Exam 1 Questions

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Chapter 1 Exam Questions

Which of the following is an example of a prokaryotic organism? a) mold b) algae c) salmonella d) insect e) mushroom The scientific process consists of many steps in a particular arrangement, which of the following has the correct format and stages: A) Results-> Experiment -> Prediction-> Hypothesis B) Hypothesis-> Results-> Theory-> Find Test Subjects C) Experiment-> Watch-> Publish Findings D) Observation-> Hypothesis-> Experiment-> Conclusion Which of the following is an example of a prokaryotic organism? a) mold b) algae c) salmonella d) insect e) mushroom

In Prokaryotic Cells, where is the DNA located? A) In the nucleus B) In the mitochondria C) There is no DNA in Prokaryotic Cells D) In the Cytoplasm which of the following is NOT concidered a level of organization life? A. Organ B. Entire Universe C.Molecule D. Community E. Ecosystem According the Medical plant table in 1.A which plant coinsides with pain relief? A. Willow bark B. Rosy Periwinkle C. Eucalytpus tree D. Foxglove E. Poison Ivy Why is the plant rosy periwinkle so important? A. Because it's pretty B. It is believed to be a source of two anticancer drugs C. It's not, that's why we destroy the rainforest D. It is used for pain relief and fever reduction E. It is a Malaria Preventative what refers to all chemical reactions that occur within the cells of living things? A. Metabolism B. Lipids C. Protiens D. Fats E. None of the above

Which is not one of the seven basic characteristics of all living things? A Living things are composed of cells B Livings things grow and reproduce C Living things have skin D Living things maintain homeostasis E Living things respond to their enviorment What is inductive reasoning? A Guessing B Begins with a general statement that leads logically to one or more conclusions C When facts are accumulated through observation until evidence allows some logical general statement to be made D B and C E Theres no such thing as inductive reasoning

1. What does the first step of the scientific method involve? a. Creating a hypothesis. b. Developing an experiment to test a prediction. c. Making observations and questioning them. Testing the hypothesis until the expected results are found. e. Testing different variables. 2. In which Domain are humans classified? a. Archaea b. Eukarya c. Utopia d. Bacteria e. Pangaea 3. What is a community? a. All individuals of the same species in an area b. All ofthe species in an ecosystem that can interact c. All of the species in anecosystem that can interact andtheir physical environment d. The part ofthe earth that supports life e. A group of similar cells that performthe same function

4. What is the correct order of life as levels of organization? a. molecule, cell, tissue, organ b. organ, community, ecosystem, biosphere c. organ system, tissue, cell, molecule d. organ, organ system, tissue, cell e. biosphere, community, population, individual Which is NOT a basic characteristic of all living things? a. They contain Nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids b. They reproduce c. They migrate d. They maintain homeostasis What is the smallest unit of life? a)tissue

b)organ c)molecule d)cell What is the main difference between a prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell?? a. There is no difference b. Prokaryotic cells are unicellular where as Eukaryotic cells are membrane bound with a nucleus and internal compartments c. Eukaryotic cells are unicellular where as Prokaryotic cells are membrane bound with a nucleus and internal compartments d. All prokaryotic cells are bacteria


What are the four kingdoms? a. Protists, Animals, Bacteria, Plants b. Fungi, Protists, Plants, Animals c. Animals, Bacteria, Plants, Fungi d. Protists, Bacteria, Animals, Fungi e. Plants, Bacteria, Protists, Fungi. 2. What is the smallest unit of life? a. Molecule b. Organ c. Tissue d. Cell e. Individual 3. What is the first step in the scientific Process? a. Hypothesis b. Prediction c. Observation d. Experiment e. Conclusion 4. "All individuals of the same species in an area" composes what? a. Community b. Population c. Ecosystem d. Tissue e. Organ System All of the following are true characterists of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells except: (a) prokaryotic cells are limited to bacteria and archaea. (b) Most prokaryotic cells are surrounded by a rigid cell wall. (c) All other organisms except bacteria and archaea are eukaryotic. (d) Ribosomes and cytoskeletal elements are found in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. (e) Among eukaryotes, plant cells do not have cell walls, but animal cells do. Which of the following statement is not the characteristics of life? A.Living things are composed of molecules. B.Living things use energy and raw materials C.Living things maintain homeostasis. D.Living things respond to their environment. E.Populations of living things evolve and have adaptive traits. What is the smallest unit of life?

