Executive Coaching Mbti

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  • Pages: 41
Executive Coaching & MBTI Presented by Mike R. Jay, MBC Mike is the founder of www.b-coach.com “Developing World-Class Business Coaches!”


REMEMBER Performance = f(person + situation) IMPORTANT! All Types are valuable and NECESSARY STOP Trying to predict and listen!

Things you need to know! • Answers were based on where you were • Your own assessment is more important • Reported type can be different then true type • You may have different ideas of preferences at home and work • Creating awareness is first step

Type & Trait • • • • • • •

Most people confuse them Type is sorted Trait is measured! You can’t have a high T or a extreme J Type is about preference Trait is about behavior OCEAN confuses things!

Hysterical History • • • • • •

Only the good die Jung? People still don’t know what the hell he said Myers-Briggs starting typing the military? Most widely used (misunderstood) Added fourth dichotomy Looking for predictive instruments?

Four Dichotomies • • • •

Extraversion – Introversion Sensing – (I)Ntuition Thinking – Feeling Judging – Perceiving Scores indicate clarity NOT degree!

FOUR PREFERENCE SCALES The four scales are: • • • •

Energizing - How a person is energized Perceiving – How person takes in information Deciding - How a person decides Living - Lifestyle a person prefers

1. Energizing - How a person is energized: Extroversion (E) • Preference for drawing energy from the outside world of people, activities or things.

Introversion (I) • Preference for drawing energy from one's internal world of ideas, emotions, or impressions. • [Note: In a deeper sense, energizing is only one facet of this scale -it's really a measure of a person's whole orientation towards either the inner world (I) or the external world (E).]

2. Perceiving* - What a person pays attention to: Sensing (S) • Preference for using the senses to notice what is real. Intuition (N) • Preference for using the imagination to envision what is possible - to look beyond the five senses. Jung calls this "unconscious perceiving". *[Note: How a person attends to information]

3. Deciding - How a person decides: Thinking (T) • Preference for organizing and structuring information to decide in a logical, objective way. Feeling (F) • Preference for organizing and structuring information to decide in a personal, valueoriented way. [Feeling does not mean emotion!]

4. Living - Life style a person prefers: Judgement (J) • Preference for living a planned and organized life. Perception (P) • Preference for living a spontaneous and flexible life. [Note: An alternative definition of this scale is "Closure - whether or not a person prefers an open-ended lifestyle."]

1300 Community College students

• This is validated type, not tested type. Rounded off. • ENFJ 3%, ENFP 10%, ENTJ 2%, ENTP 5%, ESFJ 10%, ESFP 9%, ESTJ 7%, ESTP 6%, • INFJ 2%, INFP 6% INTJ 1%, INTP 3%, ISFJ 11%, ISFP 8%, ISTJ 10%, ISTP 5%. (adds up to 98%)

Percentages in CCL Programs ISTJ = 18.2

ISFJ = 3.1

INFJ = 1.7

INTJ = 10.5

ISTP = 3.5

ISFP = 1.1

INFP = 2.5

INTP = 6.9

ESTP = 3.4

ESFP = 1.2

ENFP = 1.2

ENTP = 8.0

ENFJ = 3.0

ENTJ = 13.1

ESTJ = 16.0 ESFJ = 3.2

TJ = 57.8, TP = 21.8, FJ = 11, FP = 9.3 [T=79.6] [J=68.9]

And the Survey said… • Once statistics are gathered, it is possible to test the original Myers-Briggs theory that these four preference scales are orthogonal (independent) of one another. Some studies indicate they are indeed orthogonal, while other studies seem to indicate that they are orthogonal with the exception of some observed minor correlation between the S-N and the J-P scales. • There is also a small gender shift in the T-F scale, with approximately 60% of all females being 'F', and 60% of the males being 'T'.

E-I PREFERRED VOCABULARY Extroversion, E Introversion, I ================ ================ sociability territoriality breadth depth external internal extensive intensive interaction concentration expenditure of energy conservation of energy interest in external events interest in internal reaction multiplicity of relationships limited relationships

S-I PREFERRED VOCABULARY Sensing, S Intuition, N ================ ================ experience hunches past future realistic speculative perspiration inspiration actual possible down-to-earth head-in-clouds utility fantasy fact fiction practicality ingenuity sensible



Feeling, F

=============== objective principles policy laws circumstances criterion firmness impersonal justice categories standards critique analysis allocation

=============== subjective values social values extenuating intimacy persuasion personal humane harmony good or bad appreciate sympathy devotion

J-P PREFERRED VOCABULARY Judgment, J Perception, P ================ ================ settled decided fixed plan ahead run one's life closure decision-making planned completed decisive wrap it up urgency deadline! get show on the road

pending gather more data flexible adapt as you go let life happen open options treasure hunting open ended emergent tentative something will turn up there's plenty of time what deadline? let's wait and see...

