Fandex Dark Eldar V4

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Dark Eldar ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– By Krovin-Rezh

Version 4 This document in no way attempts to compete with any Games Workshop® products or properties. It is available for free to players as an unofficial document and does not replace the official Codex: Dark Eldar. Warhammer, the Dark Eldar, and all Dark Eldar units are registered trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd.

FORCES OF THE DARK ELDAR This section introduces the forces used by the Dark Eldar, including each unit's profile, special rules, and unique weapons. EQUIPMENT The army list is where you can find all of the standard and optional wargear that can be chosen for each unit, as well as the rules for how these units can be added to your army.

DARK ELDAR SPECIAL RULES There are a number of special rules common to many Dark Eldar units, as specified in the entries that follow. These common rules can be found below.

NIGHT HUNTERS A favored technique of the Dark Eldar is to strike under the cover of darkness. If the Dark Eldar player is able to choose to go first or second (or if the mission dictates that he is the attacker), then he may roll a D3 and play using the Night Fighting mission special rule during the corresponding turns listed below. D3 1 – Dawn 2 – Eclipse 3 – Dusk

Turns 1, 2 3, 4 5, 6, 7

SLAVE RAIDERS Dark Eldar require the souls of their victims to stay alive, and will almost always take slaves during their raids to bring back to their lairs. Roll a D6 for every enemy casualty a Dark Eldar unit causes in close combat. Vehicles cannot be taken as slaves. On a roll of a 4+, that enemy model becomes a captured slave of the attacking unit. Captured slaves are removed just like other casualties, but they give the Dark Eldar army the following benefits: • Each Dark Eldar unit gains +10 soul points for each wound their slaves have, including any wounds from added options such as Daemonic Steeds (to keep track of soul points, write them down next to each unit on a piece of paper). If a unit with soul points is destroyed, you must transfer soul points to any non-vehicle unit within 6” or else they are lost. Independent characters must transfer all of their soul points. • Dark Eldar units are allowed to permanently leave the battlefield by moving off of any board edge during their movement phase as long as the unit has at least 50 soul points (embarked transports and joined characters may also leave with these units). Units that leave in this way do not count as being destroyed and are not scored as kill points or victory points for the opposing player. • The Dark Eldar player counts as holding 1 additional objective or scoring 1 additional kill point for every 150 soul points his units have taken off of the board edges. Soul points are also added to the total for victory points if the mission uses it.

TWISTED MINDS Dark Eldar minds were suspect before the Fall, but afterwards, their thoughts have been perverted in strange and unexpected ways. Anyone attempting to delve into the mind of a Dark Eldar risks his own sanity in the process. When targeting a Dark Eldar model with a psychic power, the psyker suffers Perils of the Warp on results of 2, 3, 11, or 12 during a psychic test.

FEEL NO PAIN, FLEET, HIT & RUN, SCOUT, SKILLED RIDER, STUBBORN Most Dark Eldar models are Fleet of Foot. In addition, Dark Eldar can gain a variety of other universal special rules through certain abilities and wargear. It will be listed in each unit’s entry where these rules are used. All of the universal special rules can be found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Forces of the Dark Eldar


Lords of the Kabal The lords are the most powerful and influential leaders of an entire kabal. They control vast armies of bloodthirsty warriors merely by their prowess in combat and their ability to sidestep constant assassination threats without and within their organizations. There is one way to become a lord of the kabal: kill all of those in your way. To do so in the cutthroat society of Commorragh, The Dark City, requires impeccable planning and execution, but the reward is a limitless supply of fresh souls to feast upon which ensures an extremely long life – if one can survive one’s enemies, that is. When riding into battle, lords will take the most exotic weaponry at the kabal's disposal, and this allows them to wade through the ranks of their enemies, leaving only destruction in their wake. Any fighter who sees the frightening war mask of a Dark Eldar lord can only hope for a swift death. WS BS 6 6 5 5

Archon Dracon

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 3 2

I 7 6

A 3 2

Ld Sv 9 5+ 9 5+

WARGEAR Hell Mask: These masks create an aura of unnatural dread. Any unit attacking the wearer’s unit in close combat must pass a Leadership test or else they will require 6s to hit.

SPECIAL RULES Independent Character, Fleet of Foot

Wych Queens A Cult of Wyches is headed by their most legendary gladiators. Veterans of thousands of arena duels, the Wych Lords are a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. They are true masters of hand-to-hand combat, casually disregarding their opponents’ assaults while dissecting them for the crowd’s or their own enjoyment.

Wych Archite Wych Dracite

WS BS 6 6 5 5

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 3 2

I 8 7

A 3 2

Ld 9 9

Sv 6+ 6+

SPECIAL RULES Independent Character, Fleet of Foot Wych Tactics Mastery: Wych Lords use special wych weaponry and techniques designed to hinder their opponents. Models attacking a Wych Queen in close combat lose 1 attack (to a minimum of 1), and require a 5+ roll to hit unless they would normally require a 6+ to hit. If a model has a rule that allows it to always hit on a set result or higher (such as 2+ for Khârn The Betrayer), it overrides wych tactics mastery. Models with an unmodified strength of 6 or higher roll to hit Wych Queens as normal. Evasive: Wyches have great reflexes which allow them to lithely dodge their opponents’ strikes. They have a 4+ invulnerable save in close combat.

Forces of the Dark Eldar


Haemonculi Dark Eldar live to torture the inferior species of the galaxy, not only because they utterly enjoy it, but because the souls of their victim are much more potent when harvested in a highly emotional state. The greater the sorrow, fear, and disdain a slave is feeling, the better his soul will be at holding back the creeping tendrils of Slaanesh’s embrace. Haemonculi are the most gifted in all of Commorragh at this practice. They usually form independent covens where they highly sought after by the various Warrior kabals and Wych cults, selling their services to the highest bidder. Occasionally, a Haemonculus will align himself with a particular Lord where there is a particular benefit to be gained. Haemonculi usually take to the field with their twisted experiments, such as the unfeeling minions known as Grotesques and a menacing contraption known as the Talos.


WS BS 4 4

S 3

T 4

W 2

I 4

A 2

Ld 8

Sv 4+

WARGEAR Destructor Stinger Paralyzer

Range Template 12” 12”

Str 4 X X

AP D6 –– ––

Type Assault 1 Pistol Pistol

Destructor: A particularly brutal haemonculus weapon, the destructor sprays corrosive acid across mutliple enemies, melting them into a gelatinous soup in a matter of seconds. The acid solution is unpredictably potent. Stinger: The Stinger fires a hypodermic needle filled with a virulent poison that causes the target to violently explode. Roll to hit as normal. The Stinger always wounds on a 2+ with normal saves allowed. If a model becomes a casualty to a Stinger, place a large blast marker centered over the wounded model’s base. Any models (friend or foe) under the blast are wounded on a 6+ with normal saves allowed. Any models that are casualties of this blast will explode in the same way. Paralyzer: Similar to the Stinger in design, the Paralyzer’s needle incapacitates the target with a poison that selectively attacks the nervous system. It wounds on a 2+ with normal saves allowed. If a model becomes a casualty to the Paralyzer, lay it on its side. If that model’s unit is charged in the following assault phase, it is captured as a slave by the unit that charged. If the unit is not charged in the following assault phase, remove the model at the end of the turn. Scissorhand: A poisoned weapon that wounds on a 2+ and gives it’s wielder +1 Attack.

SPECIAL RULES Independent Character, Fleet of Foot Skilled Torturer: Slaves captured by a unit containing a Haemonculus are worth an additional +5 soul points per wound.

Forces of the Dark Eldar


Kabal Retinue The Lords of the kabals prefer a bodyguard when on the battlefield. These are often made up of the kabal’s warriors that can be trusted so some degree, but many of the larger kabals will prefer to hire some Incubi. The Incubi are a deadly warrior sect for hire within the city of Commorragh. This sect is rumored to have been founded by a fallen Eldar warrior of great repute, but this cannot be proven. None have ever set foot inside the sect’s dojo aside from the secretive Incubi themselves and those chosen few who are inducted at a very young age. Like Haemonculi covens, the Incubi sect strikes deals with various kabals where members serve as unwavering bodyguards in a city full of assassins. They have no real ties to the Lords they protect, and this makes them perfect for the job.

