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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 547
  • Pages: 21

Happy Holiday Homes Happy Holiday Homes is an organization, which lets out holiday cottages to the general public. One of its general principles is to be as flexible as possible with its customers. An example of its flexibility is that it allows customers to book cottages for arbitrary durations, not simply multiples of one week. Some facts about the organization: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

It owns no properties, but lets properties on behalf of their owners Happy Holidays have a catalogue giving information about the properties. It collects income from holiday lettings and passes on a 55% share to owners Properties may be provisionally booked by phone until the arrival of a 10% deposit. Deposits must arrive within 7 days of a provisional booking being made. The balance must be paid 14 days before a let is taken up. Some customers make block (multiple) bookings. Completed booking information is stored (archived) for analysis purposes.

Library example

Student Record System

A student record system is used by an institution which offers a computer engineering (BCE), Electronics Engineering (EE) and Telecom Engineering (TE) program. Each program is offered over a period of four years and in each year of the program a number of subjects are offered. Each subject has a name, number and semester in which it offers. Each subject is assessed by examination (midterm & final term) and by some assignments/quizzes or a combination of the two. Each subject is led by a lecturer and may be supported by several other lecturers or TAs. Each lecturer/TA has name, employment number and department. We need to record the marks for each student and for any completed subjects whether they have been passed or not.

Assess assignment/Quizzes

Offer courses <<uses>> Institution


Offer Subjects

Assign subject

Teach Subject


Assess Examination

Request for Course

Support Courses Student

Request for Subject

View Result


Classes • • • •

Institution Course Year Module – Complete Module

• Lecturer • Student • Assessment – Assessment Component • Exam • Course Work

– Marks

Institut ion




4 Year

CompleteModule result : Integer



Structure Lecturer



2..* Module


HasNowCompleted Is offered on

moduleNo : Integer



0..* 1 Student




1 Assessment

1..* Assessment Component

Is Award

1..* Marks


0..* result

grade : char mark : Integer


assessmentNo : Integer

Exam dura tion : In teger

CourseWork handInDate : Date

Is it perfect?

Roadway Transport Company

Roadway Transport Company Roadway Transport Company rents the vehicle in three categories. Luxury Cars, Passenger Cars and Buses. Luxury cars and Buses can only be rented with drivers provided by the renting office but passenger cars can be taken without drivers. The rent of Luxury cars and Buses should be paid before taking them to the rent but it is optional for the passenger cars to pay the rent before taking them to for rent. Car and Bus owners can register their luxury, passenger cars and buses to the rent office. Each owner will be assigned a registration ID. Each customer will be assigned Renting ID. Only passenger cars can be taken for weekly and monthly rents. Customer can refresh the renting status through phone by telling his Renting ID.

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