Faq 1

  • November 2019
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1. Constructors and Destructors While you create an object if you want to initialise something or do something else, you can use constructors. Destructors in C# comes in two ways either you can call Dispose or Finalise method orelse you can leave this to CLR. 2. Byval and Byref ByVal: Instance of the variable will go. Nothing will happen to the source ByRef: Address of the variable will go. The passed argument will get changed. 3. Virtual Fns and Abstract Fns Virtual: Overritten base class functions by the derived class can be accessed if its declared virtual Abstract: The functions without implementation. 4. User Defined DataTypes The way of creating a New data type based on the existing DTs by the user according to the user requirement. 5. Struct and Class Struct: The enhancement of an array. can hold different data types. Class: The enhancement of struct. The abstract representation of real time entities. SqlServer --------1.Joins 2.Primarykey and uniquekey Primary: No null and duplicates. Automatic clusterred index. Unique: No duplicates. 3.Master table-without the table we cant run the sqlserver No Without master table we cant since all the sysobjects will be stored in master db. 4.We r creating the table by default some system tables r created what r the tables..? 5.what is foreign key? Referenced from the same or different tables in order to validate(integrity) the values. 6.Triggers and Storedprocedure Trigger: Events that are triggered automatically .Cant be rollback Sproc: Triggered explicitly. 7.Syntax of Delete command Delete from Table where condition 8.while joining the two tables what is the limit of the records? 9.Diff between sqlserver7.0 and 2000. 10.What is view? Give Egs.. View is the virtual representation of table object. A part of a table or join of two or more tables can be made as a view. Its precompiled object and considered more or like a table. We can create Updatable views. Dotnet ------

1.CLR-Execution 2.CLS 3.CTS, Diff between CLS and CTS 4.Datareader and Dataset 5.Transactions-how to create 6.Under the Data Provider what are all there? 7.which one is faster Dataset or DataReader? 8.Memorywise-which one is keep more? 9.What are all the namespaces in dotnet 10.In Array, what namespace we r using? 11.One project how many namespace u r using? 12.what is the diff between html and code behind? In code behind by default what are all the steps are there? 13.what is the advantage of dotnet? why all are using dotnet? Explain?.. 14.When we r using Datset? when we r using DataReader? 15.what are all the access modifiers? 16.what is the diff between protected and private? 17.Declaration and Initialization?with egs.. 18.Without initialization how can we call the methods? 19.Architecture of Dotnet Framework? 20.Diff between Ado and Ado.net 21.How to handle error handling ? 22.What are all the exception in Array? 23.What is Web.config file? what we will write in web.config file ? 24.How to handle sessions in asp.net? 25.what is view state?egs.. 26.Diff between Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect? 27.what is API? 28.What is GAC? What is the benefit? 29.What is assembly? What are the parts of assembly version in order? 30.Diff between asp and asp.net

SQL Questions: 1. diff compostie and alternate key? 2.diff btn unique key & primary key? 3. is primary key has defualt values? 4. diff btn having and where clause? 5. write a query to fetch fourth top salary im emp table? 6.write a a ouput of query? groupby having? 7.wirte a stored procedure to get emp details which takes dept as input? 8.create a view for emplypee ... 9. design a database for .the scernario" one assembly has many parts.... each part are belong to many assemblies"? 10.give a eg for inner & outer join? 11. give diff btwn truncate and delete? ------------------------------------------------------1. bit datatype can hold?( boolean, nulldataytpe) 2. which of the following does not webservice does have ( xml,datset,datareader)?

3 idictionary implemented bywhich interface? 4 .net complier will enforce ( cls,cts)? 5 assembly dose not contain ( souce code,meatadata, mainfest, resoucefiles, datatype) 6.where is shared assembly stored? 7. satelite assembly?( u have write answers for these questions. 8.wht will be the o/p thet interface pgms? (using override, shadows etc) (4 pgms) 9. how will u read xml data from database? (xmldata,auto raw) 10.wite a pgm acessing store prcedure (ie usin emplyeetable)? . VB 1.) Events that gets fired while the form gets loaded 2.) Access Key Specifiers in the Menu Bar. 3.) PopUpMenu 4.) ADODB.Recordset Open,cnObj,CursorType 5.) Form AUTOREDRAW PROPERTY. 6.) Forms Collection -> COUNT 7.) Open Help file on error. 8.) When does Terminate Event gets fired?. 9.) A Control which allows you to connect to remote machine and exchange data using TCP/UDP 10.) Labels DragDrop Event. 11.) Read only property PROCEDURE?. 12.) Error raising in FROM THE ACTIVEX COMPONENT?. SQL 1.) Nested Tables 2.) Table Spaces. 3.) PMON , SMON -> and other process MONITORS. 4.) ER-Diagram 5.) Sp_recompile. 6.) diff between view and table. 7.) Indexes Adv. and DisAdv. 8.) more about indexes. 9.) two way commit. 10) Which normal forms are followed in applications 11.) De-normalisations. COM 1.) Project Compatibility ->diff between No Compatibility, binary compatibility. 2.) Read all the Interfaces. 3.) IUNKNOWN,IDISPATCH,IDATAOBJECT,ISTREAM,IOLECONTROL ETC. 4.) HRESULTS. 5.) OUTGOING INTERFACES. 6.) AUTOMATIONS. 7.) EARLY BINDINGS AND LATE BINDINGS 8.) DIFFERENT DATA RETURN TYPES LIKE bstr etc. as many as 30 questions. ASP && IIS 1.) OBJECT CONTEXT 2.) ASP TAG. 3.) APPLICATION OBJECTS. 4.) WAYS OF CREATING OBJECTS. USING CREATE OBJECT AND TAG

