Eyefortravel - Ancillary Revenue In Travel Europe 2008

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2 days to realise your full revenue potential

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00 savbeefore€142th Dec ‘07

Ancillary Revenue in Travel 2008 20-21st February 2008, Clontarf Castle Hotel, Dublin

Maximise profits with an extra 18% revenue that goes straight to your bottom line Expert speakers give industry leading insight on how to increase ancillary revenue

Ancillary Revenue Experts Assemble

ATTEND THIS EVENT TO: • Hear from companies generating up to an extra 18% of high profit revenue.

Santina Doherty, Head of Ancillary Revenue, Ryanair

Chuck Jensen, General Manager – Delta.com, Delta Airlines

Simon Lilley, Director of Marketing, Flybe

Oral Muir, Sr. Director, eCommerce Global Channels, Marriott International

Lars Sande, Sales Director, Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA

Charles Johnson, Partnerships Manager, Virgin Blue

Jenn Keen, Divisional Revenue Manager UK & Ireland, IHG

Radoslaw Dutkowski, E-Commerce Manager, LOT Polish Airlines

Nicolas Besse, Internet Distribution, Accor

Narasimha Jayakumar, Account Director EMEA, Expedia Private Label

Helen Horwood, Affiliates and Online Partnerships Manager, Hertz

Chris Amenechi, Senior Director, International E-Commerce & Distribution Planning

Vic darvey, VP Distribution and Business Development, lastminute.com

Charlie Sultan, MD Sales, Planning & Analysis, American Airlines

• Discover new high-margin products that go straight to your bottom line and increase sales of your core offering. • Raise revenues by over 10% by integrating essential partner inventory • Double conversion rates on all ancillary revenue products by touching the customer the right way with pervasive selling. • Increase revenues by tailoring your product proposition to your customers. • Send sales soaring - undercut your competitors by 2% by shifting costs and overheads to your customers. • Debate the best way to source, integrate and control your highly profitable ancillary inventory.

Seize this vital opportunity to grow revenues and maximise profits Media Partners


Revolutionise your business - open now for the full agenda

Raise revenues by registering now on +44 (0)207 375 7551

Whatever travel product you sell, with ancillary revenues you can earn more Airlines are raising their revenues by up to 18% at little extra cost by unbundling their fares and selling of additional products on their web sites. The impact on their bottom line is massive and now hotels, car hire, cruises, ferries, tour operators and OTAs are all moving into this lucrative money earner.

With such a wealth of information and opportunity Ancillary Revenue in Travel 2008 will take the industry’s ancillary revenue strategy forward. Make sure you’re not left behind and miss out on these key issues: -

The message is simple: if you are in the business of selling travel online – your revenues could be higher!

See revenues rise and increase customer loyalty by allowing your customer to tailor their travel experience by unbundling and adding additional services. Hear from Flybe, American Airlines and Sabre on how to perfect the balance between offering flexibility and overwhelming your customer with sales. Implement a full mix and match booking system that allows you to shift costs to your customers and come out fighting with a 2% price drop.

With more and more customers buying web direct from the supplier (Europe’s online travel market has grown by 22% in 2007 and 86% of Hotel rooms will be booked direct by 2010) the opportunities for growing your revenues by unbundling, up-selling and cross-selling are enormous. The conclusion is clear: ancillary revenue works and now it’s your turn to take a cut of the profits. Growing ancillary revenue as part of your business model is essential to the survival of your company. But making money is never that easy – what products do you offer, when and how? How do you continue to sell right through the travel trip and how do you assess the risk to your brand if an ancillary product fails to live up to what has been promised? This year, for the first time, EyeforTravel brings you Ancillary Revenue in Travel 2008: focusing on what you need to know to grow your ancillary revenue, boost your profits and become ubercompetitive. The conference brings together the companies, such as Ryanair, American Airlines, Marriott and Expedia, leading the way in the worldwide travel industry. From managing to marketing, products to payment; this conference will show you how to tailor your product proposition to fully realise your profit potential.

