Matt.4: 2 = 1. How long did Jesus fast? Matt. 6:16 = 2. What did Jesus say about fasting here? Mark 2:20 = 3. When were the disciples going to start fasting? Matt.6: 17-18 = 4. What were Jesus’ instructions about fasting? Mark 9:29 = 5. What is accompanied with fasting? Matt. 17:21 = 6. How are demons able to be cast out?
WRONG FASTING IS… Is. 58:3-5 =
RIGHT FASTING IS… Is. 58:6-9 =
Examples of fasting in the New Testament…
2Cor. 6:5 = (a suffering for the Gospel) 2Cor. 11:27 = (a suffering for the Gospel) Acts 13:3 = (Setting up leadership/direction) Acts 10:30 = (To know who God is) 1Cor. 7:5 = (To pray)