Fatawa On Fasting By Ibn Baaz

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FATAWA ON FASTING His Thirst Becomes Severe During his Fast so he Drinks Question: A man fasts during Ramadhan and his thirst becomes severe, so he drinks. So, what is the ruling? Answer: He must make up for the day of fasting and there is no expiation due to him according to the most correct opinion between the two views of the scholars. If he was lax regarding that, he must make repentance to Allaah along with making up for the day of fasting. In reference to expiation, it is not obligatory upon anyone other that the person who has sex during the day in Ramadhan who is obliged to fast. This is because the Hadith has been reported concerning that according to the correct view. Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz Fatawa Islamiyyah, DARUSSALAM, vol.3, p.289

Six Days of Shawwal or Fasts of Expiation First Question: A man owed expiation of fasting two months consecutively and he liked to fast the six days of Shawwal. So, is that permissible for him? Answer: What is obligatory is to make haste in fasting the fast of expiation. Therefore, it is not permissible to fast the six days before it, because it (the six days of Shawwal) is voluntary while the expiation is obligatory and it must be done immediately. Thus, it is obligatory to fast it first before fasting the six days (of Shawwal) or any other voluntary fasts. Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz Fataawa Islamiyyah, DARUSSALAM, vol.3 p.338 bin baaz

Vomiting unintentionally does not corrupt the Fast Question: Does vomiting corrupt the fast? Answer:

Many things happen to the fasting person that he does not intend, such as wounds or nosebleeds or vomiting or water going into his throat or gasoline fumes going into his throat, all against his will. Thus, all of these matters do not corrupt the fast. The is due to the Prophets statement: Whoever is overcome by vomiting, he does not have to make up for the day of fasting, and whoever makes himself vomit, he must make up for the day of fasting.[1] 1. Abu Dawud no. 2380. At-Tirmithi no. 720 and Ibn Majah no. 1676. Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz Fatawa Islamiyah Page no.276 Vol:2 Other subjects of interest: Purification Prayer Charity Fasting Pilgrimage Funerals Jihad Prescribed Punishments Sacrifice and Slaughtering Food and Drink Medicine Oaths and Vows Judgements Supplications And Ruqya Dress Travelling Children Masjid Rulings

Whoever has Blood taken from him while he is fasting Question: What is the ruling on whoever has blood taken from him while he is fasting during Ramadhan? The reason that this is done is for a blood test, and the blood is taken from his right arm. The amount that is taken is a moderate amount (in a syringe). Answer: The likes of this blood test do not corrupt the fast. Rather, it is pardoned because it is from that which there is a need for. It is not from the things that are known from the pure Islamic law to break the fast.

Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz Fatawa Islamiyah Page no. 275 Vol: 2

The ruling on fasting Ramadhan 28 days Question: Is it permissible to fast only 28 days for the month of Ramadhan? Answer: It is confirmed in the extensive authentic Hadiths from the Messenger-Sallallahu alaihi wasallam- that the month is not less than 29 days. When it is confirmed with Islamically valid evidence that the month of Shawwal has entered after the Muslims have only fasted 28 days, this means that they did not fast the the first day of Ramadhan.Therefore they must make up for it,because it is not possible for the month to be 28 days.The month is only 29 or 30 days. Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz Fatawa Islamiyah Page no.234 Vol: 2

Can we fast 31 days? Question: If we began our fast in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, then we travelled to our country in East Asia during the month of Ramadhan, where the Islamic Hijri month is a day behind , should we fast 31 days? Answer: If you fasted in Saudi Arabia or another land, then you fasted the rest of the month in your own land or another place, then break your fast with them(in the last land) even if that is more than 30 days. This is due to the statement of the Prophet-Sallallahu alaihi wassallam- The fast is the day that you all fast and breaking the fast is the day when you all break the fast.[1] However, if you did not complete 29 days you must complete that (number of fasting days).This is because the month is not less than 29 days. 1.At-Tirmthi no. 697 Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz Fatawa Islamiyah Page no.234 Vol: 2

Fasting consecutive Days is not a Condition in fasting the six Days of Shawwal Question:

In fasting the six days of Shawwal, is it necessary that the days be consecutive or is there no harm in fasting them separately (spread out) during the month? Answer: Fasting six days of Shawwal is a confirmed Sunnah from the Messanger of AllahSallallahu alaihi wasallam. It is permissible to fast them consecutively and separately. This is because the Messanger- Sallallahu alaihi wasallam- mentioned their fast unrestrictedly and he did not mention that they should be done consecutively or separated. This was when he said: Whoever fasts Ramadhan, and then follows it up with six (days of fasting) from Shawwal, then that is as if he fasted the entire time(i.e.,year)[1] This was recorded by Imam Muslim in his Sahih. And success is from Allah. 1.Muslim no. 1164. Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz Fatawa Islamiyah Page no. 335 Vol: 2

The fasting Person swallowing Saliva Question: What is the ruling on the fasting person swallowing saliva? Answer: Saliva does not harm the fast because it is only spit. If the person swallows it, there is no harm in that and if he spits it out, there is no harm. In reference to phlegm, which is that which comes up from the chest or the nose and it is also called mucus, and it is thick phlegm which the person sometimes gets from the chest and sometimes from the head, the man and woman must spit it out. It is obligatory to expel it and refrain from swallowing it (for the fasting person). Concerning normal saliva, which is spit there is no problem with it and it does not harm the fasting person, whether a man or a woman. Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz Fatawa Islamiyah Page no.260 Vol: 2

Fasting while on Journey Question: As you all know, the means of comfortable transportation are numerous, and all praise is due to Allah. And the traveller does not find any difficulty in fasting. So is it better for him to fast or break his fast? Answer: The traveller is given the choice between fasting and breaking the fast. The apparent meaning of the Islamic evidences shows that breaking the fast is better especially if the

fast is difficult upon the person. This is due to the Prophet's statement: It is not from righteousness to fast during travel. [1] And His statement:Verily, Allah loves that His concessions are taken just as he hates for disobedience of Him to be done.[2] Whoever fasts there is no sin upon if the fast is not difficult for him. If the Fast is difficult for him, then that is disliked for him (to fast). And Allah is Giver of success. 1. Al-Bukhari no.1946 2. Ahmed no. 2:108

Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz Fatawa Islamiyah Darussalam Page no. 292 Vol:2

The ruling on using Perfume and Incense during Ramadhan Question: Is it permissible to use perfume, like Uud oil, cologne and incense, during the month of Ramadhan? Answer: Yes it is permissible to use it under the condition that one does not inhale the incense smoke Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz Fatawa Islamiyah Page n. 265 Vol: 2

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