TAILOR & UNBUNDLE – The beginning

PRODUCTS – Getting the mix right Own your customers’ purchasing power by being able to offer your customers everything in one place – your website! But don’t just add every product going – hear strategies and get statistics from Ryanair, Virgin Blue and Go Voyages about what customers are buying and how to sell to them without cannibalising your core product. Understand the best practices to expand your product mix to maximise profits, not headaches….

THE OTHERS – It’s not just the airlines… Airlines are championing the ancillary revenue drive – why not you? Web direct bookings are on the rise and your profits could be too. If you can offer customers the products and services they want, at an attractive price, your brand can become their one stop shop for all travel purchases. Suppliers such as Marriott, IHG and Accor are doing this, are you? Hotels, car hire, cruises and even other non-travel brands are diversifying the products they offer and to stay competitive it is essential you do too.

MARKET – The sell, it’s not hard Make the most of your captive customer: Easyjet doubled their conversion rates

by maximising selling touch points along the booking path and travel corridor. Let Delta and Norwegian airlines help you to understand the booking habits of your customers which will allow you to pitch products to them at the right time to ensure a sale. Come away from Ancillary Revenue in Travel 2008 ready to fully commercialise the travel corridor – able to sell multiple products at high conversion touch points.

MANAGE & MONEY – The back office It’s no use offering additional products and services if you can’t deliver them. Managing your new product offerings well will increase customer loyalty alongside rapidly growing profits; being unreliable will damage your brand beyond repair. Look at all the systems and strategies that offer seamless delivery of the total travel experience.

INTEGRATE – White labels and beyond… 54% of your ancillary revenue will come from commission by offering partners’ products so you need to make sure access to this inventory is seamless. The options you have to integrate additional inventory into your booking path are vast. Only at this conference will you hear multiple case studies from Expedia, lastminute.com and SideStep of what is working for the companies who are earning maximum partner commission.

The Product Box Sit back, relax and hear about all the options you have to increase you revenues. Listen to concise information from vendors offering to grow your business. EyeforTravel’s Product Box is a pressure-free environment to help you select the right partner to handle you ancillary revenue needs. Hosted by the airline and hotel decision makers, the interactive forum will discuss ideas to diversify your revenue maximising product mix.

Register NOW at www.eyefortravel.com/arev

Maximise profits with high-margin ancillary revenue Day one: Wednesday 20th February Chairman’s Introduction Michael Smith, SeaMountain Limited

PRODUCTS Presentations and Panel

Tried and tested products to get your ancillary revenue strategy off the ground and new products which offer unbelievable margins • Maximise profits from the big three – car hire, hotel, insurance – examine all the options that you have to source, market and sell for more than 15% commission. • Industry insight into what consumers are buying - expand your product mix with new highly-profitable products. • Profile your customer to target them with precise ancillary offerings that add value to their trip and increase your profits. • Financial services, such as co-branded credit cards, are used by nearly 100% of your customers – learn how to get them hooked on your brand by implementing this big earner. • Double your ancillary revenue with loyalty programmes – learn how it can be your biggest potential earner and increase customer stickiness. • Look at products you can sell throughout the travel corridor, from destination services, events, experience to souvenirs after they return. Santina Doherty, Head of Ancillary Revenue, Ryanair Charles Johnson, Partnerships Manager, Virgin Blue Ghislain D’auvigny, Director of International Commercial Development, Go Voyages Jessica Butcher, Partnerships Manager, Isango! Networking Coffee Break

TAILOR & UNBUNDLE Presentations and Panel

Cut your prices while increasing profit by unbundling the travel experience – give flexibility to your customer to tailor the product to their needs • Learn how to maximise revenue in your most profitable distribution channel – unbundle in web direct and come out fighting with a 2% price drop.

• How far is too far? No airline managers forecasted that free amenities are to become more common, but what price increases your profits without alienating customers? • Perfect the balance between offering flexibility and overwhelming your customer with too many options that will distract from your core product and damage your brand.

