Eyefortravel - Travel Distribution - Central & Eastern Europe (2008)

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Meet, network and do business with the leading travel professionals from Central & Eastern Europe

save €100 Early bird exp ires on 15th October 2008

Travel Distribution

Central & Eastern Europe 2008 19-20 November, Angelo Hotel, Prague

How To Sell and Distribute Travel in Central & Eastern Europe Central-Eastern Europe’s annual meeting place for the leaders in travel marketing, pricing and distribution Attend this conference to: • Understand the Changing Relationship Between Suppliers, Intermediaries and 3rd Party Sites in

Just imagine what you could learn from these industry leaders!

Central Eastern Europe region

• Learn how to distribute your travel products across distinctive CEE markets and understand the needs of CEE Travel Consumers • Hear about online vs offline share - What factors will define the future of travel distribution landscape?

• Find out how fast are hotel online bookings growing in CEE region and what are the main opportunities and challenges

• Hear which channels are worth investing in and what travel products have the best prospects in this fragmented market

• Learn about latest marketing & distribution strategies for hotels and airlines Sponsored By:

MEDIA PARTNERS spółka akcyjna

Give this brochure to a colleague who might be interested if it doesn’t apply to you!

REGISTER NOW at www.eyefortravel.com/tdcee

Great conference, many interesting presentations” Mateja Susnik, Kompas


4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Miss This Event:

Topics Relevant to Your Business This event is designed to allow you to understand the overall distribution structure in Central & Eastern Europe. Over the course of two informationpacked days, you will experience a wide range of thought provoking sessions designed to stimulate and inform. The conference will begin with expert keynotes on how travel distribution has evolved in Central Eastern Europe. We will have a closer look at changing relationship between suppliers, intermediaries and 3rd party sites and try to understand what purchasing trends tell us about the future of travel distribution in CEE region. This session will also help you how to identify the right distribution partners for your travel product.

The number of online bookings is constantly growing, as the online market currently makes up just 12% of the total travel market in CEE countries you cannot ignore vast potential of your offline market. Do you know which offline marketing techniques work best for you? During this conference you will hear the professional tips that will help you to target offline markets in CEE and ensure that the online strategies are complementing your offline campaigns.


The global trend in online travel is hitting Central & Eastern Europe in a big way. The internet is re-defining the way customers research and book travel, and creating a whole host of critical business issues, challenges and hurdles to overcome. In comparision to Western Europe, internet and broadband penetration in Central & Eastern Europe is still very low, posing a structural barrier to immediate growth in online bookings, however, both the travel and e-commerce markets are set to grow tremendously over the next few years. Looking at Euros spent per online travel buyer, Eastern Europeans buyers spent an average of €1,260 in 2007, second only to the UK! The main questions that need to be answered are: how will the growth of online travel affect the future of the market in CEE region, what challenges does e-commerce represent and how does CEE online market differ from other regions.

High Quality Speakers: Regarding all CEE markets as one region is a common mistake as each market has its own set of distinct characteristics that makes it unique from the rest. That’s why we have invited speakers from across the region who will give you insight into this highly fragmented market.


Ample Networking Opportunities We will run an online contact centre to enable you to organize meetings in advance and touch base with those crucial contacts. It will be up and running before the event so you can make initial contact and after the event to catch up with people you missed. By limiting the number of e-mails we’ll ensure you only hear from potential partners and avoid spam.

Our conference brings together more than 20 speakers from: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and the UK.


Interactive Participation The comprehensive agenda includes all the current top priority issues, as well as providing the latest information and guidance from those companies who are already successfully tackling them. You will hear stimulating, thought-provoking presentations and you will have the chance to get all your questions answered. Each speaker will address the issues on the agenda and illustrate them with real-life case studies. Finally the moderator will generate a panel debate or field your questions directly to the speaker, as this conference is specifically designed to encourage your active participation.

You will end your information packed first day at our networking cocktail party. We know that you want to meet your fellow attendees in a social environment- which is why our networking receptions are always such a great success! Being held in the exhibition hall, this informal environment is the perfect opportunity for you to see the products on offer, meet your fellow delegates and discuss the issues that have been raised.

Book now to secure your place today!

