JoyceArgana OaseTlod A.ct Ex€ofirr€sSharon Hlor,MiEelleDizon Ex€crfilve Asslstant Dee Cerrado Key Accounts Assistant3 ChinggayCabit,Onnie del Mundo,DianneSuegay,MaricelSamson Adyertlslng A$istant Luisade Torres Adv. Trdtrlc $pon bors Elizieldel Rio,lvlyraGorospe K6y Accounts Asslstants Luisade Tones,Onnie Del Mundo,OuennieGarcia,ChinggayMendoza, MaricelSamson MIRKETIl{C Malketlng Dlr€ctor for ln-magazlne PromotloB a Events Groups MarcieLinao Creatlve Dir€ctor Noel fucueta Proloct Oftlcor CharyAntonio Mafietlng Astodates KayeEstoista, Elaine Natividad, illarkothg Asslstant San Francisco Cr€atiye Artlsts JomarFajardo,Aia Jimenez, JohnnyOna, DonnaTapay Ey6nt3 Proroct Ofllcerc RudolphBaldonado, CharlotteMaximo Sr. Marketing Acsociate lris Anadon,LeahBasco Jr. Marketlng Ass. AllanAltera, Marj Go, Kriztel

Lorbes, Caz Marifio,MaanPe,MirelleOuizon,Anna Ramos,Ais Simburan Matketlng Asst DonnaFuentes Trade Marketing OIC Anne ChristineO. Ong Tlade Marketlng Ofllcer ErnestD. Javier Sr. Tlade Markotlng Assoclates l(nelleD. Reyes, TricieP Cuasay llade Markoilng Assoclate CandaceU. Lobendino llad€ illarl(Etng Ass, EuniceZ. Bisnar,CharlesL Chua Visual llerctrandlser WarrenE. Espejo M6dla Relatlons PR Manager Ro Manalo PR Assodates MelissaMayangitan,Mica Siquijor, IngridVillafuerte PR Clerk HazeRomawac Spedal Rrb Edltonln4hld ]tistine Fonacier Creatlye Dlrec{or Noel G Azcueta Spoclal Pub Asrlstant Managing Edito.g SunshineSelga,lza Santos,SamanthaEchavez Spec'lal Pub Edltorlal /lssistant PairiciaEnriouez Special Pub Art Dlrectors Bong Sevilla,Cindy Dy, JonasAsistio,CleoneBaradas Spodal Rrb Sonlol Graphlc D€slgngrs Alona . Martirez,EricMenooza

ctRcutATt0ll Clrculatlon Manager-GilA GlendaGil Proyinclal Sales Manager AlexisMartinez lntornational Dlstrlbutlon Speclallst UlysisJavier Clrculatlon Supelvisor MayleenLaron Circulatlon Admln Asst AyenSantillan,Cathy Yabut,NancyPastor N€wsstand3 Supervlsor-Value lledia JoelValdez ^lr.Sal€s Rop-Valuc Medla JohnLakhiCelso Sr, l{ewsstand Supewisor-GMA CarolineHerrera ,r. Salos Rep-Provlnclal VicmarAwid, Dong Manlansing,SermandLacza,RodelRevilla,Ferdie Oreto,RogelioCaballeroJr, JeromeEspejo Key Aca Group Head Mai Lozada,MalouRubinos Jr. Sales Rep NoreenSescon,LeslieBagon, VivianManahan,CharlotteBarlis,Lhon Bituin,Bea Velasquez, JennyReparep,JamesRusselDris Sub Supervisor Hector Castillo Sub Coordlnator Jolet Abad Sub & Dlrect Salos A$odate EmelyLorenzo Loglstlca Manager NormanCampo


12 FHM FEBRUARY 2008 www.fhm.com.oh





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[email protected] P0ST:Summit Publlshing Co.,Level 1 Robinsons EDSA Galleria, cor.Ortigas Ave., City Quezon



the trialsthat rainedon us in 2007, we stillmadeit through.Youhelped us, too, FHM, morethanyou'llever know,Pleaserecognizeour strength and our faithin one anotherby postingour picture.Thanks! Rochelle, by email


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My bro! I knowthis is too much,but please do me a favor.I havea brod and Hot starter! roommateherein FOREHADorm Damn!Thishas beenso far the most at University of the Philippines challenging FHM to get a hold Los Bafros,who of. Well,lt took me fourdaysto celebratedhis buyyburJennylyn Mercadoissue. birthdaylast It was alwayssold-outin every January 8. ldidn't localmagazine standsherein my haveany gift for place.Ouiteunderstandable really, himthenso I'm whatwith the lovelyJennylyn finally beggingyou now gracingthe coverof FHM.I also to publishthis realized that it couldprobablybe her picture.Please lastalluringand sexyphotoshoot.I publishthis in yournextissueso that weather. and the awesome FHM lwant himto see our treasured waitedfor so longfor this issueto he'llknowthat I remembered. Happy issues! Congratulationsalso for the photoin yourmag.Please?He'll happenand it was worththe wait! birthday, Michael!Thanks,FHM, for Philippinesto your amazingfireworks comebacksoonfromhis dutyand Greatpicturesand fantasticstyling! doinggreatthingsl gift is more display last New Year! no otherhomecoming Youdid one of the mostbeautiful Cris,by email perfectthan this.Youguys rock us! Alex,byemail facesin showbizjustice.Of course, Aileen, by email I haveto commendyournew layout. Waiting for Jennylyn! We rock them! i It'sa greatimprovement. lwill go as I'm one of yourbiggestfanshere i I'vebeena regularFHM buyersince Turning far as sayingthat it's probablythe in Saipanand I see to it that I don't i my bolriend introducedit to me. Japanese bestlay-outof anymen'smagazine misseverysingleissueof FHM.By : Luckily, our relationship hasbecome I loveyour just herein Philippines. You have the way,I loveyourJanuary2008 new 2008 a way of separatingyourselffrom issue.I reallylikeJennylyn Mercado. calendar! Hopeyou haveenough everyone! Can'twaitto see it. Her issuewill Thanksfor Februaryissuesto satisfyyour loyal arriveherenextmonth.Thankyou so puttinggorreaders.By the way,Arra Castro muchand morepower.Keeprocking! geousbabes deservesherown hot calendarsoon! Christian, Saipan on Keepsurprisingus! yourpages.I hopeyou also ; because John,by email Thank you, sir! featureJapanesewomen i of his I'm a Canadian who currently lives likeAyumiKinoshitaand : work,we Survivors i n M a n i l a ,I ' v e o n l y b e e n i n y o u r Chise Nakamura.Please i stillfind Lastyearwas a country for a few months but I i timeto alsoincludethis photoof toughonefor me already got hooked reading your my friendsand I whilewe're i surprise and my Daddy magazine.I love everythingabout the i each cosplaying. Mimiw.But despite Philippines-the friendly peeps, sunny other. ArataKagami, byemail i i


l4 FHill FEBRUARY 2008 www.fhm.com.ph


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oFHMLetters O f f i c eh a n d o u t n a v eb e e n zt avid FHM :ollector - .n c e 2 0 0 5 , -y fourlh year ^ college. -re magazine ':ally meansa :t to me. Now :rat I already - a v ea j o b ,: a leading = x p o r t sc o m p a n y ,I s t i l lf i n d t i m e t o 'ead FHM during my break at work. : l n n y t h i n g i s , m y o f f i c e m a t e sa l s o znloy FH M. One of them was even : a u g h t b y t h e m a n a g e rr e a d i n gy o u r s s u e d u r i n g o f f i c e h o u r s .H e r e ' s t o a,l my co-FHM addicl officemates! Keep up the good work FHMI

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"While during our wewere trying tocapture a happy moment joined getaway," "thischubby in woman Boracay narrates Crom, o nt h ef u n , , , u n i n v i t e d ! "

Ms,lwa "l tookthisshotofmyqirlpalsposing withthegorgeous "lmagine when I sawa misplaced Francis. mydismay Moto," writes Sus!" thespeakers. behind

Tagum City Rocky,

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I a m f e e l i n gs o l u c k y a n d s o g r a t e f u l these days! Thanks to FHM, and s o m e g r e a t f r i e n d s ,a n d s o m e p o w ers-that-be.I wrote a few months b a c k , b e g g i n g f o r a K a t r i n aH a l i l il i f e s i z e s t a n d e e a n d p r o f e s s i n gm y l o v e f o r F H M P h i l i p p i n e sT. h e f u r t h e s t thing from my mind was seeingmy l e t t e r p u b l i s h e d .S o , i m a g i n em y s u r p r i s ew h e n I p i c k e d u p t h e N o v e m b e ri s s u e .M y b e s t f r i e n d ,w h o was with me when lfirst saw my published letter,let out a loud scream as I stood beside her totally speechless.

Fun "Wetooka photo awesome timeatGlobal myfamily's tocapture partof "Then rightin,covering thisstranger walked Lester. Park," notes theframe!"

Y o u c a n b e t l ' l l b e h o a r d i n gt h e i s s u ea n d g i v i n gt h e m o u t a s p r e s e n t sf o r m a n y y e a r st o c o m e ! I t ' l la l s o b e c o m e a p e r m a n e n tc o f f e e t a b l e c o m p a n i o nf o r t h e r e s t o f m y l i f e .B u t I d i d n o t f o r g e t m y g o a l , m y Holy Grail. I took FHM's advice and asked around at several magazine s h o p s a n d n e w s s t a n d s .M y l u c k c h a n g e dw h e n o n e o f m y c l o s e ; ' a f r i e n d s r e c a l l e dt h a t a M i n i S t o p i n t h e b u i l d i n gw h e r e she works had been trying t o s e l l t h e i r s .S h e t o l d me about it and said she'd check back w i t h t h e m .W h e n she found out that i t w a s s t i l la v a i l a b l e , ; she reserved it for me. And so the quest e n d s . l t ' s r e a l l y ,r e a l l y

c o o l o w n i n g a K a t r i n aH a l i l is t a n d e e ! Thanks again, FHM Phllippines,I will b e e t e r n a l l yg r a t e f u lt o t h e w o r l d ' s g r e a t e s tm a g a z r n e . M a c h ,b y e m a i l

M i s s i n gh e r h u b b y I ' v el o v e dy o u g u y s s i n c e 2 O O . l . M y f a t h e r l o v e sy o u , s o d o e s m y h u s b a n dw h o i s n o w b a s e d i n D u b a i .W e u s e d t o t r y y o u r p o s i t i o n s o f t h e m o n t h ,b u t n o w t h a t h e i s away, I try to ease my lonelinessby r e a d i n gy o u r m a g a z i n e I. e v e n h a v e f o l l o w e r sw h o f r e q u e n t l yb o r r o w m y FHM copies! This letter is for you alll lpagyayabang ko na na-publish ninyo itong letter ko! Good luck sa mga co-workers ko, and to my H o n e y :I l o v ey o u v e r y m u c h . I ' m proud to be your girl!

byemai l S hane,

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lf by chance photos of this babe trigger your curiosity,simply open o . - E your Facebook and type her nameUr< (J .n Gemma Louise Chapman. In an 7iz instant,all there is to know about thrs ci 5 girlyou fancy appears on the screen. L!^ You also get to see more scorching t!h photos of almost everything she j 8 does, from her travelsto her nightlife. 4< But if you think she's alreadyyour >z fF !; * dream girl in cyberspace, ask her z^' what she looks like in person and she will likelytellyou, "l'm better in =Y 3 S person,you can't just trust photos < t r because they can be editedl' -l a k But if you still belong to the ?> > < guys of Friendster,seeing these q < photos will definitelyconvince fa f ,ra>n you to start making a Facebook Qz account. You're all set to make Yo-a your move after you completed the O r.!


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l 6 F H M F E B R U A R 2Y0 0 8 w w w . f h m . c o m . o h

registration.Try to poke her and you might get lucky if she pokes back! Do you only add hot guys in your Facebook? Not reallyl People I add are usually friends, people that I have met and those I want to stay in touch with. B e s i d e s ,I u s u a l l yd o n ' t h a v e t h e time to browse for cute guys on the Internet.I'd prefer to meet the real thing in personlikein the clubs or bars. lf a guy caught your eye in Facebook, would you go out with him? Ha ha! Maybe if I already met him before being online friends. l w o u l d n ' t d a t e a r a n d o mg u y o n Facebook because you never know who they are.

Basing from your Facebook photos, you seem to be well traveled. Backhome,I usedto workfor a in an bankand modelpart-time agency.But I tooka yearoff just to

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t r a v e la r o u n d t h e w o r l d . l w a n t t o m e e t d i f f e r e n tk i n d s o f p e o p l e a n d e x p e r i e n c et h e i r c u l t u r e . I ' m r e a l l y h a v i n gt h e b e s t t i m e o f m y l i f e from what I've been doing now. Ha ha! How's the pafi scene in Essex, England? The party scene is hot on Fridays a n d S a t u r d a y s ,l t ' s l i k e h e r e i n t h e P h i l i p p i n e sb e c a u s e i t ' s a l w a y s great to party after a hard week's w o r k . B u t i n E n g l a n d ,p e o p l e u s u a l l yv e n t u r e i n t o L o n d o n f o r t h e big nights out. Any popular drug partygoers take to get into party mode? Cocaine is popular but I rarely see it. lt's more popular in the city (London). Ever tried any? N o , b e c a u s e I ' m a g o o d g i r l .Y o u ' l l see it in my Facebook. But they say bad girls get more fun than nice girls. I d o n ' t b e l i e v et h a t ! ( l a u g h s ) | would have to say nice girls have more fun. You can go out and have fun with your friendswithout any b i t c h i n e s s .Y o u m a y g e t b i t c h e s e v e r y w h e r ey o u g o , b u t t h e y c a n ' t b e h a v i n gm u c h f u n i f t h e y h a v et o b i t c h a b o u t e v e r y o n ee l s e . How can a guy catch youl attention in clubs? Now you're askingl Confidence is a must but not over confident. I also fall for the kind, funny guys. Looks are always a bonus but I do tend to go for the more rugged types. Who do you like more? Prince Harry or Prince William? lf I had to choose, it would be Prince Harry.William is cuter but Harry is definitelymore fun and rebelliousl Any English culture you would want us to learn? Nothing really.We have slightly different cultures but I like it that way. That's even the reason I always visit your country! How did we lure you to keep coming bad
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)> 2008 FHM 17 FEBRUARY www.fhm.com.oh

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The Iast Beetleto roll olf the oroductionline was at its Mexico plant in 2003

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This is about the onlything we have to be thankfulto Hitler for. N o t w i t h s t a n d i n gh i s d i s m a l failure at entering the Academy of F i n e A r t s i n V i e n n ai n h i s t e e n s he was rejected twice-he still i n d u l g e dh i s a r t i s t i ct e n d e n c i e s l a t e ro n b y n e e d l e s sd o o d l i n g , a m o n g t h e m c a r d e s i g n s ,a l l w h i l e b u s y i n gh i m s e l fa d v a n c i n gt h e Aryan race and annihilatingJews. One day he took aside a certain FerdinandPorsche and asked him if he could do s o m e t h i n gw i t h h i s d r a w i n g s , i n s t r u c t i n gh i m t o b u i l d i t f o r t h e Everyman.Porsche,of course, was well on his way to becoming a s u p e r c a rb u i l d e r ,b u t s t r l lh e s e t a s i d et i m e t o m a k es o m e t h i n g of what may have probably been at first an atrocious bug-inspired d e s i g n b y a m e g a l o m a n i a ca n d turned it into a work of art. What came out was the Volkswagen,the "People's Carl' And it is, 69 years later,despite its questionable history,a timeless classic. The Volkswagen Beetle is

cramped, devoid of a dashboard, h a s h o r r i b l es u s p e n s i o na n d a p a l t r ye n g i n e r u n n i n ga t t h e m e r c y of a rubber belt placed at the back. Yet you'll have to agree with enthusiasts like the Volkswagen Club of the Philippines-shown here displayingtheir prized babies at theirannualVW Custom and Classic Car Show at the Bonifacio Naval Station Parade Grounds in Fort Bonifacio,Taguig-that they are the sexiest buggers on the face of the planet. lt has curves to die for, it drips attitude,and will run for as long its master wants it to-even o u t l i v eh i m ! P r o o f :t h e V W C P p u t s a hefty 70 percent of its criteria o n t h e c a r ' s f u n c t i o n a l i t yi n t h e i r shows. They have been at this for 2 2 y e a r s .T h e y ' r eg r o w i n g o l d , t h e cars haven't. In fact, these Beetlebums are so crazy over their cars that in March t h e y w i l l a t t e m p tt o s e t a G u i n n e s s World Record for the longest line of Volkswagen cars. Should they s u c c e e d i n m a k i n gt h e b u g s d o t h e H i t l e r g o o s e s t e pt h e r e c o r d i s t h e i r s to keep unchallengedforever!

