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REALITY OF THE FASTING MONTH OF RAMADAN Recently, Mr. Arnold mol has emailed me his article regarding the month of Ramadan. In order to prove the fasting of the month of Ramadan he provided references of the verses 2:183-187. I have gone through his expose and after a lot of pondering I have decided to respond him in this subject in the light of the Qur’anic verses 2:183-187. In the verse 2:183 the word Soum ‫ صو م‬does not stand for fasting or abstaining from all kinds of foods. It signifies for the training and educational program of the Quran.

The classical translations of above verse are as follows. O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint,- Yousif Ali O you who believe! fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may guard (against evil). Shakir O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, even as it was prescribed for those before you, that ye may ward off (evil); Pickthal O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqoon (the pious - see V.2:2). Mr. Khan

Prior to make the accurate translate of above verse, it is extremely important to understand the meaning of the term Al-Sayyam

or ‫صو م‬

The idiom Al -Sayyam is derivative of the word ‫صا م‬, it means he abstained or refrained from doing some thing. It can be from eating, drinking, walking or talking or from anything. The term ‫صا م ع?ن== ا لسير‬means he abstained from going on journey. The expression ‫ صا مت ا لر يح‬signifies wind becoming calm or motionless. The phrase ‫صا م الما‬connotes, water becoming still or motionless. The dialect ‫ ا ر ض ص?و? ا م‬stands for dry land in which there is no water. The word ‫ مصا م‬denotes the station or standing place. Therefore the meaning of the term Al-Sayyam or ‫ صو م‬is to abstain or to refrain from doing some thing which people were already doing and order them to start the new program. In the light of above entomological explanation of the notion Say yam the correct translate of the above verse would be as under.

or ‫م صو‬

‘O, male and female buddies of Mohammad who are striving for the establishment of peaceful society, abstain or hold yourself from your pervious activities because the program of Soum ‫ [ صو م‬the new training program or the refresher course of the Quran] has been prescribed for you, the same training program was prescribed for the earlier nations [ through our Apostles when they started to receive the revelation program]. The purpose of introducing the Qur’anic training program is to bring stabilization, preservation and to protect your self from the harmful and vice effects of the man made laws.’ Since the revelation of the Quran has been started, therefore the program of Al- Say’yam or ‫ صو م‬or the education or the training program of the Qur’anic principles have been prescribed for you so that you can create stability and preservation in your society. The verse 2:184 provides us the details and explanation of the refresher course of AlSay’yam


‫صو م‬.

‘The number of days of this training program or the teaching program of the Qur’anic administrative system would be difficult period for you and if any one of you still feels sickness [feels languish, or feels deficiency, or still feels weakness or imperfections of this ideology, or still doubtful, or feels short of this training] about this education program, or he/she is still in the phase of crossing from previous religion to this system, or he/she is in the period of journey of learning [ from other faiths or other systems to this system] then he/she must go back for another period of training. The people who have the abilities and power [both financial and academic capabilities] should come forward and bear this responsibility. They should make the arrangement for the supplement training program for them. It will remove weakness or imperfections about this ideology from the minds of those people who are still victims of stagnancy about this philosophy. And whoever will assist this program [even it is not obligatory upon him] from the core of his heart or of his own free will it is better for his/her personality and if he /she will join this administrative training program of the Quran it is also better for him/her. It will bring in your society prosperity, independency and choice of options between the right and the wrong affairs of your life. The organizational program of the Quran will also bring your society freedom, fraternity, Excellency, goodness, well being, happiness, generosity, nobility and if you will ponder upon Al- Sayyam training you will understand the importance of these training programs.’

The Quran has again beautifully narrated importance of the training sessions of the administrative program of the Quran in the verse 5:6.

‘O comrades of Mohammad! Who are either participating in the meetings or attending lectures on the Qur’an, Sallat; you must stick to the following sociohygienic practices and with the brightness intellect before attending any assembly! •