Incubus Incubus Master Warrior

WS BS 5 4 5 4 4 4

S 3 3 3

T 3 3 3

W 1 1 1

I 5 6 5

A 1 2 1

Ld 8 9 8

Sv 3+ 3+ 5+

WARGEAR Punisher: This bladed staff creates a shock field that amplifies the force of the blow while splitting armor with its monomolecular edged blade. It counts as a power weapon in close combat and improves the wearer’s Strength by 1. It may not be combined with any other close combat weapon except for the tormentor helm. Tormentor Helm: A head mounted Splinter Pistol that requires no hands to use. It is controlled by thought alone. In close combat, it gives the wearer +1 Attack.

SPECIAL RULES Fleet of Foot (Warriors only)

Grotesques Grotesques are born in the darkest reaches of a Haemonculus’ laboratory, where he or she experiments not only with physical methods of torture, but also mental and emotional methods. It is with the latter two that a captive may finally snap, no longer able to perceive its surroundings or itself as anything real. Grotesques feel nothing but anguish, and have turned upon their own bodies in an attempt to stop the pain. The Haemonculus is only too willing to help, assisting them in twisting their bodies into cold weapons of malice and hatred that can be sent against the one’s enemies and kept easily underfoot.


WS BS 4 0

S 4

T 3

W 1

I 4

A 2

Ld 5

Sv 5+

SPECIAL RULES Mutilated: Grotesques care not for the distorted husks of their mutilated bodies. They ignore any wounds inflicted on them of Strength 5 or less during the shooting phase. Mindless: A squad of Grotesques requires a Ld test to move or run during any turn where there is no independent character joined to their squad. They may assault as normal. Terrifying: If Grotesques are on the winning side of a close combat result, all losing units may not pass their Morale Check and will proceed to check for Sweeping Advance as normal. Units with Fearless may ignore this rule.

Forces of the Dark Eldar


Mandrakes Crawling through the shadows of Commorragh are unseen threats. They stalk their prey for the right moment and strike with neither fury nor contempt, but with a hunger so intense that it drives most of their kind insane. These malevolent blights are not content with the drinking of souls. They must have the flesh as well. Mandrakes have been warped by the desires of She Who Thirsts and the shifting realities of the more dangerous parts of the webway. This has led to the evolution of a dangerous hunter intent on feasting upon whatever it can, yet some Lords find this fringe element uniquely useful. Their ability to remain unseen makes them a great answer to the constant ambitions of their underlings and competitors, and their fierce attacks make them worthy of a specialized battlefield role. But how does one control such insatiable hunger?

Mandrake Mandragora

WS BS 4 0 4 0

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 5 5

A 1 2

Ld 8 8

Sv 5+ 5+

WARGEAR Mandrake Claws: These are vicious improvised hooks & claws that Mandrakes can use to swiftly tear apart their victims rather than trying to cut through armor like other weapons. Mandrake claws count as rending close combat weapons that allow Mandrakes to re-roll to wound.

SPECIAL RULES Fleet of Foot Shadow-skinned: Mandrakes’ shifting skin gives them +2 to their cover saves. They also gain a 5+ cover save on open ground (do not modify this cover, the +2 is already included) . Mandrakes always strike first when they charge into close combat. Hidden Deployment: Instead of deploying Mandrakes normally, place 3 Mandrake models in your deployment zone as markers for three possible positions where they could be. These markers can only move up to 6” during each of your movement phases and may do nothing else unless revealed. Reveal the true location of the Mandrake squad by the start of your third movement phase by placing all models in the squad within 4” of one of the markers and then moving the marker model into coherency with them by the shortest route. They may run and assault as normal once revealed. Mandrakes may be kept in reserve like any other unit, but will lose their hidden deployment and outflank instead. Dangerous Motives: Mandrakes can be overcome by their unnatural need for blood and gore. Mandrakes will always charge an enemy if they can (even if the Mandrakes are falling back, in which case they return to fighting as normal). If there is no enemy unit in range to assault, they will instead charge the nearest friendly unit if able, attacking them as if they were the enemy. Mandrakes charge before any other units in the assault phase. Mandrakes also may not go to ground, as their hunger will always drive them onward in their hunt.

Forces of the Dark Eldar


Wyches Wych cults offer entertainment to the denizens of The Dark City. Almost all of the Wyches have been inducted into a cult’s service as punishment for some perceived slight – usually for failing to defeat one’s superior and take his place. Almost none survive the gruelling sport of the arena or the crowd’s fickle moods, but a select few are able to forge a name for themselves despite the most unfair of odds. These natural borne survivors are chosen to be true members of the cult and are bestowed the title of a Wych for their cunning ways in the arts of death. Wyches offer their services to kabals to help fund their cult’s costs in resources and especially souls, but some Wyches also do it because they tire of the scripted nature of arena fights, preferring the uncontrollable nature of a real battle instead.

Wych Wych Succubus

WS BS 4 4 4 4

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 6 6

A 1 2

Ld 8 8

Sv 6+ 4+ 6+ 4+

SPECIAL RULES Fleet of Foot Wych Tactics: Wyches use special weapons and techniques in close combat designed to hinder their opponents. Models attacking Wyches lose 1 attack (to a minimum of 1) and must always roll a 4+ to hit unless they would normally require a 5+ or 6+ to hit. If a model has a rule that allows it to always hit on a set result or higher (such as 2+ for Khârn The Betrayer), it overrides wych tactics. Models with an unmodified strength of 6 or higher roll to hit Wyches as normal. Evasive: Wyches have great reflexes which allow them to lithely dodge their opponents’ strikes. They have a 4+ invulnerable save in close combat. Wych Drugs: Wyches usually rely on chemicals to enhance their performance. These chemicals also have the effect of lessening the draining influence Slaanesh for just long enough to really focus on the Wych’s fighting arts. Even the best of the Wyches have become hooked on the stuff, and will share an injection with their squads right before a battle. Roll a D6 before deployment to see what effect the drugs have on the unit for the game. These drugs affect any model that is considered part of (but not joined to) the Wyches’ unit unless that model has its own combat drugs.




12” assault move and 3D6” fall back move


+1 WS


+1 S




Preferred Enemy


+1 Attack

Forces of the Dark Eldar


Warriors Every Dark Eldar citizen of age typically joins a kabal once he can hunt for slaves on his own. The kabal trains warriors to strike hard and fast, leaving no survivors uncaptured, but this is mostly unnecessary since Commorragh’s harsh realities are the best training any soldier could ask for. With a kabal, the young Warrior is taught by their Sybarite how to handle the raiding force’s trademark weaponry, from the deadly monomolecular blade and innocuous splinter rifle to the more advanced dark lance and shredder. These weapons are rightfully feared all across the galaxy for their potency and ability to inflict excruciating pain and devastation.

Warrior Warrior Sybarite

WS BS 4 4 4 4

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 5 5

A 1 2

Ld 8 8

Sv 5+ 5+


Raiders More so than anything else, Dark Eldar raids are known for their vast numbers of light and swift Raider transports. These nimble skimmers break through enemy defenses and unload their vicious passengers right into the enemy’s midst where they can do the most harm. Many Raiders are known to also sport heavy weaponry so they can lay down devastating fire right before they close in. ARMOR

BS 4


Front 10

Side 10

Rear 10

Seeker Jetbikes

The Seeker Jetbike squads of Dark Eldar kabals are rightly feared by many worlds in the materium. Warriors use them to unleash a storm of splinters from their mounted guns, only to dart back out of sight before the storm is over. What’s worse, there is nowhere to hide, as their projectiles seem to weave through and around obstacles to find you!

Seeker Warrior Seeker Sybarite

WS BS 4 4 4 4

S T W 3 3(4) 1 3 3(4) 1

I 5 5

A 1 2

Ld 8 8

Sv 4+ 4+

SPECIAL RULES Seeker Jetbike: Use the rules of Eldar Jetbikes and is mounted with two splinter rifles. Any splinter weapon that is mounted on a Seeker Jetbike is loaded with soul seeker ammunition. Soul Seeker Ammunition: Sometimes Dark Eldar will imbue the ammunition crystals used in their splinter weapons with the tortured spirits from captured wraithbone. The shards of these crystals seek out a target, no matter where it is hiding, and can literally bend around obstacles in its way. Soul seeker ammo allows splinter weapons count as twin-linked and it does not need line of sight to be fired.

Forces of the Dark Eldar


Reaver Jetbikes Wych Cults use jetbikes just as much as, if not more than, kabals. Special arenas are designed specifically to watch Reaver fights where contestants dodge and weave through the air in order to land a grisly kill with one of the many razoredged blades on their bikes. During raids, Reavers fall upon their foes like the wind. Instantly cutting through the ranks to quickly wheel around and finish off or capture any survivors.

