Test Guardia Civil Monday.docx

  • Uploaded by: Cesar Labarca Guerrero
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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 624
  • Pages: 6
1. A:I passed the exam B:___, I pass the exam. a) So did I passed b) So I passed c) So i DID d) So did I. 2. This new computer is ____ than the old one. a) Most useless b) Useful c) Useless d) More useful 3. The weather is awful. It_______ all morning and it’s still raining. a) b) c) d)

Rained Is raining Has been raining Rain.

4. I sent that email _____ mistake. I didnt want you to read it. a) On b) In c) For d) By 5. As soon as you ____at the airport, change money into euros. a) Arrived b) Arrive c) Arriving d) Will arrive 6. We_____ at lot of seafood when we were In Galicia. a) Eat b) Ate c) Eaten d) eating

7, the doctor advised him a. b. c. d.

To not smoke. That dont smoke. Don’t smoke. To not smoke

8.Many different institutions___ I have been to, have the same policy. a) b) c) d)

Who …. Which Where

9. Pepe wants to join guardia civil___ he can help people. a) b) c) d)

So that because otherwise for that

10. Nobody in my town___ friendly. a. Are. b. Is 11. Everyone in my town___ friendly. a. Is b. Are

12.He has been working here _____he finished

A) for, b) since, c) on, d) in.

13.I haven’t seen her_____ ages. a) During b) At c) For

14) could you give me___ about universities? a) an advice b ) some advices, c) some advice. d) advise.

15. What is the correct sentence? a) I cutted my hair every 6 weeks b) I have my hair cut every 6 weeks. c) I had been cut my hair every 6 weeks d) I have cutted hair every 6 weeks.

16. Don’t put_____ milk in my coffee. a)too much, b) too c) some d) few 17. if you continue_____ this medicine, You___get better. a) b) c) d)

Take/would Taken/will Taking/will Took/would

18. someone has left a wallet here ___wallet is it?. A) B) C) D)

Who’s whom Who Whose

19. I need ____pair of scissors a. A b. … c. some

20.Cual de estos conectores expresa un fin objetivo o propósito? “PARA” a) So that(de tal manera que) b) As___as c) So as to(para) d) So as not to

21.If it is not here, ____ it’s lost a) b) c) d)

Then Whether Providing Unless.

22.I am not going out tonight. _____,I will stay home and cook something. a) b) c) d)

Then Moreover instead. since

23.bill plays not____ the guitar but also the violin. a) b) c) d)

Whether Only Sooner longer

24.Que significa “in order to”? He will go outside in order to take a breath. a) b) c) d)

Como si Para que Para De manera que

25.You can stay here_____ you work hard a) b) c) d)

Or case As long as Or else In spite of

26.Jack opened the window ___let in the sunlight a) b) c) d)

In order to As long as In spite of So that

27.Quince dediciembre a) Fifteenth of december b) Fifteen december

28.Traduce: El gato de John y mary 29.Traduce : La casa de los delfines 30.Traduce: Acabo de llegar aquí 31.Traduce: Ya la he llamado 32.Traduce: No ha llamado aún.

33.They couldnt find us,____ they didn’t have our adress. a) b) c) d)

Of so For As

34. it was a great day___ the bad weather a) in spite for b) because of c) even if d) in spite of 35. don’t go there___ they call you. a) therefore b) even if c) unless

d) hence 36. que significa instead? a) además de b) por lo tanto c) sin embargo d) en su lugar

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