A.Molecule B.Cell C.Atom D.Tissue E.Nucleus Which is the right sequence of scientific process? 1.hypotheses and prediction. 2.drawing conclusions. 3.observation. 4.experimentation. 5.designing new experiments. 6.results. 7.revising hypotheses. A. B. C. D. E. What does the first step of the scientific method involve? a. Creating a hypothesis. b. Developing an experiment to test a prediction. c. Making observations and questioning them. Testing the hypothesis until the expected results are found. e. Testing different variables. In which Doman are humans classified? a. Bacteria b. archaea c. Eukarya d. Utopia e. Pangaea What is a community? a. All individuals of the same species in an area b. All ofthe species in an ecosystem that can interact c. All of the species in anecosystem that can interact andtheir physical environment d. The part ofthe earth that supports life e. A group of similar cells that performthe same function What is the correct order of life as levels of organization? a. molecule, cell, tissue, organ b. organ, community, ecosystem, biosphere c. organ system, tissue, cell, molecule d. organ, organ system, tissue, cell e. biosphere, community, population, individual

Chapter 2 Question 1: Anything that takes up space and has mass is________. A.) An isotope B.) matter C.) a covalent bond D.) water E.) A buffer

Question 2: All proteins are made from a set of about: A) 3 kinds of amino acids B.) 20 kinds of amino acids C.) 100 kinds of amino acids D.) 1,000 kinds of amino acids E.) 10,000 kinds of amino acids Question 3: Which of these items is most acidic based on pH level? A.) Urine B.) Baking Soda C.) Battery Acid D.) Human Blood E.) Oven Cleaner Lipids are made up of how many carbon rings? A) 6 B) 4 C) 8 D) 2 E) 10 What is the basis for attraction in ionic bonds? A) Sharing of electrons between atoms B) Transfer of electrons between atoms creates oppositely charged ions that are attracted to one another C) Attraction between a hydrogen atom with a slight positive charge and another atom with a slight negative charge D) A & B E) A & C The earth is made up of approximately 100 elements, how many is found in the human body? A) 4 elements B) 6 elements C) 2 elements D) 8 elements E) 5 elements

What three types of lipids are important to human health? A. Triglycerides, Phospholipids, and Steroids B. Steroids, DNA, and Peptides C. Triglycerides, Amino Acids and Peptides D. Phospholipids, Peptides and RNA E. Steroids, Triglycerides and Amino Acid What are the three size classifications of carbohydrates? A. Starch, Glucose, and Cellulose B. Oligosaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polysaccharides C. Maltose, Disaccharides, Galactose D. Septasaccharides, Lactose, ATP E. Mitochondria, Saccharides, and Fructos What are the two nucleic acids in our cells? A. DNA and Deoxyribose B. DNA and Phosphate C. DNA and Ribonucleic Acid D. DNA and Proteins

E. DNA and Enzymes Cholesterol in blood comes from what two sources? A. Protein and Amino acids B. Protein and Amino acids C. Enzymes and DNA D. Liver and our Diet E. Carbohydrates and Lipids

1. What does the pH scale measure? a. degree of temperature b. hydrogen ion concentration c. blood pressure d. level of acidity e. amount of oxygen 2. A base is classified by... a. releasing hydroxide ions b. having only hydrogen bonds c. having a pH higher than 7 d. none of the above e. both A and C

3. What is not a property/function of water? a. carrying dissolved wastes, nutrients, and gases throughout the circulatory system b. having a low heat capacity c. keeping the human body's temperature stable d. requiring high intensity of heat to evaporate e. having the ability to prevent overheating of the body 4. The bond in which two or more atoms share electrons is a/an... a. hydrogen bond b. covalent bond c. ionic bond d. polymer bond e. none of the above

