Examville.com Quick Review Of Adenoviruses

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 141
  • Pages: 1
ADENOVIRUSES • Space vehicle like shape • 47 serotypes Human Adenovirus • Non enveloped • DsDNA • Icosahedral symmetry • Apical fibres

Clinical features I. Respiratory - Pharyngitis, Pneumonia, Acute Respiratory Disease 2. Ocular Infection • Pharyngoconjunctival fever - types 3,4,7,14 • Epidemic keratoconjuntivitis - follicular conjunctivitis by Serotypes - 8, 11, 19 & 37 3. Genitourinary a. Cervicitis & urethritis by Serotype 37 b. Acute Haemorrhagic cystitis - In infants & children by Serotypes 11 & 21 4. Enteric Infection a. Infantile Gastroenteritis - Serotypes 40 & 41 Some human Adenovirus cause carcinomas when injected in newborn hamsters, mice or rats. But no cancer in human beings Culture – Virus can be recovered from throat, stool or conjunctiva by culture on Hela, Hep 2, KB. CPE: Rounding & Aggregation of cells with Basophilic, I/N Inclusion bodies “Cowdry type – B”

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