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AfterPac-man wasdevoured the ghosts werefinally contented



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As the ever-famous dung excavators of the metro-Malabanan-will definitelyattest, there is indeed money and instant fame in shit. Starting in 2003 as a penon-bond-paper,photocopied DfY comic, Nardong lae, the filthy creation of internationally renowned artist Louie Cordero was manufactured last year into a limited edition toy-hand-painted and crafted by Cordero himself and distributed with the help of renegade toy store Fresh. Sadly t h o u g h ,t h e o r i g i n a l1 0 0 p i e c e s o f Nardosold out duringits unveiling. So for toy collectors who missed out, this will probably be the closest you can get to ogle this masterpiece of feces. Now, some of you artsy fartsy folks may be asking how such a crude creation received cult following. Well, that's it exactly-it's s o c r u d e i t ' s g e n i u s .I n t h e original comics, Nardo started out as an ordinary guy who got hit by a meteorite made of feces, transforminghim into a half-humanhalf-walking-talkin g-shit Nardong Tae, with fecal powers to fight evil. For us, though, Nardo's catch phrase "Bwakang ina mol" was what reallymade this one a classic. We can vouch that it rolls off the tongue quite nicely!


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At the_openingof the famed New York nightclubStudio 54 on April 28, 1977, they reJusedentry to Frank Sinatra.




Theclubsto qo to when you'reon thiprowl



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EMBASSY.Stilthereigning super high-end club.Wehear theyhavenewinteriors andit's amazing. Thehouse roomrivals thehappening clubs abroad. The hip-hoproommayor maynotbe asluxe, butthenhip-hop heads don'tcaremuch.

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TABU.Therising starol Makati's nightlife. lt'sknown for people theheautiful whofrequent thevenue. Youalsodon'thave to payforentrance. That's a bigplus.



E a r l yt h i s y e a r , I w a s t o l d b y m y FHM bosses that there would be s o m e c h a n g e si n t h e m a g a z i n e t h a t i n c l u d e d a f u l l m a k e o v e r .A t first I thought they would say, " T h a n k sf o r t h e m e m o r i e s , "a n d I w a s p r e p a r i n gt o r e t o r t , " W e l l , g o o d r i d d a n c e ! "i n r e t u r nb u t a s I s u s p e c t e d ,t h e y c o u l d n ' t a f f o r d t o r o s em e . In fact, what they wanted me to do was upgrade to classier a s s i g n m e n t si n l i n e w i t h t h e r a g ' s spiffy new look. "When you do l (-) s p o r t s ,i t s h o u l d b e o f w o r l d U) # c l a s s c a l i b e r .W h e n y o u t r a i n w i t h x a t h l e t e s y, o u s h o u l d b e w i t h t h e o U g r e a t e s t ,W h e n y o u d o s t u n t s , i t I s h o u l d b e t h e e x t r e m e .A n d w h e n r c y o u p a r t y ,i t ' s g o t t o b e i n h i g h O c l a s s , "t h e m e m o r e a d . N o t t h a t r) F r.) s t a n d i n g o n a n e m p t y p e d e s t a l a s I L

22 FHM FEBRUARY 2008 www.fhm.com,ph


a w o r k i n g - c l a s sh e r o w a s n ' t c l a s s y , but I was only too happy to oblige. S o t o f u l f i l lt h e p a r t y p a r t o f t h e memo, off I went to Club Ascend at BonifacioHigh Street to attend a r a v e .N o w , a s f a r a s I ' m c o n c e r n e d r a v i n gi s f o r l u n a t i c s - t h e ya r e , a f t e r a l l , c a l l e d e x a c t l yt h a t : r a v i n g - b u t I a l w a y sa p p r e c i a t eh a n g i n g w i t h m y k i n d a n d g e t t i n ga l l t h e p u b l i c i t yI c a n g e t . A s e x p e c t e d , t h e p a p a r a z z is w a r m e d m e a t the entranceand the hangers-on t o a s t e d m y a r r i v a l .A f t e r w a r d s , h o t w o m e n d r o w n e d m e w i t h t h e i rl o v e . A n a t u r a lr e a c t i o n ,I s h o u l d s a y . I was better than Tim Yao. W h a t w a s u n n a t u r a lw a s h o w the bouncers booted me out the c l u b l a t e r .W e l l , n o b o d y e v e r t o l d m e t h e P 1 0 0 | h a d t h a t n i g h tb a r e l y c o v e r e df o r t h e d r i n k l

CUlSll'lE.0wned bythe group, Embassy Cuisine has,by greatfood. itsname, Thebest thingis thatbecause it'smoreof a lounge andyoudon'thave to payto getin.

WAREH0USE | 35. ftmay be a bitotftheclubradar, located in theoldMakati area,butyougoto Warchouse rabidly thewaynvers gototheirparties-to your enhance senses, if youknowwhatwemean.


The Wiliys Jeep,wrth its characteristicradiator Eill and olive drab color, is the iconic WVII leep.


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l s i t p o s s i b l ef o r a k i l l e rt o b e a l i f e s a v e ri n o n e f e l l s w o o o ? L e t ' sl o o k a t t h e P h i l i o o i n e j e e p n e y - a t r u e i c o n ,y e s ,a n d o n e w e s h o u l da l l b e p r o u d o f . B u t i n t h i s a g e o f g l o b a lw a r m i n ga n d a g a p i n g h o l e i n t h e o z o n e l a y e r ,i t h a s s a d l y b e e n t a g g e d a n a s s a s s i nW . hile t h e r e a l t h r i l li n r i d i n ga j e e p n e y i s i n k n o w i n gt h a t i t ' s r u n b y a r e c o n d i t i o n e d i e s e le n g i n e a b l e t o t h r a s ha b u l k y s t a i n l e s ss t e e l b o d y bloated with putty any way the driver w a n t s i t ( t h a t i n c l u d e sb a n k i n ga n d akyat-sa-bangketatricks),it pleads g u i l t yt o s p e w i n go u t f a t a l l e v e l so f c a r b o n m o n o x i d ei n t h e p r o c e s s .

w h i c h c o u l d b l a c k e nt h i s p l a n e t soon, Then comes an upgradeA . nd s u d d e n l yt,h e j e e p n e y i s p o i s e dt o become a savior, Plying the posh streets of BelA i r a n d R o c k w e l lM a k a t i - a n d s o o n your city,as soon as they become street legal-is a fleet of electric j e e p n e y sm a d e b y b o f f i n sf r o m S o l a r E l e c t r i cC o m p a n y I, n c .T h e 1 3 - s e a t e re - j e e p i s p o w e r e db y a '12 f i v e - h o r s e p o w eer n g i n ew i t h that batteries can be fully charged f o r e i g h t h o u r s o n s t a n d a r d2 2 0 - v o l t power sockets. Did you get that? Power from a standard 220-volt socket.That m e a n sy o u c a n p l u g t h i s r i d e i n t h e s a m e p l a c ey o u h a v e y o u r t e l e v i s i o n . This vital feature,says the Solar E l e c t r i cb o y s ,s h o u l db e a b l e t o offset the e-jeep's cost of P550,000 p e r u n i t a s y o u w i l l n e v e rh a v et o w o r r y a b o u t s p i k i n gf u e l c o s t s . O n t h e d o w n s i d e i, t s t o p s p e e d of 40 kph is no match for the patok j e e p s c u r r e n t l yr u l i n gt h e s t r e e t s . P l u s t h e e l e c t r i cj e e p s w i l l h a v et o e m p l o yb e t t e r a i r b r u s ha r t i s t si f t h e y a i m t o b e a s i n t e r e s t i n ga s t h e o n e s they are goingto replace.

24 FHM FEBRUARY 2O0Bwww.fhm,com.ph







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I Lunchcomic 02/OB

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Do you have a certain comedic technique or is it all improvisationwith you? Naturalako eh. Kung anoyltng dumating,yun yung type ng comedyko. Walaakongseript. Hindi ako nagpla-plano.Basta kung anoyung ipagawasa akin, gagawinko na langon the spot. Despite your willingness to do anything,was there a certain instance when you weren't comfortable with what you rrreredoang?

: a F H M F E B R U A R 2Y0 0 8 w w w , f h m , c o m . p h

Siguro nung nag-suot babae ako Na-challenge ako. Pinagaya nila s a a k i n s i J e n n i f e rL o p e z S i n c e nakasasayaw naman ako, hindi ako nahirapan, pero parang asiwangasiwa ako. Kailangan kasi yung kilos mismo magawa mo. You won MMFF's Best Supporting Actor award in 2006. Comedians rarely win acting awatds, you know. Maraming nagtaka kung bakit sa comedian napunta. Marami rin namang natuwa. Napapansinna rin

JoseManalo'sfirst appearance on Eal ErlJagal was as a contestanl in one of the show'ssinqingcontests

,|:, pala.kami. Ang pinag-uusapan kasi rito hindi yung kung nag-drama ka, kundi yung pag-arte. Kung paano ka nakatulong sa movie. Kung paano mo dinala yung characler mo. So do you plan on getting drama roles? Gusto kong mag-drama para mailabas ko rin yung other side ko. Lahat naman ng artista hindi gustong isa lang ang ginagawa. Kagaya ko, tawa ako nang tawa; paano mo paiiyakin yung isang taong tawa nang tawa? Actually mahihirapan ako, kasi masayahin talaga akong tao. So what would be your dream role as a drama aclor? Retarded. Kasi sila yung matanda na pero bukas. Lahat totoo, walang kunwari. Lahat ng makita nila, tama. Lahat ng marinig nila, tama. At kung ano yung nasa kanila, yun lang yung sinusunod nila. Hindi pwede yung, "Hoy, wag mong gawin yan!" Kung ano yung pumasok sa rs4onila, gagawin nila. Do you eventually want to do something else or do you plan

on acting untilyou get old? Gusto kong maging director. Sa drama sana. Pero mas maganda kung sa comedy kasi hindi ako mahihirapan. Pero sulit yung drama kasf challenge kung paano mo imo-motivate yung artista. Yung comedy alam ko hindi ako mahihirapan sa pagturo kuhg ano gagawin. Kasi yun yung forte ko. Where did this aspiration come from? lt seems like quate a iump from comedy. Dati nung sa production pa lang ako, pag meron kaming i-shoot tapos wala yung director, bilang assistant, ako na yung nagdi-direct. Dun ko nalaman na masarap din mag-direct. Kasi pag tinuro mo sa kanila ang gagawin, parang pakiramdam mo ikaw na rin yung umaarte. So kung wala nang kumakagat sa pag-arte ko, yung kaalaman ko pwede kong i-share sa ibang artista. Kasi kung ano ang ginagawa ng artista, ang reflection noon sa director.


