Evento Unistem-serono 14-17 Maggio 2009

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Università degli Studi di Milano Centro di Ricerca sulle Cellule Staminali

Progress in stem cell biology and medical applications

Your Continuing Medical Education Partner www.seronosymposia.org

Serono Symposia International Foundation Conference on:

Progress in stem cell biology and medical Stresa, Italy - May 14 - 16, 2009 applications

AIM OF THE CONFERENCE Stem cell research is currently one of the most active fields in biology as well as one of the most controversial. It attracts attention from the scientific community and from the general public, often sending contradictory messages: great hopes for a rapid development of innovative therapies or great fears of overstepping natural boundaries that shouldn’t be reached. The research area related to all the different aspects of stem cell research is vast and impossible to cover to any significant extent within the format of a Conference. Therefore we decided to operate a selection based upon our collective experience and scientific interests in order to bring together scientists with different backgrounds and experimental approaches stimulating interdisciplinary contacts in a relaxed environment. The Conference will deal with the basic concepts of stemness and cellular reprogramming which will be illustrated side by side with the related aspects of reproductive biology. Assisted reproduction will be seen both as source of different types of stem cells as well as target for innovative therapies. Tissue specific stem cells are sometimes seen as an alternative to pluripotent stem cells and the Conference will illustrate progress in two very active field: muscular/cardiac tissue and the central nervous system. LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the conclusion of this Conference, the participants will have an updated knowledge on: • The principles and mechanisms which define a stem cell; • The concept that phenotype is no longer an immutable feature of somatic cells; • The close relationship between reproductive biology, stem cells and infertility treatments; • The biology of stem cells within muscular and cardiac tissues and their therapeutic applications; • The rapidly evolving knowledge on stem cells within the nervous system and the promise of curing neurodegenerative diseases.


TARGET AUDIENCE Basic scientists, embryologists, neurologists, obstetricians, gynecologists, cardiologists, health institution managers and post graduate students involved in stem cell biology, reproductive biology, neurology and muscular physiopathology. ACCREDITATION Serono Symposia International Foundation (www.seronosymposia.org) will submit this program “Progress in stem cell biology and medical applications” (Stresa, Italy - May 14 - 16, 2009) for accreditation by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME). Serono Symposia International Foundation will apply to the Royal College of Physicians, London (UK), for CME accreditation of the Conference “Progress in stem cell biology and medical applications” (Stresa, Italy - May 14 -16, 2009). Serono Symposia International Foundation will submit this program “Progress in stem cell biology and medical applications” (Stresa, Italy - May 14 -16, 2009) for CME accreditation by the Italian Ministry of Health.

All Serono Symposia International Foundation programs are organized solely to promote the exchange and dissemination of scientific and medical information. No forms of promotional activities are permitted. There may be presentations discussing investigational uses of various products. These views are the responsibility of the named speakers, and do not represent an endorsement or recommendation on the part of Serono Symposia International Foundation. This program is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Serono Symposia International Foundation.

SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZER Fulvio Gandolfi Laboratory of Biomedical Embryology Center for Stem Cell Research University of Milan Milan, Italy

CHAIRMAN Guido Ragni Infertility Unit Fondazione IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Mangiagalli e Regina Elena Milan, Italy

SCIENTIFIC SECRETARIAT Serono Symposia International Foundation Salita di San Nicola da Tolentino, 1/b - 00187 Rome, Italy Project Manager: Francesca Pellegrino Phone: +39-06-420413 511- Fax: +39-06-420413 677 E-mail: [email protected] Serono Symposia International Foundation is a Swiss Foundation with headquarters in 14, rue du Rhône, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT Meridiano Congress International Via Mentana, 2/B - 00185 Rome, Italy Point Person: Federica Russetti Phone: +39-06-88595 209 - Fax: +39-06-88595 234 E-mail: [email protected]

List of Speakers and Chairmen

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Elena Cattaneo Department of Pharmacological Sciences and UniStem-Centre for Stem Cell Research University of Milan Milan, Italy Giancarlo Comi Institute of Experimental Neurology University Vita-Salute IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital Milan, Italy Giulio Cossu Division of Regenerative Medicine, Dibit San Raffaele Hospital Milan, Italy Bruno Peault Stem Cell Research Center Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Department of Orthopaedic Surgery University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Pittsburgh, USA Guido Ragni Infertility Unit Fondazione IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Mangiagalli e Regina Elena Milan, Italy Paolo Rebulla U.O. Centro di Medicina Trasfusionale Terapia Cellulare e Criobiologia Fondazione IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Mangiagalli e Regina Elena Milan, Italy Yvan Torrente Department of Neurological Sciences University of Milan Milan, Italy Alan Trounson California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) San Francisco, USA

