Fce Wednnesday Lesson.docx

  • Uploaded by: Cesar Labarca Guerrero
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 439
  • Pages: 4
the bike is quite old so you should ask someone(deberias preguntarle a alguien) to check the brakes (frenos)before you ride it.

GET. This bike is quite old so you should get the brakes checked before you ride it

Cuando teneis GET the brakes CHECKED y una actividad que hace alguien por ti, tienes que usar GET+ SOMETHING+ DONE(3º columna)

I borrowed(pedir prestado) my sister’s car because I hadn’t yet saved enough money to buy my own. UNTIL My sister LENT me her car UNTIL I had saved enough money to buy my own.(LEND).

I was late for school because I couldn’t find my bag. TIME I ______for school if I’d(HAD) been(SIDO) able to(capaz de encontrar) find my bag.( 3º)

I would have(habria ) arrived in time

Nicky is the only person who has signed up for the trip. NOBODY. Apart from nobody has written Nicky their name down for the trip(write down= apuntarse)

I regret(arrepentirse) not listening to my teacher today. WISH(ojala) Arrepentimiento del pasado siempre con PAST PERFECT. I________________ attention to my teacher today. I wish I had paid

Me arrepiento del presente.

I wish I wish you were(PASADO) here. (OJALA ESTUVIERAS AQUI)

I’m very sorry but we haven’t got any more chocolate ice cream’ said the waiter, RUN I’m very sorry but we have run out of chocolate ice cream’ said the waiter.

Ben married his fiancée without his parents’ knowledge. Ben’s parents are unaware of

I’d like to be an actor one day but fame doesn’t interest me INTERESTED I’d like to be an actor one day but I’m NOT interested IN being/becoming famous.

I didn’t go skating because I was too tired. WOULD.( condiicional) Iwould have gone skating IF I hadn’t been so tired. It’s been(han pasado) absolutely ages since I last saw David. SEEN. I haven’t seen(yo no he visto) David FOR absolutely ages.

Can you tell me the difference between these 2 computers? DIFFERENT. Can you tell me how different is this computer from that one

How different is this computer from that one?

Can you tell me how this computer is different from that one.

It was windy and raining but we still went to the beach. SPITE. We went to the beach_____________________ and rain IN SPITE OF (A PESAR DE ), IN SPITE OF THE WIND(SUSTANTIVO DESPUES DE IN SPITE OF) DESPITE (A PESAR DE ) the wind, Despite working hard, i still have energy.( Y SI LLEVA VERBO TIENE QUE SER EN ING)

DAD had bought everything we needed before I arrived at the supermarket. GOT.

By the TIME(CUANDO) I got into/to Supermarket, dad had bought everything we needed.


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