I Jokes 02108


before they enter Paradise.They're a l l l i n e du p , a n d G o d a s k s t h e f i r s t o n e w h a t t h e w i s h i s ." l w a n t t o b e g o r g e o u s j ' a n ds o G o d s n a p sH i s f i n g e r sa n d i t i s d o n e ,T h e s e c o n d o n e i n l i n e h e a r st h i s a n d s a y s ," l want to be gorgeous,tool' A n o t h e r s n a p o f H i s f i n g e r sa n d t h e w i s h i s g r a n t e d .T h i s g o e s o n f o r a w h i l e b u t w h e n G o d i s h a l f w a yd o w n t h e l i n e ,t h e l a s t g u y i n l i n e s t a r t s l a u g h i n gW . h e nt h e r ea r e o n l y 1 0 p e o p l e l e f t ,t h i s g u y i s r o l l i n go n t h e f l o o r ,l a u g h i n g F . i n a l l yG , od reaches this guy and asks him what his wish w i l l b e .T h e g u y c a l m s d o w n a n d s a y s :" M a k e t h e m a l l u g l y a g a i n l " flowell,by email


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It'sall in the mind A w e l l - d r e s s e dm a n w a l k e d into a psychiatrist'soffice one day and announced,"Doctor,I've g o t t r o u b l e s lA ' n s w e r e dt h e p s y c h i a t r i s t , ' U u lsi te d o w n o n t h e c o u c h a n d t e l l m e a b o u t t h e m l '" l t ' s t h i s w a y J ' t h ep a t i e n te x p l a i n e d".l have a lovelyfamily.We live in one of t h e m o s t l a v i s hh o m e s i n A l a b a n g .I o w n a y a c h t a n d a h e l i c o p t e rt o f l y m e t o g o l f c l u b s .I h a v et h r e e c a r s and two swimming poolsJ"'Waita minutel'interruptedthe doctor."That d o e s n ' ts o u n d t o m e a s t h o u g h y o u ' v eg o t a n y t r o u b l e s ! " B u t y o u s e e j ' h e c o n t i n u e d ", l o n l y m a k e P 1 , 0 0 0a w e e k l '

Chavi Sievert, Cebu

Purr! EverySunday, a littleold ladyplaced P40,000in the collection plate.This wenton for weeksuntilthe oastor. overcomeby curiosity, approached

her."Sister, I couldn't helpbut notice thatyou put P4O,00O a weekin the collection platej'he stated."Why rrorro c h,a ronliari -"-ry weeKmy son rv ovqet t , e s e n d s m e m o n e y ,a n d w h a t I d o n ' t n e e d ,I g i v e t o t h e c h u r c h l "' T h a t ' s w o n d e r f u l lH o w m u c h d o e s h e s e n d y o u ? "" O h ,a b o u t P 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 a w e e k l ' " Y o u rs o n i s v e r y s u c c e s s f u lw , hat d o e s h e d o f o r a l i v i n g ?""H e i s a v e t e r i n a r i a nsl 'h e a n s w e r e d ". T h a ti s a v e r y h o n o r a b l ep r o f e s s i o n js' a i d the pastor."Where does he practice?" "Well,he says he has one cathouse i n P a r a f r a q u ea n d a n o t h e ro n O u e z o nA v e n u e l ' Thunderkid, by email

Uglyno more? A b u s c a r r y i n go n l y u g l y p e o p l e c r a s h e si n t o a n o n c o m i n gt r u c k ,a n d e v e r y o n ei n s i d ed i e s .T h e y t h e n g e t t o m e e t t h e i r M a k e r ,a n d b e c a u s eo f t h e g r i e f t h e y h a v e e x p e r i e n c e dH, e d e c i d e st o g r a n t t h e m o n e w i s h e a c h

Anoldman isonthebeach. Hesoots girlinahotpinkbikini abeautiful and "Lady, walks uptoher. I want tofeelyour "Get brea$sl" heexclaims. away from. "l you me, crazy oldman!"she replies. you t,tlartt t0feely0ur breasts. I willgive "Five pesos? P500," hesays, hundred Areyounuts?l Getaway fromme!"the "l really lady shouts indisgust. want to youP1,000," feelyour breasts, I willgive "No, pervert! heinsists. from Getaway "Two pesosl" me!" thousand heoffers. Shepauses tothink about it,butthen "lsaid comes t0hersenses and says, no!""0kay, P5,000 ifyouletmefeel y0urbreasts!" heexclaims. Shegives it "Well athought, heisold,andheseems harmless enough, After all,P5,000 isa "Well, lotofmoney..." Finally sheagrees. okay, butonlyforaminute." Sheloosens g0t0anisolated part herbikini top.They ofthebeach and there heslides his hand underneath thebikini andbegins t0 feeltheladys softbreasts."0h myGod.,. 0hmyGod,,, 0hmyGod..."the oldman, sweating, keeps onsayi|.|g while caressing thewoman. 0utofcuriosity, sheasks him, '0h "Why doyoukeep saying, myGod, oh myGod'?" While continuing t0feelher " 0hmyGod... breasts, heanswered, 0h myGod... 0hmyGod,,. Where amI ever going togetP5,000?!" AlYin deJesus, bymail

T h e r eo n c e w a s a m a n w h o l o s t h i s arms in a car accidentO . ne day he w o n a m i l l i o n - d o l l al ro t t e r yA . fter a m o m e n t o f t h o u g h t ,h e r u s h e dt o t h e h o s p i t a la n d a s k e d t h e i r t o p s u r g e o n w h e t h e rh e c o u l d g e t h i s a r m s b a c k f o r a m i l l i o nd o l l a r s ". W o w l ' t h ed o c t o r r e p l i e d ", l j u s t i n v e n t e da c o m p l e t e l y voice-activatedmechanicalarm, but I c a n o n l y g i v e y o u o n e ,t h o u g h JS ' o h e s h o w e dh i m s o m e o f t h e s t u f f the arm coulddo and the man was amazedand bought ihe arm, The nextday he went to the pub with h i s f r i e n d st o s h o w o f f h i s n e w advancedarm. As they sat together he told the arm to pick up his pint o f b e e r a n d g r v eh i m a s i p .T h e a r m d i d i t p e r f e c t l ya n d t h e f r i e n d sw e r e amazed,After a few pints the man w e n t f o r a p i s s .H e t o l d t h e a r m to take his penis out and away he p i s s e d ,T h e n h e t e l l st h e a r m t o " g i v e i t a l i t t l es h a k e l ' T h ea r m d o e s a n d the man seemed to over-enjoyit, and s o h e l o o k s a r o u n dt o m a k e s u r e n o o n e i s l o o k i n ga n d t e l l s t h e a r m t o g i v e i t a n o t h e rl i t t l es h a k e ,H e g e t s a b o n e r a n d o n c e a g a i nt u r n s a r o u n d t o m a k e s u r e n o b o d y ' sw a t c h i n g a n d t h e n t e l l s t h e a r m ,' U e r ki t o f f ! " T h e a r m p u l l so f f h i s p e n i s a n d t h e m a n s c r e a m so u t , i n p a i n ," F u c k m e ! " S o t h e a r m t h e n s h o v e sh i s p e n i s u p h i s a s s .T h e m a n e v e n m o r e s h o c k e da t t h i s s t a g e s h o u t s o u t , " H o l y s h i t ,w o u l d y o u l o o k a t t h a t ! " T h e a r m p u l l s h i s p e n i so u t o f h i s a s s a n d s h o v e si t r i g h t i n t o o n e o f h i s eyeballs. ChdstianSalaysay, by email

\A . .trtrt L.s?/L't?^-...J7a.:

30 FHM FEBRUARY 2008 www,fhm.com.ph



rh€re: PC, Xbox 360, PS3 rL€t il's about: The Orange -,',e'sfive-games-in-one ' . . - . - : a . p a c k s a w a l l o p .H a l f - L i f e - , - ' J o u r s e ,t h e m o s t f a m o u s o f - . : - - c h - o n l y t h e s e q u e lt o o n e ' - = - o s t i n f l u e n t i agl a m e s o f t h e : ,.- ::cade, it also comes with its - = : a r d - a l o n es e q u e l s ,E p i s o d e - -: =^d lrazo.That's already three - : -:s for the priceof one. But , : :rere's more!Order now and , - aiso get Team Fortrcss2, a : - : : C m u l t i p l a y e sr h o o t - ' e m - u P -,: s i ke The lncredibles meets - , - - : e r - S t r i k e . . . m o r ef u n t h a n i t


s o u n d s ,r e a l l y lB u t t h a t ' s n o t a l l l Y o u ' l la l s o r e c e i v et h e u n i q u e l y m i n d - b l o w i n ga n d p o s i t i v e l ys i n i s t e r puzzle game, Po rtal-absolutelyfree! T h a t ' s i n c r e d i b l es a v i n g si n j u s t o n e video game boxl What's good about it: This kind of vrdeo game value reallydeserves its own infomercialspiel. Five games for the price of one makes t h i s a n o - b r a i n e ri n a n y o n e ' sb u y l i s t ,c o n s i d e r i n gt h e s e g a m e s a r e a l l too-notch.instantclassics.Half-Life 2's greatnessneeds no preamble; even after two years, its Game of the Yearqualitystill holds up pretty well,


and the two other episodes flesh out the dystoPian universequtte excellently.Team Fortressis wicked f u n a n d t h e b e s t t h i n g t o h a P P e nt o multiplayershooters since CS. The epic tale of two warring construct i o n c o m p a n i e s ,P l a Y e r ss t e P i n t o the stylizedshoes of one of nine character classes, all of which proceed to shoot the shit out of each o t h e r w i t h s h o t g u n s ,f l a m e t h r o w ers,and RPGs. But the biggest surorise of all is Portal, which, on p a p e r ,s o u n d s l i k e t h e l a m e d o g o f the bunch. Turns out to be Orange's m o s t p r e c t o u sg e m . What's bad about il= Portalis too darn short. For the brain-dead, i t m a y b e a g o o d t h i n g ,b u t t h e s u b versivelyfunny story needs a bigger

) 008 FHM 33 w w w . f h m . c o m . pFhE B R U A R2Y


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CRYSIS PC,PS3, X360 graphics Crysrss ares0g00d they've become the cLtrrent benchmark your forPCperformance-if rig your can't runCrysis, rigaint worth squat. G00d plays thing thegame beautifully too{r*{c{r*

stageto strut its stuff.(Say whatyou will,we're voting Weighted Companion Cubefor President o n 2 0 1 0 . )T h eP S 3 versionof Box is alsomarginally de-

fective compared to the other versions,no thanks to a

MEDALOFHONOR: AIRBORNE PS3, Xhox 360 Proof-positive thattheWorld War ll shooter hasjust asmuch relevance asalrillanes walkout, thegenre po$er boybarely struggles toaverage-ness withits newest installment. Wec_an only hope itsthe la$..but somehow, wedoubt it *****

better,and not filledwith crap.And legal.Let'snot forgetthe legal.*****

HELLEATE: LONDON PC The spiritual successor toDiablo //gotitsshare ofknocks foritsdrab level design andgraceless lwelgrinding, buthere's ourtake: lt'smore Asian-flavored MM0 than anything elsePlayed with thisexpectation inmind, andit'sreally rather fun ***{(:F Where: Wii B o l d l yg o i n g w h e r e n o o v e r w e i g h t I t a l i a np l u m b e rh a s g o n e b e f o r e , v i d e og a m e ' sm o s t r e c o g n i z a b l e icon is back, and he's in tip-top form, Mario has always been about r e w r i t i n gt h e r u l e so f t h e g a m e , a n d t h a n k st o i t s ,a h e m ,s t e l l a rl e v e l design, Galaxyquicklytakes its place among the other Mario greats. T h e s p i n n i n gp l a n e t o i dw o r l d o u r f a t friend has to traverse(with their wild gravity,fantastic architecture, and g o o f y p o w e r - u p s )m a k e f o r s o m e g e n u i n e" W o w l "m o m e n t s - a n d i t ' s a f e e l i n gt h a t s u s t a i n st h i s g a m e r i g h t to the very end. **{r{r{c

3 4 F H M F E B R U A R2 Y 008 www.fhm.com.ph

TRI-ACHNID PC(www.triachnid.com) Afinalist atthe2008 Independent Games FestNal, lri-Achnid isfreefunatitsfinest, where youcontrol a three-legged spider, um,thing yet$rangely across analien landscape. Slmple invigorating *****


LLI I T i l f s0 2 l o B

Thegligrnqlstory{rom Taes ol 1001Arabian//rgrltsbegrnswith the Iine,'Aladdinwas a littleChinese bov "

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LUCHY SD( It'sthesixthllepp-Iim Burton teamup.Theirfirst wasEdward Scissorhands.

Who? Johnny Depp (psycho), Helena Bonham-Garter (blo o dth i rsty), Sacha Baron Gohen (fully-clothed mofo) What's it about? Ouite aot for m e a t p i ej u n k i e s ,t h i s h o r r o rm u s i c a l i s b a s e do n a f i c t i o n a l1 9 t h - c e n t u r y s e r i a lm u r d e r e rt h a t b u t c h e r e dh i s v i c t i m si n a b a r b e r s h o p - s o rot f l i k e w h a t J a c k t h e R i p p e rd i d b a c k i n t h e d a y b u t m o r e h y g i e n i cI.n t h i s d a r k l yd e l i c i o u so u t i n g ,t h e v e n g e f u l Sweeney(Depp; slaughtershis v i c t i m sw h i l e h i s l a d y l o v e , Mrs, Lovett(Carter),bakes the c o r p s e si n t o a y u m m y m e a t p i e t h e n servesit to family and friends.The center of Sweeney'shomicidalrage is t h e c o r r u p tJ u d g e T u r p i na, p e r vw h o had the barberarrestedso he could steal his wife and baby daughter, What's good about it? Veering away from the Broadway musical, direkTim Burton made extra s u r e t h a t t h i s o n e ' sg o i n g t o b e b l o o d y - t h i n k i n gt h a t t h e b l o o d l e s s stage version robbed it of its power. B u r t o n m a d e i t c l e a rt h a t h e w a n t e d to lift up the gory bits intosomething s u r r e a lt,o t h e t u n e o I K i l l B i l l . What's bad about it? For those w h o j u s t c a n ' t g e t d i a l o g u e st h r o u g h s o n g v e r s e s ,t h i s c o u l d b e a l o n g t w o - h o u rs i t t i n g , The verdict: With the play of b l o o d a n d s o n g s ,p l u s t h e g e n e r o u s s e r v i n g so f h u m a n m e a t p i e ,y o u ' l l p r o b a b l yb e h o o k e d r i g h t a f t e r t h e o p e n i n gs c e n e .* * * { c *

3 6 F H M F E B R U A R 2Y0 0 8 w w w . f h m . c o m . o h

VANTAGE POINT Adrien Brody (needs vitanins) What'sit about?Sisterly bonding, riftanddeparture from home-if this t,veren ( Ihe t directed byWes Anderson Royal [annenbaums) it could veeasily been jadedthey0unger brool YaYaSisterhood. It follows thejourney ofthreebroshoping to getchummy witheachotherIhisquest hitsa fewstlags including 0neinv0lrling c0ugn syrups attd a pepper spray ltsa saner version ofAnderson s works caoable youballout ofmaking girl likelittle Useful/useless bit: Wilson slashed hiswrists seven days before theworld ***** Dremiere

Who?BennisQuaid(shifty) MatthewEoxbterilWilliam Hurt (shol), SigourneyWeauer 6tillhot) What's it about?This edge-ofyour-seat thrillerabout twoSecret Service agents scuffling 0ntheirt0esto protect the president yougladyouweren willmake t plot: elected into office Theburning [4r (Hurt), President who wasstlpposed t0 attend a global warsummit, wasshot right after setting footinSpain And as thetitleimplies, thestoryunfolds through points thevantage offivewrtnesses Useful/useless bit: Inanepisode of South Park, a dead horse wasmistaken to beSigourney Weaver. ****{r




Who? Daniel Day-Lewis (hairy) EliSunday (preachy) What's it about?Your timewith thisperiod flick, based 0na b00k byUpton willm0stly Sinclair bespentexamining the intricacies ofDaniel Day-Lewis's facialhair rather thanfollowing thecomplex storyof howa poormansuddenly struckgoldThis, despite thefilm s noble andepic depiction ofgreedc0rrupti0n andthepursuit ofthe American dream Useful/uselessbit: Daniel DayLewiss acting debut wasinanadaptation ofanAlan Paton novel where heplaved a black boy.




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To help achieve the sound of thousands of rats in Indiana,lones,sound desiqner Ben Burtt used the higher registers ol thousands of chickens.

