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  • Words: 2,299
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Last Update Aug 24, 2009 (Author:unknown)

Welcome to my blog : http://doducluyen.blogspot.com/

Few words from my own experience which you might find useful:

• Once Only Bonus $10,000,000 | $5,000,000 | $1,341,642 | $1,000,000 $1,000,000 | $30,000 | $25,000 | $20,000 | $10,000 $10,000

• Starting Value & Cash Starting value has changed from $500 to $100,000 and the starting cash to $1,000,000.

• Maximum Value & Cash Maximum value and cash off $2,147,483,647 has been removed. With the new achievement system once you reach 1B value, you are buy-able for 1,5B achievement and you will be reset to 1M. Next time, your value can go up to 2B and then you are achievable for 2.5B, next buyer will reset you to 1M, after which you value can go up to 3B and the next achievement is for 3.5B and so on...

If you already have Hot Pet Badge prior to the latest changes, you are buy-able till 2B instead of 1.5B achievement.

• Gold Coin Bonus The Gold Coins are new bonus feature which appear randomly and valued randomly.

• Login Bonus The login bonus is $250,000 every 6 hours. That is $1,000,000 per day.

• Spread the Love Bonus Send $1,000,000 for FREE to your friends! You can receive up to $1,000,000 every day if your friends return the favor.

• Buying Pets There are four kinds of pets. • Orphans, bought merely for their bounty. (No longer as attractive with 100k price tag) • Those bought because you like to have them (e.g. friends, family, nice picture, ...). • Those bought as an investment to sell later. • Those bought as an opening to establish contact, socialise and make friends with. My philosophy is that I buy people that I like, so even if they don't sell, I am still happy to have them on my page. I never ask anyone to go begging for a new owner.

• Orphan Orphan is someone that has never had any owners. You can recognise them from their value ($100,000), no nickname, no owner and their cash. An orphan pet's cash is usually a round figure, gained from login in, i.e. $***,000.

• Orphan Bounty It is $25,000 per orphan pet and limited to 5 per any 24 hour period ($125,000 per day).

That means you will have to wait a full 24 hours before you can get it again. Start by checking your friends list. Random or country search (Map of European Markets, by Daniel Piñeiro) is a good way of finding orphans.

• First Post Bounty It is $25,000 per post on any FFS person's page that has never had a post and limited to 5 per any 24 hour period ($125,000 per day). As a courtesy to other players, I leave the wall if I have completed my first post bounty for the day and leave it to other users to get the bounty.

• Work Your Pets Bounty The formula for calculating the bonus is: SquareRoot of Value x Chore Enregy It means the higher the price of the pet, the lower the reward ratio. For example, a $100,000 pet gets around 31.6% of its value, a $2m around 7.1%, $20m down to around 2.2%, and $100m around 1%. There is no difference between energy level chores. The pet gets the same amount. Full energy recovery takes around 16-17 hours. The Bounty seems to be reduced for pets over $2,000,000,000. There is also a limit of 100 chores per day. Pet Cost Recovery: Value (No of days to recover the cost) $100,000 (3) • $1,000,000 (7) • $10,000,000 (21) • $100,000,000 (66) • $1,000,000,000 (210)

• Do a Favor for Him/Her FFS action that will preselect that person to receive the action even if that person is not among your friends.

• Buying Pets for Investment You should buy Active Pets, i.e. been bought or bought pets themselves. I do look at the "last online" information unless there has been a lot of activity on their page. Good personalised About Me, Gifts and lots of Comments are also good indication of the activity of the person. I also look at repeat buyers. There are those with particular interest in a pet and will buy a pet back whenever someone buys them. I tend to look if a pet has been repeated bought by the same person and consider them a good investment. You should also look at these

owners to see if they have sufficient funds to buy their pets back or not. You can also find if they have other pets which might be a good investment. Attractive pictures sell better. I have bought inactive pets with good attractive pictures for $550 who in 4 days reached $67,000,000. I try to avoid dealers that have many gorgeous and cheap pets that are all un-installed.

• Being Active Being Active would bring you up in the searches. Please cosider the following: • Attractive picture and its dimensions is the most important factor • Buy and sell 1-2 pets a day, even cheap ones • Nice personalised About me shows that you are serious about the game • If you have attractive pictures of YOURSELF, add them to your About Me, it also shows that you are real • Leave comments and interact with your owner, pets and other users but Buy Me requests look desperate • Remember, the higher the price goes, the fewer users can afford you • Better not to make image-only posts to walls, leave a few words too • Better not to post music or video to walls, as they take a long time to load especially for user on slow connection • Better not to post very long wall-posts that take half a page • Giving gifts could also establish relationship • Use the HTML Help to resize larger images with width="400"

• Attractive Picture An individual large attractive picture, showing the face, close-up, not too dark, and preferably showing head to toe, would greatly enhance the interest of players. A portrait format (upright) picture looks the best. Sexually appealing pictures are particularly noticeable. The bigger the ratio of height/width, the more noticeable it will get. A 200px x 600px profile picture is excellent. Portrait Portrait Landscape Great Picture Size Good Picture Size Hard to see the Details

Too Bright

Too Dark

Too Small

Too Many People




• Warning to Pets and Owners: No Nude Pictures While my views may differ, FFS has been banning users with nude profile pictures resulting in loss of your investment.

• Amount of Investment There are various philosophies regarding the amount one should invest. I usually spend 50% of my cash in shopping and rarely buy a pet costing more than a third of my cash. I don't believe in spending all the cash on 1 or 2 pets.

