Eye Of Terror Faq V4 0 1

  • July 2020
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CODEX EYE OF TERROR FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Rune Priest (p. 35) A Rune Priest using The Gate does not benefit from nearby models equipped with a Teleport Homer, as these only aid Terminators.

Codex: Eye of Terror – Space Wolves 13th Company Q&A Since the publication of Codex: Eye of Terror, the Warhammer 40,000 rules have been updated. This document explains how to use the army in conjunction with the new rules, and answers a few questions players have raised. The document should be read in conjunction with the Codex: Space Wolves FAQ, since that document contains a number of clarifications regarding Space Wolves’ characters and Fenrisian Wolves. Wargear (p. 34) The Mark of the Wulfen as presented in the 13th Company army list is not the same as that presented in the Space Wolves army list. For example, there is no proscription from taking the 13th Company Mark of the Wulfen with Terminator Armour or with a Space Marine Bike, as there is with the Space Wolves Mark of the Wulfen. Scouts (p. 34) The Scouts special rule is the same as that presented in the Warhammer 40,000 Universal Special Rules. Independent Characters mounted on Space Marine Bikes lose the Scout ability. True Grit and Skilled Riders These special rules refer to the Warhammer 40,000 Universal Special Rules.

A Rune Priest riding a Bike may not use The Gate (as he can’t transport Storm Claw bikers with this power, it seems logical he couldn’t use the power if he himself were on a bike). Independent Characters joined to a unit that is teleported using The Gate are left behind (they are not on the list of units that can be Gated). Wolf Priest (p. 35) Taking a Wulfen Lord does not force you to take Wulfen as Troops – but if you do, Grey Slayers are unavailable.

Codex: Eye of Terror – The Lost and the Damned Q&A

When using the rules for taking specific Traitor Legions as allies, only one Legion may provide the allies, and their rules will apply to all Chaos Space Marine units. Legion-specific special characters may be taken, so long as the Chaos Space Marine allies are drawn from the correct Legion. Kroot Mercenaries may be taken as allies, but allied units taken from Codex: Chaos Space Marines are not counted towards the number of Kroot units that may be taken. Chaos Space Marine Aspiring Champions (p. 43) The Marks of Chaos born by Aspiring Champions taken from the Lost and the Damned HQ section do not count as the Marks that are described in Codex: Chaos Space Marines. The only exception to this is that they are counted towards the Ancient Enemies rule.

Army Selection (p. 42)

Plague Zombies (p. 44)

The numerical limits set for units in Codex: Chaos Space Marines apply when those units are fielded in a Lost and the Damned army. For example, Greater Daemons are still limited to 0-1.

Plague Zombies are not counted as having the Mark of Nurgle, for any purposes.

Some units from Codex: Chaos Space Marines have special rules that apply to “Chaos” units, such as a Word Bearers Dark Apostle with the Demagogue Ability or the Dirge Caster vehicle upgrade. These rules also apply to all units drawn from the Lost and the Damned army list. Allied Chaos Space Marine units that are drawn from the Troops or Fast Attack sections of Codex: Chaos Space Marines are counted as Elites when taken as allies in a Lost and the Damned army if they are given a Mark of Chaos. Allies drawn from the Codex: Chaos Space Marines HQ and Elite sections and that are given a Mark of Chaos remain in their respective category when taken as allies. Daemons may not be taken as allies from Codex: Chaos Space Marines – they are taken as Elites from the Lost and the Damned army list. Units drawn from Codex: Imperial Guard may not make use of the Regimental Doctrines rules. Units drawn from Codex: Imperial Guard only use wargear, squad options, and upgrades from their own Codex.

Plague Zombies are Fearless as described in the Warhammer 40,000 Universal Special Rules. Chaos Spawn Chaos Spawn are Fearless as described in the Warhammer 40,000 Universal Special Rules.

Codex: Eye of Terror –Ulthwé Strike Force Q&A Since the publication of Codex: Eye of Terror, the Warhammer 40,000 rules have been updated. This document explains how to use Codex: Eye of Terror in conjunction with these changes. Universal Special Rules Where these terms appear within Codex: Eye of Terror, please refer please refer to the Universal Special Rules section of the revised Warhammer 40,000 rulebook: Fearless Ulthwé Strike Force The Avatar is a monstrous creature. © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2004. Permission is granted for a single copy of this PDF to be downloaded, stored temporarily on a single PC and printed once for personal, non-commercial use and only for the purposes of playing the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop hobby wargame. All other Rights Reserved. Games Workshop, The Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, the Games Workshop logo, Chapter Approved, Eye of Terror, Citadel, Citadel Device, Chaos, the Chaos factions, the Chaos faction logos, Space Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Codex, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Ork, Ork devices, Skaven, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Kroot, Necron, Tyranid, the 'In the Grim Darkness of the Far Future' tagline, Battle for Macragge, Cityfight, Warhammer, the Warhammer 40,000 device and all associated marks, logos, names, races and race insignia, vehicles, locations, units, characters, illustrations and images from the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, TM and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2004, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world.

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