Substantiate your point of view and purpose of life with the reasoning power

of the verses from the Quran during the training program of the Sallat so that you become the well acquainted of each other in this journey of learning. The lectures and meetings from the education of the Quran will create tenderness, dedication, graciousness and courteousness among you. Your participation in the seminars of the Quran will become a source of beneficial and gain for your social set up. Your attendance in the meetings of the Qur’anic Sallat management

program will sharpen your tools of reasoning and through this you will become the eminent and noble Messiah of the members of the uppermost and the lowermost classes of your society. If you were alien to the Qur’anic Sallat program then purify your intellect

from the dirt of your previous religion properly with the verses of the Quran during the period of the Qur’anic Sallat training program In case if you still have any doubts or deficiency in your mind about the Qur’anic system of Sallat because of your previous faith or belief, or through your journey of learning you remain unsure about the Qur’anic ideology , then in that case your existing perceptions should be superior, agreeable and

legitimate. This way of life will clear up your point of view and sharpen your power of reasoning. Allah does not intend to put you in unnecessary trouble however you can make easy your life by following the intellectual, full of reasoning and clear procedure provided above for the meeting or Sallat. His only intention for you is to have the assembly in a clean, intellectual and pleasant environment, for achieving best possible results. Our Social Laws do not curtail your freedom, but provide you an opportunity for getting together in a proper manner to achieve your objectives as a result of Sallat.’ In the verse 2:185 the Quran explains why Allah has prescribed the training program of Al- Sayyam

or ‫ صو م‬for the entire humanity?

Prior to the truthful exposition of the above verse, it is very crucial to understand the meaning of the expressions Sahar and Ramadan . Sahar  The term Sahar stands for appearance, conspicuousness, manifest ness, notoriousness or publicity or fame in good or bad sense.  So term Sahar signifies that the affair has been cleared or the situation or matter has become vivid.  The moon is called ‫ ا? لشهر‬because of its bright appearance and due to this, the word ‫ ا? لشهر‬signifies ‘month’.  The tenure Sahar also stands for lunar month because of the brightness of the moon. Ramadan  The word Ramadan is derivative of the verb ‫ ر مض‬which means the earth or ground and the stones that become vehemently heated by the heat of sun.  The expression ‫ ر مض يؤ منا‬means the temperature reaching very high digits.

 The saying ‫ ر مض ا لر جل‬stands for a man whose feet were burned due to the high temperature of the ground.  The idiom ‫ ا ر مض من الحز ن‬denotes, he began to burn emotionally because of the grief and sorrow. The axiom ‫ ا ر تمض كبد ه‬connotes a liver in a state of distress because of intense heat. The expression ‫ ر مض الحم‬indicates meat being sautéed in the heat being emitted by the stone. The word ‫ ر? مض‬implies for the vehemence of the action. In the light of the above etymological explanation of the expression Sahar Ramadan it reflects that the Quran is discussing that notorious period [after death of Jesus till to the time of revelation of the Quran] in which humanity was burning under the vehement fire of man made laws. In the verse 97:1 the Quran also calls it the age of darkness.

‘We have revealed our laws, measures, parameters, and values upon you in the dark phase of the man made rules and regulations.’ Therefore, the expression Sahar Ramadan in this verse does not stand for the fasting month of Ramadan Now the accurate exposition of the verse 2:185 would be as mentioned below: O, Mohammad we have revealed the Quran in that famous period when the entire humanity was vehemently burning under the man made barbaric laws. The Quran provides the guideline and shows the right path to the entire humanity. The Quran also endows with criterion or gives the permanent values to so that humanity can judge between the truth and the falsehood. The Qur’anic administrative training program is in fact your preparation in order to achieve constructive results in society. Therefore, whoever among you is the witnessed of this hard reality, he must join this Sallat training program. If any one of you still feels sickness [or feels languish or feels deficiency, or still feels weakness or imperfections of this ideology, or still doubtful, or feels short of this training] about this training or he/she is still in the phase of crossing from his/her previous religion to this system or he/ she in the period of journey of learning [from other faith or other system to this system] then he/she must go back for another period of training. Allah has introduced this training program in order to bring comfort and easiness in your life by removing difficulties and hardship caused by the cruel man made laws. The Sallat administrative training program will enable you to establish the sovereignty of Sallat program in the light of laws given by Allah and surely it will enable you to bring copious and constructive results for the betterment of the humanity. The verse 2:186 further get rid of the myth of the fasting month of Ramadan and explain that the training program of Sallat will bring you close to Allah’s laws.