I Night in 021O8,,t,'t,




Who: Tony Leung; Tang Wea What's it about: Ang Lee narrates an e s p i o n a g et h r i l l e rs e t a g a i n s ta b a c k d r o po f W W l l S i n o - J a p a n e s ew a r i n 1 9 4 0 s S h a n g h a iW . ang J i a z h i( T a n g )a, m e m b e ro f a p o l i t i c a rl e s i s t a n c e f a c t i o n ,d i s g u i s e sh e r s e l fa n d g e t s e n t a n g l e di n a raunchyaffair with Japanese collaboratorMr. Yee ( L e u n g )i n a m i s s i o nt o a s s a s s i n a t eh i m ,W a n g s t r u g g l e st o k e e p h e r t r u e i d e n t i t yu n k n o w na s she gets dangerouslycloser to her prey. Extras: Extendedsex scenes you can replayover ano over. Verdict: This is the same director who was hailed all over the world for putting two cavorting c o w b o y sa l o n e i n t h e m o u n t a i n sY , oucan't underestimate that kind of qenius.**:l*{c

I{INI{STER Theratherexplicitsexscenes were shotovdr 11 davson a dosedset,with onlythe main cameramanandsound personnelpresent


,?BFHM FEBRUARY 2008 www.fhm.com,oh

YOURMAIE Fora filmthatrunsformore Whocares il it'stwo thantwoanda halfhours. pay hours long? I'lleven youalready have a clear to watchBradPittsitting picture ofwhathappens with ona donkey whilechasing thetitlealone. Butthevisual tumbleweeds allday.That eyecandy setting andsuperb stare is electric. acting make thismovie haunting, butina good way,

ShialaBeouf wassupposedlyHollywood lovelong oneofthechoices toplay movietitle.Youknow. Robert Ford, butwasdeemed Chinese moviesometime$ justonecharaster. tooyoung fortherole. lt Finish. eventually made it tothe Veryeasyremember. other choice, Casey Affleck.

Thishasbeena movie plotin about50other mob-themed movies. Give it a rest,there'sreallyno pointtryingto doanother TheEodtather-type ot flick.

I don'tneedtowatchevery scene withEvaMendes fivefreakln' times! | getit, she's hot.

According to aninterview withMarkWahlberg, Joaquin Phoenix would throwsnidecomments at Robert 0uvallto get intocharacter in between takes,whichgreatly upset thelatter.

Myuncle, a Tondo mafiado same. Theyplaymoney and gunallday,butnosexytime withgals. Boo!

You'llnever seesomuch sucking inanyother flick, andit'snotthegood kindof sucking we're talking about, Remember thefirsttimeyou sawFreddy Krueger inaction? probably Yes, You'll wetyour pants again inthisone.

getting Youthinkyou're a nooky atteryoumade mewatchthis?Youhad mescreaming mylungs outfromstartto finish. HEtt.l'10.

Inoneofthescenes shot intheattichideout there isa picture onthewallof Steve Niles, thecreator of theoriginal 30 Days of Night comic book.

Whyhedon'ttrykill vampire withgarlicand holy water?

BenAtlleck's looking at another 0scarnodforthis directorial debut. Thanks to him,thecastlooks solidtogether, evenhis littlebro,Casey, giveshis hestperlormance to date. Mustbesoawesome beinganAtlleck.

He's a loyal husband, a caring dad, anda bigtime Hollywood director. Why doI suddenly hateJennifer Gamer?

Therelease in UK hasbeenpostponed indefinitely dueto the movie's similarity to the real-life caseof a young girlwhodisappeared fromherfamily's holiday apartment in Podugal earlylastyear.

I thought thistitleofdisco s0ng,


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Architecturein Helsinki PlacesLikeThis[Universal Records) you'd Thisisthekindofbursting energy expect fromkids getback pains who don't aches, knee 0rhigh blood 0n g0es theirlatest, Architecture all0utwithbleeps sound eftects andhappy lt s almost singing thesonic equivalent offirst-days-of-summer 0rsudden calling offofclasses Ihere's anairoftriumphant happiness thatadults dont getoften. Bestsong:"Like lt orNot.' One ofthemosl geeky-fun youcanever have. Sober. *****


Did you think Parokya would last 13 years and 10 albums? Chito: Hindi, when we started our goal lang was to sing sa Ateneo theater. Gab: Before we knew it, banda na pala kami, naging regular thing srya hanggang naging hanapbuhay na namin talaga When did you realize you wouldn't be doing anything else but this? Gab= Nung pumunta kami sa SM at nakita yung album namin. Ghito: Oo, sa North, Akala ko yun na yun, hanggang doon na lang, may album na. Na-su-s urprise pa rin kami na hanggang ngayon, buo pa rin kami, bumibili pa rin yung kids ng album namin. Nung nakatugtog kamias front act ng Eheads,feeling namin, wow! Iapos nakapasok kami ng Dredd,parang feeling namin naachieve na ang rurok ng goals sa buhay. Sabay nagkaroon ng album, so para talagang ganun? lt started out as a joke, Nakagugulat. Hindi talaga namin ma-absorb. What would you consider the peak of your career, then? Vinci: Para sa akin talaga, nung kumanta ako ng "Picha Pie."Ha ha ha! Ghito: Para sa akin,it's coming up with this 1Oth album.Hindi lahat nabibigyan ng sampung album. lt's a peak for us. Maraming mas sikat o mas magaling sa amin but it's a l s o a n a c h i e v e m e n tn a w e ' r e s t i l lf r i e n d s .

40 FHM FEBRUARY 2008 www.fhm.com.oh

ls having a side project or another band an option? Chito: Si Buwi ang feeling kong mag-so-solo album. Mayroon siyang project band ngayon. Dindin: Hindi pa siya talaga tumutugtog. Chito: Pero fan na ako ngayon pa lang kasi ka-banda niya yung tagaU r b a n d u ba f O u e s o . Dindin: Ako fan ako dahil naroon si Buwi. Do you consider yourselves rockstars now? Chito: Hindi. Ang rockstar,si Bamboo. Pag nakita mo siya, yung aura, masta-star-struck ka. Pag nakita mo siya sa SM, magtataka ka, bakit andyan yan? Yun ang rockstar, Hindi kami ganun-makikita kami sa tricycle,parel Vince: lsipin mong kaibigan mo kami na hindi mo madalas nakikita. Sabihin nating si Bamboo nasa mall, dudumugin. Kung si Chito pumunta roon, "O, Chito!" gaganun

lang ang tao. Chito= Hindi kasikami celebrity lifestyle.Sa tricycle,hindi nagugulat yung tricycle drivers. Babatiin kami, "Pare, idol!" Hindi ko alam term doon, if it has a term.

1 TrackNo.1 2 Macho 3 Siga[igarettes 4 Nakakainis 5 Alone With You 6 Akala 7 felfone Wallet B Eman I Amats 10 Anti-matter 11 Pompiangan Na 12 Don'tThink 13 How to Make

probably You dislike morning Club 8s lheSoywill change allthatlf morning s freshoptimism hadasound, yotlshitless would thisrecord beit lheywon't scare with positivism, chirpy though. Iheystartofftherecord slowly andcalmly thenpicks Llpspeed without overdoing the youwithanyofthatzest-of-life energy andannoying vibe 'ln " ***** Bestsong: theMorning

T nrrpcnnn

14 f,elfoneCelfone Wallet 15 Iisa Lang BONUSTBAIK 17 Nescafe 1B Lastikman 19 BoysIJo FallingLove

Urbandub UnderSouthemlights IEMlPhilippinesf (track like"Life One can't help butwish tracks isEasy" (track six)and"Evidence" seven) appeared either earlier intherecord orspread otltbettleen theother songs. Very andeasy, laidback these twosound likebreathers fromthe heavy assaults ofDub's other songs. Nodoubt, Urbandub proven isonetightunitoftalented mofos They've thata justreiterating longtimeago.lnSouthern lrghlsthey're thefact. Bestsong:KatofSinosikat lends hervocals tothe lrack"lnside theMind ofaKiller,"*****



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All of the roles in Shakespeare'splays were originally actedbv men and bovs.

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The Modern Gentleman: A Guideto EssentialManners Savqf & Vice Mollod Phineas &Jason Tesauro


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" n i c et i t t i e s i t' r y " l o v e l y b r e a s t s l ' T h i st o n g u e i n - c h e e kg u i d ew i l l take out the excess o f s a v a g e r yi n y o u r system-that is, a s s u m i n gy o u c a n r e a d i n t h e f i r s t p l a c e .W h i l e c h a r c o a lb r i q u e t i q u e t t e m i g h tn o t f i n d a n y use in your life, w i n e k n o w l e d g ew i l l d e f i n i t e l yc o m e i n h a n d ys o m e d a y .

The Art of War Sun lzu (Delta) W h a t ' sc o o l e rt h a n a Z e n m a s t e r ?A Zen master of war, of courselWritten morethan 2,500 y e a r s a g o ,t h e a n c i e n l i d e a si n T h e A r t o f W a rp h i l o s o p h i z e lpadprchin "r

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t a c t i c si n t h e b a t t l e f i e l dB, u t n o t just for your average ammo heavy wars, it t r a n s c e n d st o s u b j e c t mafters that can p o s s i b l yb e a p p l i e dt o m o d e r n - d a ya c t i v i t i e s l i k e s p o r t s ,g a m e s , s e x a n d h a g g l i n go ,f course.


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Pulutan:From the Soldiers'I{itchen Elmer & Emerson Cruz Rosales Thewayto a soldier's is through stomach pulutan,it seems. Thic nnt nnlrr qerrrcc

as a gastronomical .J^l;^^^,. uEilL4Ly,

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a h i s t o r i c anl o v e l t yo f s o r t s ,s i n c e t h e a u t h o r s were part of 2003's f a i l e dc o u p b y t h e M a g d a l oW . r i t t e nw h i l e t h e s o l d i e r sw e r e i n d e t e n t i o nt,h e r e c i p e s were created with your bayaw in mind, t r a d i t i o n aal n d n e w d i s h e sf o r o u r f a v o r i t e tambay sa kanto.

The Book of the Penis Maggie Paley (Grove Press) I t g a t h e r se v e r y t h i n g t h e r e r s a b o u tt h e w a n g .F r o m p e n i s w o r s h i pt o p e n i s f a s h i o n .T h i s s e l e c t i o n c o m p i l e si t a l l .F r o m c i r c l ej e r k s t o p i e r c i n g s t o k n o w i n gt h e p e n i s s i z e i n a n c i e n tG r e e c e a n d R o m e ,t h i s b o o k s h o w sy o u e v e r y t h i n g you wanted to know a b o u t y o u r l i t t l e[ i n s e r t s e c r e tp h a l l u sn a m e here]but were afraid +^ ^^t, r\{ ^^,,-^^ rv 4Jn. \J I LUU | 5t:,

b o o k s o n v a g i n a sa n d b r e a s t sa r e f u n , t o o .






365 CarsYou Must Drive MattStone, JohnMahas & [|anGurney (Motorbooks) Some of us would be l u c k ye n o u g h t o d r i v e a t l e a s to n e o f t h e m i n a l i f e t i m e( H e c k ,m o s t w o u l d b e p r e t t yl u c k y to sit on one for that m a t t e r )l e t a l o n e 3 6 5 o f t h e m .T h i s b o o k i s d r o o l w o r t h yn o t j u s t f o r t h e s h i n yp i c t u r e s , but for the info it has on eachof thesenast, m o t o r e db e a s t s m , aking us appreciatemore the c o o l e s ta u t o m o b i l e si n t h e h i s t o r yo f m a n k i n d Back to Sarao for now.

The CompleteMeat Cookbook Aidells Bruce & Denis Kelly (HoughtM o ni f l l i n ) Dropthe machismo a c t f o r a w h i l e ,g e t that spoon and start s t i r r i n gC . h i c k sd i g men who know their w a y a r o u n dt h e kitchen,and by that we meanmorethan t h e g e n e r a lv i c i n i t yo f t h e r e f , l f y o u ' r eg o i n g t o l e a r nt o c o o k ,m i g h t a s w e l l t h e h e l le n j o y i t .T h i s t e a c h e su s a l l the ways to a tasty b e a s t ,w h e t h e rd o n e by you or your ladyf r i e n d .S e e ? E v e r y o n e ' s huppy. f

4 2 F H M F E B R U A R 2Y0 0 8 w w w . f h m . c o m . o h


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PREMIERES DISC()VERY CHANNEL, FEBRUAHY 26,TUESI|AYS 10P.M. (sticky) Who? 0ilriggers of What's it about?Therestoratron thehavoc wreaked byhurricanes Katrina andRitain New0rleans isthehighlight of Apparently, thisreality series thestorms rt notonly brought death anddamage ripped Asa result also apart theoilfields oilsupplies 20percent ofUSAs were you shutdownovernight Kindofreminds workona SIMCitygane ofyourhard byyourbrattysibling challenge destroyed andRitadestroyed Fastfacts: Katrina 121platforms andrigs148oilandgas pipelines aswell asfivemajor refineries.

OFA MEMOIRS GEISHA FEBRUARY 10,9P.M. HB(|,PREMIERES Ziyt(waifrsh),GongLi Who? lhang (jealous ) ismuch What's it about?Girl{ight goon Men men squabbling scarierthan girls plot pissing others each matches, up;women andmake Men kiss downfall note to amental make kissmake upthen goonsword otherSamurais each ostracize gelshas then other s backs, stab each fights, s 0kiyaScary intotheirrival secretly creep filmgotalotofflak Fastfacts: The the that there were concerns inAsra since could asgeishas actresses ofChinese ca$ing sentiment anti-Japan rouse

DIAMOND BLOOD 24,9 P.M. FEBRUARY HBt|,PREMIERS (despente), DiCaprio Who? Leonardo (distressed) Hounsou Dlimoun turn What's it about?Diamonds friend asAfrican best outtobea guerlllas their armsAtthe rebels useit tofund Archer isDanny ofthisbusiness center (DiCaprio) cynic anrlnreconstructed a racist-it thiefandpossibly smuggler, suit how amoral characters iustshows well. Albeit thepoliticaltheme DiCaprio withaction thisone's brimming an amid Fastfacts: lt wasreleased publicity the about inmassmedia upsurge a Kanye tradeincluding conflict-diamond anda VHldocumentary West song

FEBRUARY 2008 FHM 43 www.fhm.com.ph

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r/ : :-:Y BANI{ frh r ?68 SIIHCcardyoucouldstole of high-definition rErr ',,m minutes fullresolution rErr r over12,000 ryrphs. Oon'tliketo gohi-def? L'f r ableto takeover36hoursof Ml-lnltty vids.