Reaver Wych Reaver Succubus

WS BS S T W 4 4 3(4) 3(4) 1 4 4 3(4) 3(4) 1

I 6 6

A 2 3

Ld 8 8

Sv 4+ 4+

SPECIAL RULES Reaver Jetbike: These bikes use the rules of eldar jetbikes as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and are each mounted with a splinter rifle. The multiple blades give the rider +1S and +1A. Both are included in their profiles. Reaver Drugs: Reaver Wyches take similar drugs to other members of the cults, but also differing slightly. Roll a D6 before deployment to see what effect the drugs have on the unit for the game. These drugs affect any model that is considered part of (but not joined to) the Reaver Jetbikes’ unit unless that model has its own combat drugs.




Skilled Rider


+1 WS


+1 S




Preferred Enemy


+1 Attack

Warp Beasts Certain creatures manefest themselves at the edge between the Webway and the Warp. They are the living embodiment of nightmares known as Warp Beasts. The Wych Cults love to capture such beasts and add them to their events for dramatic effect. Accomplished Wyches have learned to bend these creatures to their will and heard them toward their enemies with similar results.

Warp Beast Beastmaster

WS BS 4 0 4 4

S 4 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 5 6

A 4 2

Ld 5 8

Sv 6+ 6+

SPECIAL RULES Fleet of Foot Beastmaster: The Beastmaster always takes combat drugs with the 12” charge move result so that he can keep up with his pack. If the Beastmaster is lost, the remaining Warp Beasts in the squad return to the Warp and are removed from play.

Forces of the Dark Eldar


Hellions Some Wyches prefer a more nimble hellion skyboard over the pure speed of a jetbike. This allows them to duck in and out of combat at will and dodge attacks coming their way. Hellion Wyches are often seen dropping down unexpectedly from the clouds onto their foes, causing confusion and panic. They known for two iconic weapons. The first is the Hellglaive, and the second is the Net Slinger.

Hellion Wych Hellion Succubus

WS BS 4 4 4 4

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 6 6

A 1 2

Ld 8 8

Sv 6+ 5+ 6+ 5+

WARGEAR Hellglaive Net Slinger

Range 18” 12”

Str 3 ––

AP 5 ––

Type Assault 3 Assault 1 Large Blast

Hellglaive: Hellions use this weapon by swinging it as they fire off a rapid series of spinter shots. With practice this allows them to strafe their shots across several enemies at a time. In close combat, the bladed ends of the Hellglaive allow it to be used as two close combat weapons. Net Slinger: When Hellions swoop in from the skies, they will often fire this weapon to tie up their prey. It launches a hightensile wire mesh connected to a set of metal pikes which are imbedded into the ground when shot. When a Hellions unit with a net slinger deep strikes, they may use it to place a single large blast marker centered on an enemy model anywhere within 12" of them. Scatter the marker D6". Any models hit by the Net Slinger must pass a Strength Test or their unit will be forced to go to ground. Note that this is not a Morale Check, and so Fearless units are also susceptible. Each Net Slinger may be used only once per battle. Skyboard: Models on a skyboard count as jump infantry, but may not choose to move on foot. This means they may not run during their shooting phase and are not slowed down by difficult terrain when charging into close combat. Skyboards allow their riders to use the Hit & Run special rule. Skyboards also confer a 5+ invulnerable save, as they are constantly weaving through the air at breakneck speeds and this makes them difficult targets.

SPECIAL RULES Hit & Run Evasive: Wyches have great reflexes which allow them to lithely dodge their opponents’ strikes. They have a 4+ invulnerable save in close combat. Hellion Drugs: Hellion Wyches take similar drugs to other members of the cults, but also differing slightly. Roll a D6 before deployment to see what effect the drugs have on that unit for the game. These drugs affect any model that is considered part of (but not joined to) the Hellions’ unit unless that model has its own combat drugs.






+1 WS


+1 S




Preferred Enemy


+1 Attack

Forces of the Dark Eldar


Scourges Scourges swarm overhead, darkening the skies during particularly large Dark Eldar raids like a plague. Scourges ride a pair of powered wings that let them fly behind enemy lines and strike where they are least expected. They support the other Warriors with a high volume of fire or by ambushing heavy enemy units with dark matter and electromagnetic weaponry.

Scourge Warrior Scourge Sybarite

WS BS 4 4 4 4

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 5 5

A 1 2

Ld 8 8

Sv 5+ 5+

WARGEAR Haywire Grenades: These grenades are extremely effective at disrupting enemy vehicles’ systems because they emit a wave of electromagnetic energy. Roll to hit for only one attack from each model in close combat with the vehicle. If the roll to hit is successful, roll a D6. On a 1, the attack does nothing. On a 2 through 5, it causes a glancing hit. On a 6, it causes a penetrating hit.

Ravagers The Ravager is a modification of the Raider design built as a heavy weapons platform with unparalleled speed and maneuverability. It strikes fast and hits hard, but is still almost as lightly armored as the transport it is based on. Luckily, the Dark Eldar have a few tricks up their sleeves that allow the Ravager to remain undetected while it unloads dark matter beams upon the enemy. ARMOR


BS 4

Front 11

Side 11

Rear 10

WARGEAR Dark Veil: A more widely dispersed form of the shadow field, the dark veil effectively cloaks the surrounding area in a deep and murky gloom. The vehicle gains a +1 to any cover saves it gains from intervening terrain or models (but not from Flat Out movements).

Forces of the Dark Eldar


Talos The Haemonculus’ most twisted creations usually take the form of large machines designed to torture souls and use them as a form of energy that powers and animates it to further acts of evil. Haemonculi love to take these mechanical creatures along with them on raids, where they will feed without mercy, spreading fear and terror amongst the enemy. They see them as pets, each a unique masterpiece of their insane arts.


WS BS 5 3

S 7

T 7

W 3

I 4

A Ld 3+D3 –

Sv 3+

WARGEAR Talos Sting

Range 24”

Str X

AP 5

Type Assault D3

Talos Sting: The Talos is armed with a unique ranged weapon that it fires indiscriminately. It fires in a front arc, exactly like a hull mounted weapon, hitting every unit (friend or foe) within a 24” range. The projectiles it fires are highly poisonous and will always wound on a 4+. Crushing Claws: Haemonculi like to put huge claws on the Talos that can be used to pry open vehicles and can get at the prey hiding inside. When the Talos is attacking a vehicle, roll to hit as normal. Use one of the hits against the vehicle, and any additional hits will give the Talos +1 to its armor penetration result. Scream Channels: A Talos is sometimes equipped with the means to amplify the screams as it’s prey is devoured. This is a horrendous sound that drains the conviction of any sane being who hears it. Of course the Dark Eldar are far from sane, so it merely inspires them to assail their victims with renewed intensity! If the Talos has killed at least one model in close combat, it affects all models (friend or foe) within 6” until the start of its next turn. Dark Eldar models gain the Relentless special rule, while other models suffer a -1 to the Leadership.

SPECIAL RULES Fearless Hover: The Talos hovers above the ground. It can therefore move over friendly or enemy models, but it may not end its move on top of either. It also ignores impassable terrain and, but otherwise moves normally. The Talos may not end its move in or on impassable terrain. The Talos takes difficult terrain tests as normal since it is a monstrous creature and not jump infantry or a skimming vehicle.

Forces of the Dark Eldar


Asdrubael Vect SUPREME LORD, KABAL OF THE BLACK HEART The most revered and respected Lord in Commorragh, Asdrubael Vect commands the vast forces of the Kabal of the Black Heart. It is said that he is personally responsible for founding their home in the Webway, and that he was alive thousands of years ago to witness the birth of The Great Enemy. Vect holds the allegience of several kabals, cults, and covens, and he always has a huge number of Incubi to protect his holdings and enforce his will. He is seemingly and strangely immune to the influence of Slaanesh, and yet he regularly has hundreds of slaves tortured and sacrificed for his own desires. When he rides into battle, it is always atop his personal Ravager, known as the Dais of Destruction. The Dais carries his bodyguard for added protection. As an being of vast experience and frighteningly guile, there is little chance of facing him with any great success. ARMOR

Dais of Destruction

WS BS S 6 6 4

Front 11(14)

Side 11(14)

Rear 10(14)

I 7

A 5

SPECIAL RULES Independent Unit: Asdrubael Vect, his bodyguard, and the Dais of Destruction count as a single unit and may not join any other unit. Energy Field: The Dais is protected by a unique energy field that gives it an armor value of 14 against shooting attacks. Close combat attacks are made against the Dais’ normal armor values. Dais Close Combat: The Dais uses the rules of a Walker when fighting in close combat. Kabal Warfare: An army including Asdrubael Vect may be named the Kabal of the Black Heart. The Kabal of the Black Heart may contain two more Troop choices than are normally allowed. An army may only be named as one cult or kabal.

