Executive Portfolio Business English 7 201810.docx

  • Uploaded by: Carolina Santiago Martinez Aparicio
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  • November 2019
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Executive Portfolio Business English 7 2017_30 NOTE: You have been assigned four portfolios and one final reflective portfolio. These portfolios are individual and personal. All assignments are to be turned in on the specific assigned date by your professor throughout the semester. Using the Blackboard Discussions Board as instructed, post your video before 1159pm of the due date. Your email and all files attached must be labeled (e.g. Angelapf1). All portfolios, except for the final written reflection, will be turned in as video reflections. Almost all video formats work. The simplest idea is to use the YouTube account. Submitting a private video or format that is unwatchable is like NOT submitting a video. Make sure the professor has access to watch it. Poor sound quality or inappropriate setting will also lower your grade (i.e. bedroom, bus, in a busy area with noises). Portfolio 1 will be a video submission (see below) and will be watched and reviewed by your teacher. Portfolios 2, 3, and 4 will be checked by your teacher but you will do a self-analysis and critique / feedback of one of your classmate´s videos. The teacher will not be giving you direct feedback on these videos although he or she may make comments directly to you, when necessary. More will be explained about this component during the first week of class. Finally, portfolio 5 will be a written reflection that encompasses the whole semester portfolio experience and be graded as 10% of your total grade in the course (the other four portfolios will be 20% of your total grade), which means this portfolio is worth 30% total. Therefore, make sure you do them all and take them seriously.

Deductions for tardiness will be taken accordingly: One day late, half a point; two days late; 1 full point; three days late, 2 full points. After a week of non-delivery, the portfolio will not be accepted. The grading for the portfolio can be found inside the Modules listed in the BlackBoard system as well as Course Content.

Portfolio assignments: 1. (3-5 minute video recording) Spend some time talking with four people who you believe are effective as a boss, a teacher, or some other type of leader. Ask them about their attitudes, values, skills, and knowledge that they believe make them an effective leader. If the mini interviews can be done in English, it is highly suggested. It is also suggested that you record your answers for the reflection. After the interviews, compare the answers to the questions of the four people. What are the some of the similarities? What are some of the differences? Once you have finished the comparison, which areas do you think you might need to develop better? What would you need to change to become a stronger and more effective individual? 2. (3-5 minute video recording) Watch, listen, and take notes on the video series “5 Tips to Improve Your Public Speaking” http://youtu.be/6RDnl3NFgsY . Pay attention to what and how the speaker uses language to get his point across. From the information provided by the speaker, provide an oral summary of the 5 skills presented and how each of these skills could be applied to improve your communication and public speaking. Do not forget to provide examples during your recording of how you can use them in your daily life. 3. (3-5 minute video recording) Watch, listen and take notes on the discussions on persuasive language https://youtu.be/Gk3SPIn_8ns. Pay attention to the manner and means of using persuasion and synthesize the information. Once you have the information together, answer the following questions: according to the presenter, what is the definition of persuasion? What do you think the presenter meant when she discussed the ethics of persuasion? How do the answers to the previous questions influence what an international business major should know and do with persuasive language?

4. (3-5 minute video recording) Watch, listen and take notes on the videos https://youtu.be/NsndhCQ5hRY https://youtu.be/DI4zp7yeuMU and https://youtu.be/wuo13FrNX6g . From the videos, verbally analyze and summarize what you discovered about working in teams? What are some of the key factors to take into account? Though the videos were sometimes humorous, team work can be complicated. How would you describe your abilities to contribute to a group? How could you help maintain a calm and effective teamwork atmosphere?

Final Portfolio (written reflection) After re-watching your four videos, reflect on the portfolio assignment. In your written reflection focus on the following areas:   

Your personal feelings on how the videos went and how you improved during the semester because of this assignment. the use of oral communication and English in your professional life, personal life, and other types of experiences you will have in the near future learning process of the portfolio videos

Throughout the reflection, include positive and negative examples of your portfolio videos. Include clear examples, artifacts, and experiences to share. Focus on the skills and units of oral communication this semester and apply them to your critique (body language, eye contact, pausing, the four speech elements (pace, volume, tone and pitch), emphasis, and speech units).

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