Fall Of Rome Eulogy

  • Uploaded by: Eamon Barkhordarian
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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 736
  • Pages: 3
Eamon Barkhordarian

Fall of Rome There are many theories to why Rome had fallen. Many historians argue that inflation caused Rome’s fall. I also agree that inflation caused the fall of Rome. Once Rome started not conquering lands, the flow of gold in Rome decreased, yet still people spent the same amount of money for luxury goods. Soon, people stopped using coins and started to barter, or trade. Because of all this, merchants and sellers raised their prices on their items. Eventually, salaries weren’t being paid in money, but in food and clothing. Taxes were collected in fruits and vegetables. Another cause that historians think led to Rome’s fall was Barbarian invasions. For many years, the Roman army was maintaining the barbarian invasions. But when the Roman soldiers were withdrawn to fight the civil wars in Italy, they left themselves wide open for attack. Eventually, Germanic hunters and herders started taking over Roman lands in Gaul and Greece. Roads and bridges were then left un-repaired and robbers made travel unsafe. Cities diminished and trade and business began to disappear. The last reason that may have led to the fall of Rome was unemployment. Farming in Rome was done in large estates who were owed by rich men who used slaves. A farmer who had workmen, who he paid, could not produce his goods as cheap as a slave-owner could, for the slave-owner never paid his slaves. Therefore, the slave-owner could sell their items for lower prices, and so the unfortunate farmers that could not sell their products could not maintain the farm and had to sell it. Thousands of these people filled the streets of Rome searching for jobs, but Rome didn’t have enough to accommodate them.

Rome had many accomplishments they achieved during its period of rule. For example, the Romans had created the 12 tablets, which were 12 tablets of written law, so that it was in a form for all to see. They used the system of the 12 tablets in the U.S.A today also. The development of the dome was an amazing accomplishment for the Romans in the architectural class. It allowed architects to build very big building without any problems. Today, we also use the dome for many of the united state’s famous buildings, including the capital of California, and the Hoover Tower. The aqueduct was another amazing accomplishment by the Romans in the architectural class. Aqueducts transported water to all parts of Rome. It transported the water from springs and wells to the people in the city. Concrete roads helped unify the empire and improved transportation. The roads also connected cities. We also have roads today to help with transportation and to get from one place to another. Military organization was very helpful during wars of Rome. It proved affective because one unit could easily separate from the main army and surround the enemy. The United States army is also unified to be most effective. This is why we have the strongest military in the world.

Throughout history the Roman culture has been recognized as one of the most productive, as well as sophisticated, cultures of all time. Everything from the construction of their buildings to the way they played games has influenced our culture today. For example, the early Roman written law was carved onto 12 tablets, called the12 tables. The laws were written down as a code of justice to all people of Rome. The principals of Roman law are to this day, the basis of many codes of law for European countries and also for America. The dome was another influence to the world. Rome learned how to use the arch and columns from other large groups. The architects could build the dome on the ground, and then hoist it to the top of the building once the structure was completed. The dome allowed architects to build big structures. Today, we still use dome for many of the buildings in America, like the California State Capital. And finally, the network of concrete roads helped unify the Empire and improve transportation. The roads connected together the cities of Rome. Some say that Rome had made more than 50,000 miles of roads, and some that are still in use today. And now, everywhere around the world, there are concrete roads also, to help us get form one place to the next. So without the Romans, where would we be?

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