Forces of the Dark Eldar


Dark Avatar of Khaine Locked away deep within the bowels of the Vect's mighty fortress tower lies an ancient relic of unimaginable power. A cherished artifact kept in total secrecy, for there are many who would stop at nothing to gain possession of it's might. So far, Vect has dared to use it only once, for it is far too dangerous and costly to use lightly. But this is one of those times when desperate measured are required.

Dark Avatar

WS BS S 8 8 6

T W 5 4

I 7

A Ld 4 10

Sv 4+2 +


An ornate mask holding a shard of Khaine's essence, a delicate sliver of crystal carrying the sparkling promise of a god's wrath held within lays dormant until it's master feeds it. The souls of one thousand slaves forced to battle each other to the death fill the vast chamber and are sucked into the steadily pulsing shard. The survivors are executed quickly as a reward for their victory.

Fleet of Foot

Then and only then, the shard begins to arc great storms of crackling energy that are blacker than night, but still somehow painful to look at directly. The mask fills with a terrible face and glowing ultraviolet eyes, followed soon by a head, and then a neck until a massive 30 ft tall body has appeared. But to call it a body is not entirely true, for it takes on the form of the most potent energy in it's environment. In the webway, that energy is always wispy black clouds of antimatter - more a body-shaped hole of unreality than anything truly there.

Dark Energies: The body of the Dark Avatar is composed of dark unnatural energies that rip apart the fabric of reality. The Dark Avatar simply ignores most attacks against it as it’s incorporeal form simply swallows up all matter, giving it a 2+ invulnerable save. When the Dark Avatar attacks in close combat, all successful to wound rolls of 5+ cause instant death. The disorienting effect of these energies also counts as defensive grenades (but it may not be used against vehicles).

The massive giant of black fire and purple, hazy light is now sent to war against the Dark City's most deadly enemy. A great host of daemons has been set loose from a rift to the Warp. It glides like a ghost, sending great great storms against the invaders, ripping from both this reality and the Warp with amazing fury. Any daemons who manage to get close find only an emptiness that swallows their weapons as they are erased from existence with a blow from the giant's shifting figure.

Blackfire Lightning: The Dark Avatar can wield its dark energy as a weapon and shoot it out as a bolt that eradicates all matter with equal ease. Blackfire lightning is an attack usable in the Dark Avatar’s shooting phase. It has the following profile:

Massive towers fall as the battle rages until all the daemons are exterminated and their rift unmade by a great blast of dark energies. Having extinguished it's reserves of life for the time being, the black ghost dissipates into swirling smoke. Vect walks to the obsidian mask and picks it up. Time to hide this away for another rainy day, he thinks. It's a shame my best warriors have all seen it, for I dislike losing such loyal and useful subjects.

Daemon: As a Daemon, the Dark Avatar is Fearless and has the Eternal Warrior special rule. Incensing: Any other Dark Eldar unit with a model within 12" of the Dark Avatar gains Furious Charge.

Range Blackfire Lightning 18"

S 9

AP 1

Type Heavy 1 Blast, Lance, Arcing

Arcing: If the Dark Avatar rolls a direct hit on the scatter die, center a second and identical blast the distance rolled on the 2D6 from the center of the first one using the arrow on the direct hit symbol. Do not reduce the distance of the second blast using the Dark Avatar's BS.

Forces of the Dark Eldar


Qellian Rastma REAVER QUEEN, CULT OF THE RED DRAGON Among the twisting spires of Commorragh floats a constant swarm of Dark Eldar jetbikes, transport craft, and space vessels towing in their latest prizes from the materium. In the center of this swirling storm of activity are the ominous floating shipyards of the Kaerm’vsol district, the turf of the Red Dragons. One of the most feared wych cults throughout the webway and beyond, the Red Dragons use the swift and deadly reaver jetbike almost exclusively. Their armada of reavers is vast and can strike anywhere, at any time, and instantly disappear into the distance. Their legendary queen and founder is Qellian Rastma, a victor of thousands of arena air duels and battles. She has customized her bike with wicked bladed wings that cut through enemy formations like a scythe through the field, and her pinpoint control of her vehicle allows her to weave a path of destruction through the battlefield with ease.

Her cult roams the shipyards enforcing their will (and taxes) on the returning raiding parties. If any resist, they are quickly dispatched by the Red Dragon’s trademark gamma weapons.

Qellian Rastma

WS BS 6 6

S T W 5 3(4) 3

I 7

A 5

Ld 10

Sv 4+

WARGEAR Dragon's Claw: This special reaver jetbike is fitted with extended blades wreathed in powerful shock fields. It counts as a power weapon in close combat, and gives Qellian +2 strength, +1 toughness, and +2 attacks (all included).

SPECIAL RULES Wych Tactics Mastery, Evasive, Independent Character Exceptional Rider: Qellian Rastma automatically passes any dangerous terrain tests she has to take. Attack Dive: In Qellian's movement phase, you may declare a special type of move called an attack dive. If you do, Qellian may pivot once and then must move straight ahead more than 12" and up to 24". At the end of the attack dive, determine which models she would have come into base contact with along her move and immediately play a round of close combat between Qellian and those models. Any attacks against Qellian require rolls of 6 to hit during the attack dive unless the model has a special rule that always hits on a different result. Qellian is treated as having used Turbo Boost if she makes an attack dive (so she cannot shoot are declare an assault, but gains a 3+ cover save if moved at least 18" and cannot go to ground). An attack dive does not require that Qellian remain 1" away from enemy models. If she ends her attack dive within 1" of an enemy model, she counts as having charged into close combat during the following assault phase. Cult Warfare: An army with Qellian Rastma can be named the Cult of Red Dragons. The Cult of Red Dragons may field Reaver squads as Troops, and must do so for at least two Troop choices. Reaver squads in this cult may replace any blaster or shredder with a dragon's breath at no additional cost. An army may only be named as one cult or kabal.

Dragon's Breath

Range Template

S 4

AP 4

Type Assault 1, Melta (within 6")

Forces of the Dark Eldar


WARGEAR Agoniser

Crucible of Malediction (One per army)

Agoniser close combat weapons are charged with a special energy field that causes severely painful spams throughout the enemy’s body. This can take down even the largest opponents and is a prized weapon among both kabal warriors and wych cults. Agonisers wound on a D6 roll of 4+, with no armor saves allowed. Vehicles take a glancing hit on a 4+ if hit by an agoniser.

This crucible contains the souls of tortured psykers. Upon release, they create a psychic cacophany that can drive psykers insane. Once per game, you may release these souls. Starting with the closest, each enemy psyker on the board takes a Psychic Test. Models within 12” of the model holding the crucible suffer a -1 Ld for this test, and models at least 24” away gain a +1 Ld for this test. If the Psychic test is failed, the model suffers a wound with no armor or cover saves allowed. If the psyker suffers Perils of the Warp, it is removed from play with no saves of any kind allowed. If the psyker passes, move on to the next closest enemy psyker until all have taken the test or one has failed.

Animus Vitae (One per army) This special grenade creates a sphere of barbed wire that expands and catches victims in its painful embrace. The Dark Eldar find the sight of this torture device in action highly invigorating. Any unit containing a model with the animus vitae gains an additional 5 soul points from captured slaves. If the model with the animus vitae captures a slave, he gains +1 WS and +1 S for the rest of the battle.

Archangel of Pain (One per army) The essence of a daemon is entombed within a cask carried by this Dark Eldar. Once released, it rushes forward and incapacitates the enemy with its terrible screams. Any unit that is not in close combat and is hit by the archangel of pain takes a Pinning Test with a -2 to their Leadership.

Blaster The blaster is compact design of the dark lance, firing short-lived stream of dark energy that simply erase all matter it touches.

Combat Drugs Important members of Dark Eldar society often have access to their own combat drugs. These dull the effect of She Who Thirsts for a short while, and also give the user unnatural prowess in close combat. At the start of each assault phase, roll a D6 for up to one of each of the following effects listed. All effects last until the next assault phase. If any two dice roll the same, the model takes a wound from the drugs without any saves allowed. If three or more dice roll the same, the model overdoses and is immediately removed from play. Any model removed due to an overdose is not counted when determining close combat results. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H.