• Release You can set a pet free which would reduce their value and you would lose the money. Before the price changes people used to do this with orphan pets which were bought for the bounty. You can also put them to work instead and make some money.

• Human Gift (No longer available)

• Dealing With Inactive Pets Here are few suggestion that might help: • If you got them before October 15, 2008, you can refund them • You can put them on sale, which would drop their price but someone may buy them • Find their previous owner and see if they are interested. • Ask them if they know anyone who is interested • Offer them in posts to other players (although I dislike this type of spam) • Post them on to the forum under the tons of buy me posts that there are • Ask them to become more active, buy and sell cheap pets that would bring them up as active in the searches • Ask them to change their profile picture to more eye-catching ones which would attract buyers • Talk with other players and se if they are interested in exchange, they buy yours and you buy theirs (too much cheating in this method and you may end and buying theirs and they don't buy yours, only try with trusted friends)

• Pet Tycoon, Top Pet Players who have hit the cash limit can now purchase achievements. When a pet reaches a value of more then a billion dollars the "Buy for.." option will change to "Buy Achievement for $1,500,000,000". If you buy this pet, you will get a "Pet Tycoon" achievement and an icon will appear next to you name. The pet will receive the Top Pet achievement and get a similar icon next to their name, as well as their value being set to $1,000,000. Pet's original owner still gets the profit that would have been made. Basically, You pay $1.5 billion for the Pet Tycoon icon and get a pet valued at $1,000,000. A new leader board is created for the "Top Pets". Personally, I am not bothered about the icons. Before long, EVERYBODY will have one next to their names and that would defeat its purpose.

• Strategy & Philosophy My personal philosophy in FFS may quite differ from other players. I do not have a pet shop and I do not consider it as such. FFS is just a game for me with the sole purpose of enjoyment, entertainment and interaction. I do not keep specific stock and do not favour any particular pet. You may notice me popping in and out of a trade exchange between 2 or 3 people and leaving before its conclusion thus allowing the interested party to maintain the ownership of their favoured pets. Furthermore, my own value does not interest me, since I can not spend it. I buy the pets that I like, regardless of their popularity, and still consider the social aspect of FFS a priority over the financial gain. Making new friends is more important to me than making a profit and I have made many good friends as a result. There are players who specialised in certain types of images, like Cats, Dogs, Gothic, Cartoon, Bodybuilder, Black & Whites, Hunky Men, Models, Manga, Comic Characters etc. It is not a bad idea to establish a style so that visitors come to your page looking for certain types of pets.

• Getting Help • Siqi Chen (Developer) • Alexander Le (Developer) • Bobby Helper (Tue-Wed) (gone Private) • DU Helper (Mon-Wed 11am-4pm PST) (retired!?) • John Helper (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm PST) • Terri Helper

• Tom Helper (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm PST) • Alexis Wright • B. Cesar Meyer • Claude Pattyn • Daysz Surya Erlangga • Ellen Sømme Stolt • Emre Arman (abusing, insulting, harassing, spamming, racism) • Jaclyn Le • Gary Tsang • Katy Harris • Markus Föhn • Nadav Katz • Roger Whitehead • Rohith Ravi • Sandra Mak • Sushil Chejara • Takumi Hayashihara • Toufic Hamzi • Yvette Leishman • Zach Mizrahi Levi • Friends For Sale Forum • Friends For Sale Live Chat

• Bugs & Issues: About Me Bug: Data gets cropped with every wall update (reported Nov 18th, 2008). I could have put a lot more information here. (• FFS Bugs) To avoid the Bug: - Remove the unnecessary links i.e. links to photobucket/other image hosting sites. Just keep the images. - Remove the advertising alt data and use alt="" - Use a table for the gifts - Instead of including every gifts by one person individually, e.g. make it Person (x7) Roses - Fix the HTML errors, tidy the HTML and remove unnecessary tags/settings (e.g border="0") Database Bug: Old owner showing after Purchase: It occurs when database is partially updated. Buy the pet again which forces the pet's database to update and gives the owner error that he/she already owns that pet.

Negative Energy Bug: If you adjust your windows time and date correctly, the energies will get back to normal. Database Bug - Pet is bought but still shows on your list: It will be corrected once your list is updated when you buy or sell pets.

• Pet Section shifted to the bottom of the Page It is caused by HTML error in a wall-post or in the About Me code. - If the second page (Page2) also has the same error, then the error would be in the About Me code and most likely a missing
- If the second page is fine, then the errors is caused by a wall-post, and after deleting that post, page will be back to normal.

• Not For Sale (must be in the About Me) In my view, Not For Sale (NFS) must come from the person and not from the owner (even then I have reservations on the issue). Nicknames are NOT the place for notices and instructions. I have seen people who put NFS on inactive pets. Owners do not have any exclusive rights to anyone. They do not have a right to put NFS on people unless if the pet's wishes so and states so on his/her page. On one occasion, someone bought a pet from me and then marked her NFS and later complained when I bought her again. Isn't that ludicrous? Such NFS declarations are meaningless and ignorable.

• Becoming Private To become Private, go to any FFS page, mouse over Settings (top right of the page), click on Friends For Sale! Settings, Profile Tab, Privacy, and set it accordingly. I must add that becoming Private will practically put you out of the game.

• Finding FFS user from Facebook User-ID Put the Facebook User ID at the end of this link: http://apps.facebook.com/friendsforsale/users/show?facebook_uid=

• Useful Firefox Scripts FFS Bookmarklets | FFS Scripts

Have fun and enjoy

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