Chapter 3

What membrane separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm and contains nuclear pores? A) Nuclear Envelope B) Nucleic Membrane C) Nuclear Shell D) Plasma Membrane

2) A membrane-bound vesicle from inside the cell fuses with the plasma membrane and spills contents outside the cell is known as ___________________. A) Osmosis B) Facilitated Diffusion

C) Exocytosis D) Active Transport E) Endocytosis 3) What two components is a ribosome made up of that are organized into two subunits? A) DNA and Protein B) RNA and Protein C) DNA and Vitamins D) RNA and Vitamins 1)What is the cytoskeleton made up of?(the category/categories of fibers.) a)Microtubules b)Microfilaments c)Intermediate Filaments d)All of the above e)None of the above 2) Which part of a cell has the function of packaging proteins? a)Nucleus b)Ribosome c)Golgi complex d)Mitochondrion e)None of above

3) Which is Not the function of plasma membrane? a)Maintain the cell's structural integrity b)Regulate the movement of substances into and out of the cell c)Recognize other molecules and cells d)Communicate with other cells. e) Produce nutrition like protein. 4) Which of the following organelle(s) have membranes?: 1)Mitochondria 2)Golgi Complex 3)Centriole 4)Ribosome 5)Chromosome 6)Endoplasmic reticulum a)1,2 and 6 b)1,2 and 4 c)1,2,3 and 5 d)1,2,and 5 e)1 and 4 Which organelle is the cell's protein processing and packaging center? A. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum B. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum C. Lysosomes D. Golgi Complex E. Mitochondria What is the process that occurs when cells engulf extracellular fluid and the dissolved substances therein? A. Phagocytosis B. Pinocytosis C. Exocytosis D. Endocytosis E. Osmosis

Which of the following is NOT a function of the plasma membrane? A. Digests substances brought into the cell and destroys old parts of the cell B. Maintenance of structural integrity of the cell C. Communication between cells D. Sticking cells together to form tissues and organs E. Regulation of movement of substances into and out of the cell

Chapter 4

Which is Not a function of the integumentary system (skin)? a. protection b. preventing excessive water loss from underlying tissues c. temperature regulation d. production of vitamin A e. detects temperature, touch, pressure, and pin stimuli 2. What are the two principle layers of the skin? a. epidermis and hypodermis b.hypodermis and dermis c. epidermis and dermis d. dermis and subcutaneous layer e. subcutaneous layer and epidermis

3.An organ system is: a. Also known as the bowel b. the respiratory system c. a motor unit d. a group of organs that work together for a common function e. a way for proteins to be carried from one organ to the 4. Skeletal system does all the following except: a. attachment for muscles b. encloses and protects organs. c. stores fat. d. generation of heat e. produces blood cells.

Which of the following is NOT a major organ system of the human body? 1) Skeletal System 2) Muscular System 3) Cardiac System 4) Endocrine System 5) Respiratory System What is the main difference between Exocrine glands and Endocrine glands? 1) Exocrine glands and Endocrine glands do not have a difference. 2) Exocrine glands lack ducts while Endocrine glands do not. 3) Endocrine glands lack ducts while Exocrine glands do not. 4) Endocrine glands secrete while Exocrine glands do not. 5) Endocrine and Exocrine glands have similar functions. What in the brain regulates body temperature and helps to maintain homeostasis? 1) Hypothalamus 2) Thalamus 3) Hippocampus 4) Amygdala 5) Cerebrum

What are the 3 components of Homeostatic Mechanisms? 1) receptor, sweat glands, hypothalamus. 2) receptor, control center, effector. 3) Hypothalamus, blood vessels, effector. 4) sweat glands, control center, effector. 1. Homeostatis is maintained by ____________? A. positive feedback mechanisms B. negative feedback mechanisms C. prions D. bacteria E. viruses 2. What type of muscle tissue is located on the wall of the heart? A. Skeletal B. Smooth C. Rough D. Cardiac E. Masseter 3. Which of the following components of the human body is considered to be an organ? A. Cartilage B. Blood C. Skin D. Ligament E. Tendon