12” assault move and 3D6” fall back move +2 WS +1 S Stubborn Preferred Enemy +1 Attack Always strike first +1 to rolls for capturing slaves

Destructor See page 4. Dark Lance The dark lance propels deadly streams of the mysterious dark energy that only the Dark Eldar possess. It doesn’t so much destroy the target as remove parts of it from existance. No one knows exactly how this dark energy works or where the erased material goes, but there is no denying its potency and disregard for all types of standard armor.

Disintegrator The disintegrator modulates dark energy into bursts rather than a steady stream. This allows it to attack multiple targets in a sustained fire mode. It can also charge up a single high-powerd and unstable burst that discharges upon impact, eradicating everything nearby.

Dragon’s Breath See page 15. Gruesome Decorations Dark Eldar love to decorate themselves with their fallen foes. Whether that means hanging severed fingers and ears on hooks, painting on markings in blood, or something even worse it all has the same effect of creating a monstrous visage to one’s opponents and adding to one’s reputation as a deadly hand-to-hand fighter. If any units lose in close combat to a model with gruesome decorations, they will have -1 Ld for their Morale Check. If they fail, each model on the winning side with gruesome decorations adds +1 to their unit’s roll for Sweeping Advance.

Goblet of Spite (One per army) A sacred relic from the pleasure cults that existed before the Fall, the goblet of spite instills intense hatred among the wych cults. Only a Succubus or Wych Lord may take the goblet of spite. Wyches in a squad that contains the goblet of spite will always hit on a 3+ in close combat, regardless of other factors.



Haywire Grenades See page 11.

Seeker Jetbike See page 8.

Hell Mask See page 3.

Shadow Field (One per army)

Hellglaive See page 10. Mask of the Damned (One per army) The mask of the damned shows the enemy their deepest fears realized, projecting these hellish thoughts straight into their minds. Such visions can drop a warrior to his knees mid-charge. Any unit wishing to charge a unit containing the mask of the damned must pass a standard Leadership test or else they may not charge. Note that even those who have no fear of battle will always have something to be fearful of buried deep in their minds, so Fearless units are also affected. It replaces any other mask worn by the same model.

The shadow field creates a miasma of dark energy absorbing the energy of any projectiles fired into it. The wearer gains a 2+ invulnerable save until he or she suffers an unsaved wound while using it. Multiple dice are rolled together against the shadow field rather than rolling each of the dice one at a time.

Shredder The shredder launches a fine mesh of monofilament wire with barbs or serrated edges. Everyone in the area of this mesh web gets tangled up and is sliced to pieces as they struggle to get free. This mesh is so strong that it can even tangle up and jam up the systems of less protected vehicles.

Net Slinger See page 10.

Skyboard See page 10.

Nightmare Doll (One per army)

Soul Seeker Ammo See page 8.

To create a nightmare doll is to transplant tortured psyker spirits into one’s own mind. Needless to say, this is a risky maneuver in Commorragh, where they see psykers as playthings to be abused, and on the battlefield, where the furies of war can drive you into a feverish delirium. An army with a nightmare doll may force the opponent to re-roll when determining who chooses to go first or second. The model that uses the nightmare doll then takes a Strength 3 hit with no saves of any kind allowed.

Paralyzer See page 4. Plasma Grenades These are a form of assault grenades. The rules for which can be found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Poisoned Ammo Splinter weapons very often include a variety of deadly poisons in their ammunition crystals. Any splinter pistol, splinter shotgun, splinter rifle, splinter cannon, or hellglaive with poisoned ammunition always wounds on a 4+ when shooting.

Poisoned Blades The Dark Eldar save their deadliest poisons for close combat, where they cen better see the effects of their work. These count as poisoned weapons that wound on a 2+. The rules for poisoned weapons can be found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Punisher See page 5.

Splinter Pistol Dark Eldar often carry the splinter pistol with them into close combat, where its shard ammo and attached combat blade are very effective.

Splinter Cannon Splinter technology generates no recoil, which allows a larger version of the system to be hand-held. It is even usable on the move, making it the perfect weapon for Dark Eldar warriors who would always prefer to get up close and personal with their victims.

Splinter Rifle Splinter rifles use a electro-magnetic pulse to break apart a crystal into shards and propel them at incredible speeds. The long accelerator barrel of the rifle gives it an exceptional range among this type of weapon, but the more directed nature of the shot is only capable of hitting a single target, even at short range.

Splinter Shotgun A short-ranged version of the splinter rifle, the splinter shotgun covers a wide area with shards. This makes it very effective against several targets, especially in tight quarters. The splinter shotgun counts a Rapid Fire weapon when determining if the user may assault.

Stinger See page 4. Talos Sting See page 12.

Reaver Jetbike See page 9. Scissorhand See page 4.

Terrorfex These special grenades are made from captured wraithbone. When they explode, everyone in the vicinity



experiences nightmaric hallucinations designed to induce absolute terror. Any unit hit by a terrorfex takes an immediate Pinning Test with a -1 to their Ld for each model hit after the first and another -1 Ld if they are below half strength.

Tormentor Helm See page 5. Trophy Rack Many Dark Eldar put the heads of their victims on pikes in the middle of battle just to mock their opponents. If a model with a trophy rack slays an enemy model in close combat, it gains +1 Ld for the rest of the battle. This happens only once per battle.

Vexantrope (One per army) The vexantrope is a delicate mask of skin and bone adorned with runes of illusion. It makes the wearer appear as someone the enemy loves, respects, admires, or trusts. Models wishing to attack the wearer must pass a Leadership test with a -1 modifier or attack a different model in range (if there is one). Necrons, Daemons, Tyranids, and vehicles are unaffected. It replaces any other mask worn by the same model.

Webway Portal Webway portals are generated by portable devices that rip a hole in the materium to the ancient Eldar-made interstellar tunnel system where the Dark Eldar reside. A model carrying a webway portal may use it once per battle during one of its shooting phases instead of shooting or running. When the webway portal is used, place a blast marker anywhere within 1” of the model or its transport. This blast marker represents the portal. Reserves that have been designated to arrive via the webway may move onto the board as if the edge of the portal were your board edge. Models may move on and through this portal normally (going into and out of the webway as they do so), and treat it as area cover with a cover save of 5+. Any unit rolled in for reserves before a webway portal is opened will automatically arrive through the first opened portal, but must wait off the board until then. If no webway portals can be used, any models designated to arrive via webway may not enter the game at all, but they do not count for kill points or victory points. Dark Eldar units with at least 50 soul points may exit the board via the webway portals as long as all models can reach the edge of the marker in their movement phase. May not be used by models on skyboards or jetbikes.

Xenospasm (One per army) The Xenospasm is a modification of the terrorfex grenade. The tortured wraithbone inside it reacts violently with those nearby when it detonates. Models taking a Pinning Test from a Xenospasm do so at -1 Leadership per model hit.



VEHICLE UPGRADES Corpse Adornments

Screaming Jets

The vehicle has sharp pikes all over its hull on which the corpses of victims are presented to the enemy. An enemy unit’s Leadership is reduced by 1 for each vehicle with corpse adornments within 6” of at least one of the unit’s models.

The vehicle is able to fly at high altitude and drop down onto the battlefield with the wailing scream of its highpowered jets. Vehicles with screaming jets are allowed to Deep Strike out of reserve and count as moving at cruising speed the turn on which they arrive. Passengers may not disembark on the turn their vehicle Deep Strikes.

Darkstar Engine Speed is a way of life for the Dark Eldar, and to be outrun often spells defeat. Dark Eldar vehicles can use potent dark energy to propel them to incredible velocities. Vehicles with a darkstar engine can go an additional 6+D6” when moving flat out. If the distance moved is at least 32” in a single phase, the vehicle gains +1 to its cover save. The vehicle and models embarked on it may not shoot in the following phase. If a Raider with a darkstar engine suffers a Destroyed–explodes! result, the explosion will always reach the full 6”.

Harpoon Lines Raiders can use a set of harpoons that fire out from the sides of the vehicle to clamp onto an enemy vehicle and hold the Raider close to it so that embarked squads can proceed to attack it. Units embarked on a Raider with harpoon lines may assault a vehicle within 3” of that Raider without having to disembark or make an assault move. The embarked unit must not have attacked another unit in the same turn, and their Raider must not have moved flat out that turn.

Horrorfex The horrorfex is an upgrade to any single weapon on the vehicle. The upgraded weapon now has an additional firing mode similar to that of the terrorfex with an improved range of 18”. This counts as firing a defensive weapon.