THE SIXTEEN PERSONALITY TYPES • The two preferences for each of the four independent scales give 16 unique combinations (2x2x2x2), each combination being designated a personality type. The commonly accepted order for describing each combination is given as: Energizing E ---- I Attitude Attending S ---- N Perception Deciding T ---- F Judgment Living J ---- P Orientation

EN’s ENFJ "Pedagogue". Outstanding leader of groups. Can be

aggressive at "helping others to be the best that they can be". 5% of the total population.

ENFP "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of

others. Life is an exciting drama; emotionally warm; empathic. 5% of the total population. ENTJ "Field Marshall". The basic driving force and need is to lead. Tends to seek a position of responsibility and enjoys being an executive. 5% of the total population. ENTP "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 5% of the total population.

ES’s ESFJ "Seller". Most sociable of all types. Nurturer of

harmony. Outstanding host or hostesses. 13% of the total population. ESFP "Entertainer". Radiates attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever. Fun to be with. Very generous. 13% of the total population. ESTJ "Administrator". Much in touch with the external environment. Very responsible. Pillar of strength. 13% of the total population. ESTP "Promoter". Action! When present, things begin to happen. Fiercely competitive. Entrepreneur. Often uses shock effect to get attention. Negotiator par excellence. 13% of the total population.

IN’s INFJ "Author". Motivated and fulfilled by helping others.

Complex personality. 1% of the total population. INFP "Questor". High capacity for caring. Calm and pleasant face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 1% of the total population. INTJ "Scientist". Most self-confident and pragmatic of all the types. Decisions come very easily. A builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models. 1% of the total population.

INTP "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 1% of the total population.

IS’s ISFJ "Conservator". Desires to be of service and to minister

to individual needs - very loyal. 6% of the total population. ISFP "Artist". Interested in the fine arts. Expression primarily through action or art form. The senses are keener than in other types. 5% of the total population. ISTJ "Trustee". Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time- honored institutions. Dependable. 6% of the total population.

ISTP "Artisan". Impulsive action. Life should be of impulse rather than of purpose. Action is an end to itself. Fearless, craves excitement, master of tools. 5% of the total population.

THE FOUR KEIRSEY-BATES TEMPERAMENTS • There are other systems that have been developed to model human personality. The most well-known and oft-used ones are those that divide human personality into four major groups or temperaments. Hippocrates in ancient Greece described the first four temperament system, also known as the "Four Humors": Sanguine, Melancholic, Choleric, and Phlegmatic. • More recently, Keirsey and Bates took the sixteen personality types and categorized them into four recognizable temperaments based on certain combinations of three of the four scales: SJ, SP, NT, and NF. In addition, they named each temperament after the Greek mythological figure who best exemplifies the world-view attributes of that temperament: NF Apollo ("Reach for the Sky"). NT Prometheus ("Foresight") SJ Epimetheus ("Hindsight") SP Dionysius ("Let's Drink Wine")

NF: SPIRIT/ETHICS (Apollo) Key Focus/Emotional Need: Search for Self, and/or Peace and Harmony

Beliefs/behaviors • • • • • • • •

"How do I become the person I really am?" Value relationships Harmony with others - can be very amiable Desire to inspire and persuade Need to live a life of significance Search for unique identity Tend to focus on the good in others Especially abhors "evil", which is anything that violates cherished values • Management Style: Catalyst, Spokesperson, Energizer • Spiritual Style: St. Augustine

NT: SCIENCE/THEORETICAL (Prometheus) Key Focus/Emotional Need: Competence, Knowledge, and/or To Lead and Control

Beliefs/behaviors • • • • • • • • • • •

Tries to understand "whys" of the universe (especially if a 'P') Very demanding of selves and others Goal setter A driver (especially if a 'J') "Should have known" and "Should have done better" (especially 'P')** Cooly objective; straightforward and logical in dealing with others Reluctance to state obvious; little redundancy in communications Work is for improvement, perfection, proof of skills Love of knowledge Management Style: Visionary, Architect of Systems, Builder Spiritual Style: St. Thomas Aquinas