Chapter 10 Question 1: Which of the following are major endocrine glands? A:Pituitary gland B:Thyroid gland C: Hypothalamus D: A and B E. B and C Question 2: What is the job of the first messenger? A:Bind to a receptor on the plasma membrane B:Influence the activity of enzymes C:Catalyze the breakdown of glycogen D:All of the above E. None of the above Question 3:Physiological responses such as body temperature, sleeping, and water balance are regulated by which area of the brain? A: Hypothalamus B: Pituitary Gland C:Anterior Lobe D: Thalamus E: Amygdala

The pineal gland: a. produces epinephrine and norepinephrine b. secretes somatostatin c. is located near the base of the brain and secretes growth hormone d. is located near the center of the brain and secretes melatonin e. A and D

Which is/are NOT a result of excess or deficiencies in the level of Growth Hormone? a. Gigantism b. Acromegaly c. Diabetes insipidus d. Pituitary Dwarfism e. A and C Which of the following proteins is used a processing and packaging center in the cell? A. ribosome B. Golgi complex C. Lysosome D.Mitochondrion E.Nucleus Endocrine glands are made of secretary cells that release a product called: a. Hormones b. Proteins c. Vitamins d. Cells

What part of the brain is encased in a separate area of bone? A.Amygdala B.Hippocampus C.Pituitary Gland D.Frontal Lobe E.The Brain is not covered with bone. Which of the followings is/are water-soluble hormone? A. Protein B. Peptide hormones C. Steroid hormones D. A and B E. A and B and C Mineralocorticoids are secreted by: A. Adrenal cortex B. Adrenal medulla C. Glucocorticoids D. Kidney E. NONE OF THE ABOVE What do the hormones of the Thymus Gland do? a.) Influences the maturation of T lymphocytes b.) Control the level of glucose in the blood c.) Initiate the fight or flight response d.) Maintain the levels of calcium in the blood stream e.) A and D The Hypothalamus is the part of the brain that controls... a.) Breathing rate b.) Heart rate c.) Blood pressure d.) Digestive Activity e.) All of the above. Where is the pineal gland located? a.) The front of the brain b.) Back of the brain

c.) Center of the brain d.) On the trachea e.) Next to the heart Cushing's syndrome results from prolonged exposure to high levels of ______. a. Insulin b. Growth hormone c. Cortisol d. Testosterone e. None of the above Which hormone's primary function is to maintain the body's hydration by decreasing urine output? A.) Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone B.) Antidiuretic Hormone C.) Luteinizing Hormone D.) Adrenocorticotropic Hormone E.) None of the Above The adrenal cortex secretes how many lipid-soluble hormones A. 0 B. 5 C. 10 D. 15 E. 20 or more A water-soluble hormone can do all of the following except: A.) Pass through the target cell's lipid bilayer of plasma membrane B.) Binds to a receptor of the target cell C.) Influence the target cell indirectly D.) Influence the activity of the target cell E.) Employ first and second messengers to send a message to the target cell All the following are FALSE about insulin except: A.) Increases glucose in the blood B.) Decreases glucose in the blood C.) Does not effect glucose in the blood D.) Is secreted by the liver E.) They are all false Which gland is responsible for the secretion of melatonin? A. pineal gland B. thymus gland C. endocrine gland D. pituitary gland E. parathyroid gland What is the chemical messengers of the endocrine system: A.) ATP B.) Hormone C.) Prolactin D.) Oxytocin E.) Calcitonin

Chapter 11

Lukemia is A) Cancer of the white blood cells B) Cancer of the red blood cells C) Cancer of hemoglobin D) Cancer of the erthrocytes E) A virus caught by physical contact White blood cells remove which of the following to perform "housekeeping duties"? A) Waste B) Toxins C) Damaged or abnormal cells D) All of the above E) None of the above What makes white blood cells uniquely different than red blood cells and platelets? A) The color B) They are made in the red bone marrow C) They can move outside of the bloodstream D) They carry hemoglobin throughout the body E) They protect us