Night Shield Night shields trap and distort light, helping to hide the true location of the vehicle and often making it seem closer than it really is. The range of weapons is reduced by 6” when shooting at a vehicle with a night shield. This also affects the ability to take two shots with Rapid Fire weapons and the range for 2D6 armor penetration with Melta weapons. It also affects spotting distances during Night Fighting. Template weapons are unaffected.

Scythes Dark Eldar vehicles often attach monomolecular-edged scythes to their hulls. This makes them very dangerous to assault. Any enemy model in close combat that rolls a 1 to hit a vehicle with scythes takes a Strength 5 hit with normal armor saves allowed.

Slave Snares The Raider is often seen dangling numerous chains with barbs and cruel hooks below it’s hull. These can be used to sweep across squads of enemies and snag them with the dangling weapons. A Raider with slave snares targets any unit that it passes over in the movement phase with a number of attacks equal to the number of models in that unit its hull has passed over. Models may only be passed over once by the Raider. Resolve the attacks as you would for Strength 4 close combat attacks that allow armor saves. After removing casualties, continue moving any other models. Casualties from slave snares are counted in the following shooting phase for purposes of checking for 25% casualties for Morale Checks.

Stabilizers A Raider can use a system of gyroscopic stabilizers to allow passengers embarked on it to fire while moving at cruising speed. These systems reroute energy from the main weapon systems, so only defensive weapons may fire on a turn when stabilizers are used.

Torture Amp The screams of captured slaves are amplified by specialized Haemonculus technology mounted on the vehicle during raids. The anquishing sounds of which allow the vehicle to Tank Shock even though it is not a tank. May not be combined with Slave Snares.

Vehicle Upgrades


DARK ELDAR ARMY LIST This section details each unit so that you can play battles using the standard scenarios in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. It also gives you the basic information you need to use Dark Eldar in custom designed scenarios or campaigns. The army list is divided into six sections (HQ, Troops, Dedicated Transports, Elites, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support). Each squad, vehicle, or character is placed into one of these sections based on its role within the army. Each unit and its various options are given a point value based on how effective that unit or option is in battle. Before you play a game, you need to agree with your opponent on a scenario and a total number of points each of you will spend. Then you can proceed to pick your army. Each unit has a concise entry for all of the different things that define it. Below are listed definitions of each of these entries. Unit Profile: At the start of each entry you will find the name of the unit, the statistics any models that it may include, and the points of the basic unit without any upgrades. Unit Composition: This entry lists the number of each model makes up the basic unit. If the composition includes the word “Unique,” you may only include one of that unit in your army. Unit Type: This entry refers to the rules of unit types found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Each type of unit, such as Infantry, Jump Infantry, or Vehicle has it’s own set of rules for movement, shooting, and assaulting. Wargear: This entry lists each piece of equipment the models in the basic unit carry. Their points are included in the unit profile. Special Rules: This entry lists the special rules of the unit. Some of these rules are found in the Forces section. Other rules refer to the Universal Special Rules section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Transport: This entry lists any transports the unit may take. The unit entries for these transports can be found in their own section. The Transports section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook explains how these dedicated transports work. Options: This entry lists all the upgrades you may add to the unit if you choose to do so. A model in the unit must have the upgrade you’ve chosen visually represented on it or else you may not take it.


The army lists are used in conjunction with the force organization chart from a scenario. There are five categories of units on the chart that correspond to five of the sections in the army list. The sixth section is for Dedicated Transports, which do not count as a choice on this chart. Each grey-toned box represents one optional choice of that type, and each black-toned box represents a compulsory choice.


This army list is designed to be used with the Standard Missions in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. It may also be used with any other missions, but play balance may be affected.

KABAL AND WYCH CULT CHARACTERS You’ll notice many of the named characters in the Dark Eldar army list are drawn from several different Kabals or Wych Cults, but they can still be used in the same army if you wish. This can represent the occurance of the various factions of Commorragh teaming up for a large raid or for some other reason. Alternatively, you can use the model and rules for a nammed character to represent a mighty character from another Wych Cult or Kabal. All you have to do is come up with a new name, but it can also be more fun to create your own story for these characters. This is a perfect way to personalize your army. Just make sure your opponent is aware of what everything counts as.

Dark Eldar Army List


HQ ASDRUBAEL VECT.................................................. 240 points

Page 13


WS BS S 6 6 4

Dais of Destruction

Front 11(14)

Unit Composition: • 1 (Unique)

Side 11(14)

Rear 10(14)

I 7

Special Rules: • Independent Unit • Energy Field • Dais Close Combat • Kabal Warfare

Unit Type: • Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer, Open-topped)

A 5

Wargear: • 2 punishers • 2 tormentor helms • 1 splinter pistol • 1 dark lance • 2 disintegrators (all bonuses and extra attacks from weapons are included in the profile)

DARK AVATAR OF KHAINE................................... 185 points

Dark Avatar

WS BS 8 8

Unit Composition: • 1 (Unique)

S 6

T 5

W 4

I 7

A 4

Ld 10

Sv 4+2+

Unit Type: • Monstrous Creature

Page 14 Special Rules: • Fleet of Foot • Daemon • Incensing • Dark Energies • Blackfire Lightning

QELLIAN RASTMA....................................................165 points

Qellian Rastma Unit Composition: • 1 (Unique)

WS BS 6 6

S T W 5 3(4) 3

I 7

A 5

Ld 10

Wargear: • Dragon’s claw

Sv 4+

Page 15 Special Rules: • Exceptional Rider • Attack Dive • Independent Character • Wych Tactics Mastery • Evasive • Cult Warfare

Unit Type: • Eldar Jetbike

[Space reserved for additional special characters]

Dark Eldar Army List


HQ LORD OF THE KABAL………………………………. 40 points WS BS 6 6 5 5

Archon Dracon

S 3 3

Unit Composition: • 1 Dracon

T 3 3

W 3 2

I 7 6

A 3 2

Ld 9 9

Sv 5+ 5+

Wargear: • Splinter pistol • Close combat weapon • Plasma grenades • Hell Mask

Unit Type: • Infantry

Special Rules: • Fleet • Slave Raiders • Twisted Minds • Independent Character

Mounted Assault: If an Archon takes a seeker jetbike, you may take Seeker Jetbike Squads as Troops.

Retinue: The lord of the kabal may take a kabal retinue. The retinue does not count against your HQ allowance.

KABAL RETINUE………………………...……………..40 points

Incubus Incubus Master Warrior

WS BS 5 4 5 4 4 4

S 3 3 3

T 3 3 3

W 1 1 1

I 5 6 5

A 1 2 1

Ld 8 9 8

Sv 3+ 3+ 5+

Unit Composition: • 5 Warriors

Unit Type: • Infantry

Wargear: • Splinter rifle • Close combat weapon • Plasma grenades

Special Rules: • Fleet of Foot (Warriors only) • Slave Raiders • Twisted Minds

Dedicated Transport: May select a Raider (see Dedicated Transports for points cost).

Page 3 Unit Options: • The Dracon may be upgraded to an Archon.............................................+25 pts Model Options: • Replace the splinter pistol and/or blade with one of the following: - splinter rifle or splinter - poisoned blade...........................+5 pts - agoniser....................................+20 pts - punisher & tormentor helm.......+25 pts • Replace the hell mask with one of the following: - vexantrope..................................+5 pts - mask of the damned.................+10 pts • Take trophy rack..............................+2 pts • Take haywire grenades...................+3 pts • Take gruesome decorations............+4 pts • Take poisoned ammo......................+4 pts • Take soul seeker ammo..................+4 pts • Take archangel of pain....................+5 pts • Take terrorfex................................+10 pts • Take xenospasm...........................+15 pts • Take crucible of malediction..........+20 pts • Take combat drugs........................+25 pts • Take seeker jetbike........................+25 pts • Take shadow field..........................+25 pts • Take webway portal.......................+50 pts

Page 5 Unit Options: • May include up to five additional warriors .......................................+8 pts per model • All Warriors in the squad may take: - haywire grenades......+4 pts per model - soul seeker ammo.....+4 pts per model - poisoned ammo.........+4 pts per model • Any Warrior may be upgraded to an incubus with a punisher and a tormentor helm..............+17 pts per model • One incubus can be upgraded to an incubus master…...…...+10 pts per model Model Options: • Warriors may replace their splinter rifle with a splinter pistol or • The Incubus Master may take: - gruesome decorations................+4 pts

Dark Eldar Army List


HQ WYCH QUEEN............................................................ 45 points

Wych Archite Wych Dracite

WS BS 6 6 5 5

S 3 3

Unit Composition: • 1 Dracite

T 3 3

W 3 2

I 8 7

A 3 2

Ld 9 9

Sv 6+ 6+

Unit Type: • Infantry

Wargear: • Splinter pistol • Close combat weapon • Plasma grenades

Special Rules: • Fleet of Foot • Slave Raiders • Twisted Minds • Independent Character • Wych Tactics Mastery • Evasive

Cult Assault: If a Wych Archite is taken on foot, you may take Wych Squads as Troops.