OTHER SUPPLIERS Presentations and Panel

Airlines, why not you? Hotels, care hire and cruises are doing it for themselves… • Hear from suppliers other than airlines who are leading the way by up-selling and cross-selling their way to maximum profits.

• Personalisation to profits – engage your customer with the freedom to build their perfect trip by combining high margin ancillary products and services.

• Take back control – why let others generate great profits from your inventory when you can sell more, for less through your online portal?

• Hear from companies who have seen profits soar by implementing an a la carte, mechandised, pricing strategy.

• See how efficient data mining can identify cross selling opportunities.

• Industry leading strategies to maintain customer loyalty – offer a price that will attract more sales but not jeopardise your bottom line. • Maximise profits from your in-house offerings – its there so why not sell it! Cormac Wheelan, CEO, Datalex Simon Lilley, Director of Marketing, Flybe Kyle Moore, VP Product Marketing, Sabre Charlie Sultan, MD Sales, Planning & Analysis, American Airlines Michael Rhodes, E-Commerce Manager, Leger Holidays Lunch

Workshop Merchandising the Direct Channel Ancillary revenue has become increasingly important to suppliers; compensating for increasingly narrow margins and leveraging the value of their online retail brand. To succeed suppliers can borrow from their OTA counterparts to merchandise and cross sell effectively. Datalex and CarTrawler continue to enable industry ‘firstmovers’ in driving the new ancillary business model and will run an interactive workshop session to demonstrate how best to merchandise the air fare; integrate ancillary products and services into the booking path; and ensure relevance of product and service to the online consumer.

• Integrate the partners essential to add value to the travel experience – hear what products are working best for each supplier. • Become a one stop shop where you can truly own the customer and maximise yield from every booking. • Maximise profits from the predicted 86% of customers who will be booking directly on your hotel website by 2010. • Hertz have realised massive returns from their Ryanair partnership - could your product sell more elsewhere? Oral Muir, Sr. Director, eCommerce Global Channels, Marriott International Nicolas Besse, Internet Distribution, Accor Helen Horwood, Affiliates and Online Partnerships Manager, Hertz Networking Coffee Break

THE PRODUCT BOX Presentations and Panel

Interactive Forum Sit back, relax and hear about all the options you have to increase you revenues. Listen to concise information from vendors offering to grow your business. EyeforTravel’s Product Box is a pressure-free environment to help you select the right partner to handle you ancillary revenue needs. Hosted by the airline and hotel decision makers, the interactive forum will discuss ideas to diversify your revenue building product mix.

Call +44 (0)207 375 7551 to secure you place

Grow your brand by offering an expanded product mix Day Two: Thursday 21st February MARKET Presentations and Panel

Touch your customer in the right way to maximise conversions – commercialise your travel corridor... • How much is too much? Get tried and tested information on the level of selling that customers will tolerate. • Understand the booking habits of your customer and what touch points offer the best conversion rates – get the highest profit from every product. • Maximise sales from your web traffic by fully commercialising the travel corridor – sell from the moment they book until after they return. • Don’t cannibalise your core product - learn about the best way to introduce new products and services to compliment main sales, not affect them. • Benchmark against the market leaders who have fully commercialised their travel corridor to sell a variety of products and services across multiple touch points. Chuck Jensen, General Manager – Delta.com, Delta Airlines Lars Sande, Sales Director, Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA Bobby Healy, Chief Technical Officer, CarTrawler Networking Coffee Break

INTEGRATE Presentations and Panel

Connect to higher profits and greater sales with the latest technology to integrate essential partners • Integrate, connect and control – manage the dynamic partnerships that will contribute to 54% of your ancillary windfall • Beyond the white label. What solutions are there for full dynamic integration with your partners? • Essential technologies to give you seamless and cost effective integration while expanding your product mix. • Powerful tools to handle multiple inventories – from multiple partners – whilst maintaining control and maximising your margins. • Get the pros and cons of all the technologies on offer for connecting to your partners and the inevitable higher profits your ancillary revenue strategy will bring.