1. Which are essential to blood clotting? a) white blood cells b) red blood cells c) platelets d) stem cells 2. Which transport oxygen? a) white blood cells b) red blood cells c) platelets d) stem cells

3. Which defend the body against disease? a) white blood cells b) red blood cells c) platelets d) stem cells

How is human blood classified into different blood types? a. depending on the presence of absensce of certain molecules on the surface of the person's red blood cells. b. depending on the number of red blood cells present in a person's body c. depending on the presence of absensce of certain molecules on the surface of the person's white blood cells. d. depending on the number of white blood cells present in a person's body e. none of the above.

The oxygen-binding pigment that is responsible for the cells' red color is? A) plasma proteins B) hemoglobin C) prothrombin D) erythropoietin E) leukocytes

Which of the following is not a symptom of anemia? A) headaches B)paleness C)breathlessness D)fever E) fatigue

Which of the following is not a purpose of white blood cells? A) transporting oxygen B) removing damaged cells C) removing toxins D) fighting off disease E) fighting infection

What is the main function of cell platelets? A. Clot blood B. Consume antibody-antigen complex by phagocytosis C. Release histamine which attracts white blood cells to the sit of inflammation D. Attack damaged or diseased cells, or disease-causing organisms What are the formed elements transported by the plasma? a.) Platelets b.) White blood cells c.)Red blood cells d.) All the above

Some oxyhemoglobin loses oxygen and becomes.... A. Methaemoglobin B. Sulfhemoglobin C. Carboxyhemoglobin D. Deoxyhemoglobin E. Hemoglobin

Chapter 13

1)Which one of the following is NOT a cardinal sign of inflammation that occurs at the site of a wound? A) heat B) swelling C) allergic reaction D)Pain E)Redness 2) Which of these is a "global outbreak disease"? A)sporadic disease B) endemic disease C)epidemic disease D)pandemic disease E)isolated disease 3)What is the function of T suppressor cells? A)To stimulate a memory cell to begin dividing

B)To engulf the target cell C)To cause the target cell to bust and die D)To release chemicals to slow the activity of B cells and T cells E)To present the antigen to the helper T cell 4)Histamine is released by: A)Blood vessels B)Mast cells C)Compliment system D)Antibodies E)Phagocytic cells

Parastic worms cause disease by A) realeasing toxins B) feeding of the body C) destroying cells and feeding of the by product D) A & B E) None of the above

Which cell type produces antibodies? A. helper T-cell B. macrophage C. plasma cell D. suppressor T-cell E. Cytotoxic T-cell Where are the MHC markers located in the cell? A. Nucleus B. Cell wall C. Plasma membrane D. It is not located in the cell. E. None of the above

What is the function of an interferon? A. Slow the spread of viruses B. Punch holes in the cell membrane C. Enhance Phagocytosis D. All of the above E. None of the above

Which is not one of the four signs of inflammation? A. Redness B. Swelling C. Pain D. Sweating 1. Which of the following is NOT a function of defensive cells? A. kills parasites B. kills cancer cells C. engulf invading organisms D. slows the growth of bacteria E. none of the above 2. Which of the following is a type of allergic response?

A. hay fever B. asthma C. food allergy D. hives E. all of the above 3. Defensive cells that engulf invading organisms are called? A. Pathogens B. phagocytes C. antigens D. pyrogens E. none of the above 4. All of the following are included in the second line of defense except: A. inflammation B. sweat C. fever D. proteins E. none of the above This is an Example of a Defensive Protein A) Macrophages B) Natural Killer Cells C) Interferons D) Neutrophils E) Eosinophils

Chapter 15

.which structure of the digestive system stores bile and releases it into the small intestines? a) salivary gland b) pancreas c) liver d) gallbladder e) stomach

