Fetal Alcoholgleason

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 660
  • Pages: 14
And the effects on the brain of the developing fetus

-Definition of FAS -Features of FAS children -The way FAS affects the brain of a developing fetus -Diagnosis -Conclusion

Fas is the leading known cause of mental retardation Fas produces physical and mental damage which may never be reversed Fas affects all social economic and racial groups equally Fas costs the American taxpayers over 321 million dollars per year.

The best time for an Fas patient to be diagnosed is at birth or sometime soon after. As Fas children grow their obvious symptoms tend to fade or disappear. Many Fas children are diagnosed with other disorders such as ADD (attention deficit disorder) or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder. It is important for doctors to determine an Fas child’s prognosis early in their life. The sooner that medical, clinical, or educational interventions can be made the better the outcome will be in the long run.

Of Children with FAS Microcephaly- when the circumference of the head is smaller then normal (usually only 5% of cases Eye Slits Flat Nasal Bridge Ridges above upper lip Thinned upper lip Flattening of the mid-face

Alcohol is a teratogen. A teratogen is a toxic which has been proven to be harmful to the development of a babies brain. Consumption of alcohol during pregnancy can do damage to many areas of the brain. It is hard to pinpoint exactly what area is being damaged. It depends completely on when the alcohol is being consumed and also what part of the babies brain is developing at that time.

Continued A babies brain is always venerable to damage from alcohol consumption because the brain and central nervous system are developing throughout the entire pregnancy. Not all damage from alcohol exposure can be detected by a brain scan. The areas on the brain that can be affected are sometimes so small that doctors can’t even detect them. Although these defects are plenty large to cause significant disabilities.


Alcohol Exposure during different pregnancy stages First Trimester- Alcohol affects the organization as well as migration of brain cells. Second Trimester- Heavy drinking causes more clinical features of FAS Third Trimester- The hippocampus is damaged. This leads to problems with auditory and visual information (reading and math)

Continued Below are the areas in the brain which FAS affects: Corpus Callosum: This is the region of the brain which passes information from one side to the other (left to right) Hippocampus- This area of the brain helps with the ability to remember things

Hypothalmus: This area of the brain is in charge of controlling appetite as well as pain sensation, emotions and temperature. Cerebellum- This area controls the coordination of the body as well as the movement. It also controls memory and behavior. Frontal Lobes- Controls judgment and impulse.

Children with fetal alcohol syndrome tend to endure other related disorders which result from damage done to the prefrontal cortex area of the brain. This is the part of the brain which controls “executive functions” Executive Functions which are affected FAS -socially inappropriate behavior. Child acts as if they were drunk. -The inability to figure things out for ones self -The inability to remember previous consequences from past decisions -Exaggerated emotions

Difficulty controlling sexual urges, especially in a social situation -Talking to his/her self out loud. Always looking for feedback -Difficulty remembering things -Needs to be reminded of the task at hand frequently. -Roller coaster emotions.

It is obvious that Drinking during pregnancy has proven to be harmful to the health of their baby, yet thousands of mothers drink regularly during pregnancy. Each year millions of unnecessary American tax dollars are being spent to help children with FAS. If women didn’t drink during pregnancy this money would never need to be spent in the first place and there wouldn’t be children with FAS. This is a completely preventable disease that hopefully will become a pastime in the our future.

-www.nofas.org -www.fas.com www.cdc.gov www.come-over.tofas.com

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