Narasimha Jayakumar, Account Director EMEA, Expedia Private Label Vic Darvey, VP Distribution and Business Development, lastminute.com Tim Simmonds, Director of Business Development, SideStep Lunch

MANAGE & MONEY Presentations and Panel

The back office – the power to deliver all you have promised…and manage that extra 18% revenue • To be or not to be - that is the question. Hear all the information on the costs and conflicts moving into a dynamic packaging space can bring. • Statistics to convert the non-believers – give your management rock hard evidence of the need to offer ancillary products to stay competitive.

Ancillary Revenue Snapshot 1 EasyJet earning £77m or an extra £3.81 per seat.

2 Increased number of consumers booking direct from all suppliers.

3 Ryanair generating £221m in ancillary revenue

4 63% of airline managers believe unbundling is the future

5 Hotels increasing brand

reputation by offering consumers the total travel experience on their sites.

6 AirAsia’s ancillary revenue

grew by 77% allowing fares to go down 2%

7 SkyEurope generating 18% of revenue from ancillary products and services

• Measure it to manage it – the revenue manager’s point of view. Track, optimise and control your new revenue stream

8 Major brands complimenting

• What’s the best way to take payment for your customers, partners and – most importantly – for you.

9 Predicted 86% of customers

• Get to the nit and grit – who pays for what and which factors play a part in how much you both contribute to this win-win relationship. • Examine the systems available to offer customers mix and match style booking – usability will give you an essential edge over your competitors. • Mark yourself out from the crowd by being reliable and trusted – examine the systems available to handle the pressure that bourgeoning customer demand will place on your infrastructure. Jenn Keen, Divisional Revenue Manager, UK & Ireland, Inter Continental Hotels Group Chris Amenechi, Senior Director International E-Commerce and Distribution Planning, Continental Airlines

their revenue by offering all travel products

booking hotels on your website by 2010.

10 Virgin Blue’s ancillary revenues

covered the operational costs of four of their fleet for a year

Have your say… The conference is specifically designed to encourage active participation and networking. Not only will you hear stimulating, thought provoking presentations, you will have the chance to discuss topics and get your questions answered.

Barry Biffle, SVP and Chief Marketing Officer, Spirit Airlines Radoslaw Dutkowski, E-Commerce Manager, LOT Polish Airlines Craig Cherry, Head of UK Procurement, Cosmos (tbc) This agenda is being updated all the time - visit:


Register NOW at www.eyefortravel.com/arev to save €200

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00 savbeefore€142th Dec ‘07

Ancillary Revenue in Travel 2008 20-21st February 2008, Clontarf Castle Hotel, Dublin

3 EASY STEPS TO REGISTER 1. Please select the package you require: Book before:

Super Early Bird 14th December ‘07

GOLD Includes: Two-day delegate pass, CD of presentations with audio, EyeforTravel’s Sales and Marketing Report


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bronze Includes: Two-day delegate pass.


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silver Includes: Two-day delegate pass, CD of presentations with audio

Early Bird January 21st ‘08

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Please contact Paul Lane on +44 (0)207 375 7597 or email him at [email protected] for more details on group discounts.

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€1195 All prices are subject to Irish VAT of 21%


All conference places are fully transferable without any charge. Cancellations received before 5pm (GMT) time on Friday 18th January 2008 will not incur a penalty (credit card registrations are subject to a 5% administration fee). If written confirmation of a cancellation is HOTEL Discount: not received by 5pm (GMT) time on Friday 18th January 2008, we will We have negotiated a preferential room rate at the Clontarf Castle Hotel, Dublin. Reservation details will be obliged to charge the full fee. Please note - you must inform the conference desk in writing of any cancellations on: customerservices@ be sent to you when you register. Please note there firstconf.com Whilst every effort is made to maintain the advertised is limited availability. So we recommend you book early to take advantage of this offer. agenda, the organisers reserve the right to make changes without notice.