Retinue: The Wych Queen may select a Wych Squad as her retinue if not taking a skyboard or jetbike. The retinue does not count against your Elites allowance.

If a Wych Archite takes a skyboard, you may take Hellion Squads of at least 5 models as Troops.

HAEMONCULUS........................................................ 32 points


WS BS 4 4

S 3

T 4

W 2

I 4

A 2

Ld 8

Unit Composition: • 1 Haemonculus

Unit Type: • Infantry

Wargear: • Paralyzer • Scissorhand • Hell mask

Special Rules: • Fleet of Foot • Slave Raiders • Twisted Minds • Independent Character • Skilled Torturer

Sv 4+

Retinue: Each Haemonculus may take a squad of 3-5 grotesques as a retinue if he or she does not take a skyboard or jetbike. The retinues do not count against your Elites allowance. Haemonculi and their retinues may join other units using the rules for Independent Characters.

Page 3 Unit Options: • The Dracite may be upgraded to an Archite.............................................+25 pts Model Options: • Replace blade with: - poisoned blade...........................+5 pts - hellglaive...................................+10 pts - agoniser....................................+20 pts • Take trophy rack..............................+2 pts • Take haywire grenades...................+3 pts • Take gruesome decorations............+4 pts • Take poisoned ammo......................+4 pts • Take soul seeker ammo..................+4 pts • Take archangel of pain....................+5 pts • Take goblet of spite.........................+5 pts • Take terrorfex................................+10 pts • Take xenospasm...........................+15 pts • Take crucible of malediction..........+20 pts • Take combat drugs........................+25 pts • Take webway portal.......................+50 pts • May choose one of the following: - skyboard...................................+15 pts - reaver jetbike............................+30 pts

Page 4 Unit Options: • Add up to two additional Haemonculi .......................................+32 pts per model Model Options: • Replace paralyzer with: - stinger.........................................+5 pts - destructor..................................+10 pts • Replace the hell mask with one of the following: - vexantrope..................................+5 pts - mask of the damned.................+10 pts • Take trophy rack..............................+2 pts • Take haywire grenades...................+3 pts • Take gruesome decorations............+4 pts • Take archangel of pain....................+5 pts • Take terrorfex................................+10 pts • Take xenospasm...........................+15 pts • Take crucible of malediction..........+20 pts • Take nightmare doll.......................+20 pts • Take shadow field..........................+25 pts • Take combat drugs........................+25 pts • Take webway portal.......................+50 pts • May choose one of the following: - skyboard...................................+15 pts - seeker jetbike............................+25 pts

Dark Eldar Army List


ELITES WYCH SQUAD............................................................ 70 points

Wych Wych Succubus

WS BS 4 4 4 4

S 3 3

Unit Composition: • 1 Wych Succubus • 4 Wyches

W 1 1

I 6 6

A 1 2

Ld 8 8

Sv 6+ 6+

Special Rules: • Fleet of Foot • Slave Raiders • Twisted Minds • Wych Tactics • Evasive • Wych drugs

Unit Type: • Infantry Wargear: • Splinter pistol • Close combat weapon • Plasma grenades

T 3 3

Dedicated Transport: May select a Raider (see Dedicated Transports for points cost).

WARP BEAST PACK................................................ 50 points

Warp Beast Beastmaster

WS BS 4 0 4 4

Unit Composition: • 1 Beastmaster • 3 Warp Beasts Wargear: • Beastmaster has agoniser and splinter pistol • Warp Beasts have teeth and claws (extra attack included in profile)

S 4 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 5 6

A 4 2

Ld 5 8

Sv 6+ 6+

Unit Type: • Infantry (Beastmaster) • Beast (Warp Beasts) Special Rules: • Fleet of Foot • Beastmaster

Page 7 Unit Options: • Add up to five additional Wyches .....................................+13 pts per model • The entire squad may take: - haywire grenades......+3 pts per model - poisoned ammo.........+4 pts per model Model Options: • Replace up to two Wyches’ splinter pistols with one of the following: - blaster.........................................+5 pts - shredder......................................+5 pts • The Wych Succubus may replace the close combat weapon with: - poisoned blade...........................+5 pts - hellglaive.....................................+5 pts - agoniser....................................+20 pts • Take trophy rack..............................+2 pts • Take haywire grenades...................+3 pts • Take gruesome decorations............+4 pts • Take poisoned ammo......................+4 pts • Take archangel of pain....................+5 pts • Take goblet of spite.........................+5 pts • Take terrorfex................................+10 pts • Take xenospasm...........................+15 pts • Take crucible of malediction..........+20 pts • Take combat drugs........................+25 pts • Take webway portal.......................+50 pts

Page 6 Options: • Add up to seven additional Warp Beasts .....................................+12 pts per model

Attractions of the Wych Cult: One warp beast pack may be chosen for each wych squad in the army (including those taken as retinues). Warp beast packs do not count against your Elites allowance. Warp beast packs may join with wych squads.

Dark Eldar Army List


ELITES MANDRAKE SQUAD................................................ 110 points

Mandrake Mandragora

WS BS 4 0 4 0

S 3 3

Unit Composition: • 1 Mandragora • 4 Mandrakes

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 5 5

A 1 2

Ld 8 8

Sv 5+ 5+

Unit Type: • Infantry Special Rules: • Fleet of Foot • Slave Raiders • Twisted Minds • Shadow-skinned • Hidden Deployment • Dangerous Motives

Wargear: • Two mandrake claws

GROTESQUE SQUAD.............................................. 45 points


WS BS 4 0

Unit Composition: • 3 Grotesques Unit Type: • Infantry Special Rules: • Twisted Minds • Mutilated • Mindless • Terrifying

S 4

T 3

W 1

I 4

A 2

Ld 5

Sv 5+

Page 6 Unit Options: • Add up to five additional Mandrakes .....................................+18 pts per model Model Options: • The Mandragora may replace his mandrake claws with one of the following: - two poisoned - two agonisers............................+10 pts • The Mandragora may take: - trophy rack..................................+2 pts - gruesome decorations................+4 pts

Page 6 Options: • Add up to seven additional Grotesques ......................................+15 pts per model

Wargear: • Mutated claws and grafted blades (close combat weapons, additional attack included in profile)

Dedicated Transport: May select a Raider (see Dedicated Transports for points cost).

Dark Eldar Army List


TROOPS WARRIOR SQUAD.....................................................45 points

Warrior Sybarite

WS BS 4 4 4 4

Unit Composition: • 1 Warrior Sybarite • 4 Warriors

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 5 5

A 1 2

Ld 8 8

Sv 5+ 5+

Special Rules: • Fleet of Foot • Slave Raiders • Twisted Minds

Unit Type: • Infantry

Wargear: • Splinter rifle • Close combat weapon • Plasma grenades Dedicated Transport: May select a Raider (see Dedicated Transports for points cost).