2.What are the four layers of digestive system wall? a. incisors, canines, premolars, molars b. villi, intestinal gland, blood vessels, lymphatic vessel c. Canines, lymphatic vessel, mucosa, lacteal d. mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosa e. lacteal, capillary, microvilli, chylomicron 4.What is the main function of the vili in the small intestine? A.To increase surface area B.To secrete mucus membranes C.To produce proteins D.To store and liquify foods E.Necessary for active transport This is the moist, mucus-secreting, intermost layer of the digestive system. A. Mucosa B. Submucosa C. Serosa

D. Muscularis These are the small, fingerlike projections found on the small intestine that maximize surface area to increase absorption. A. Flagellum B. Villi C. Cilia D. Pili

Which of the following is not found in the brain? A.Pineal Gland B. Hypothalamus C. Thyroid Gland D. Pituitary Gland

Which is the largest internal organ in our body? A. Gallbladder B. Pancreas C. Small intestine D. Liver The GI tract is a long, hollow tube that makes up the digestive system. How many basic layers does it have? a) 3 b) 4 c)5 d)6 e)7 Hepatitis B is the inflammation of what organ? a) liver b)heart c)lungs d)gall bladder e)spleen All of these organs are part of the GI tract except for the... a)stomach b)mouth c)liver d)esophogus e)intestines

What organ has the function of storing excess waste? a)stomach b)small intestine c)large intestine d)liver e)pancreas Which of the following hormone is NOT originally act on small intestine? A.Secretin B.Gastrin C.Cholecystokinin D.Vasoactive intestinal peptide The wall of gastrointestinal (GI) tract have four basic layers, so which one is the innermost layer? A.Mucosa B.Submucosa C.Muscularis D.Serosa E.none of them Which organ does not aid the processes of digestion and absorption within the small intestine? A.Liver B.Gallbladder C.Large intestine D.Pancreas The stomach wall has_______ layers of smooth muscle, and they are oriented in a ________ direction. A.3; same B.4; same C.3; different D.4; different E.None of the above The esophagus is which of the following? A.) A J- shaped muscular sac for food storage. B.) A long tube where digestion is completed and nutrients are absorbed. C.) A tube that transports food from mouth to stomach. D.) The Final tubular region of GI tract; absorbs water and ions.

What do building blocks do for your body? A. Used for cell division maitenence and repair B. Coordinate life process C. Provides fuel and energy D. Build up of plaque which blocks the food E. Maintains the cell environment

1.How long is food usually stored and processed within the stomach for? A) two hours B) three to five hours C) 20 to 30 minutes D) one hour E) six hours 2. Which one of the following is not a function of the liver? A. Carries out the initial chemical digestion of protein.

B. Controls the glucose levels in the blood. C. Removes poisonous substances from the blood. D. Packages lipids with protein carrier molecules. E. Produces bile. 3. What is the funtion of the pharynx? A.) Transports food from the mouth to the stomach B.) It is the terminal outlet of the digestive tract. C.) Stores bile and releases it into the small intestine D.) It is the area where both food and air pass through. E.) It releases gastric juice and mucus from cells of the stomach lining.

What is the name of the outer layer of the skin that forms a protective barrier against environmental hazards? A. Dermis B. Epidermis C. Hypodermis D. Subcutaneous layer E. Melanin All of the following structures are derived from the epidermis EXCEPT: A.Bone B.Teeth C.Oil Glands D.Sweat Glands E.Hair What is the deepest level of skin a second degree burn effects? A. Epidermis B. Dermis C. Hypodermis D.Epodermis E. 2nd Layer What determines skin color? A. Quantity of Pigment B. Blood Flow C. Distance From Equator D. Both A and B E. Both A and C

The Plasma Membrane is made of: a. lipids b. carbohydrates c. cholesteral d. all of the above e. none of the above Question: what is(are) the role(s) of the plasma membrane in a cell??? a. regulation of movement of materials into and out of a cell b. recognition between cells(molecules) c. communication between cells d. adhesion pairs or groups of cells together e. all of the following above Which organelle sorts, modifies, and packages products of Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)?

a) Golgi complex b) Lysosomes c) Mitochondria d) Nucleus e) Plasma membrane

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