SJ: DUTY/COMMERCE/ECONOMIC (Epimetheus) Key Focus/Emotional Need: Responsibility, Tradition and/or To Maintain Order

Beliefs/behaviors • • • • • • • • •

Conserves heritage and tradition, or establishes new ones Very attentive to details Belief in hierarchy: subordination and superordination Rules: compelled to be bound and obligated My duty is to serve, give, care, save, share "Shoulds" & "oughts"; "be prepared" (see footnote below)** Fosters and creates social units: clubs, church groups Management Style: Traditionalist, Stabilizer, Consolidator Spiritual Style: St. Ignatius

SP: JOY/ARTISTRY/AESTHETIC (Dionysus) Key Focus/Emotional Need: Freedom, Independence, Spontaneity and/or To Have Fun

Beliefs/behaviors • • • • • • • • •

Impulsive Can be very expressive (esp. if an 'E') To do what I want, when I want Action to fulfill my current needs, impulses, not as investment for longer term need Works dramatically and quickly in crisis Hungers for action without constraints Tremendous stamina Management Style: Troubleshooter, Negotiator, Fire Fighter Spiritual Style: St. Francis of Assisi

REMEMBER Performance = f(person + situation) IMPORTANT! All Types are valuable and NECESSARY STOP Trying to predict and listen!

Type Dynamics! • • • • • •

Highest leverage for a coach! Difficult to get, easy to use. Use the Orientation and Attitude Hierarchy of use Most Conscious wins! Dominant explains great deal of behavior?

Type this! • • • •


Dominant = Dominant = Dominant = Dominant =

Your Type_______

__________ __________ __________ __________

Dominant = _____

Coaching Consciousness • “A major issue that is getting practically no attention in the management literature is the reality in many cases the chief executive officer does not have the conceptual capacity to grasp the degree of complexity that he or she must now confront. In short, they simply do not know what they are really up against and what is happening to them and to their organizations, let alone knowing what to do about it. They simply can’t absorb the range of information they should and organize it from multiple sources and focus it on the organizations’ problems in a way that would both become vision and strategy.” Harry Levinson, Why the Behemoths Fell, American Psychologist, May 1994

Using Type in Executive Coaching • • • • • • •

Know your typology or don’t use it! Development concerns type Awareness of type takes time Noticing type of others can help People misuse type horribly! Don’t toss around jargon, keep it to yourself BE CAREFUL with type

Introvert • • • •

You seldom meet the general! Deal through the lieutenant WYSINWYG! Uses energy (extraverts steal it!)

Coaching the Introvert • Closed System of principles—in the box (S or J) • Private–difficult to draw out assumptions • Contained • Building Trust over time (skepticism) • Focusing on one thing at a time (N/S) – Need to process, uses energy-internal Processor

• External Conclusions Only

The big modifier--Extraversion • Why is extraversion so important? – – – – – –

Defines the dominant function Dictates internal energy use—give/get Dictates internal attitudes Dictates closed or open system Dictates WYSIWYG Dictates processing orientation

Coaching the Extravert • Open – permeable—easy to draw out • Trusting • Thinking out loud – don’t confuse with conclusions--External Processing • Don’t know what they think until they speak it or talk about it • Confrontive, debating style

Using Type Dynamics in Coaching • • • • • • • •

Analyze impact of function, e.g. E – I Explore emphasis of J or P Examine orientation to outer world Contrast dynamics with colleagues Explore impact of teritiary/inferior functions Create opportunity to discuss inferior Discuss emergence of non-preferred functions Analyze environments for demand/support

REMEMBER Performance = f(person + situation) IMPORTANT! All Types are valuable and NECESSARY STOP Trying to predict and listen!

@ the edge-Type & Development • • • • • • •

Type @ various stages of development Cognition & affection occur simultaneously Type & subject/object relationships Subject=organizing principle of experience Object=the contents of an experience Blind spots represent our subject experience Coaches help people “change” their S-O

Mike Jay, MBA (ENTP) is a practicing master business coach writing and coaching on business issues relevant to "generati"--generative ideas, people, business and organizations.

[email protected]

These and more opportunities at www.1coachplus.com He is the author of COACH2 The Bottom Line: An Executive Guide to coaching performance, change and transformation in organizations.

http://www.coach2-the-bottom-line.com Mike is the founder of www.b-coach.com “Developing World-Class Business Coaches!”


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