5.) can IIS be installed in NT Workstation. 6.) Is it possible to set the site to a particular domain. SDLC 1.) Comparision between WaterFall Model and Spiral Model. 2.) Black box and white box testing.

1.how will u update dataset to database only with the data that have been changed ? 2.how to call store procedure fron your asp.nwt with return value? 3.how to call a method n in a one class(definition) which inherits from some interface? 4. how will view whether a class is has definition or not? 5.ccw/rcw? why we need this since all are dll we can use in net and other language viceversa? 5.gac/ how u will create a shared assembly? 6.what is interface? 7.client server architecture? 8.which version of iis u r working? 9.types os seesions? 10.if i disable cookie, whether it will affect session or not? 11. what realtionship btwn cookie and session? 12.

1.what is datatype of enum? 2. string is immutaable? 3. c# is mutiple inheritance? 4.what name space is uesd for file handling(io, iostream) 5.what tool is used for gac? 6. wht tool is used forgetting type class library of choose from the com tab ? 7. wrtie code to get all records database t using datareader? 8.whre is metadata found in assembly(manifest) 9.how garbage collection collects? 10.clr is responsible for? 11.execute scalr.. 12.serilazable... 13.virtual.. 14.wht is use of static construtor? 15.what eror error exception throws when..... 16.what anem spce is to indlueded when atttribute....(sys.strributes) 17.difference btwn adstract & interface? 18.which dataset,datatabe is fast in performace in datareader? 19. how will igotot dos from sqlserver? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.what item is added to class when server controls is added to webform? 2.diff between C# & VB.NET? 3. response.redirect?

4. Key pair value in webconfig? 5.custom cntrl function.? 6.what namespace in calling webservices? 7.what namespace is included when webform is added ? 8.getxml with dataset return? 9.which validator does not req. atrribute contrl to validate? 10. sqrt fucntion?. 11.whats wrong in xml?fdfs 12.what happen when new method of base class overloaded , to derived class? 13.what are used for update ?(datareader,DATAAdapterDataset,Datatable)? 14.when u run in command window /t module:sadad net? (exe, dll, netmodule which be prodecd) 15.which method u will call print, render(() costructor while datdaset?

1. ----- is unit of deployemnt ?(asembly..meatadata,) 2.ms use ----- webservidce for serliazation? 3.ms use ---- for remoting for seerlaization? 4. heart of .net frame work? 5. which of following is necessary for req. in ( system.web, server adm html cntrl, client, html control, visual .net web develop tools) 6.is try should must contain one or more catch? 7.msgbox(i) syntax? (correct) 8 dim i, name (option strict is off and option explict option) dim i =1010 as integer msgbox(i); dim name ="dsd"as string msgbox(name); 10. what should u do while end of vb.net (carriage return comma, quotes, colon)? 11 what sholud u do while writing in next line ( underscore, comma..separetoe)? 12. which will be shown in compent tray (mainmenu, imagelist, picture box)? (MainMenu) 13. wht will seen in design window when drag cntrl into design window(notify icon, spliiter, )? 14 what will shown if methoid will invoke pwhan page is visual \display ? (i\onpaint,ondraw,oncall bith 1.3 15 .can namespace has a access modifiers? 16.docking changes with form? 17dim a,i=10 as integer? (false)

18 dim a,s,d,g as integer? (true) 19. dim a,s,d as integer, string,boolean? (false) 20_593 is valid variable?(true) 21.which is root namespace? (system) 22.exception? diff btn exception and error? and exception handling? 23.dim i=10 as interger, asas="sfds" as string? (true) 24.wht is namespace for windowsformcontrol? ( system .windows.forms.controls) 25.why debug file compilations is bigger and slower than real? (because its includes symbols and lote more files) 26.is .net frame work include all software devlopment above the os? (yes) 27.what data is passed along wirh assembly? (managed code, metaa data) ? 28. is .net souce code is automatically converted into binary native code? (no) 29 diff between primary key @ unique key? 30 diff between primary key @ unigue key? 31.When microsoft realsed .net? 32. namespace for remoting? class constructor = type constructor? can overloaded constructor can call default constructor internally? can constructor have private constructor? namespace for contexutil class? marshal object? how to register assembly for using in com? protected? namesapce for xslt class? what readxml will do?(copy schema and values?) for counitng fileds in row? (field count) namespace for filesystemobject class? strong name? can main fn can be private?

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