Exam Study (word 97 - 2003)

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 3

Knowledge of factors that influence the quality of information processing solutions and products. Pages stated here refer to the Year 12 VCE text book: IT Applications VCE Information Technology Units 3 & 4 (Second Edition) Colin Potts Et Al.


Formats and Conventions

Pages: 38 - 44.

Pages: 26, 28, 41, 43 – 44, 130 – 133, 155 – 156, 184.

Efficient Processing

Design Elements

Pages: 151 - 162.

Pages: 25 – 31, 39, 110 – 112, 125 – 134, 164 – 168, 180 – 184, 190 - 191

Data Validation

Pages: 12, 50 – 52, 61, 134.

Audience Characteristics Pages: 15 -16, 187 - 188.

Ease of Use Pages: 137, 185.


Understanding of the stages of the problemsolving methodology used to create information processing solutions and products. Pages stated here refer to the Year 12 VCE text book: IT Applications VCE Information Technology Units 3 & 4 (Second Edition) Colin Potts Et Al.

Problem Solving Methodology Pages: 21 – 33, 38, 123 – 141, 160 – 161, 189, 192 - 195.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Analyse – defining and understanding all aspects of the problem. Design – create a plan for the required input, processing and output (IPO). Develop – build the solution with either off-the-shelf or custom-made hardware and software Test – check that the solution produces accurate and complete output. Document – create a range of user documentation that is appropriate for all users. Implement – install the solution on computers within the organization and run procedures to allow its use, including training of users. Evaluate – establish whether the solution is meeting the needs of users after a specified period of time.

Solutions and Output Pages: 168 - 169.


Understanding of the interrelationships between information systems and their environments. Pages stated here refer to the Year 12 VCE text book: IT Applications VCE Information Technology Units 3 & 4 (Second Edition) Colin Potts Et Al. "If the question is stated as a scenario, then make certain that your response is relevant to that scenario."

For this area of study, you will need to practice some case studies. There are many throughout the book, however you might want to ask your teacher for some other examples.


Application of skills techniques and strategies to recommend information processing solution and products. Pages stated here refer to the Year 12 VCE text book: IT Applications VCE Information Technology Units 3 & 4 (Second Edition) Colin Potts Et Al.

"Brush up on you knowledge of the functions and techniques you used to create your solutions."

Efficiency and Effectiveness

Pages: 108 - 110, 138, 218, 225 - 226, 231 - 243, 243 - 249, 250 - 252.

User Documentation Pages: 66 - 68, 175 - 180, 180 - 188.


Evaluation and justification of Information Processing solutions and Products, and Information System solutions. Pages stated here refer to the Year 12 VCE text book: IT Applications VCE Information Technology Units 3 & 4 (Second Edition) Colin Potts Et Al.

Efficiency and Effectiveness

Pages: 126 - 127, 137 - 138, 153, 188, 192 - 195, 250 - 252.

Hardware and Software Pages: 6, 98 - 104, 154 "Justify hardware and software components of Information Systems and explain how they combine to produce solutions and information for organisations."

GOOD LUCK ON YOUR STUDIES!!!! Email me if you have any questions. If you are not in my class, for urgent assistance, ask your classroom teacher. [email protected]

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