‘Mohammad, when my trustees ask you about Me; make an open declaration, “I [My eternal laws, established throughout the cosmos] am with them all the time!” Thus, when one solicits me for guidance in this life, one must know, My commandments are available in the Qur’an to answer every possible query. For attaining My proximity, they should strictly follow My directives and the constitution presented in the last revelation. If they will follow its code, they shall be definitely walking firmly upon the right path in this life.’ Allah declares that Mosques are the administrative centers of an Islamic government [not for praying of traveeh or for fasting facilities during the month of Ramadan]established on the constitution of the Qur’an, which requires both men and women to work side by side, for its smooth functioning, based on equality. It is similar to a workplace like all others, and requires proper decorum to be maintained at all times. [2:187]

‘The era of training about the Qur’anic Sallat program provides a period of undertaking rigorous refresher courses, in all areas of human activity, and is mandatory for every individual to go for it! The training of the Sallat program will protect the weak and meek people from an unstable economy system, foul and immodest culture of society. This depressed and weak class of the society in fact is the back bone and the real guardian for you in this journey of establishing the Sallat program; therefore you should also be their real protector in this difficult journey. You should not devour their human, social, economical rights, however, what happened in the past is a past, therefore come back to the right path. Allah and His social laws are not taking cognizance of your previous over indulgence in this particular area. Hence give them glad tiding that this training program in accordance with Allah’s laws will give them new life. During the training time you should eat and drink this ideology or make the fullest research on the principles of

the Quran. You should carry out this training period until the darkness of man made laws of your mind become distinct with shining and whiteness with the Fajar[morning] of the Quran. Your complete training of this program will root out the total darkness from your minds. During the training period in the Mosque do not convey out any glad tiding about this program. These are the limits of Allah about your training program and do not break them. Allah has clearly described His civil and criminal laws to you for applying to your society for achieving social stability, dynamic progress, speedy development and complete protection against the defiant man made acts.’ Below are the tainted expositions of the above verse. O ye who believe! when ye prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands (and arms) to the elbows; Rub your heads (with water); and (wash) your feet to the ankles. If ye are in a state of ceremonial impurity, bathe your whole body. But if ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye have been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands, Allah doth not wish to place you in a difficulty, but to make you clean, and to complete his favour to you, that ye may be grateful. Yusuf Ali O you who believe! when you rise up to prayer, wash your faces and your hands as far as the elbows, and wipe your heads and your feet to the ankles; and if you are under an obligation to perform a total ablution, then wash (yourselves) and if you are sick or on a journey, or one of you come from the privy, or you have touched the women, and you cannot find water, betake yourselves to pure earth and wipe your faces and your hands therewith, Allah does not desire to put on you any difficulty, but He wishes to purify you and that He may complete His favor on you, so that you may be grateful. Pickthal O ye who believe! When ye rise up for prayer, wash you faces, and your hands up to the elbows, and lightly rub your heads and (wash) your feet up to the ankles. And if ye are unclean, purify yourselves. And if ye are sick or on a journey, or one of you cometh from the closet, or ye have had contact with women, and ye find not water, then go to clean, high ground and rub your faces and your hands with some of it. Allah would not place a burden on you, but He would purify you and would perfect His grace upon you, that ye may give thanks. Pickthal O you who believe! When you intend to offer As-Salat (the prayer), wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up to ankles. If you are in a state of Janaba (i.e. had a sexual discharge), purify yourself (bathe your whole body). But if you are ill or on a journey or any of you comes from answering the call of nature, or you have been in contact with women (i.e. sexual intercourse) and you find no water, then perform Tayammum with clean earth and rub therewith your faces and hands. Allah does not want to place you in difficulty, but He wants to purify you, and to complete His Favour on you that you may be thankful.Mr. Khan Comments; On account of above corrupted translations, Muslims are wasting millions gallons of water every day in the form of waddu. To waste potable water for the sake of non Qur’anic ritual is the unforgivable crime in the court of Allah.

In the verse 2:188 the Quran sums up main purposes of these Sallat training programs and informs the humanity not to devour up the human rights, or wealth of weak and meek people of your society by mutual trading.

‘And do not devour up the wealth and prosperity of the people by your mutual trading organization illegally, nor you present it to the supreme authorities as a bribe, so that a party of directors may swallow up a part of the wealth unjustly or unlawfully, while you know[ to commit such a crime is a great vice].’ Besides issuing directives about decorum, etiquette, and protocol for the common Sallat assemblies, the Qur’an also lays down rules and regulations for the daily weakly and yearly international summit of Hajj. The first basic rule emphasized for this moot is, that every one would stick to the schedule already approved by the participants, and there shall be no hidden agenda carried by any one of the parties, especially the host delegation. All heads of states participating in the program would watch this aspect very carefully, and would point out any deviations from the normal procedure. [2:189]