Aiptek AHD200 Pro l f y o u ' r e s t i l l n o t s o l d o n t o t a l l yu p g r a d i n gt o a fully hi-def camcorder,this pocket cam is a great alternative.The small form factor and the relatively c h e a p p r i c e p o i n t i s e n o u g h r e a s o nf o r y o u t o g e t this-let alone the fact that it's capable of capturing videos at 720 progressivelines.There's no fancy hard drive or tape deck to bulk it up. Just a simple, state-of-the-artSDHC card slot that could accommodate up to 32GBs of memory.lf that's n o t e n o u g h ,t h e n i g h t s h o t m o d e l e t s y o u t a k e videosin low lightareas-don'tget any ideasnow. P9,995 ; www.aiptek.com

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Photography ChristianHalilr








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Why's it good? F o r o n e , i t ' s g o t h u g e c a p a c i t y ,a n d s e c o n o , i t ' s v e r y a f f o r d a b l e .T h e r e ' s n o r o c k e t s c i e n c e i n v o l v e dh e r e s o w e ' l l s h u t o u r y a p p e r sn o w . N i x the DVD-Rand go for this instead. G i m m e : P 1 , 8 0 0: w w w . t r a n s c e n d u s a . c o m

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tE llu380 In an effortto make "3Gfor All" mobiles, Korea'sno. 2 manufacturer churnsout this sexy sliderwith the miserin mind.Fullv 3G-enabled completewith multimedia capabilities, it's no differentfrom the morEexpensive 3G phones.And yet it allowsall the same services suchas high-speed browsingandvidEo calling.It playsa varietyof file formats, too. P 6,3g0i www.lgmobile.com



The lirst call lrom a handheldnhonewas ulacedin New York in 1973 by a Motorolaemployee.

Ph ot ogr aphy Chr is ti a nH a l i l i

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58 FHM FEBRUARY2008 www.fhm.com.oh




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Quote Unquote DennisTrillo

In real life, would you want to be a defender of tlre universe? Why not? lf I have the power, di ba? Haha. Ang sarapsiguro ng feelingto be a superheroand battle evil. Sa Zaido nga, show pa lang iyon and not real, but the childrenalreadylook up to you. What more kung totoong savior ka na ng universe? What was hatd about being a pulis pangkalawakan? Before namin ginawa yun, we underwentweeks of trainingon ridinga motorcycleand attended fight classeslikearnis,trampoline, and harness.Ang pinaka-na-enjoy ko talagayung trampoline, tapos motorcycle.Nung una kasiwe didn't even know the basics of riding,but we were fast learners. Now that you know how to ride a bike, what type of woman would you want sitting out back? I'd go for those who are not high maintenance.lam more attracted to simplewomen ratherthan those na medyo maarte. Who would she be if she were a stal? Siguro si Angel Locsin. Siya na kasinaging partner ko when I was just starting. I felt na nakuha na namin yung npporl and chemistry that's why when lworked with her, I was reallycomfortable. Would you follow her, though, to the other side of the fence? I don't see any reasonto do that. Wala akong masasabisa pagaalaga at suportang nakukuha ko ngayon. I also want to prove to them I'm wofthy of it all. lt's not my goal to be a superstar.Gusfo ko lang parati akong may trabaho, yung lagi akong nariyan. We hear you're into heavy metal, but in SOFs music video awards you won singing the Air Supply classic.All Out Of Lovel'What gives? Sa tingin ko, magaling lang talaga yung gumawa nung video. Maybe the audiencesaw something different in it. Medyo dark din kasiyung theme.But I'm happy

consideringwe only did that music video for five hours. Does that mean you have a tendency to leave acting for singing? That's tough kasiparehong matimbang. Pero for work siguro I'll pick acting.You can sing even in the showeror when you're alone. Pero kapag nagact ka nang mag-lsaespecially in crowded areas,people might thinkyou're crazyl Do you have a dark side? Ha ha! | know I'm usually stereotypedas a nice guy because of the roles I play. But like Peter Parkerin SpiderMan 3, I enjoy playingcharacterswith a dark side. Not that I haveone, but it's very challengingplaying someonewith a somewhat twisted personality. You could have experienced more had you committed to purcuing your degree in Psychology. Ha ha! ActuallyI finished International Studiesat Miriam College.My first coursewas Psychology.Nung first day ko naisipkong parang hindi ko kaya, fapos some of my friends were taking up lnternational Studies. Sabi nila sa akin, doon na lang daw ako lumipat kasiwalangMath. Lipat agad ako! Ha ha!

experiencesko with them.Thereare evenfanswho giveme things,like a gamingconsole kasialamyata nilang mahilig ako sa video games.

Wrat would we find out about you when we see your collection? That I'm into things artistically done. I love movies.I spend my free time watchingfilms or playing video games. Minsan nga after work hindi ako kaagad natutulog. I even havea collectionof DVDs ng moviesthat are hard to find, like those of Akira Kurosawa. How do you express youl artistic side?

Some expensive bounty there? Any other gifts you Gar€ to declarc? It came from a priest,this image of Jesusna parang nasa crib. He even wrote a wonderful letter to go with it. Hindi ko lang iniexpectthat someonelike him would appreciatewhat I'm doing. Wlry hasn't there been any action figure made in your likeness? Action heroes ale entitled to one!

60 FHM FEBRUARY 2008wwwfhm.com.oh

Bata pa lang ako mahilig na akong mag-drawing.There was even a time na gustung-gustoko talaga yung concept na ginawa ko kayal had it tattooed on my arm. Pero ngayon,if you notice,it's fading. Pinabubura ko na rin kasi. Wry, the fickle-minded bug bit you? Ha ha! | reallydon't know,but as far as career talk goes, I've always been the type of personna wala talagangambisyon. I'm so differentfrom my friends who had a clear idea of what they wanted to be. Go with the flow lang ako. Good thing show businesscame along. You say you'rc always serious. Do people mistake you for being a snob? Most of the time! Minsan kasi. sobrang tahimikako. But I'm just likethat. May pagkalqner kasiako and a bit antisocial.I'm not the type of person kasi opensup sa mga taong hindi naman gaano ka-close. Ever had a any weird

with fans nila na lagi

Sana! Nung una ka pa lang nakitayung costumesnamin in Zaido, naisip ko kaagad na sana magkaroonkami ng merchandise. It's now a hit amongkids so maybe papatok din siya sa market I recentlywent to Japannga tapcs I devoted some time lookingfor a Shaideraction figure. Kasolang wala na rin akong nakuha. Do you still have time for things like, say' sporG? Lately hindi na ako masyadong nakapaglalaropero I used to regularlyplay badminton.I can't say l'm that good pero siguro mga sevenout of 10 naman ratingko. Do you still commit bloopers? MaramilPinaka-recentko nung pressconferenceof Zaido.lnaabot ko kasiyung microphonesa rsang writer. Malayo siya sa akin. Tapos when lwas goingbackto the stage,ltripped kasimedyo malaki yung sapatosko. Good thing hrndi namanako tumumba!Ha ha! How imposing a dad will you be? l'll be understanding.Like if he wants to be an actor,I'd support him all the way. He should be seriouswith work and he should be a professional.Those two are the main ingredientspara hindi siya mawalan ng trabaho. Pero sa tingin ko mahiyain din yun paglaki katulad ko. KunS papasok man siya, unexpecteddln. llUhy arc you such a chick magnet? Ha ha! | don't reallyknow but if you want me to give a hunch,siguro tahimiklang kasiako,I'm not the type of guy who is out there. Sabi nga ni Popoy (Caritativo,his manager)mysteriousdaw ang aura ko. Siguro yun. So what's your game plan this February? Mahirap kasi mag-planobecause of what I do. But if ever I'd be free,I'd spend it with a special someone kung meron man. Kung wala naman,lwill spend it with my family.FHM lnterview by Janelle D. Guce

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pero, ewan ko..siguro... hindi ko alam. Pero kapag nagshoshow ako masayanamanako na maraming nakakikilalasa akin. Going back to that very first calendarshoot you did with us two years ago-did you really think it would do you any good baring yourself like that? The peoplefromGMA ArtistCenter weretellingme thatyou guyshad reallywantedme so bad.That mademe veryhappy.I remember theyshowedme FHM picturesof nd what has she got to say for all AssuntaDe Rossiand asked,"Kaya of this? 'Hindi ko alam!' mo ba'fo?" ltold themI couldonly She doesn'tknow.Katrina, wear two-piecepero beyondthat it appears,is not good at taking hindipa. I don'tevenremember stockof the massivefameand now kung readyna ba ako o fortuneshe has considerable hindi. Bastamasayaakong gusto amassedin four quickyears, ninyo ako. Kasiganon ako-kapag A good thingand bad thing nagsho-showako kahit isangkanta lang, kapag naramdamankong both at the sametime,if you give gusto ako ng mga tao kakantaako it somethought.Whileshe has definitely cashedin on the destiny kahit ilan pa ang gusto nila. Now we all know how that turned accordedher earlyon in the first StarStrucksearch,fairlyor unfairly, out, in particularmakingit all to the top spot ot FHMs 100 as the bad girl most likelyto be the Sexiest List twice. lt can't be any nextmajorsex kitten,Katrinasays more beautifulthan that, can it? she wouldjust as quicklygiveit all up and go backto her hometown Yanang sobranghindi ako El Nido,Palawanand forgetshe makapaniwalalOo, masayaako, everwas a celebrity. but I remember whenI was walking As you'llmostdefinitely glean downthe catwalkat the 100 Sexiest from this latestinterviewwith EvenIhindi ko naiisipna akoang pinaka-sexyat ang ganda-gandakol the currentkontrabidaqueenas Well, one million votes can't be Angelikain Marimar,FHM triedits best to get Katrinato say so herself a joke. Are you still the reluctant that she is richand famousbeyond star-fame or no fame, it doesn't matter-we read you to be when herwildestdreams,But eitherin a humblefit, a coy denial,or just plain you were just slogging it out in not givinga heck,she downplays Starstruck 1? her successand repeatedly Yes,ganon pa rin ako hanggang makes a casefor goinghometo Palawan. ngayon,nagkataonlang na Ouitehonestly, we couldn't maramiakongprojectsand shows. get it. We're thrilledthat we had I'vealwaysbeenjust thankfulwith a handin makinga superstarof what I have,ine-enjoyko lang. her.We want her to be as rich and Hindi ako naghahanapng wala famousfor as long as she can hold ako.What reallygets me going in on to it. Other starscan only hope this businessis the supportof the peoplewho reallylikeme. of matchingher feat of toppingour 100 SexiestListtwice.Lord knows To what extent have fans, the guywho boughtthe Katrina especiallythe male ones,gotten Halililife-size standeefor herto out of their way to pleaseyou? (Veryexcited)Hindi ko inaasahan sign wants her.Justwants her. yung autographsigningng 2OOB Oh, you knowit, Katrina.Even if you don'twant it, somebodyelse FHM calendar,may nagdala ng is boundto tellyouthatyou haveit, standeenatinl Meron pa siyang And admitit,you'vegot to loveit,.. dalangstuffedtoy and lettersaying how he had beena fan sincethe She got fame Darnadays.He said he had written Katrina,this time we're really you guysa letterbeggingto buy a sure you are famous, even standeeand that it becameletter superstar material. How does of the month [Mach,Letterof the that sit with you? Month,November20071.Sabi Hindi-hindi pa rin ako sikat,hindi ninyo raw hindi ibinebentayun ko siya nararamdaman. kaya magtanong na lang siya sa Although I will say na malakiang naitulong mga newsstand.So ikot daw siya nang ikot,nagtatanongkaya lang sa akin ng FHM, pati ang soap walangibinebenta,hanggangsa operasdahil hindi ako nawawala

64 FHM FEBRUARY 2008www.fhm.com.ph

tinulungan siya ngfriend niya na makahanapng store at nakiusap silang ibenta sa kanilayung standee.Na-touch akol Gonsideringyou were deeply touched, would it be possible for Katrina Halili to fall for the normal guy moving mountains to please her? Pare-parehonaman tayong lahat, di ba, so hindi rin natin masasabi.

lutting money to worK Of course, you're richer now than you ever were because of the success.We hear you bought a new car recently? Ah, no I still havethe samecars I had two yearsago: the Nissan Serenavan and a Honda City para

sa.nanayko. Sa susunod na ako bibili, wala nang budget, ha ha ha! Ah yes, the trusty Serena we alwayssee you in on location shoots. What about real estate? Meron akong farm sa Palawangusto ko roon tumira pero wala pa siyanglamanl l'll probablyhave a lot of animalsthere.I lovepets! Ewan ko ba, gusto ko talagang maramingalaga. Kahit nung bata pa ako,di ba sa labasng school may mga nagbebentang mga ibon, bili ako nang bili noon tapos nakakalatlang sa kwarto. What about getting a luxury condo unit on the 21st floor like this one we're shooting in? No. The plan is to put up a condotel in Palawannextyear.

Yes,the businesses.You have a lingerie line now called Playmates,some pieces of which you wear in this pictorial. What got you into it? Nagkaroonako ng ideafor this businesswhen lfirst madeit on top of the 100 SexiestList.During the show,.I found myselfenjoying the ramp part at parang gusto kong damitanyung sarili kotThen anothertime,lwas includedin a fashionshow fapos naisipko uli na gusto kong gumawa ng sarilikong damit.So lthoughtlcould come up with a concept,thenget a designer friendto makethe piecesfor me, whichlwould keepto myself.So fromthis idea,thisyear'splanis to stage lingeriefashionshows featuringmy collection.



66 FHltl FEBRUARY 2008 wwwfhm.com.ph

ffiFcirls of FHM Katrina Halili GF' gt'. lg :li



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Girlsof FHM Katrina Halili

So we can buy this stuff now? Hindisryaavailablesa market, sa websiteko lang.And madeto-ordersrya.What will happen is, if, for example,nag-showako ngayon tapos meron kaming ginawang10 designs, tapos nagustuhanko apat doon, magpoproduce ako ng ilang pirasonoon taposyun lang ang ibibenta ko. In Japan,they havethese vending machinesselling used schoolgirl panties.Don't you think that's a great idea-stuff with your "l UsedThem" sealof approval? Ha ha ha, hindi ko siya maisipl Becauseyou now have an endless supply of panties and bras, would you likely give them away to fans? Like April Boy Regino throwing out b a s e b a l lc a p s ? Hindi ko rin siyamaisip...siguro pwedel Mamimigay ako sa FHMI Then there's Barracks.How's that doing? We're 12 partnersin the business but onlytwo peopleare actually hands-on.and one of them is Allan K. So far magandanamanang takbo niya, maraming tao palagi. We don't think you're a big fan of booze-at least not when you work with us-so does that mean owning a bar makes you drink more often? Hinditalaga ako umiinompero enjoypa rin kasi masarapang iced tea naminlOr sometimes I drink frozen margarita,para siyangjuice! Given these businesses,do you think you have the knack for entrepreneurship? Actuallyang plano ko nga roon ako sa Palawan,magtatayo ng grocery,bibiling jeep pampasada.Kahit anong businesspapasukinko, ganoon ka-simple.