Register online NOW at www.eyefortravel.com/tdcee

Day 1: Wednesday 19 Novemember, 9:00-18:00 9:00-10:30 Session 1: Presentations and Panel Discussion

14:00-15:30 Session 3: Presentations and Panel Discussion

How Has Travel Distribution Evolved in Central Eastern Europe ? Understand the Changing Relationship Between Suppliers, Intermediaries and 3rd Party Sites

Sector Spotlight: Airline Distribution and Marketing Strategies

• What do purchasing trends tell us about the future of travel distribution in CEE region? Which distribution model will dominate? • Evaluate how the costs of going direct compare with the costs of selling through intermediaries. • Who are the major players in this market and how to identify the right distribution partners for your travel product? • As suppliers are working on increasing direct business from consumers, on what basis should they continue to work with 3rd party sites? • What are hotels’ and airlines’ strategies when it comes to increasing direct sales? And how are 3rd parties reacting? • How will the growth of online travel affect the future of the market? • Which channels are worth investing in and what travel products have the best prospects? What are the key trends and predictions that will lead to new opportunities? Marcin Laskawski, Vice President, Travelplanet.pl (Poland) Andrew Pyner, Director of Distribution, Russia and EMEA, Expedia (UK) Radoslaw Dutkowski, Director of e-Commerce, LOT Polish Airlines Evaldas Tylas, Managing Director, Interneto Partneris (Greitai.Lt, Flysiesta.Lv, Bookinghouse.ee) Lithuania 10:30-11:00 Networking Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 Session 2: Presentations and Panel Discussion

Distribution Fragmentation: Learning to Distribute Across Distinctive CEE Markets • What are factors that must be taken into consideration when distributing across CEE? Language? Technology? Buyer behaviour? • Regarding all CEE markets as one region is a common mistake. Learn how to recognize and avoid pitfalls of this region which is a collection of very distinct markets linked geographically • Applying regional distribution models and then adjusting them locally - what are the extra costs that you will incur? Marko Vojkovic, President, Adriatica.net Group (Croatia) Michal Wrodarczyk, President, Fru.pl & Vola.ro (Poland & Romania) Ginger Taggart, Director of International Markets, Disney Resorts (France) 12:30-14:00 Networking Lunch Break

Networking Drinks Reception EyeforTravel invites you to join all attendees as they wind down from a day of insightful discussion, strategic debate and amazing networking.

• Air currently accounts for 61% of online travel bookings in CEE making it the key driver in this market. Is this trend likely to continue or will other supplier segments start to gain ground over the next 12 months? • How are the traditional airlines developing their online strategies? What percentage of their bookings are now made online and how is this predicted to change in the future? • How are LCCs selling to CEE customer? • How to effectively compete with the low cost carriers without diminishing your brand or ROI? • How can airlines increase direct sales and still ensure a profitable working partnership with intermediaries? • With a growing online audience, what are the opportunities for airline websites to sell ancillary products to their direct customers? • Discover how purchasing behaviour differs across CEE region. What payment options are required for different regions? Bjorn Brandt, Head of Western Sales & Acting International Sales Director, Malev Hungarian Airlines Bernard Berger, Director of Route Development, Ryanair 15:30-16:00 Networking Coffee Break

16:00-16:30 Session 4: Presentations and Panel Discussion

Tour Operators and Travel Agents’ Perspective on Travel Distribution in CEE: • How have the traditional tour operators and travel agents adapted, evolved and grown? • What % of travel is sold offline via traditional travel agents and how is this likely to change? • Customers rely on offline market so traditional travel agencies have always been an important distribution channel in CEE. Given the fast changing travel landscape, are travel agents keeping up with the latest trends? • Understand the importance of addressing one to one customer needs and get advice on achieving this whilst keeping costs down Tatiana Kyselova, CEO, Pelikan Travel (Slovakia)

16:30-18:00 Session 5: Presentations and Panel Discussion

Travel Search Optimisation in CEE: How Do You Ensure Your Customers Find You Before Your Competitors Online? • Which regional factors are important when promoting your company via search engines? • Learn how to measure the quality of traffic driven to your site • Search engine optimization vs PPC (pay per click) and CPA (cost per acquisition) marketing - where to spend and how to spend • What search engine optimization strategies work and how can you apply effective strategies across multiple products? Google, speaker to be confirmed shortly Edina Lovas, Marketing Manager, Vista Travel (Hungary) 19:00 Networking Drinks Reception

Group Discounts available - Call +44 (0)207 375 7228 for more details

Day 2: Thursday 20 November, 9:00-17:00 9:00-10:30 Session 1: Presentations and Panel Discussion

Session 3: Presentations and Panel Discussion

Online vs Offline - What Factors Will Define the Future Travel Distribution Landscape?

