Feb 09 Harvey Diamond Fit 4 Life]

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Feb 2009 No. 0209 MESSAGE FROM HARVEY DIAMOND What I can tell you when it comes to heart awareness month is that by increasing the amount of living food in your diet while decreasing the amount of cooked food, including animal products even to a small degree, the only possible result, as concerns cholesterol, is that you will have less of it in your blood. Additionally, give live plant enzymes a try. CardioZyme with Nattokinase has generated such excitement since its discovery, since no other “nonsynthetic” enzyme has the ability to remove unwanted blood clots as efficiently. I believe live plant enzymes to be one of the greatest discoveries of our time. Good health to you and stay pain free. Harvey

The Villains Ask Harvey I am confused. I have to watch my cholesterol so is it wrong to have avocado? I know it has fat in it. — Norma P

Hi Norma There is no such thing as cholesterol coming from nuts or avocados or any other plant food—or, for that matter, any place other than the liver of animals.


Cholesterol and saturated fat kill people. Cholesterol comes from animal products. It is produced in the liver and cells of animals and humans and nowhere else. It is impossible to ingest cholesterol from the plant kingdom. Fats are found in all foods. However, the vast majority of fat, including saturated fats, comes from animal products as well. Reduce the intake of animal foods in your diet and you reduce your level of cholesterol

and ‘bad’ fat. When blood is constricted and unable to get to the heart, a heart attack is the result. When the blood is prevented from reaching the brain, a stroke occurs. Plaque causes veins to be blocked. Plaque is a thick coating of cholesterol and fat trapped in the arteries, which the body has been unable to remove. Certainly many other factors contribute to cardiovascular disease, and animal products are not the exclusive cause, but

they are unquestionably the major cause. They are true villains when it comes to our heart health. Today, it is no longer a matter of debate whether we should reduce the intake of animal products, but solely on the extent to which we should reduce it. Opinions range from a conservative cutback of 15 percent or 20 percent to total abstinence from all animal products. What you are motivated to decide is what you are most comfortable with and what will work best in your life. One thing is certain: ... cont P2

February is Heart Month Because February is Heart Health Month the focus for this article will be some simple, practical, and beneficial strategies for heart-healthy living. Staying Fit For Life through smart diet and exercise is a good investment. Risk factors that seem to always top every list when it comes to a recipe for heart disease are: Smoking; high blood

pressure and cholesterol; overweight; physically inactive; and family history of heart disease. Heart disease is often referred to as a lifestyle disease. Unhealthy habits lead to an unhealthy heart. So, here are some suggestions: Stop smoking. Limit your intake of animal products. Increase your consumption of

fresh fruits and vegetables. If you talk on the phone for long periods, stand up while talking. If your work includes sitting for long periods of time, take short breaks to stand or walk every hour. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, or get off a few floors early and take the stairs the rest of the way. Park father away from the mall or the grocery store and walk the extra distance … (continued P2)

Page 2

Feeling Fit For Life Letter The Villains — continued from p1

“I had a

Lowering your intake of animal products is going to have a beneficial effect on your health commensurate with the extent to which you reduce these foods in your diet. Let me be clear. Cholesterol and fat (animal products) are wreaking havoc on people’s health. Cut back! Add more cleansing foods to your diet. Add more fresh fruits and

vegetables. Dr. William Castelli, medical director of the famed Framingham Study on Heart Disease and a faculty member of Harvard Medical School, indicates that “An amazing substance found in many types of fruit can cut your risk of heart disease or heart attack. The substance protects the heart by preventing the blood from

becoming too thick and plugging the arteries.” Fruit is cleansing, not clogging. Research on the effect of the overconsumption of animal products is overwhelmingly conclusive: It is killing us! Take the approach to health care that is truly grounded in prevention and help your body cleanse itself from villains.

quintuple February is Heart Month —- continued from p1

bypass in May. It was not Mad Cows but sane cows in my arteries.” —unknown

Walk your dog. Dance with someone or by yourself. If you want something across the room, get it yourself instead of asking someone else to get it. Bicycle. Do housework. Play outdoors games and activities with friends and family. Walk to a nearby friend or

family’s house instead of telephoning them. Keep fruit and/or vegetables handy for snacks. You get the idea. Stay active. Eat healthier. Cut out bad habits. February is heart awareness month. February is not the sole month to practice a heart healthy lifestyle. Heart disease is the leading

cause of death in the U.S. Educate yourself about the dangers and get on track with proper eating, including proper food combining, and exercise. Be heart smart year round and be Fit For Life as your way of life for yourself and for your loved ones.