‘O Mohammad! They are asking you about the various limitations which are important to protect the humanity from the chaos of the man made boundaries. Give them this wonderful piece of information that these are the values and parameters which Allah has given in the Quran for the benefit of humanity. Besides this there is noble institution of Hajj [annual International Hajj Summit] which is also very beneficial for the entire humanity. The yearly event held at Mecca strengthens human dignity, which ensures freedom of all nations, along with safety and security of the downtrodden. None of the participating delegations should carry a private and personal agenda dissimilar to the one that had already been agreed upon at the beginning of the summit, in consonance of with the tenets of the Qur’an. This would be neither right nor setting a good example of interactive decorum for the others. Your efforts at personal, as well as international level would be productive only, if you follow Our code of conduct. The purpose of conducting such yearly assemblies of world leaders, representing their governments [both Muslim and non-Muslim] at the time of Hajj is to create an environment of understanding among them for solving all problems in an amicable manner. This practice would ensure stability, prosperity, and security of all nations of the world.’

In the verse 4:43, the Qur’an once again stresses upon that every participant must be well prepared for the meeting, particularly with reference to the agenda! No one should participate without doing the necessary homework, pertaining to the subject matter of the debate!

‘O companions of Mohammad, who are struggling for the establishment of the Social Order of the Qur’an! You must fulfill the following conditions, before participating in any meeting or Sallat: •

Do not take part in any discussion, if you are not fully conversant with the subject, and have not done your homework or prepared your presentation! However, if you want to partake in any discussion, then get ready for it, so that you have full command on all matters coming up for deliberation! As a speaker or, as a participant in any assembly, you take great responsibility upon yourself. Therefore, you should be confident, what you are going to talk about over there. Because of your approach, pertaining to the understanding of the Qur’an, or other day-to-day matters, you must produce positive and tangible results. If you are alien with the Qur’anic laws or you are in the process of consideration and understanding this way of life, you must empty your mind of all the dirt and filth from your mind with the education of the Quran prior to joining the discussion of such meetings. In case if you still have any doubts or deficiency in your mind about the Quranic system of Sallat because of your previous faith or belief, or through your journey of learning you remain unsure about the Quranic ideology , then in that case your existing perceptions should be superior, agreeable and legitimate. This way of life will clear up your point of view and sharpen your power of reasoning. This order is from Allah Who is considerate and protective, gives you such exceptional latitude, because He intends to save you from the effects of ignorant conditions of your lives.’

In the light of above Qur’anic verses explanations, we reached to the conclusion that Quran does not support following rituals [ fabricated by Islamic priesthood] against the

training program of the Qur’anic Sallat or administrative and economy training program of the Quran. ISLAMIC PRIESTHOOD VISION ABOUT SAYYAM FASTING, AN OLD RELIGIOUS PRACTICE QURAN Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed with clear guidance and differentiation (Between Good and Bad) Whoever of you is a witness of this month, should fast. But if anyone is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed period (Should be made up) by days later. Allah intends every facility for you; He does not want to put you in any difficulties. 2:185 And eat and drink, until the white thread of dawn appears to you distinct from it’s black thread; then complete your fast till the night appears. 2:187 HADITH Whoever fasts Ramadan with faith and seeking the pleasure of Allah, his past errors are forgiven. (Ahmed) Islam is based on the five pillars, the oneness of Allah, establishing prayers, paying Zakat (Charity) fasting in Ramadan and pilgrimage to Makkah. Fast when you see the new moon of Ramadan, and finish fasting when you see the new moon of Shawal, and if you cannot see the new moon then calculate thirty days of Shaban. RAMADAN The month of Ramadan comes once each year giving every fasting Muslim a spiritual and physical improvement which lasts until the following year. CHARITY To be homeless without a place to live and to loose your family or the home you were born in or to loose your spouse or children is a terrible thought. Yet this is what many Muslim brothers and sisters face each winter. We see this happening daily on TV or in the newspapers. "Every little bit helps", whatever you donate this Ramadan, it will give someone a chance to live or hope for a better future. ZAKAT-A-FITR This is a charity that must be paid at the end of Ramadan and only then is your fasts accepted. ZAKAT-AL-MAL This is a charitable tax which must be paid every year based upon your wealth during Ramadan. Other non Qur’anic, time wasting and useless rituals coined by the Islamic priesthood  Takbeerat al-Eid  Sunnahs of Eidu 'l-Fitr  Preparation for Eid  Zakat al-Fitr  Laylat al-Qadr

