Family health problem
Family nursing problem
Goal of plan
Objective of care Nursing intervention
Asthma as health deficit
Inability to make decision with respect to appropriate health action due to lack of knowledge.
- may identify the problem condition after nursing intervention. -family will take a necessary action to prevent or properly manage asthma.
After 2-3 days of nursing intervention the client will be able to: -monitor their condition and take actions which will improve their health. -identify and avoid the factors that causes asthma. -identify preventive measures and manage when asthma occurs. -to encourage to continue taking presumptive measures.
1. provide -Home visit information -clinic visit about health -interview deficit. 2. to improve the health of the family. 3. to prevent and manage asthma. 4. to maintain healthy condition. 5. for continuing taking the preventive measures.
1. broaden knowledge for the family about asthma. 2. discuss the effect of asthma in the body, preventive measures, proper management and treatments. 3. discuss the factors causing asthma, its signs and symptoms. 4. discuss complications of asthma in the body and daily living. 5. encourage positive attitude
Method of family contact
Resources required
-visual aids -human resources and family resources -money -time
Achieved, as the client identify the problem and the condition of the said problem and took necessary action to prevent and manage when asthma occurs.
Family health problem
Family nursing problem
Goal of plan
Objective of care
Nursing intervention
Method of family contact
Inadequate food intake both quantity and quality
Inability to recognize the presence of the condition or problem due to lack of or inadequate knowledge.
After the 2-3 days of nursing intervention -the family especially the children's nutritional state will improve. -the children will be able to gain weight at least 2lbs per month. -to budget family income.
After the 2-3 days of nursing intervention the client will be able to: -avail itself of food supplement. -plan and prepare balanced meal within the family's budget. -feed children according to agreed upon quantity and quality of food and manner feeding. -make children weight increase at least 2lbs per month.
1. discuss the implications of signs and symptoms and its consequences. 2. discuss the reason, inquire about and observe the family's food selection,prepar ation and eating habit. 3. discuss courses of action open to them. 4. explore with the family better ways of budgeting family income. 5. develop the skills of family members on proper food selection, preparations and feeding practices utilizing low cost menus and
1. to provide Home visit information. clinic visit 2. to explore interview the possibility of arranging schedule. 3. to encourage family members to participate in providing care. 4. to avail proper food supplement. 5. to provide skills for future use. 6. for comparative baseline.
Resources required
Visual aids, food demo preparation of low-cost menus, supplies and equipments for cooking proper food selection. -time and effort both nurse and family. -money
Achieved, as the family and the client improve their nutritional status and able to gain weight at least 2lbs in a month.
food supplement. 6. make proper referral and assess for the weight of each of the family.