Not fade away How long do you think this will all last? Sa maniwalakayo't sa hindi, since I started binilanganko yung sariliko. Sabi ko threeyears/ang ako rito, tapos uuwi na ako ng probinsya.Mag-a-apatna taon na ako sa showbizdi ba?l And it doesn't look like the r i d e w i l l e n d a n y t i m es o o n . l s i t s p o i l i n gt h e g r a n d p l a n ? No, bafa pa namanako. Nagenjoy na ako rito. I mean ready na ako kung hindi na ako active, okay lang. Nagkaroon na ako ng

mga soap operas,nagka-cover ng FHM, dalawangbeses naging Philippines' Finestsa 100 Sexiest, nagkapelikula.Ang dami ko nang maipagmamalakipagtanda kol Don't you want to grow old in show business?What if you become a successfulcomedian 10 years from now? Ayoko namangmagsalitanang tapos,pero gusto ko talagangtumira sa Palawan.Pwede pa rin naman akong magtrabahosa showbizkahrt tagaroonna ako. Huwag lang daily dahil di na carryyun! You never miss a project, yet you've been hospitalizedonce and frequently sick. Don't you think parang lugi ka? Actually,yung mga ospitalat sakitsakit na yan enjoynga ako. I get time off and rest.I stillwork kasi kung minor lang o sakit-sakitan lang nararamdamanko. There was this time na nasaospitalako for minortreatment,meronakong ribboncutting sabi ko, "Tekamay eventako, lalabasmuna akol" Have you given any thought to what you might look like when you're 60? Siguro lola na ko at may mga apo na ako. Pero siyempremaganda pa rin dahil aalagaanako niDr. V i c k iB e l o ,h a h a h a ! Or if you have a daughter,will you want her to pose for FHM il t h e m a g a z i n ei s s t i l l a r o u n d ? Why not? Ako kasineverakong nag-iisipna pangit gawin yun. Kasi di ba may mga ibang tao na sinasabi "Ayokomag-FHM!" na tipong may kadirieffectpa. Minsan gusto ko silang tanungin: "Bakit, ano ba sa tingin nila ang pinaggagawanamin sa FHM?" Nakabubuwisit sila. Kasi ako-and for sure lahatnang nagka-chance maging cover girl af nai-feature ninyo-hindi nalalaswaan.Ang sa akin lang, siguro hindi sila confident.Sabihinna lang nila na hindi pa nila kaya, na hindi pa sila ready.Aminin na lang sa sarilina hindicarryl Finally,if you are offered a role in Shake, Rattle and Roll39, willyou accept? Oo naman, bakithindil Go lang yonlexlltr For more photosof Katrina,log on to www.fhm.com.ph or brt
70 FHM FEBRUARY 2008wwwfhm.com.oh

FEBRUARY 2008 FHM 71 www.fhm.com.ph

G i r l so f F H M K a t r i n aH a l i l i




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2 O O 8F H M 7 3 EBRUARY

G i r l so f F H M Amirah Gazallah Would you care to give us a holidays?ChineseNew Year is modelprofile? c o m i n gu p ? I am half-Filipino, half-Syrian. I'm My familyis in anothercountryso fromManila,I can tellyouso much I find comfoftin spendingholidays aboutmyselfbut let'sput it this with a few of my closestfriends, way:Justlikea bestseller, I can be They'remy family. a hardboundbook or a paperback- Holidayswith friends often eitherway I'man openbook. mean endlesspartying.Do you Y o u h a v ea n u n u s u a ln a m e . do it full-tilt? "Amirah" meansprincessin Partyingto me holdsno English. expectations becauseit just H o w d o e s a h a l f - F i l i p i n ah, a l f happens.What's importantis S y r i a ng i r l l i k e y o u s p e n dt h e you'rein good companyand

involvestons of non-stoplaughter and funnystupidstories.And it's priceless,too. But believe me, I'vedone the usualparty things-gettingdrunk,bar hopping, dancingtillthe morning. What kind of man do you want? I want a manwho can be "quitea character"and not just a character. What should a man who is "quite a character" do to get on your better side? Justbe cool and sharelots of fun.

crazystories.A guy with a sers€ of humorand wit alwaysgets --. attention. Pleasegive our readersan advice:What's the best way to treat a woman? ArethaFranklinsaid it best: R-E-S P-E-C-T.rxu

For more photosof Amira,log or to www.fhm.com.ph or Ert
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hetheryou'vecalledit quitswith a longtimelove partner, or a months-only it won't be easyto just chuckthoseprecious momentsof feedingeach ds Fncit cantonand pickingout names dprr unbornkids.Who did the dumpingis Linportant. Chancesare,you (and hopefully, slc, too) are dealingwith withdrawalsymptoms w- Faceit, dude:Youmiss her.Do you want

her back becauseyou'remissinga bedmate whose oralskillsyou'vealreadypainstakingly fine-tuhed?Or do you feel likeyou'd ratherburn your entireporn collectionthan livewithouther? Takethis quizand find out why the hellyour heartand other more importantbody parts are yearningfor yourex... Pointsfor each answer are given. Add up the values fo see if you should run back to your honey or move on to other potential ex'girlfriends.

FNFT A e of the crimein orderto pinpointthe criminals,it's stateof mindand figureout why and how m-a-breakup eractlythe shit hit the fan. Was your breakup of telenovela proportions? A) Yes,we calledeach other names and tradedX-ratedinsults.(2) B) Sort of-we said we hated each otherand that was that. (1) C) No, becausewe're both non(0) confrontational. D) No.We brokeup throughtext.( 2) What was the first thing you did after you called it


A) I cried in the shower.(2) B) | erasedher numberfrom my cellphone,but then I realizedI had alreadymemorizedit. (1) C) | calledup her best friendand flirtedwith her! (-1) D) What else?| got dr:unkand startedbadmouthingher! (-2) What do you think led to your breakup? A) We werejust too muchalike.(2) B) Thingswere just goingtoo fast too soon.(1) C) We were both makingsakal eachother.C1) D)The moreI knewher,the moreI hatedmyselffor beingwith her.(-2) Describe the look on hel face the very moment your relationship flatlined. A) She cri€d so hard I had to look away.(2) B) Likeshe just foundout Santa Clauswas a fake.(1) C) She lookedlikea zombie.(0) D) She actuallylaughed!C2)

How w?s lour relationship before You broke up? A) She made me feel like Brad Pitt,Superman,and James Bond all rolledinto one! (2) B) Away-batiall the time, but we were in love.(1) C) lt's complicated.(0) D) ln the first place,we got togetherso she could have someoneto presentto her friendswho already-married were pressuringher to get a man-anyman-ASAP!(-2) How long wete you together before your

partnershipended? A) A few years.(2) B) Arounda year.(1) C) A few months,(0) D)A monthor leSs.G2) What if you find out she's already with a new guy, say, five weeks aftel you've called it quits? A) I'll show up at her doorsteP and go ballistic.(2) B) l'lljustlet her be with her new man.(0) C) I'll ask her what the otherguY has that I don't have.C1) D) I'll considerit my de facto licenseto haveas manyonenightstandsas possible.(-2) What was the scenario one week after You broke


A) We didn't heara word from eachother-but I kePtvisiting her Multiplyand Friendstersites' (2) B) We exchanged"How u?" (1) SMS messages. C) She avoidedmy calls.(Damn c a l l e rl D ! )( - 1 ) D) Everyonesaid I lookedat least10 yearsyounger.C2)

Did you establish anY breakup rules early on in your relationshiP? A) Bullshit!We thoughtwe'd be togetherforever.(2) B) We nevertalked about such emotionalstuff.(0) C) We agreed not to badmouth eachother.(-1) D) ls askingeachother not to break each other'sheartcounted?(.2) What triggered your Post' breakup meltdown? A) The merememoryof her scent.(2) B) 'A ThousandMiles"by Vanessa Carlton.(1) C) What meltdown?Youjust feel (.1) weirdeatingaloneat Jollibee. D) The fact that she still has Your CD collectionpissedyou off' (-2)


2008 FHM 91 FEBRUARY www.fhm,com.ph

You go, "What can I do to take away your pain?" She replies... A) "Let'stryto talkaboutour problemsome moreJ'(2) B) "Maybewe just needto take a littlebreakfrom eachotherl'(1) C) " NakulBwisit ka! You'rejust h o r n y ! ("- 1 ) D) "Die,mother*****.! Die!"(-!) She asks, "Can we still be friends?" You say... A) "Okay,let's give it a try. Youca the shotsl'(2) B) "Sure-butI'mstillin lovewith y o u J(' 1 ) C) "l honestlydon't know if I can do thatl' (0) D) "Yes-butonly if we can have sexl'C2) "l think we got into bed too soonj' she reminds. You retort... A) "l don'tthinkso. I had issuesl' (2) B) "Maybe,but greatsexwasn't o u r p r o b l e m (J1' ) C) 'Are you sayingyou didn't like i t ? "( - 1 ) D) " NakulTwo monthsnga ako naghintay,'nol"(-2)



Thoughit's beensaidthatthe battleof the sexesis bestfoughtin bed,womenusuallyopt to lashout with words,See how you stackup whenyou'reforcedto toughit out throughtalk.

You ask, "How could you give up on us so easily?" She answers... A) "How can you accuseme of that?"with loadsof tearswashing awayher make-up.(But she doesn'tcarel)(2) B) "Our on-again-off-again status just makesme crazy!"(1) C) "l feel likeyou'veturnedmy heart intoyourpersonalpifiatal"(-1) D) With a bitter,BellaFloreslaugh.(-2)

"What went wrong?" she asks. You respond... A) "l thinkit'smostlymyfaultJ' (2) B) "l guesswe didn'ttryhard enoughto figureouthowto reach

92 FHM FEBRUARY 2008 www.fhm.com.ph

a compromise abouta bunchof t h i n g s J( 1 ' ) C) "Malay ko bal" (-1) D) "lkaw kasi,ehl Ano ba masama (-2) sa threesome?!" "Why were you so cruel to me?" she laments. You answer... A) -lf lwas, tell me what I can do to makeit up to you-evenif you'd just want to be friendsJ'(2) B) "Sorry.I didn'trealizelwas suchan assholel'(1) C) "Whatthe hellare you talking about?"(-1) D) "Cruelka diyanlCruelis when you askedme to hangout with yourfamily!"(-2)



just how well and just how deviouswomencan get when theywant to Neverunderestimate you'vealreadyunwittinglygivenyour ex enoughpsychological messwith your mind.Remember, arsenalto innihilateyou.See how you stackup againsther crazy-bitchmoves'

1a I

When you ask her how she's doing via text, she". A) Sendsyoua solosmileY


l d h n l

"You took me for grantedi' she complains. You say... A) "Sorry,I shouldn'thave ignoredyour calls when I was playingwith my PlayStationl'(2) B) "All you had to do was speak up to make me stop being a j e r k . "( 1 ) C\ uKungganun eh bakit naghintayka pang lumala? Di kasalananmo rin palal" (-1) D) *Eh, ayaw mo kasing mag-roleplaytayo na horny Transformerrobots!" (-2)

message,which meansshe'ssad but doesn'twant to giveYouthe satisfactionthat she is. (2) B) Doesn'ttext back untilafter you'vesent the messageat least fivetimes.Thismeansshe still doesn'ttrust herselfnot to beg you to come backto her.(1) C) She textsback:"Hu u?" She kindof wantsto triggerYour nervousbreakdown.('1) D) Goes overto your houseand givesyou the finger,a movethat speaksfor itself.C2)

"Have you told your friends that we broke up?" you ask. Her response... A) "No, not yet.Theylikeyou so I haveto break it to them gentlyJ'(2) B) "l'm planningto tell all of t.[em at the sametime...whenI'm sureI won'tcry easilyanymorel'(1) C) "Theydon't want to hearabout us breakingup for the nth timel'(0) D) "Yeah.Theypromisedto host a breakuppartyfor mel' C2)

You "stalk" her online and you find that... A) You'restill in her Friendster friendslist...fornow.(2) B) Her blog aboutyour breakuP 'waswithoutits dirtydetails.(1) C) She bloggedaboutYouand all yourannoyinghabits.(-1) D) Her friendshavebloggedabout you and your annoyinghabits.(-2)

You follow up with "How about me? Should ltell people na wala na taYo?" She responds... A) "lf you'rethat excitedto move onl' (Don'tmissthe sarcasm.)(2) B) "lt's up to you. Do it if you think there'sno chanceof us getting backtogetherl'(1) C) "What for? We're not in showbizl'(0) D) '^Goaheadand announceit for all I care.I alreadychangedmy 'Singlel"(-2) Friendsterstatusto You ask her, "How do we deal with each other now?" She replies... A) "l stillwant to keep in touchwith youl'(2) B) "Let'sjust be civilto eachother if and when we run into each otherl'(1) C) "From now on, wag na wag ka nangpupuntasa Robinsons Galleria kasiyun ang favoritemall ko. I don't want to accidentallyrun intoyoul'(-1) D) " Bahala ka na sa buhay mo. I wish you infinite nalas!' (-2)


What cuss word did she use a lot when you had that One Big Fight? A) She nevercursed.(2) B) She said,"Shit!"a few times.(1) C) She said the F-wordto mYface.