LIST OF SPEAKERS AND CHAIRMEN Tiziano Barberi Laboratory of Stem Cells and Development Beckman Research Institute Duarte, USA Ferruccio Bonino Scientific Director Fondazione IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Mangiagalli e Regina Elena Milan, Italy Tiziana Brevini Laboratory of Biomedical Embryology UniStem-Centre for Stem Cell Research University of Milan Milan, Italy Elena Cattaneo Department of Pharmacological Sciences and UniStem-Centre for Stem Cell Research University of Milan Milan, Italy Ian Chambers MRC Centre Development in Stem Cell Biology Institute for Stem Cell Research School of Biological Sciences University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, UK Giancarlo Comi Institute of Experimental Neurology University Vita-Salute IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital Milan, Italy Giulio Cossu Division of Regenerative Medicine, Dibit San Raffaele Hospital Milan, Italy

List of Speakers and Chairmen

Sandra Danner Group Manager Cell Differentiation Fraunhofer Institute of Marine Biotechnology (EMB) Lübeck, Germany Sheng Ding Department of Chemistry The Scripps Research Institute La Jolla, USA Martin Evans Director of the School of Biosciences and Professor of Mammalian Genetics Cardiff School of Biosciences Cardiff, UK Amanda G. Fisher Lymphocyte Development Group MRC Clinical Sciences Centre Imperial College School of Medicine Hammersmith Hospital London, UK G. Ian Gallicano Department of Biochemistry & Molecular & Cellular Biology Georgetown University Medical Center Washington, USA Fulvio Gandolfi Laboratory of Biomedical Embryology Center for Stem Cell Research University of Milan Milan, Italy Luca Gianaroli Reproductive Medicine Unit Italian Society for the Study of Reproductive Medicine Bologna, Italy

Kaomei Guan Department of Cardiology and Pneumology Georg-August-University of Göttingen Göttingen, Germany Lorenza Lazzari Cell Factory Centro di Medicina Trasfusionale, Terapia Cellulare e Criobiologia Fondazione IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Mangiagalli e Regina Elena Milan, Italy Gianvito Martino Neuroimmunology Unit - Institute of Experimental Neurology (Inspe) San Raffaele Scientific Institute Milan, Italy Alexander Meissner Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology Harvard Stem Cell Institute Harvard University Cambridge, USA Christine L. Mummery Department of Anatomy and Embryology Leiden University Medical Centre Leiden, The Netherlands Karim Nayernia Stem Cell Biology Institute of Human Genetics University of Newcastle upon Tyne International Centre for Life Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Bruno Peault Stem Cell Research Center Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Department of Orthopaedic Surgery University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Pittsburgh, USA

List of Speakers and Chairmen

Guido Ragni Infertility Unit Fondazione IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Mangiagalli e Regina Elena Milan, Italy Paolo Rebulla U.O. Centro di Medicina Trasfusionale Terapia Cellulare e Criobiologia Fondazione IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Mangiagalli e Regina Elena Milan, Italy Stefan Schlatt Centre for Reproductive Medicine and Andrology University of Münster Münster, Germany Azim Surani Wellcome Trust Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute Cambridge, UK Yvan Torrente Department of Neurological Sciences University of Milan Milan, Italy Alan Trounson California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) San Francisco, USA

THURSDAY - MAY 14, 2009

15.00 Registration 16.00 SSIF Welcome Giancarlo Comi, Italy 16.10 Opening Remarks Guido Ragni, Italy 16.15 Opening Lecture “Embryonic and other stem cells: a perspective” Martin Evans, UK - Nobel laureate 2007 Chairman: Fulvio Gandolfi, Italy

SESSION 1 Stemness and pluripotency Chairmen: Elena Cattaneo, Italy - Bruno Peault, USA 17.00 Transcription factor control of ES cell self-renewal Ian Chambers, UK 17.40 Noisy stem cells: Dynamic equilibrium and heterogeneity in pluripotent stem cells Azim Surani, UK 18.20 The Role of MicroRNAs in Stem Cell Function G. Ian Gallicano, USA 19.30 - 22.00 Cheese & Wine Get Together

