Excretory System Urologists: Dr. Lina Dr. Silvia Dr. Stephanie Dr. Oscar
Main functions of the System § Eliminates Non-solid wastes from the body. a)Urine b)Sweat c)Exhalation
Kidneys n
Kidneys = Main organs of the excretory system >removes wastes from blood, maintain electrolyte, release hormones.
Blood is send to the kidneys to be cleaned and then is returned to circulatory system. Blood enters kidney through Renal artery & exits through Renal vein.
n n
The main parts of the kidneys are Nephrons, cortex (outside layer), medulla, (inner layer) renal artery (blood enters), renal vein (blood exits), (to bladder)
Nephrons-An individual filtering Unit of the kidney. Cleans blood and produces Urine. ( Each filtering unit contains 1,000 nephrons).
Located on the outside layer of the kidney ( Cortex)
Bowman’s Capsule & Glomerulus Both push out wastes, only 1% is released as urine, the other 99% is sent back to the blood & is used as nutrients.
Hoop of Hentle(water is processed one more time to reduce Volume of urine.
Skin n
Most important organ because it protects all the organs in the body.
Main 3 layers: Epidermis-(outer most layer of the skin)Dermis-(Contains Glands and produces elastin & collagen) Subcutaneous fat-(Protects blood vessels and neurons)
Kelatin-(waterproof protein )gives hair and nails ability to grow of the body but maintain shape.
Melanin- absorbs Ultraviolet rays.
Oil Glands in the skin help stop bacteria.
Fat Cells-Protects blood vessels
Sweat Glands- control body temperature, prevents harm movement ,keep skin waterproof.
Because of..>>: A. B.Presence of too much glucose in the blood(diabetes) C.High blood pressure n
Capillary walls can be damaged and made more porous
Nephrons lose their ability to filter the blood
Treatments n Dialysis1.Cleans wastes in the blood through a machine 2.Returns blood to the patients body when process is done 3.Process takes 3-5 hours and has to be done 3 times a week. n
Kidney transplant: 1.Has to be given from a relative because tissues are more alike n Restrictions : 1.cant do any heavy sports, 2.can be easily bruised or infected if injured. 1.