     

Night Prayer in Ramadan Farewell to the Month of Mercy! Etiquette of Breaking Fast Essence of Abstinence Welcome to the month of mercy. Ramadan: A Month of Fasting and Faith

Actually fasting and all other kinds abstains has been barrowed from different religions like Buddhism, Jews, Christians and Hindus. A wacky and outrageous ‘sicko’ can only produce the type of reprehensible script given above. The Qur’an condemns the nirvana or fasting concept of Buddha [atheist mysticism] and theist Sufism and declares that no one should rescind nice things, such as means of embellishment, sense of morality and air of elegance, which Allah has created on earth for the use of people. [7:32]

‘Mohammad asks these mystics and hermits, “Who can prohibit the means of permissible nourishment, adornment, ornamentation and beautification for both men and women, which Allah created specifically for them? Who can forbid [declare Haram] delectable, delicious and nice smelling foods, which Allah has provided for the humankind? If you would form an administration based upon Our system, then you would enjoy all blessed foodstuff along with other amenities of life, not only in your time, but the same would happen to your coming generations. This is precisely Our technique to explain Our verses to the people, who possess the sense of reasoning, the desire for understanding, with the yearning to find the right direction.’ However, Your Sustainer has prohibited the following acts. [7:33]

‘Mohammad, go ahead and make an open declaration! “My Nurturer has prohibited niggardness, gross indecency, unchaste actions and lewd behavior, both

in thoughts and in action. He also forbids pursuits that damage the innate human capabilities. Allah’s judicial setup rejects the concept of insurgence without a justice cause. Associating others with His authority and substituting Allah’s code with the legislated constitution, or adding self-concocted body of law to the divine system, constitute acts of sacrilege. Attributing characteristics and features to Allah, about which you personally know nothing, is an outright impudence.’ In the verse 3:13, the Qur’an defies the secular and animalistic type of life.

‘An example has been set for you by two parties, who are struggling to achieve their independent objectives. One, whose goal is only secular, or limited to worldly pleasure, seeks gratification through excessive indulgence with women, besides producing children, amassing treasures of gold and silver, accumulating hefty bank balances, collecting pure-bred horses, keeping herds of sheep/cattle and doing agriculture. The other party, which is working to implement the peaceful program based upon the Qur’anic constitution, also finds strong attraction to the abovementioned worldly pleasures, but stays away from them in order to achieve its goal set out not only for anyone’s personal gain, but for the benefit of the whole community. Such a group is ready to sacrifice its personal interest, if such a need ever arises. Undoubtedly, the latter bunch would be able to create a wonderful community, ensuring peace, security and prosperity for all its members. In such a conducive atmosphere, the inherent potential of every person would be nurtured, speeding up the growth of the community, resulting in the evolution of a perfect society, moving along the path of progress.’ The Qur’an condemns the concept of Buddha’s nirvana or fasting and mystical perception of seclusion and self-denial. It advises the companions of Mohammad to continue their efforts for creating paradise on earth, where they would enjoy all possible amenities of life, as a reward for their right actions and good deeds. [18:31]

‘The reformers, who are struggling for the establishment of a peaceful society on the globe, should rest assured that none of their constructive endeavors would fritter away. On the contrary, they would get befitting rewards described below: a- They would have all conveniences of paradise on earth, where the life would be active but smooth like flowing water of a wide and calm river. In such a society, life would be easy and comfortable, because of the peace, prosperity and security. The green crops and gardens would cover the land, with waterways irrigating the fields for maximum yield. That kind of a society would be free of all types of laziness and indolence and would continue progressing like a perpetual spring of clear water. Every member of that setup will be healthy, wealthy and full of life. Ongoing progress in all fields would pave the way for new discoveries and inventions that would speed up the social evolution in the right direction. The members of this society will be dynamic, hard working, research oriented, and their activities would be continuous, such as that of the flowing water. They would put their energies for collective good from dawn to dusk on a personal as well as collective basis.’ b- The leaders of such a paradise on earth would be appropriately awarded in terms of wonderful gains, as an act of appreciation or mark of respect for their contribution in developing new cities, creating jobs and giving the people a sense of dignity and building up their self-esteem. All of this would result in the formation of a more cohesive fraternity and a very co-operative community. This is the basis of ultimate strength, splendor and superiority of an Ummah.’ On an international level, such leaders [who are trained by the Sayyam Sallat program] would command great admiration and would be instrumental in building bridges among various nations, based on the principles of equality, respect and fair dealing. Less fortunate nations would be helped financially [not like the ‘fiscal help’ of IMF and World Bank, which dictate inequitable terms to the recipients and meddle in their internal matters, such as the scheduling of tariffs] and technologically to improve their plight with planning and hard work. They will have high, elevated, lofty, eminent, noble and honorable ranks within their communities, because of their humility, skillful handling of their assignments and hard work for the benefit of the society, which they are a part of. Their concerted efforts will help in building a strong and powerful government on earth, invoking the Qur’anic constitution, which shall command great respect among the community of nations. They shall establish the rule of law based on justice, honesty and equality. Figuratively, they shall be the icons of excellence and exaltation with all the complimentary pomp and show of wearing golden bracelets, green robes of silk and reclining elegantly on comfortable couches [metaphorical narration]. In short, they shall be symbols of exceptional privilege