3. Payment Please tick the package price box you require above: Choose one of the following payment options: I enclose a cheque/draft for: €___________________ (payable to First Conferences Ltd) Please invoice my company: €___________________ Purchase Order No.:_____________________________ Please charge my credit card: €__________________ Amex

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Sign up as a gold delegate and as well as gaining unique insight and fantastic networking opportunities, you will receive EyeforTravel’s Sales & Marketing Report including the Ancillary Revenue Report.


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2 days of executive briefings, case-studies and networking s Offer: a m t s i r Ch

Ancillary Revenue in Travel 2008

00 savbeefore€142th Dec ‘07

20-21st February 2008, Clontarf Castle Hotel, Dublin

Meet the people that will change you business The Ancillary Revenue in Travel 2008 conference is an industry first – showing all sectors of the travel industry how to increase revenue and maximize profits. Our speakers have been hand picked for their expertise and the agenda has been developed from months of consultation with them.

Expert speakers give industry leading insight on how to increase your ancillary revenue

The Ancillary Revenue in Travel 2008 conference will be the essential meeting place where senior travel decision makers gather to meet, network and actually do business. Having all the major travel players in one place will get to the root of ancillary revenue and allow you to leave ready to implement the changes that will preserve your business and maximize profits.

Charlie Sultan, MD Sales, Planning & Analysis, American Airlines

And what a better place to meet and do business than in Dublin, Ireland’s beating heart. Come along and cement your new business partnership with some legendary Dublin ‘craic’ in one of Europe’s most exciting and vibrant cities.

Chris Amenechi, Senior Director International E-Commerce and Distribution Planning, Continental Airlines

Santina Doherty, Head of Ancillary Revenue, Ryanair Chuck Jensen, General Manager – Delta.com, Delta Airlines Lars Sande, Sales Director, Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA Oral Muir, Sr. Director, eCommerce Global Channels, Marriott International Barry Biffle, SVP and Chief Marketing Officer, Spirit Airlines Simon Lilley, Director of Marketing, Flybe

Charles Johnson, Partnerships Manager, Virgin Blue Jenn Keen, Divisional Revenue Manager UK & Ireland, IHG Radoslaw Dutkowski, E-Commerce Manager, LOT Polish Airlines Nicolas Besse, Internet Distribution, Accor Helen Horwood, Affiliates and Online Partnerships Manager, Hertz Narasimha Jayakumar, Account Director EMEA, Expedia Private Label Vic darvey, VP Distribution and Business Development, lastminute.com Bobby Healy, Chief Technical Officer, CarTrawler Kyle Moore, VP Product Marketing, Sabre Tim Simmonds, Director of Business Development, SideStep

And to ensure you enjoy your time in Dublin we have secured the Clontarf Castle Hotel where history and culture will mix effortlessly with business as you hear industry leading insight, thought provoking case studies and network with your peers.

5 Easy Ways to Register

Michael Rhodes, E-Commerce Manager, Leger Holidays Ghislain D’auvigny, Director of International Commercial Development, Go Voyages Jessica Butcher, Partnerships Manager, Isango! Craig Cherry, Head of UK Procurement, Cosmos (tbc) Cormac Wheelan, CEO, Datalex

5 Reasons to attend...

@ Email: [email protected]


Meet the partners who will make you realise your true profit potential



Get the information on how to tailor your product for higher returns

8 Online: www.eyefortravel.com/arev


See how unbundling your product can raise margins - and profits!

* Mail:  Registrations, EyeforTravel,


Expand your produuct mix and become a one stop shop - own your customers


Learn how to up-sell and cross-sell every customer


+44 (0)207 375 7576

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+44 (0)207 375 7551

7-9 Fashion St, London E1 6PX, UK

Secure you place today at www.eyefortravel.com/arev and SAVE €200!

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