plaque will burst, causing a heart attack or a stroke. Physicians still do not know for sure how inflammation might cause plaque to burst. The theory is that macrophages alerted to the presence of something that doesn’t belong, come in and try to clean out the cholesterol. If, for

whatever reason, the cytokine signals begin ramping up the inflammatory process instead of notching it down, the plaque becomes unstable. Inflammation seems to contribute to the propensity of plaques to rupture and cause a heart attack. CardioZyme with Nattokinase enhances ...(continued P3)

TECH TALK There is a surprising link between inflammation and heart attacks. Cholesterol molecules slip into the lining of coronary arteries and are engulfed by cells called macrophages. Eventually, a plaque forms. The stronger the inflammatory reaction, the more likely the

Vol 1208 Page 3 TECH TALK — continued from p2 the body’s natural ability to fight clots in several different ways. The properties CardioZyme’s Nattokinase closely resembles those properties of plasmin so it dissolves fibrin directly. More importantly, it also enhances the body’s production of both plasmin and other clot-dissolving agents. An oral daily dose of as little as 2,000 fibrin units (FU) of

Nattokinase may help prevent the conditions leading to blood clots. LifeImmune with Serratiopeptidase, and other Proteolytic enzymes exhibits antiinflammatory qualities that improves circulation. Once in the bloodstream these enzymes enhance blood flow due to repairing capillaries damaged by inflammation.

The combination of CardioZyme and LifeImmune are preventative and maintenance enzymes that may well contribute to a healthier heart due to the reduction of plaque and inflammation which are leading causes of cardiovascular problems. These enzymes do not have the harmful side effects of medications prescribed by

body, not against

FEELING FIT FOR LIFE FOLKS I went for my yearly checkup and my doctor was amazed how everything has greatly improved… triglycerates, cholesterol, and everything else was normal, or almost normal. The reason I attribute to this vast improvement is that I am following your way of life.

I have never felt better and I want to thank you so much for giving me my life back, Sincerely — H.K. Florida

Harvey, after five years of doctors and more doctors, medications and more medi-

cations that led nowhere, it took your books on good nutritional common sense to help my body heal itself. Your methods and practical direction for natural hygiene has changed me for the rest of my life. — J.M. Utah

IN THE NEWS —Part two special report Tyson Foods injects its chickens with antibiotics before they hatch and labels them as raised without antibiotics. The USDA has warned them to be truthful. Tyson claims that because the antibiotics are injected before the chickens hatched, the birds can truthfully be said to be “raised with-

out antibiotics.” Tyson claims they use antimicrobials not antibiotics. Scientists have become increasingly concerned that the routine use of antibiotics in animal agriculture may increase the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Tyson competitors sued and a

“ Work with your

federal judge ruled in their favor and told Tyson to stop using the label. Tyson has filed a lawsuit against the USDA, claiming that the agency had improperly changed the definition of “raised without antibiotics” to include the treatment of eggs. —Natural News 2008

it....one perfect way to do that is to cleanse it, not clog it”

—Harvey Diamond

FEELING FIT FOR LIFE LETTER Only available to Newsletter Subscribers

VP Nutrition PO Box 188 Osprey, FL 34229

CardioZyme— Buy one get one @ 50% off LifeImmune— Buy one get one free Heart Nano Detox, Cholesterol Response 30/60 Ct

Phone: 877877-335335-1509 941941-966966-9727 Fax: 941941-966966-3813

And Co-Q10 100 mg all 20% off for Heart month Cannot be used with any other offer

Email: [email protected]

Call toll free 877-335-1509 to redeem offers

www.vpnutrition.com **Statements in this letter and products men-


tioned have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

SPECIAL !!! Purchase any Feeling Fit For Life product, and receive Harvey Diamond’s new CD:

The Fountain of Youth —the Secret of Enzymes Revealed For only $6.95 (reg $14.95) Hear Harvey in a most personal and revealing one-on-one interview. He discusses the nature and benefit of enzymes and also his own devastating health challenges and how he overcame them. Call 877-335-1509

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