Scientific Program

FRIDAY - MAY 15, 2009

SESSION 2 Stem cells from reproduction Chairmen: Alan Trounson, USA - Ferruccio Bonino, Italy 08.30 Multipotent adult germline stem cells Kaomei Guan, Germany 09.10 Stem cells from parthenogenetic embryos Tiziana Brevini, Italy 09.50 Progenitor cells with multi-lineage potential in human amniotic fluid Lorenza Lazzari, Italy 10.30 Coffee Break

SESSION 3 Cell reprogramming Chairmen: Martin Evans, UK - Azim Surani, UK 11.00 Strategies and New Developments in the Generation of PatientSpecific Pluripotent Stem Cells Alexander Meissner, USA 11.40 A Combined Chemical and Genetic Approach for the Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells/ A chemical approach to stemcell biology and regenerative medicine Sheng Ding, USA 12.20 Heterokaryon-Based Reprogramming of somatic cells Amanda G. Fisher, UK 13.00 Lunch

SESSION 4 Stem cells for the therapy of infertility Chairman: Luca Gianaroli, Italy 14.30 Spermatogonial stem cells: questions, models and perspectives Stefan Schlatt, Germany 15.10 From stem cells to germ cells and back Karim Nayernia, UK 15.50 Derivation of oocytes from somatic stem cell lines Sandra Danner, Germany 16.30 Coffee Breaks

SESSION 5 Stem cells in vascular, muscular and cardiac tissues Chairman: Yvan Torrente, Italy 17.00 An ubiquitous reserve of multi-lineage mesodermal progenitors in blood vessel wall Bruno Peault, USA 17.40 New therapies for Duchenne muscular dystrophy: challenges, prospects and clinical trials Giulio Cossu, Italy 18.20 Cardiomyocytes from human embryonic stem cells in development and disease Christine L. Mummery, The Netherlands 20.30 Conference Dinner

Scientific Program

SATURDAY - MAY 16, 2009

SESSION 6 Stem cells in the nervous system Chairman: Giancarlo Comi, Italy 09.00 Reconstructing the Human Neural Crest in Vitro from Embryonic Stem Cells Tiziano Barberi, USA 09.40 Neural stem cell lines Elena Cattaneo, Italy 10.20 Therapeutic plasticity of neural stem cells Gianvito Martino, Italy 11.00 Coffee Break 11.30 Closing Lecture “Integration and translation: driving stem cell therapies toward the clinic” Alan Trounson, USA Chairman: Giulio Cossu, Italy 12.15 Closing ceremony 12.30 End of the Conference

VENUE The Conference will take place at the: REGINA PALACE HOTEL **** Corso Umberto I, 29 - 28838 Stresa (Verbania) Phone: +39-0323-936936 Fax: +39-0323-936666 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.regina-palace.it LANGUAGE The official language of this Conference will be English. REGISTRATION FEE The registration fee is A 350,00. This fee includes: • All sessions • Conference coffee breaks, luncheons • Conference dinner (May 15, 2009) • Congress material • Certificate of attendance * If you require special assistance (wheelchair, auxiliary aids) or special dietary requirements, please, contact us at [email protected] HOTEL ACCOMMODATION See the enclosed Hotel Accommodation Form.

PERSONAL DATA TREATMENT - INFORMATIVE DOCUMENT In compliance with the article 13 of Italian Legislative Decree n. 196, 30 June 2003, we inform you that your personal data will be processed, with or without the use of electronic or automated means, via suitable tools that will guarantee security and confidentiality. Personal data from you supplied will be communicated to Continuing Medical Education Accreditation Authorities, to agencies that will take care of the whole accreditation process and agencies that will take care of the logistics of the event; should we not receive the below requested data, we will not be able to process your registration to the event. At anytime you may exercise your rights as laid down in the art. 7 of Italian Legislative Decree n. 196, 30 June 2003 of the Italian Law, by contacting the Data Controller Serono Symposia International Foundation (Salita di San Nicola da Tolentino, 1/b - 00187 Rome - Italy) in the person of Data Processor, Michèle Piraux.