and extreme honor while living, and there shall be an excellent reward waiting for them in the hereafter, all because of their excellent deeds and appropriate actions, they took in this world. People, in such a heavenly culture, shall be affluent. They would condemn nirvana, or fasting, or escapism and self-denial. [15:46 and 15:48]

‘As a result of their indomitable spirit and focused efforts, they would build a social order, where peace, prosperity, and security will be the cardinal principles. The people shall be healthy and free of depression, anxiety and other psychological disorders. Life would be smooth sailing, but with a sense of responsibility and respect for others.’ Because of the Qur’anic Sallat and Sayyam system, a decent society will emerge, wherein every individual will enjoy the outcome of his/her efforts. The people shall be free of sexually transmitted diseases [STDs] and AIDS, as each member shall protect his/her chastity in the fortress of Nikah. [37:42-49]

‘In that society, every member would enjoy ample return of his/her efforts and they shall have dignified disposition. With the Qur’anic system of government in place, they shall enjoy the blessings of free education, healthcare and housing. The prosperity would ensure job security. In meetings and discussions, every member shall receive equitable treatment, without any discrimination based on color, race and tribal affiliations. The eternal fountain of the Qur’anic teachings will always quench their thirst for knowledge and provide them proper guidance to implement the divine constitution for the betterment of the entire humanity. The Qur’anic code is free from the intrusion of human legislation, and is like clear sparkling spring water for those who want to drink their full [metaphorically, all of them who want to learn the message of the Qur’an]. In the Qur’anic society so established, no intoxicants or drugs shall ever enter to rob the people of their sense of reasoning and intellect. The young generation, after learning the sexual conduct imposed by the Qur’an, would cherish to save their chastity on an individual basis and these young boys and girls would become role models for others to follow. Their decorous eyes would not roam all over the place and would maintain the decorum, as per the instructions of the Qur’an. The young adults themselves would guard the chastity of

every generation getting over the threshold of puberty, until such time when they enter the secure territory of Nikah. Total prohibition of adultery and fornication would free the society from AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases [STDs]. The moral fiber of each male and female of that society would be sparkling clean like untouched pearls resting at the sea bed, or like scintillating rubies, or like fresh laid unsoiled pure white eggs.’ The heavenly society created here does not end with this world, but marks the starting point of continued life in the hereafter. [55:46]

‘The people who refrain from defying Allah’s code of nourishment and successfully establish a divine society, based on the Qur’anic constitution, will enjoy heaven twice as a reward, first time in this world and second time in the hereafter.’ In this blissful society, everyone shall be happy, because of people’s creativeness in all fields, even music. [30:15]

‘The people who have full confidence in the eternal truth of Allah’s commandments and try to create a peaceful society in the world, through the implementation of the Qur’anic reforms, shall have captivating personalities, happiness, peace of mind and progress in all walks of life, as a befitting reward for their efforts. In that society, every individual will look good, have plenty to eat and enjoy the peace and tranquility. Their faces will show a sense of satisfaction; as for members sky would be the limit for progress. No one shall be left behind in the race of achievement, as the social setup shall provide equal opportunity for everyone.’ The word Yoohbaroon in the above verse needs a little more attention for understanding its real significance, with reference to the context. The roots of this word are ha, ba and ra‫ ب – ر‬-‫ح‬, and it signifies a musical performance, a live concert, both instrumental and vocal. The music of every artist will be in complete harmony with the Qur’anic laws [metaphorical expression]. Best regards Akhtar sherazi

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