D) She calledme "Lordof the Fliesl'(-2) When you were about to break up, you tried to kiss her and she..,. A) Jumpedyou.This means that thoughher sPiritmaYbe determinedto get rid of You,her fleshwill alwayshaveenough lubricationto let you in-in a mannerof speaking.(2) B) Kissedyou backbut then Pulled away,saying,"Thisis so wrongJ' Read:Toughluck.Thisis a move straightout of a chickflick,so you'rein for a bumpyride.(1) C) Slappedyou.There'sa thin line betweenlove and hate and she may havealreadycrossed over to the otherside completely.(-1) D)Threwup. (-2) The day after your breakup' she... A) Callsyour mom and makes sumbong.Thismeansyou'retrulY a part of her long-termPlans.Run

awayor makeyour mamaproud and pursuea happyending.UP to you.(2) B) Returnsall the giftsyou gave her.Sadnessmakeswomendo crazythings.(1) C) Takesall the stuff you gave her and throwsit into a bonfireshe buildsrightin front of your house. She'seitherPMS-ingor reallY disgustedwithyou.C1) D) Startsflirtingwith your best friend.She's out for blood!(-2) When her friends ask her about what she misses most about you, she says.'. A) Yourabilityto cook sinigang rightaftera hot sessionin bed' (2) B) Yourhandymanskills.(1) C) Yourcar.(-1) D) Yourmoney.(-2)

You pretend to get sick about three days after your breakupand she... A) Comesoverto makeyoua soup andgiveyoua spongebath.(2) B) Comesoverto dropoff paracetamol then leavesafter threeminutes.("1'mCatholicand I'm doingthisas penancefor all the timeswe did quickiesat my (0) parents'housel') C) Callsyou up and says, "Pleasetell me it isn'tan STD c o m p l i c a t i o n(l-"1 ) D) Texts"Buti nga sa'yo!' (-2) A day after your breakup, you send flowers with a cute "l'm sorry" card to her office and she... A) Thanksyou,askinglaterwhat she can do to makeyou feel better, Startthe pseudo-ligawprocessall overagain,(2) B) Waits two days beforeshe acknowledges that she got the flowers.She's playinghardto get. Step up yourgame,boy!Timeto givehersomestuffedtoys!(1) C) Sendsthembackto you.She's seriousaboutteachingyou a lesson.(0) D) She rips the flowersto bits then sendsthem backto you.Feelthe hate.(-2)


lf she went into a rebound romance,she'd probably pic k . . . A) Someonewho'slikean upgradedversionof you.She wantsyou to be jealous,showing you how muchbetteryou could be if you had chosento improve yourself.(2) B) Someoneexactlylikeyou. She's so intoyou she startsdating yourtwin brother.(1) C) A taipan.She wantsto rollin doughto makeup for the timeshe s p e n ts l u m m i n w g i t hy o u .( - 1 ) D) Someonewho'searneda reputationfor packinga big lightsaber-well, biggerthanyour lightsaber, anyhow.She wantsto get you whereit hurtsmost!(-2) You accidentally run into each other a week after the breakup and she... A) Triesto smileat you and is teary-eyedwhenyou take her asidefor smalltalk,(2) B) Wavesat you then says,"Sorry, I'm a wreckrightnowl'(1) C) Runsthe otherway.(-1) D) Pretendsnot to see you. (-2)

94 FHM FEBRUARY 2008 www.fhm,com.ph




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G i r l so f F H M Kirby Ann Basken

We don't doubt you for a second. So did you manage to squeeze in any Tequila-races or Tex-Mexbinges during your month in merry old Me-hi-co? Not at all.We had super-strict rules.No alcohol,no cigarettes duringthe entirestay.Not much drunkendebaucheryunderthat regtme, Damn it, we thought you said you were in the "crazy gang"? Thatdoesn'thelpmuchwhen you'reundersurveillance, with camerasand sectrrityguards aroundyou 24/7. So you never got that uncontrollable urge to say something like .,Mexicanfood stinks like a donkey's ass', live on TV? Ha hal Thethoughtoccurredto me, especiallywhen the crowd applaudedfor MissUSA falling flat on her face duringthe finals. YoungMiss Kirbywas boilingat that point.Fortunately I managed to keepmy mouthshut. Enough mish.mash:Rumour has it that you have a boyfriend? Why? That'sactuallycompletelyfalselI'm as singleas theycome!

As they say in Norway: A.ha? Yup!A localrag wrotethat I had a boyfriend,which is a complete fabrication. Theynevereven botheredto talk to me abouttheir bullshitstory,which mademe even morepissed. So lefs conclude: local rafiqt2l jerks. Kirby Anndotally single. We can live with that! So tell us, what kind of guys does Miss Nonlray go for? Oooh,toughquestion. At leastI knowwhat kindof guys I don't go for.Stingy,beer-guzzling football idiotsare not reallymy thing. Ouch. Thanks, missy.There goes the entire staff of FHM. Ha ha!Sorryfellas,but that'slife. And he has to be at leastsomewhat tallerthanme,that'sa must.And he needsto be older,but preferably not olderthan26. Oh, and I'm a total suckerfor eyes.lf they're prett!, we're halfwaythere,,. Oh, so you just have to give a drunken little wink with your eyes, and this girl is sold...we get the picture... Not evenclose.lf you'redrunk,just steeraway.Thereare thingsless charmingthan drunkenladson the prowl.That'swhen all the ancient

98 FHM FEBRUARY 20OBwww.fhm.com.ph

linessuddenlyresurface,and with that,you'reout of the race. We don't understand.The only thing we know for sure is that your daddy was a thief. What?l He took all the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes! Yeahright.Thereyou go! Painfully bad stuff. On a scale from one to 10: How mudr do you @re about war, peace,politics and all that stuff? Let'sjust say that I don't believe in peacein our lifetime,We didn't get any of thosequestionsin the Miss Universefinals.And I was preparedfor the worst.Backto the scale,l'll say a cleanfive. You also work at one of those SMS-chat programs on TV, where absolutely nothing ever happens.You poor thing. Oh, I'm havinga ball!lt's a bit like radioon TV,and the experienceis usefulregardless, lf you had the droie, what would you rather do on Tv in the future? And you can't pid<'Top Model"... I wouldn'tpick that one anyway. It's a bit too repetitivefor my taste, Evenif it mightjust be a clich6,I would loveto havemy own talk

show likeOprahWinfrey.lthink that would fit me nicely. Up close and personal,..So, when did you lose your virginity? What the...That's a prettypersonal question! We know. Just answer, please. Not too manyyearsago, So I don't reallyhavethat muchexperience. But did it go down nicely,or what? Honestly,no. I'm not too fond of one-secondguys,let's put it that way.My mom mightreadthis! Let'sjust say I'ma verycuddlygirl, We're talkinggood old{ashioned groping.Thingsshouldtakesome time.Youknowwhat I mean,guys. Time to put in some practice, then. Any bedroom activities you find overrated? Doggiestyleand 69 are vastly overratedin my opinion Righty.So, do you put up a good fistfight or what? Ha hal What kindof questionis that? Fightingwas neverreallymy thing.I'veonlydoneit once,and thatwas in my childhood. I didn't start it, either. Would you have kicked our ass? I highlydoubtit. lf I did, it wouldbe moresad on your part thanfun on my part,FHM

,f 1



ahit hindi mo pilitin, if you havethe talentfor acting,lalabasat lalabas sa iyo yanj' said KatherineLuna when we askedher for a quickand effectiveactingtip. Forthosewho mayhave alreadyforgotten,Katherine starredin the 2004 Cinemanila film festivalentryBabae sa Breakwater,her firstfilm-for which she alsowon her first Best Actress award.And for whichshe also got the rarechanceto attendthe prestigiousCannesFilmFestival wherethe film was also screened. But herthenpromisingcareer was put on holdwhen she went on the mommytrail-threestraight pregnanciesto be exact(she sharedto us the explanation, albeitquirky,as to how this had transpired). Now she'sbackin the showbizsceneand FHM is the first to take a glanceat the new and improvedKatherine Luna.And we daresay,she looksand acts betterthan before. 11 2 F H M F E B R U A R 2Y0 0 8 w w w . f h m . c o m . o h

Why? Well,for starters,she doesn'tlookanythinglikea mother of three.Child-bearing has even done hergood,firmingup her curvesand givingherthatfullwomanlook. Also,knowthat for every expressionof eroticseductionyou see on thesepagesall we needed to do was tell Katherineto look "sexyJ'The restwas all her.Simply p u t ,s h e ' st h a tg o o d . . , How did you maintainyour stunning figure despite having kids? Actually,I reallydon't know.Di talagaako tumataba.Wish ko nga sana tumabaako kahit kaunti. I gainedsomeweightwhenI was pregnant,but afterdelivery bumabalikna yung figure ko. Malakaspa nga akong kumain. Good for you! This is your first time to pose for a men's magazine.So which is harderacting or posing for pictures?

Acting siyempre.Mahirap [sa actingJtalaga,kasi everything you do dapatperpektoso you won't be wastingfilm and time. Sa photoshootyou can take a lot of picturesand saka tang pipiti ng maganda.Perothis shootwas hard for me rin kasinga it's my first. We were already existing in 2004,your breakout year. So how did you slip from our fingers? Actuallymay nag-offersa akin to pose for FHM before kaso parang wala pa akong lakasng loob na mag-pose.Nagagandahanako sa FHM,buI lwas stillshy. And now? Ngayon makapalna ang mukha ko kaya gamena akol Ha ha! We shot you inside the shower, with actual water! Didn't you feel cold? Sobrang lamigl Kaya pina-init ko na lang yung katawanko. Hahal Sariling painit na lang.

n both Babae sa Breakwater and this shoot, You seem to ce so at ease with Performing despitebeing soaked.ls there somethingabout water that makesyou so comfortable? Ano nga ba? | don'tknoweither. Nagkakataonlan,g.Siguro bagay Ha ha! akongmag-sirena. Speakingof your first film, how did you get that Part? Originallynag'auditionako for a supportingrolein Babaesa B reakwater.When Direk Mario O'Harasaw me, hinawakanniya yung kamayko and said,"/fo na. Siya na!' Ganoonlang.Rawdaw kasiang beautyko. Ha hal ii'edrd*'(krrow'{/ra{?r?sfl/rrr was semi-autobiographicalfor you, and that you actuallYlived by the breakwater.". Thefilmwas allaboutpoverty. Eh doon ako nanggalingtapos Nagulatnga ako breakwaterpa. whentheytold mewhatthetitleof the moviewas kasidoon sa breakwater

sa RoxasBoulevardkamirati.Doon nagtitindayung parentsko.I grew up thereand sanayako sa buhaydoon. Are there a lot of other PrettY lassesliving in the breakwater? Alam mo, thereare a lot of girls doon na masasabimong "puwede na!' Kasoyou won't noticethem kasimas mapapansinmo yung karungisanSo once you livein that krndof placeiba na agad ang tingin sa iyo, nakaaawaka. You've been off the showbiz radar for so long. Why decideto stage a comeback? Sobrang na-missko yung acting andyung paggawang films,I really wantedto come back noon Pa kaYa /ang,rragrkalaorrrrarragr*as*'rrtrdsunodyung pagbubuntisko. And how would you explainthat circumstance? Everytime I give birth kasisummer, then mabubuntisako ulit kapag tag-lamigna. Yungmga bandang tag-lamigkasithat'sthe time na tag-initkayo. Hahal

We're still feeling the elfects sf the recent Christmas chills.." You mean tag-lamig Pa rin ngayon? Wala.Zero ako ngaYon. Wala akong lovelife kaYa l'm noI worried. Work na ulit. You've done a eouPle of love scenes in the past. Before each love scene, do yctu have a list of dos and don'ts for Your eo-actor? I havepero I don't tell them directly, medyo nagpaParinig lang ako. For example mag-toothbrush ako,l'll say "Toothbrush muna ako, nakahihiya kasi!' TaPos naghahanap ng Pabango. But before each take naman we talk about what will haPPen. /



2008 FHM FEBRUARY www.fhm.com.ph


It's the monthof hearts,and I knowwe'reall in the moodfor love...SoI decidednot to go too far and dedicatethis spaceto the mind-blowing historyof-guess what?-vibrators! Now mostof us assume t h a t v i b r a t o r sw e r e i n v e n t e d during the 20th century.But electromechanical vibratorshave beenaroundsincethe Victorian Age. Backthen,it was used to induce"hystericalparoxysm"whichwe now simplycall "orgasm" (hysteria, on the otherhand,meant "womb diseasel') When vibratorswere still unheardof, the womenwho had caughtthe diseasedue to sexual had to go to the dissatisfaction doctors.I automatically assumed that these"hysterical women" would be the favoritepatients of doctors,but I was wrongl Doctors,beingall menduring the Victorianage,complained aboutthe difficulttask of using theirfingersto massagefemale patientsto orgasm.Theysaid it took so long and requireda lot of skill,as each patientwas different and the type of "cure"variedon how the womanpatientlikedit. One doctor evensuggestedto the otherdoctorsthat they put one fingerin the vaginaand massage genitalwiththe right the external hand.I canjust imaginehow many womenpatientslinedup with the permission or recommendation of theirhusbandsfor themto get orgasms! Sincethiswas a problem, somebodythoughtof a great idea.Backin 1883,a man namedKelseyStinnerinvented the electromechanical vibrator and was marketedas a gadget

purchasableby these"hysterical womenl'The vibratorwas the fifth applianceelectronicdevicethat was inventedrightafterthe toaster and precededby the hairdryerby abouta decade.The doctorsthat specializedin this type of work hatedit, though,lt took awaytheir dignityand professionalism in their lineof field. The ads were all overthe prints,lt was evenmarketed as giftsfor womenfrom their husbandsas "women'sdelightful companionsJ' Thethoughtthattheir missuswouldjust stayhomeand not go out and spendfor shopping, or evenrun off with otherguys,sat wellwith men. So this Valentine's Day I know most of you are preparingfor a romanticnightwith your partners.

1 3 6 F H M F E B R U A R2 Y0 0 8 w w w . f h m . c o m . p h

Some will giveflowersor cards; someare probablyplanning to spenda nightin a hotelor motel.We knowthere'sa lot of Valentine's Day promosat this time, right?But I wouldsuggestyou gi.veher a gift that has a long and peculiarhistory. Somethingthat will give her "hystericalparoxysmJ' Havefun and alwaysbe protected as you feelthe thrill!