Hotel Distribution and Marketing Strategies

• The online market currently makes up just 12% of the total travel market in CEE countries. Do you know which offline marketing techniques work best for you? Hear professional tips that will help you to target offline markets in CEE. • Ensure your online strategies are complementing your offline marketing campaigns. • Consumers in CEE countries use the internet to gather information, but traditionally book offline. Is it likely to change? How are online habits evolving? • How does the CEE online travel market differ from other regions? What challenges does e-commerce in CEE region represent?

• How can domestic hotels compete with the international hotel chains? • Direct vs intermediary led distribution - how can profitable partnerships with intermediaries be maintained? • How fast are hotel online bookings growing in CEE region? What are the main opportunities and challenges? • What new opportunities exist for independent hotels to benefit from the reach of the web? What kind of distribution and marketing opportunities can it provide and at what cost? • Is your pricing right? How do you ensure you that you sell the right product to the roght customer at the highest possible price? • How can hotels achieve the right selling price when accommodation is dynamically packaged?

Ninoslav Vidovic, Director of Sales and Marketing, Maistra (Croatia) Paulius Suksteris, Manager, TopTravel (Lithuania) 10:30-11:00 Networking Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 Session 2: Presentations and Panel Discussion

Understanding the Needs of CEE Travel Consumers: How to Target Travelers in CEE Region? Each European market has its own set of distinct characteristics that makes it unique from the rest. Understanding each will help you to ensure you are spending your marketing budget on the most effective channels each country can offer, and increase your sales potential. Learn what differentiates one country from another, and develop the perfect cultural marketing mix. • What do customers from CEE region want? How can you sell travel to the CEE consumer? • Which segments of CEE traveling population are currently researching and booking online? • Hear expert predictions on how CEE consumers will purchase travel in the future . • Learn what is share of online booking vs. offline in each market and for each travel product. Amy Scarth, Head of Research, EyeforTravel More speakers for this session will be announced shortly Networking Lunch Break

Simon Michael, Area Director of Sales & Marketing, Marriott International (Germany) Radka Telyckova, Revenue & Reservations Manager, Crowne Plaza Prague Castle (Czech Republic) Tomasz Janczak, Business Development Manager, HotelProfit (Poland) Ingrida Vaicaityte, Director Revenue and Marketing, Member of Executive Committe, Europa Group Hotels (Lithuania) 15:30-16:00 Networking Coffee Break

16:30-17:00 Session 4: Presentations & Panel Discussion

Technology spotlight: Create and Maintain Profitable Distribution Partnerships with the Latest Technology • CEE represents one of the most fragmented markets in terms of language, currency and web culture. Given this fragmentation, what technologies can be applied across the region? • How do you create and manage online content in multiple languages and markets? Get tips on accurately representing your brand in a multi-lingual environment • Which technologies enable suppliers and intermediaries to maintain mutually profitable partnerships? Hear expert suggestions for technologies that minimize cost and effort • Consumers in CEE region remain dubious about using credit cards on the internet so online transactions are low. Hear about effective ways to build trust and encourage online sales Luka Kukec, CIO, Executive Director IT and e-Business, Kompas (Slovenia) Petar Panayotov, Head of Marketing, TravelStoreMaker.com (Bulgaria)

“Good event-I have a better understanding of the CEE market now” Richard Bowden, Hertz Ireland Close of the conference

To register call Sinead on: +44 207 375 7228

Travel Distribution

Central & Eastern Europe 2008

save €100 Early bird exp ires on 15th October 2008

19-20 November, Angelo Hotel, Prague

3 Easy steps to Register Now! 1. Your Choice of Registration Package

Hotel Discounts

Please tick the package price box you require below:

EyeforTravel have negotiated a special rate for conference attendees wishing to stay at the hotel. More information will be sent to you upon registration.


normal Prices

By 15th october 08

after 15th October

Gold Pass (for CEE countries)*

Group Discounts

Includes: • 2 Day Conference Pass • Report: European Online Travel Report 2008 ** • CD Rom recording of the event proceedings

SILVER Pass (for CEE countries)* Includes: • 2 Day Conference Pass





The sooner you book the more you save! Early bird offers could save you €100, so book soon to get the best possible price. Plus the more people you bring, the more you will save! If you buy 3 conference passes you will receive one free pass. For more details on group discounts please call Paul Lane on +44 (0) 207 375 7597 or email [email protected]

Cancellation Policy Gold Pass (for the rest of the world) Includes: • 2 Day Conference Pass • Report: European Online Travel Report 2008 ** • CD Rom recording of the event proceedings

SILVER Pass (for the rest of the world) Includes: • 2 Day Conference Pass





SAVE €100!

