[exeter Uni, Uk] Surviving Psychology In Exeter Uni

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 241
  • Pages: 10
Surviving Psychology in Exeter Uni

1. Read journals regularly Make use of electronic catalogue of school library! (mainly EBSCO and Web of Knowledge!) Good examples of lab reports Latest ideas of different fields Referencing techniques

2. Do the readings ALL ESSENTIALs – they are what lectures base on Supplementary ones desirable – broaden knowledge and to be non-judgmental Refer to AL stuff as necessary (they’re just simpler!)

3. Take part in experiments Register for http://www.psychexperiments.org.uk/exet er Hands-on experience Learning to debrief participants Meet course requirement (For 1st year)

4. Essay Basics Intro (why investigate topic and your thesis) Body (Lots of support for the thesis, don’t be biased tho!) Conclusion (Restate thesis and suggest further research areas)

5. Lab report basics Abstract (write it last!) 150-200words Introduction (Basic idea of topic, past research for topic and reason for investigating the topic) Methods - Participants (Recruitment method) - Design (Experiment? Correlational study?) - Procedures (Random assignment? What

5. Lab report basics Results (a t-test? An ANOVA test? Pearson correlation test? What did they show in relation of group differences?) Discussion (why group differences arose? Consistent with past research? Any advantages/disadvantages over past research? Again, suggest areas for further research..)

6. Mnemonics Peg knowledge with funny, emotional stuff! Useful for memorizing facts Make things more interesting!

7. Videos Funny experiments on web! Open lectures by US unis Purchase video series by US Education companies (e.g. The Human Experience)

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