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It is a relatively permanent change in behaviour that takes place through practice of experience. Changes that take place due to maturation or growth are not learning. Change shoyld be relatively permanent.

Classical conditioning Experiments done by Ivan Pavlov 1890s First trial present food UCS to dog Dog salivate UCR Pairing of bell CS and Food UCS Dog salivate to bell i.e CR to CS




Learning curve: Steep growth in starting Stabilizes slows down w time

First trial CS+UCS No conditioning occurred yet

Test trial after CS and US have been paired a number of times The learning curve is negatively accelerated. Increase later is less than before because there is a limit to the magnitude of the response shown by the respondent.

Theories of Classical Conditioning: Substitution Theory Information and Expectation CS becomes signal for US CS presented US expected lerner responds in accordance w expectation UCS is a surprising event and induces learner to look back through recent memoru,, CS is found in memory each trual before UCS, assosciation formed. Condn response made in anticipation to UCS.

Extinction Not Forgetting CR becomes less freq when CS presented by itself The procedure of extinction is not forgetting because in pricess of extinction there is an explicit method which is presentation of CS alone

Little Albert Theory Stimulus Generalization Salivate at similar.

Generalisation occurs to stimuli that were somewhat similar to CS.

Spontaneous Recovery Decrease in CR may be result of extinction need not be permanent. Sometimes there is increase in CRE map after aperiod of time w no explicit training What has been learnt can also be unlearnt using the same process.

Classical Conditioning: Pavlovian Stimulus Substitution Association ?????what in the heck is this Little Albert Stimulus Generalisation

Instrumental Conditioning Reinforcer: Environmental event or stimulus which increases probability of behaviour occurring again

Negative reinforcer: An event which can be avvoiced by a certain behaviour so that behaviour is repeated ti avoid that event.

Types of learning Motor: Walking etc Verbal: Talking etc Concept: Higher order mental processes like thinking reasoning etc. We know what is what Problem Solving: HOI processes req cog aboities to solve problems DiscriminationBeing able to discriminate and differentate between stimulu and showing appropriate response Principle: Using principles learnt in daily life to manage work effectively Attitude: Attitude is a predisposition which determines and directs our behaviour

Theories of Classical Conditioning Stimulus substitution theory Information expectation theory

Trial and Error Learning by Thorndike Cat experiment

Learning=Errors countered Repeated trials: Errors reduced

Conditions for Trial and Error Learning: Barrier in satisfaction Random active Accidental Success Selection of right response Fixation of right response

Laws of Trial and Error: Law of exercise Organism learns with roactisce Law of Effect Satisfying state of affairs is the key to learning Law of Readiness One learns better when one is ready psychologically and physically to learn

Operant Omission of reinforcement Shaping Schedule of reinforcement

Omission Shaping Schedule of reinsfore Escape learning Avoicdance learning ;;;; rat Seligman: Main proponent of positive psychology Learned optisim and learned helplessness……dog

Insight learning Solution comes suddenly after period after using verios response Perceptual reorganisation of elements Solution generalisation experience

Transfer of Learning Acc to Crow and Crow Transfer of learning Learning in one context and applying it to another Positive Negative Neutral

Emotion Meaning & nature Derived from word emovere which means to stir Eemotion is a stirred up state of organism when we feel agitated Definition Short lived response which helps us to adopt to the opportunities and challenges we face

Characteristics of emotion Specific condn of mind Stirred up state Aroused by certain stimuli Motivation plays imp role Emotion moreintense than feeling Some stimulu may arouse different emotion

Brain emotion Cerebral cortex Hypothalamus Limbic sys

Theories of emotion James Lange William James Carl Lange We feel emotion after physiological response Felt emotion is a perception of bidily changes 10 eprcieve sit 2) react ti sit 3) notice reac

Connor Bard Rxn and Emot are independent 1) Perceive emotion 2) Hypothalamus is active and sends output in 2 dirn a. Internal body organs and externam muscles to produce bodily changes b. Cerebral cortex where pattern of discharge from hypothalamus is perceived as felt emotion Perception of Situation Hypothalamus sends in 2 dirn Singer Schachter Theory

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