Asia would like to thank the following: Belo Medical Group CosmoparkGreenhills Sa/on de Manila PremiereCondoms Asia'sMy Bedtime StoriesDVD stillout! Visit www.myasianworld.com www.asiastoys.com www.astaspeep.com










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124 FHM

F E B R U A R Y 2 0 O B w w v ; , f h mc o m , o h

Would you do a similar stunt again? Nakuhindi na ulitl Parangnasobrahannamanyata iYonsa exposure.Firsttime ko lumabas noon sa lahatng Primetimelocal news. Taposna-pick uP Pa siYang efore Manila'sDirty HarryMaYor CNN. Ha ha! Grabe,nakahihiYa! AlfredoLim decidedto be a So what's taking nlost of Your Puritan,the RoxasBoulevard time now? baywalkstrip was a haPPYchaos Asidefrom doing promotions, of loud music,flowingbooze, pictorialsand shows,medYo and womenin teasingclubwear nauubos din ang orasko sa dancingin wild abandon.Not quite bagong businessventurenamin ni likeSodomand Gomorrah,but just Rejoice-BaywalkBodies din siYaas interesting. Nagtayo kasikaming rice-in-a-box The earthlydelightsit offered stall sa VictoryCentralMall.We not only'madeit gimmickcentral, call it Mixx& Rej,shortfor Michaela it also becamea hotbed for and Rejoice. the most infamous controversies, It's hard to squeeze in a lovelife of whichwas the stuhtPulledoff from the sound of that. by the BaywalkBodies,stePPing Medyo.I'msinglerightnow and out of a touristbus wearing veryopen for datingpero mas nothingbut highheelsand a maingatna ako ngayon kasi transparentplasticraincoat. * Nakilalakami dahil sa may pagka-madramaang last ko. eksenangryon.Now that the Place relationship Care to tell us about that was closeddown,The Bodies particularromanticePisode? na langkami.Ha ha!" saYssultrY Ako kasikapag nagmahal maY BaywalkBodiesmemberMichaela tendencymaging martir,which Espinosa. is not reallydoingme good.lfell So to give us a morevivid hardfor this guy dati to the Point imageof what,moreor less, nat nung na-realizekong maY happenedbackthen,we took girlfriendsiyangiba, I even offered for a in the lovely2O-year-old to be the othergirljustto be with refreshershoot. him. Then... 5o if it was up to You You'd He rejectedmy offer. Sabi niYa rather be called "The Bodiesl' hindi raw niya kayang gawin iYolt' Actually,iyon tal4gaang original Unacceptablebehavior! So namenamin.Ang kasolang nung what type of man might be this nawalana yung originalmembers guy exactly? tapospumasokpaifong issue Weird,but to me it's the eYebrows mas ng group naminsa BaYwalk, that I lovemost in guYs.Before nakilalana kamias the BaYwalk hindi ko alam kung ano ang tYPe Bodies.When we tried releasing ko sa guys until naPansinng mga stuffwith the nameThe Bodies, friendsko na lahat ng mga tYPeko hindi ma-getsng tao na kami may common f actor- magaganda rin iyon. ang kilay nila,haha! Can you tell us exactlYwhat ls it like Richard Gutigrrez'sor happened back then? Goma's in Tuklaw? Funnynga actually kasiang Hindi ko ma-explain,bastqYung intentionlang talaganamin doon was to do our albumcoverPictorial masculinena kilay na hindi inahit pero magandaang shaPe. wherewe'd be displayingour How huge a determining factor bodies.Naieel ko na medYoriskY is it? siya pero nag-kasubuanna kasi Let's put it this waY:BefloremaY kaya hindi na ako umatras' na-meetako sabar na guY.He's So what went wrong? Aside reallygood-lookingand I remember from you girls being out there naka-cappa siya noon. Kaya lang practicallynaked, of course. nung ma-meetko siya ulit during Ang hindi namin alam,Ihe daY anotheroccasion,I noticedsabog beforewe went there,maYroon ang kilay niya.Mlor turn-off. palang balitang maYmga Ayoko nalHaha! rnu rallyistangpupunta sa location na iyon kaya maramrngmediasa paligid. So nung dumating kami wearingalmostnothing,naroon lahat silato caPturethe moment, ha ha! Othersthoughtnga at first na kami yung mga rallYistaand it was a politicalstatement,what we did. 2008 FHM 125 FEBRUARY www.fhm,com.oh


1 2 6 F H M F E B R U A R 2Y0 0 8 w w w f h m . c o m . p h

1 SENSUAT GAME During theeveofValentine's, your surprise honey withanerotic game. your giftwithan Complete eagerness toplayoutfit forher.lf youcan't think ofa game, try"The Kama SutraGame," whichis ratedto bethebest sexgame fortwo,

2 CH0C0L0C0 Buyherfavorite chocolates andmelt youdoyour them hours before Valentines romp. Justasthings are yourself heating up,excuse and present herwithyourmelted gift, Pour it over herandpleasure heras youlickthechocolates offofher,

1 3 8 F H M F E B R U A R 2YO 0 Bw w w . f h m . c o m . p h


SHEENA M i n dt h e g a p We're 49 seconds apart. Si Donna yung ate. Pero hindi naman siya bossy, pareho lang kami. Kambal nga kami eh, ha ha! lt was our older s i s t e r F a m i e l( F H M G i r l s N e x t D o o r T o p 5 0 , 2 0 0 5 ) w h o e n c o u r a g e du s to pose.

Together forever Lagi kaming magkasama, asin. Hindi kami sanay na naghihiwalay kasi nami-miss ko siya. Lahat ng gimik namin, magkasama talaga kami.

Same difference I'm the brave one. Si Donna kasr, pag sa labas may sarili siyang mundo. Ako, sobrang friendly.I s m i l ea t p e o p l e a l o t .

Hot ticket There are times that my sister and I are attracted to the same guy. lt comes to a point na, parang, "O sige, bahala na kung sinong makakuha." Mas madalas akong nananalo kasi mas magaling ako kanyang mang-akit. Or rather, ho| ako sa kanyal Ha ha!

P h o t o g ' a p " . ,l a Y f a 3 a - - ' e I

DONNA Nameit Kapag may lumalapit sa aking guy, okay lang tanungin nila ytt-: name ko, pero hindi ako sasama .: kanila kasi hindi ako yung tipo r: babaeng ganun.

Weird vibrations One time sa bar may isang strang:na bigla akong sinayawan at niyakapl lVung time pang iyon, naroon ang boyfriend ko. Nakita niya at siyempre, nagalit siyal

Houserules Gusfo ko yung dinadalaw ako sa bahay. Gusto ko rin, liligawan niya muna yung mommy namin kasi minsan siya rin yung tumitingin. Pag ayaw niya sa guy, wala kaming magagawa.

Ex marksthe sBot An ex-boyfriendwouldn't want to let me go. Nagte-text siya sa akin, tumatawag siya sa akin na magpapakamatay siya. Or pupunta raw siya sa bahay namin, guguluhin niya raw yung pamilya ko. Pumupunta pa rin siya actually sa bahay eh, nakikiusap na balikan ko siya.

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1 4 0 F H M F E B R U A R 2Y0 0 8 w w w . f h m . c o m . p h



KTVsparks reunir

Hospital 'injected

We knowwhot theywqnt. Here they iust k"-fon telling us Couplesets forest ablaZe

couldcatchus anytime. So onetime, wejustdecided to walkthroughthe My boyfriendis the adventurous forest.In the middleof our stroll,my kindwhenit comes'tosex.He boyfriend suddenly begankissingand wantsto try virtually everything-any caressing me,whichreallyheatedme p o s i t i o na,n yt i m e ,a n y w h e r e . up,He wasso eagerto undressme We'veexperienced havingsex in the rightthenandthere.l, too,couldn't CR,in the sa/a,on the rooftopof a take it anymore-sumasakit na rin b u i l d i n ign, h i sf r i e n d 'rso o m , . . a n d angpusonniyasoI laiddownon the the mostexcitingand nerve-racking ground. Nevermindthe grassand of all:in the forest,as in literally sa the insects!Thesad pad was,after gubat.lthappened in the summer threepumpshe shothisload,and of 2007 whenwe went with my histhingsoftenedevenbeforeI got parentsanda cousinin our rest my own orgasm.I decidedto stopin housein Batangas, whichis located fearthat someonemightcatchus,I at the foot of a mountain. Fromthe was so bitin that it ruinedmy day,He firstdayonwardwe foundourselves kepton tellingmethat he'dmakeup doingnothingin the houseother for it..,which he didthatnightwhen thanflirting-untilwe'dbothget my parentswerealreadysleeping. horny.Theproblemwas,we couldn't Thistime,we did it in the kitchen. go anyfurtherbecausemy parents PinkSponge, byemail

142 FHM FEBRUARY 2008 wwwfhm.com.oh


I went to a hospitalto have a ryst removedfrom my leftbreastfor fear it mightbe malignant.(Thank Eodit wasn't!)My boyfriend aEeedto accompany me since no Bnein my family couldmake it so we were therefor the whole threedaysof it. I thoughtit d be a boring ordeal,but turns out it was to be one of my kinkiestsex ever. After my operatiorymy boyfriend sleptbesideme sincetheyhad reallybig beds.Perhapsbeing besideme havingnothingbut the hospitalgown on madehim feelhot and horny in no time. I cculdfeelhis instanterection and was really turnedon, forgettingthe factthat I just had my operation. He enteredme in a spBonposition,cuppedmy other breast,and humpedaway all the while trying to keep quiet.He cameinsideme, which mademy pussyall moppedup. And did I mentiontherewere peoplein the othersideof the room wittr only a curtainbetweenus, with the room beingsemiprivate? Mada, byemail

My boyfriendand I decidedb breakduringour fifth yearbearn I thoughtour relationship wre rd workinganymore, But honesUyl becausewe didn'thavesexfuftG years.We endedup as goodftit though,Oneday,we accidenhN saweachotherat onefami! KfV in OuezonCity.He askedmebihim in a privateroomthat he rerH and he requestedme to standrp andsing,WhilesingingourttenE song,he gentlyembracedandsun me,his left handslowlyslidinginsib my skirtandcaressingmy priv& partand his righthandin myshirt leadingto my boobs,whilekissirg my earsand neck.He unbuttoned myshirtandsuckedon my nipsad he startedgettingundressed. He thenpulledme downward.facing him,obligingmeto do a horsebacftrideposition. Aftera few pumps,he laidme downon the sofa,raisedmy legsandstartedlickingmy pussy. It lastedfor a good15 minutes. He thencarriedme andhadme leanirg againstthe wallwhilecontinuously pumpingmefrombehind. We came at the sametime,thenhe whispered, i'lknowwhat'smissingin our relationship, andwe foundit now" "Howdidyou knowthat?"I asked. He smiledandtoldme,"Because youdidn'tstopmefromdoingthis," I laughedandgavehima torridkiss. Thenwe decidedto startoveragain. It wasthe bestKTVreconciliation ever!| am nowmarried to him.And the resultof our KTVreunion? A healthybabyboynamedJuke, Juke,byemail

Little sister squeals Onenight,my parentswentout,I askedmy boyfriend to helpme-look aftermy littlesister,Whilewe were watchingherfavoritecartoon,she wentupstairs an$we thoughtshe wasgoingto sleep.My boyfriend suddenly kissedmeandwithin minutes, we foundourselves making out in oursa/a-withthe lightson, Whenmy boyfriendwentdownon me,we didn'thearmy littlesisterwalk downthe stairs.Morethanthat,we didn'thearhercallmy mothertelling herwhatI wasdoingwithmyguy,I wasgroundedfor a monthafterthat, Avea, byemail

for a drink at his house, to whicr we said yes. Come 8PM, there rqe were preparing everythingfrorn the pulutan to the sounds, After six bottles of brandy,we were al t o o d r u n kt h a t m y c o u s i n s p i l l e d ketchup on his jogging pants. W-rerwe got home, he went straight to his parents' room and dropped on the floor beside his parents' bed. Recallingthe ketchup stain. h e r e m o v e dh i s j o g g i n g p a n t s . H e was too drunk to have noticed that he removed his briefs too! The next morning he just woke up to the yakking of his mom, who was shocked to see him sleeping naked on the floor. I laughed my ass off when his mom told me this story. Good for him,his dad wasn'tthere. lest he got a good beating.

Rex, Cavite City

Ilude loses sldker, sell


High and dryl

Footprints giue it away Goinghomefrom school,my girlfriendsaidshe wantedto stopby our house.Hearingtha! a spirit in me awakened. VVhilehavinga chatin the sala shesaidshehadto pee,so I accompanied her to the restroomandiokinglysaid,"Mry I come,too?"She justsmiledand gaveme a tantalizing look.Since my fatherwas not homeandmy motherwas in the officeI wentinsidethe restroom,too.We were enjoyingour secondroundwhenI suddenlyheard my father'smotorcycle. Justas I was aboutto get out of the restroom,I heardmy father'svoicejust outside therestroomdoor.I hadno choicebutto jump off from the restroomwindow.Eoodthingthe grill was designed for fire exitandit was not lockedl hetendingto be comingfrom thebackyardI started callingmy girlfriend'sname,who in turn hadjust flushedthetoiletbowl.I askedher if shewas done with her thing,Ioudenought0 bBheardby my dad thenaccompanied her outside.\iVhenmy girlfriend was gonerny fathercalledme t0 the restroomand

My two-year-oldchild sleeps on the floor with a four-inchmattressso that we don't have to fear of her falling from high beds, while my wife and I s l e e po n a h i g h b e d . O n e n i g h t , after tucking our baby to sleep,we watched my newly bought VCD about G-spot orgasms.Being hot from viewing the movie,we had sex, my wife coming with the usual clitoral orgasm within 15 minutes.I then asked her if she wanted to try the Gspot orgasm. She was curious how it felt, so I started to finger fuck her, stimulatingher G-spot, I told her that if she felt like going to urinate,she must not hold back, After 10 minutes of stimulating,she told me that she was about to come, all of a sudden, she squirted,wetting my face and my body. She squirted so hard that the spud reached my sleeping daughter and wet her pyjamas.My littlegirl then woke up and said, "Daddy nababasa ako!" And seeing us in 'Ah, the situation,she continued si Mommy nakahubadl"We then dressed up, includingour daughter, and changed the bedsheets."That's it, no more G-spot orgasmsj'ltold my wife before going to sleep. TheGoon,by email

Mom calches son ilild;H.[' It happened Christmas Eve o{

pointed at the wet footprintson the window jam. That was the time I heard my dad'sweirdestadvice.He

game,my 2006.Aftera basketball cousinandlwereonourwayhome

get printed." Mars, hyemail

resoft here in Cavite. He invited us

said"Son" it'snotonlyin thesandthatyourfootcan ;ffiL::-3::i:il?it["J3""

1 5 2 F H M F E B R U A R 2Y0 0 8 w w w . f h m , c o m . p h

A sermon-laden meeting ended up m y l o n g a n d e x h a u s t i n ga c a d e m i c day. On my way home, I was about to take EDSA but first made a stop over at Farmers Plaza. Stressed and tired, I decided to relievemyself by purchasing a magazine.My suki is a bookstore located at the ground floor so I took the escalator. S u d d e n l yI h e a r d a n u n c a n n y s o u n d i n gv o i c e i n l o w t o n e s a y , " Y a n bang sa'yo eh, malaki...matigas... mataba?" Disturbed and astounded I looked in the direction of the source and saw this old man beside me staring down at my crotch! | pretended not to hear anything and proceeded to my destination. When I got to the bookstore, I was happy to find out that the July issue of my favorite magazinewas o u t , S u d d e n l y ,a g a i n ,t h e o l d m a n appeared beside me, sneaking at gay mags, lwas right-that old man was gay and he's following me! To my fear, lwalked away briskly toward the crowded food cour1.ln the belief that I was already safe, I looked back and again saw the dirty old gay bastard heading in my direction.Appalled and paranoid, I ran as fast as I could to the EDSA exit and rode whatever bus was availablethat moment. Blessed I was to cut the chase without getting caught, but cursed I was to take the bus which was out of my route! R,4.,by email o u J I

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yourentries to:FHM True Send Stories, Summit 1,Robinsons Media Level Galleria, Edsa corner 0rtigas Avenue, City1100. 0rtryoLrr fax z Quezon a) (fhm@summitmedia,com. (6372206) oremail ph),Thismonth's getstheAsian-RX v. winner lllatural PenisEnlarger Program woilh 6 4,000 fromTheloveStore. f-




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