General Information



35 km from Malpensa 2000 airport. 110 km from Linate airport. FFSS Milano - Domodossola, Station of Stresa. Highway A26 exit Carpugnino - Stresa

LOCATION Stresa is a small town on the shores of the Lago (Lake) Maggiore and situated on the road and rail routes to the Simplon pass in the region of Piedmont in Italy. Since the early 20th century, the main source of income has been the tourist trade. Like other locations on Lago Maggiore, it benefits from spectacular views as well as areas of historical and architectural interest. The name of Stresa first appeared in documents dated 998; it has been under the jurisdiction and therefore property of Borromei and Visconti families until the 19th century, when, thanks to the presence of famous personages like Rosmini, Manzoni and the Duchess of Genoa, that is Elizabeth of Sassonia, Stresa began to gain prestige. The construction of the Simplon railway, at the beginning of the 20th century, gave Stresa international fame. From the promenade, sprinkled with grand hotels, villas, parks and gardens, you can have a magnificent view of the three islands of Lago Maggiore, and of the Alps far away.

Registration Form Serono Symposia International Foundation Conference on:

Progress in stem cell biology and medical applications Stresa, Italy - May 14 - 16, 2009

Last Name

First Name

Academic Title






Office Telephone Number(s)


Mobile Telephone Number(s)

Fax Number


REGISTRATION FEE: € 350,00 Please, note that Auditorium room capacity is limited for this event. Preference will be given to early registrations. I require special assistance (wheelchair, auxiliary aids) or special dietary requirements

PAYMENT Payment by enclosed International check Payable to: “Meridiano Viaggi e Turismo srl” Payment by Bank Transfer headed to: “Meridiano viaggi e turismo s.r.l" BANCA INTERMOBILIARE INVESTIMENTI E GESTIONI S.p.A FILIALE DI ROMA - VIA DONIZETTI, 14 - 00198 ROMA Account number: 000000003808 IT11 C030 4303 2000 0000 0003 808 - SWIFT: BIMTITTTXXX Payment by Credit Card Charge to the following Credit Card:


Card Number

Card Holder Name (PLEASE PRINT)


Exp. Date

Card Holder’s Signature



Mail to: Federica Russetti • Meridiano Congress International Via Mentana, 2/B • 00185 Rome, Italy Phone: +39-06-88595 209 • Fax: +39-06-88595 234 E-mail: [email protected] Payment can be made by check or Bank Transfer or MasterCard/Visa. All completed Registration Forms will be acknowledged by mail or fax. Cancellations after February 27, 2009 will not be reimbursed.

Mail to:

Meridiano Congress International Att:

Federica Russetti Via Mentana, 2/B 00185 Rome Italy

Hotel Accommodation Form Serono Symposia International Foundation Conference on:

Progress in stem cell biology and medical Stresa, Italy - May 14 - 16, 2009 applications

Last Name

First Name

Academic Title






Office Telephone Number(s)


Mobile Telephone Number(s)

Fax Number


For hotel reservation, please return the completed form with full prepayment of the requested nights. Hotel Reservation forms without prepayment cannot be processed. DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS: February 27, 2009

Cancellations after February 27, 2009 will not be reimbursed. Reservations after this date are not guaranteed and will be made on a space-available basis.

REGINA PALACE HOTEL **** Single room: € 180,00 per night Check in

Double room: € 260,00 per night

Check out

(N° of nights:


Rates include breakfast and city taxes.

PAYMENT Payment by Bank Transfer headed to: “Meridiano viaggi e turismo s.r.l" BANCA INTERMOBILIARE INVESTIMENTI E GESTIONI S.p.A FILIALE DI ROMA - VIA DONIZETTI, 14 - 00198 ROMA Account number: 000000003808 IT11 C030 4303 2000 0000 0003 808 - SWIFT: BIMTITTTXXX Payment by Credit Card (Handling fee 3.5%): Charge to the following Credit Card:


Card Number

Card Holder Name (PLEASE PRINT)


Exp. Date

Card Holder’s Signature

Mail to: Federica Russetti • Meridiano Congress International Via Mentana, 2/B • 00185 Rome, Italy Phone: +39-06-88595 209 • Fax: +39-06-88595 234 E-mail: [email protected]


Mail to:

Meridiano Congress International Att:

Federica Russetti Via Mentana, 2/B 00185 Rome Italy


Università degli Studi di Milano Centro di Ricerca sulle Cellule Staminali

Your Continuing Medical Education Partner www.seronosymposia.org Copyright © Serono Symposia International Foundation, 2009. All rights reserved.

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