Page 8 Unit Options: • Add up to 15 additional Warriors ........................................+8 pts per model Model Options: • Replace any splinter rifle with: - splinter shotgun or pistol......…… • Replace one splinter rifle with: - blaster or shredder......................+5 pts • Replace one splinter rifle with: - dark lance or splinter cannon....+10 pts • If the squad numbers 11+ models, one Warrior may replace a splinter rifle with: - blaster or shredder......................+5 pts • If the squad numbers 11+ models, one Warrior may replace a splinter rifle with: - dark lance or splinter cannon....+10 pts • Replace Sybarite’s blade with on of the following: - poisoned blade...........................+5 pts - agoniser....................................+20 pts • The Sybarite may take: - trophy rack..................................+2 pts - haywire grenades.......................+3 pts - gruesome decorations................+4 pts - terrorfex....................................+10 pts - combat drugs............................+25 pts - webway portal...........................+50 pts

DEDICATED TRANSPORTS RAIDER..........................................................................35 points ARMOR


BS 4

Front 10

Side 10

Rear 10

Unit Composition: • 1 Raider

Wargear: None

Unit Type: • Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer, Open-topped)

Transport Capacity: Ten models

Page 8 Options: • May choose one of the following: - blaster.........................................+5 pts - shredder......................................+5 pts - splinter cannon.........................+10 pts - dark lance.................................+10 pts - disintegrator..............................+15 pts • May choose one of the following: - slave snares..............................+10 pts - torture amp.................................+5 pts • Take corpse adornments.................+5 pts • Take harpoon lines..........................+5 pts • Take horrofex...................................+5 pts • Take scythes....................................+5 pts • Take stabilizers................................+5 pts • Take darkstar engine.....................+10 pts • Take night shield............................+10 pts • Take screaming jets.......................+10 pts

Dark Eldar Army List


FAST ATTACK SEEKER JETBIKE SQUAD.................................... 95 points

Seeker Warrior Seeker Sybarite

WS BS 4 4 4 4

Unit Composition: • 1 Seeker Sybarite • 4 Seeker Warriors Unit Type: • Eldar Jetbike

S T W 3 3(4) 1 3 3(4) 1

I 5 5

A 1 2

Ld 8 8

Sv 4+ 4+

Special Rules: • Slave Raiders • Twisted Minds Wargear: • Seeker jetbike (included in profile) • Splinter shotgun • Soul seeker ammo • Plasma grenades

REAVER JETBIKE SQUAD.................................... 105 points WS BS S T W Reaver Wych 4 4 3(4) 3(4) 1 Reaver Succubus 4 4 3(4) 3(4) 1

I 6 6

A 2 3

Unit Composition: • 1 Reaver Succubus • 4 Reaver Wyches

Special Rules: • Slave Raiders • Twisted Minds • Reaver drugs

Unit Type: • Eldar Jetbike

Wargear: • Reaver jetbike (included in profile) • Splinter pistol • Plasma grenades

Ld 8 8

Sv 4+ 4+

Page 8 Unit Options: • Add up to 5 additional Seeker Warriors ……………………..…....+16 pts per model Model Options: • Replace up to two jetbikes’ splinter rifles with a splinter cannon...................+10 pts • If the squad numbers 10 models, replace up to two jetbike’s splinter rifles one of the following: - splinter cannon.........................+10 pts - dark lance.................................+15 pts • The Seeker Sybarite may take: - trophy rack..................................+2 pts - haywire grenades.......................+3 pts - gruesome decorations................+4 pts - poisoned blade...........................+5 pts - terrorfex....................................+10 pts - combat drugs............................+25 pts

Page 9 Unit Options: • Add up to 5 additional Reaver Wyches ……………………..…....+18 pts per model Model Options: • Replace up to two Wyches’ splinter pistols with blasters or shredders ......................................................+10 pts • If the squad numbers 10 models, replace one Wych’s splinter pistol with a blaster or shredder....................................+10 pts • The Reaver Succubus may choose one of the following: - poisoned blade...........................+5 pts - agoniser....................................+20 pts • The Reaver Succubus may take: - haywire grenades.......................+3 pts - gruesome decorations................+4 pts - poisoned ammo..........................+4 pts - goblet of spite.............................+5 pts - terrorfex....................................+10 pts - combat drugs............................+25 pts

Dark Eldar Army List


FAST ATTACK HELLION SQUAD...................................................... 90 points WS BS Hellion Wych 4 4 Hellion Succubus 4 4

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 6 6

Unit Composition: • 1 Hellion Succubus • 4 Hellion Wyches

Unit Type: • Jump infantry

Wargear: • Skyboard • Hellglaive

Special Rules: • Slave Raiders • Twisted Minds • Evasive • Hellion drugs

A 1 2

Ld 8 8

Sv 6+ 5+ 6+ 5+

Page 10 Unit Options: • Add up to 5 additional Hellion Wyches ……………………..…....+16 pts per model • The entire squad may take haywire grenades........................+3 pts per model Model Options: • Replace up to two Wyches’ hellglaives with shredders...............................+10 pts • The Hellion Succubus may replace hellglaive with one of the following: - splinter pistol, poisoned blade....+5 pts - splinter pistol, agoniser.............+20 pts • The Hellion Succubus may take: - trophy rack..................................+2 pts - haywire grenades.......................+3 pts - gruesome decorations................+4 pts - poisoned ammo..........................+4 pts - goblet of spite.............................+5 pts - terrorfex....................................+10 pts - net slinger.................................+15 pts - combat drugs............................+25 pts

Dark Eldar Army List


HEAVY SUPPORT SCOURGE SQUAD....................................................80 points

Scourge Warrior Scourge Sybarite

WS BS 4 4 4 4

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 5 5

Unit Composition: • 1 Scourge Sybarite • 4 Scourge Warriors

Unit Type: • Jump Infantry

Wargear: • Splinter rifle • Close combat weapon • Plasma grenades • Haywire grenades

Special Rules: • Fleet of Foot • Slave Raiders • Twisted Minds

A 1 2

Ld 8 8

Sv 5+ 5+


Unit Composition: • 1 Talos Wargear: • Talos Sting • Crushing claws

S 7

T 7

W 3

I 4

Unit Options: • Add up to 5 additional Scourge Warriors ......................................+14 pts per model • The entire squad may take: - soul seeker ammo.....+4 pts per model Model Options: • Replace splinter rifle with: - splinter shotgun or pistol......…… • Replace up to three splinter rifles with one of the following: - blaster.........................................+5 pts - splinter cannon.........................+10 pts - dark lance.................................+10 pts • If the squad numbers 10 models, replace up to three splinter rifles with one of the following: - blaster.........................................+5 pts - splinter cannon.........................+10 pts - dark lance.................................+10 pts • Replace Scourge Sybarite’s blade with one of the following: - poisoned blade...........................+5 pts - agoniser....................................+20 pts • The Scourge Sybarite may take: - trophy rack..................................+2 pts - gruesome decorations................+4 pts - terrorfex....................................+10 pts - combat drugs............................+25 pts - webway portal...........................+50 pts

TALOS............................................................................ 100 points WS BS 5 3

Page 11

A Ld 3+D3 –

Sv 3+

Page 12 Options: • May take scream channels ......................................................+20 pts

Unit Type: • Monstrous Creature Special Rules: • Fearless • Twisted Minds • Hover

Dark Eldar Army List


HEAVY SUPPORT RAVAGER..................................................................... 115 points ARMOR


BS 4

Unit Composition: • 1 Raider Unit Type: • Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer, Open-topped)

Front 11

Side 11

Rear 10

Wargear: • 3 dark lances

Page 11 Options: • Replace any dark lance with a disintegrator ........................................................+5 pts • Take corpse adornments.................+5 pts • Take horrofex...................................+5 pts • Take scythes....................................+5 pts • Take torture amp.............................+5 pts • Take dark veil................................+10 pts • Take darkstar engine.....................+10 pts • Take night shield............................+10 pts • Take screaming jets.......................+10 pts

Dark Eldar Army List
















3 7










1 5





Dark Avatar





4 7


10 4+2+







2 6










1 4










2 4





Hellion Succubus





1 6


8 6+ 5+


Hellion Wych





1 6


8 6+ 5+







1 5





Incubus Master





1 5










1 5










1 5





Reaver Succubus


4 3(4) 3(4) 1 6





Reaver Wych


4 3(4) 3(4) 1 6









1 5





Seeker Sybarite




3(4) 1 5





Seeker Warrior




3(4) 1 5









1 5















Wych Sybarite


Wych Archite Wych Dracite



Archangel of Pain

Template –

Assault 1*





Assault 1 Lance

Blackfire Lightning




Heavy 1 Blast, Lance, Arcing*


Template 4


Assault 1

Dark lance



Heavy 1 Lance



Disintegrator – choose one of the modes below 7 4

2 3

Heavy 1 Blast Heavy 3

Dragon’s Breath

Template 4


Assault 1 Melta (within 6”)





Assault 3

Net Slinger


Assault 1 Large Blast*



X –






Assault 1 Blast



Splinter pistol





3 4 3+D3 –



Splinter cannon




Assault 4


1 5





Splinter rifle




Assault 1



1 6








1 6





Splinter shotgun



Assault 3*





3 8







X –






2 7





Talos Sting


X 5

Assault D3*



Assault 1 Blast*





Assault 1 Blast*


VEHICLES Raider Ravager


Front 10 11

Side 10 11

36” 24”

*These weapons have have additional rules. See their descriptions on pages 16-18 for more details.


Maximal Sustained

Rear 10 10

ARMOR Asdrubael Vect

WS BS S 6 6 4

Front 11(14)

Side 11(14)

Rear 10(14)

I A 7 5

Dark Eldar Army List


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