* Eligible countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine. * * EyeforTravel´s NEW 2008 edition of the European Online Travel Report released in June with a section on Eastern Europe. This year´s new and enhanced edition will reveal the very latest travel distribution trends in Europe, present an in-depth analysis of our new research findings and ultimately offer strategic support for travel companies throughout the world looking to target the European market. Price of report if bought separately: £795 (+ VAT where applicable). 128 pages. For more information check: http://events.eyefortravel.com/research/research-and-reports.aspx

All conference places are fully transferable without any charge. Cancellations received before 5pm (GMT) time on Friday 31st October 2008 will not incur a penalty (credit card registrations are subject to a 5 % administration fee). If written confirmation of a cancellation is not received by 5pm (GMT) time on Friday 31st October 2008, we will be obliged to charge the full fee. Please note - you must inform the conference desk in writing of any cancellations on: [email protected]. Whilst every effort is made to maintain the advertised agenda, the organisers reserve the right to make changes without notice.

3. Payment Please tick the package price box you require above: Choose one of the following payment options: I enclose a cheque/draft for:


(payable to First Conferences Ltd)

2. Delegate Details

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Credit card number: Expiry date:


Security Code (3 digits on the back of the card):


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Signature: NB: Full payment must be received before the event

REGISTER ON THE SECURE WEBSITE: www.eyefortravel.com/tdcee

2 days packed-full with expert analysis, case studies and networking

Travel Distribution

Central & Eastern Europe 2008 19-20 November, Angelo Hotel, Prague

save €100 Early bird exp ires on 15th October 2008

“A good chance to network with some key players in the CEE region” Nick Monaghan, Booking.com

Informal atmosphere & ideal venue We expect about 120 people at this event, which is an ideal size for you to network and meet new contacts. If someone is there, who you would like to meet, you are guaranteed to catch up with them, discuss ideas and exchange business cards. Plus, the conference hotel is conveniently located near the historical centre of Prague, in the modern business and entertainment area, which means that you are ideally placed for post conference meetings and experiencing all that Prague has to offer!

THE SPEAKERS: Marko Vojkovic, President, Adriatica.net Group (Croatia) Radoslaw Dutkowski, Director of e-Commerce, LOT Polish Airlines Tatiana Kyselova, CEO, Pelikan Travel (Slovakia) Andrew Pyner, Director of Distribution, Russia and EMEA, Expedia (UK)´ Ginger Taggart, Director of International Markets, Disney Resorts (France) Bernard Berger, Direcotor of Route Development, Ryanair Edina Lovas, Marketing Manager, Vista Travel (Hungary) Google: speaker to be confirmed shortly Petar Panayotov, Head of Marketing, TravelStoreMaker.com (Bulgaria)

Coffee and lunch The backbone of your networking, you will be able to cement new relationships and discuss future business opportunities during two lunches and several coffee breaks

Simon Michael, Area Director of Sales & Marketing, Marriott International (Germany) Bjorn Brandt, Head of Western Sales and Acting International Sales Director, Malév Hungarian Airlines Michal Wrodarczyk, President, Fru.pl & Vola.ro (Poland & Romania) Paulius Suksteris, Manager, TopTravel (Lithuania) Ninoslav Vidovic, Marketing and Sales Director, Maistra (Croatia) Tomasz Janczak, Business Development Manager, HotelProfit (Poland)

5 Easy Ways To Register @ e-mail: [email protected]


online: go to www.eyefortravel.com/tdcee and submit your details for instant confirmation. You can pay directly on the secure site or request an invoice.


fax: Fax back this form to: 0044 207 3757 576

( call: The booking line on: 0044 207 375 7228 * mail: This form to Registrations, EyeforTravel, 7-9 Fashion Street, London, E1 6PX, UK

Marcin Laskawski, Vice President, Travelplanet.pl (Poland) Radka Telyckova, Revenue & Reservations Manager, Crowne Plaza Prague Castle (Czech Republic) Amy Scarth, Head of Research, EyeforTravel Luka Kukec, CIO, Executive Director IT and e-Business, Kompas (Slovakia) Evaldas Tylas, Managing Director, Interneto Partneris (Greitai.Lt, Flysiesta.Lv, Bookinghouse.ee) Lithuania Ingrida Vaicaityte, Director Revenue and Marketing, Member of Executive Committe, Europa Group Hotels (Lithuania)

REGISTER NOW: www.eyefortravel.com/tdcee

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